normalisation_test <- function(
expected_shift = NULL,
expected_scale = NULL,
expected_none) {
# Iterate over the data sets.
for (ii in seq_along(data_list)) {
# Get values
x <- data_list[[ii]]
# Create skeleton
object <- familiar:::..create_normalisation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_name = "test",
method = norm_method)
# Acquire normalisation parameters.
object <- familiar:::add_feature_info_parameters(object, data = x)
if (expected_none[ii]) {
testthat::expect_s4_class(object, "featureInfoParametersNormalisationNone")
} else {
# Test the shift and scale values.
if (!is.null(expected_scale)) {
# Scale may be absent for mean centering and similar methods.
testthat::expect_equal(object@scale, expected_scale[ii])
# Test shift parameter
testthat::expect_equal(object@shift, expected_shift[ii])
# Apply normalisation
y <- familiar:::apply_feature_info_parameters(
object = object,
data = x)
# Test that length is the same as input
testthat::expect_equal(length(y), length(x))
# Test that non-finite values are present and correctly positioned.
testthat::expect_equal(is.finite(y), is.finite(x))
# Remove non-finite values
y <- y[is.finite(y)]
# Check minimum value of normalised range, and its position (first).
if (length(expected_min[[ii]]) > 0) {
testthat::expect_equal(min(y), expected_min[[ii]])
testthat::expect_equal(min(y), head(y, n = 1))
} else {
testthat::expect_equal(length(y), 0)
# Check maximum value of normalised range, and its position (last).
if (length(expected_max[[ii]]) > 0) {
testthat::expect_equal(max(y), expected_max[[ii]])
testthat::expect_equal(max(y), tail(y, n = 1))
} else {
testthat::expect_equal(length(y), 0)
# Create data
good_data <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
bad_data <- c(-Inf, Inf, Inf, NA, NA, NA, -Inf, Inf, Inf, NA)
no_data <- numeric(0L)
realistic_data <- c(0, 1, 2, NA, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Inf, 8, 9)
# Combine to list
data_list <- list(
"good" = good_data,
"bad" = bad_data,
"empty" = no_data,
"realistic" = realistic_data)
# No normalisation -------------------------------------------------------------
testthat::test_that("None normalisation is correctly performed", {
expected_min <- list(0.0, numeric(0), numeric(0), 0.0)
expected_max <- list(9.0, numeric(0), numeric(0), 9.0)
expected_none <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)
data_list = data_list,
norm_method = "none",
expected_min = expected_min,
expected_max = expected_max,
expected_none = expected_none)
# Normalisation ----------------------------------------------------------------
testthat::test_that("Normalisation is correctly performed", {
expected_shift <- c(0.0, NA_real_, NA_real_, 0.0)
expected_scale <- c(9.0, NA_real_, NA_real_, 9.0)
expected_min <- list(0.0, numeric(0), numeric(0), 0.0)
expected_max <- list(1.0, numeric(0), numeric(0), 1.0)
expected_none <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
data_list = data_list,
norm_method = "normalisation",
expected_shift = expected_shift,
expected_scale = expected_scale,
expected_min = expected_min,
expected_max = expected_max,
expected_none = expected_none)
# Normalisation (trimmed) ------------------------------------------------------
testthat::test_that("Normalisation (trimmed) is correctly performed", {
expected_shift <- c(1.0, NA_real_, NA_real_, 1.0)
expected_scale <- c(7.0, NA_real_, NA_real_, 7.0)
expected_min <- list(-1 / 7, numeric(0), numeric(0), -1 / 7)
expected_max <- list(8 / 7, numeric(0), numeric(0), 8 / 7)
expected_none <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
data_list = data_list,
norm_method = "normalisation_trim",
expected_shift = expected_shift,
expected_scale = expected_scale,
expected_min = expected_min,
expected_max = expected_max,
expected_none = expected_none)
# Normalisation (winsorised) ---------------------------------------------------
testthat::test_that("Normalisation (winsorised) is correctly performed", {
expected_shift <- c(0.45, NA_real_, NA_real_, 0.45)
expected_scale <- c(8.1, NA_real_, NA_real_, 8.1)
expected_min <- list(-0.45 / 8.1, numeric(0), numeric(0), -0.45 / 8.1)
expected_max <- list(8.55 / 8.1, numeric(0), numeric(0), 8.55 / 8.1)
expected_none <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
data_list = data_list,
norm_method = "normalisation_winsor",
expected_shift = expected_shift,
expected_scale = expected_scale,
expected_min = expected_min,
expected_max = expected_max,
expected_none = expected_none)
# Standardisation --------------------------------------------------------------
testthat::test_that("Standardisation is correctly performed", {
# Set x.
x <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
# Mean
mu <- mean(x)
# Standard deviation (without Bessel correction)
sigma <- sqrt(sum((x - mu)^2) / length(x))
expected_shift <- c(mu, NA_real_, NA_real_, mu)
expected_scale <- c(sigma, NA_real_, NA_real_, sigma)
expected_min <- list(-mu / sigma, numeric(0), numeric(0), -mu / sigma)
expected_max <- list((9 - mu) / sigma, numeric(0), numeric(0), (9 - mu) / sigma)
expected_none <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
data_list = data_list,
norm_method = "standardisation",
expected_shift = expected_shift,
expected_scale = expected_scale,
expected_min = expected_min,
expected_max = expected_max,
expected_none = expected_none)
# Standardisation (trimmed) ----------------------------------------------------
testthat::test_that("Standardisation (trimmed) is correctly performed", {
# Set x.
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
# Mean
mu <- mean(x)
# Standard deviation (without Bessel correction)
sigma <- sqrt(sum((x - mu)^2) / length(x))
expected_shift <- c(mu, NA_real_, NA_real_, mu)
expected_scale <- c(sigma, NA_real_, NA_real_, sigma)
expected_min <- list(-mu / sigma, numeric(0), numeric(0), -mu / sigma)
expected_max <- list((9 - mu) / sigma, numeric(0), numeric(0), (9 - mu) / sigma)
expected_none <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
data_list = data_list,
norm_method = "standardisation_trim",
expected_shift = expected_shift,
expected_scale = expected_scale,
expected_min = expected_min,
expected_max = expected_max,
expected_none = expected_none)
# Standardisation (winsorised) -------------------------------------------------
testthat::test_that("Standardisation (winsorised) is correctly performed", {
# Set x.
x <- c(0.45, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8.55)
# Mean
mu <- mean(x)
# Standard deviation (without Bessel correction)
sigma <- sqrt(sum((x - mu)^2) / length(x))
expected_shift <- c(mu, NA_real_, NA_real_, mu)
expected_scale <- c(sigma, NA_real_, NA_real_, sigma)
expected_min <- list(-mu / sigma, numeric(0), numeric(0), -mu / sigma)
expected_max <- list((9 - mu) / sigma, numeric(0), numeric(0), (9 - mu) / sigma)
expected_none <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
data_list = data_list,
norm_method = "standardisation_winsor",
expected_shift = expected_shift,
expected_scale = expected_scale,
expected_min = expected_min,
expected_max = expected_max,
expected_none = expected_none)
# Mean centering ---------------------------------------------------------------
testthat::test_that("Mean centering is correctly performed", {
expected_shift <- c(4.5, NA_real_, NA_real_, 4.5)
expected_min <- list(-4.5, numeric(0), numeric(0), -4.5)
expected_max <- list(4.5, numeric(0), numeric(0), 4.5)
expected_none <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
data_list = data_list,
norm_method = "mean_centering",
expected_shift = expected_shift,
expected_min = expected_min,
expected_max = expected_max,
expected_none = expected_none)
# Quantile ---------------------------------------------------------------------
testthat::test_that("Quantile normalisation is correctly performed", {
expected_shift <- c(4.5, NA_real_, NA_real_, 4.5) # Median will be between 4.0 and 5.0: 4.5
expected_scale <- c(4.5, NA_real_, NA_real_, 4.5) # IQR
expected_min <- list(-1.0, numeric(0), numeric(0), -1.0)
expected_max <- list(1.0, numeric(0), numeric(0), 1.0)
expected_none <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
data_list = data_list,
norm_method = "quantile",
expected_shift = expected_shift,
expected_scale = expected_scale,
expected_min = expected_min,
expected_max = expected_max,
expected_none = expected_none)
# Generic test -----------------------------------------------------------------
outcome_type <- "survival"
for (n_numeric_features in c(4, 3, 2, 1, 0)) {
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_series_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric_features)
for (normalisation_method in familiar:::.get_available_normalisation_methods()) {
"Normalisation is correctly performed using the ",
normalisation_method, " method and ", n_numeric_features,
" numeric features."
), {
# Make a copy of the data.
data_copy <- data.table::copy(data)
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data_copy@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = outcome_type
# Add skeletons.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_normalisation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
normalisation_method = normalisation_method)
# Update the feature info list.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_normalisation_parameters(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data_copy)
# Act as if the data has been transformed.
data_copy@preprocessing_level <- "transformation"
# Perform a normalisation.
data_copy <- familiar:::normalise_features(
data = data_copy,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Test whether the features are normalised (unless none).
if (normalisation_method == "none") {
# Check that the data is not altered.
testthat::expect_equal(data.table::fsetequal(data_copy@data, data@data), TRUE)
} else {
for (feature in familiar:::get_feature_columns(data_copy)) {
# Determine if the feature is numeric.
if (feature_info_list[[feature]]@feature_type == "numeric") {
# Compute mean.
x <- mean(data_copy@data[[feature]], na.rm = TRUE)
if (normalisation_method %in%
c("normalisation", "normalisation_trim", "normalisation_winsor")) {
# Check that the feature is correctly centred around 0.
testthat::expect_equal(x < 0.7 & x > 0.3, TRUE)
} else {
# Check that the feature is correctly centred around 0.
testthat::expect_equal(x < 0.2 & x > -0.2, TRUE)
} else {
# For categorical features test that the object class is
# featureInfoParametersNormalisationNone.
# Assert that inverting the transformation produces the original dataset.
data_restored <- familiar:::normalise_features(
data = data_copy,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
invert = TRUE)
# Iterate over features and compare. They should be equal.
for (feature in familiar:::get_feature_columns(data_restored)) {
# Expect that values are similar to a tolerance.
testthat::expect_equal(data_restored@data[[feature]], data@data[[feature]])
# Assert that aggregating the normalisation parameters works as expected.
aggr_normalisation_parameters <- familiar:::..collect_and_aggregate_normalisation_info(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
instance_mask = rep_len(TRUE, length(feature_info_list)),
feature_name = "test"
if (n_numeric_features > 0 && normalisation_method != "none") {
# Expect that the selected normalisation method matches the selected
# method.
ignore_attr = TRUE)
# Expect that the shift and scale parameters are finite.
testthat::expect_equal(is.finite(aggr_normalisation_parameters$parameters@shift), TRUE)
if (is(aggr_normalisation_parameters$parameters,
"featureInfoParametersNormalisationShiftScale")) {
testthat::expect_equal(is.finite(aggr_normalisation_parameters$parameters@scale), TRUE)
# Expect that instance mask is equal to the number of numeric features.
testthat::expect_equal(sum(aggr_normalisation_parameters$instance_mask) > 0, TRUE)
} else {
# Expect that the selected normalisation method matches the selected
# method.
testthat::expect_equal(aggr_normalisation_parameters$parameters@method, "none")
# Expect that instance mask is equal to the number of numeric features.
# NA-value test ----------------------------------------------------------------
for (n_numeric_features in c(4, 3, 2, 1, 0)) {
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_series_na_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric_features)
for (normalisation_method in familiar:::.get_available_normalisation_methods()) {
"Normalisation is correctly performed using the ",
normalisation_method, " method and ",
n_numeric_features, " numeric features for a dataset with some NA data."
), {
# Make a copy of the data.
data_copy <- data.table::copy(data)
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data_copy@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = outcome_type
# Add skeletons.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_normalisation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
normalisation_method = normalisation_method)
# Update the feature info list.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_normalisation_parameters(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data_copy)
# Act as if the data has been transformed.
data_copy@preprocessing_level <- "transformation"
# Perform a normalisation.
data_copy <- familiar:::normalise_features(
data = data_copy,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Test whether the features are normalised (unless none).
if (normalisation_method == "none") {
# Check that the data is not altered.
testthat::expect_equal(data.table::fsetequal(data_copy@data, data@data), TRUE)
} else {
for (feature in familiar:::get_feature_columns(data_copy)) {
# Determine if the feature is numeric.
if (feature_info_list[[feature]]@feature_type == "numeric") {
# Compute mean.
x <- mean(data_copy@data[[feature]], na.rm = TRUE)
if (normalisation_method %in%
c("normalisation", "normalisation_trim", "normalisation_winsor")) {
# Check that the feature is correctly centred around 0.
testthat::expect_equal(x < 0.7 & x > 0.3, TRUE)
} else {
# Check that the feature is correctly centred around 0.
testthat::expect_equal(x < 0.2 & x > -0.2, TRUE)
} else {
# Assert that for the categorical features, the none method is used.
# One feature NA test ----------------------------------------------------------
for (n_numeric_features in c(4, 3, 2, 1, 0)) {
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_series_one_feature_all_na_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric_features)
for (normalisation_method in familiar:::.get_available_normalisation_methods()) {
"Normalisation is correctly performed using the ",
normalisation_method, " method and ",
n_numeric_features, " numeric features for a dataset with one feature completely NA."
), {
# Make a copy of the data.
data_copy <- data.table::copy(data)
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data_copy@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = outcome_type
# Add skeletons.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_normalisation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
normalisation_method = normalisation_method)
# Update the feature info list.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_normalisation_parameters(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data_copy)
# Act as if the data has been transformed.
data_copy@preprocessing_level <- "transformation"
# Perform a normalisation.
data_copy <- familiar:::normalise_features(
data = data_copy,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Test whether the features are normalised (unless none).
if (normalisation_method == "none") {
# Check that the data is not altered.
testthat::expect_equal(data.table::fsetequal(data_copy@data, data@data), TRUE)
} else {
for (feature in familiar:::get_feature_columns(data_copy)) {
# Determine if the feature is numeric.
if (feature_info_list[[feature]]@feature_type == "numeric") {
if (feature == "feature_2") {
# Assert that for the NA feature, the none method is used.
} else {
# Compute mean.
x <- mean(data_copy@data[[feature]], na.rm = TRUE)
if (normalisation_method %in%
c("normalisation", "normalisation_trim", "normalisation_winsor")) {
# Check that the feature is correctly centred around 0.
testthat::expect_equal(x < 0.7 & x > 0.3, TRUE)
} else {
# Check that the feature is correctly centred around 0.
testthat::expect_equal(x < 0.2 & x > -0.2, TRUE)
} else {
# Assert that for the categorical features, the none method is used.
# Invariant feature test -------------------------------------------------------
for (n_numeric_features in c(4, 3, 2, 1, 0)) {
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_series_invariant_feature_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric_features)
for (normalisation_method in familiar:::.get_available_normalisation_methods()) {
"Normalisation is correctly performed using the ",
normalisation_method, " method and ",
n_numeric_features, " numeric features for a dataset with invariant features."
), {
# Make a copy of the data.
data_copy <- data.table::copy(data)
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data_copy@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = outcome_type
# Add skeletons.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_normalisation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
normalisation_method = normalisation_method)
# Update the feature info list.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_normalisation_parameters(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data_copy)
# Act as if the data has been transformed.
data_copy@preprocessing_level <- "transformation"
# Perform a normalisation.
data_copy <- familiar:::normalise_features(
data = data_copy,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Check that the data is not altered.
testthat::expect_equal(data.table::fsetequal(data_copy@data, data@data), TRUE)
for (feature in familiar:::get_feature_columns(data_copy)) {
# Assert that the none method is used.
# One feature invariant test ---------------------------------------------------
for (n_numeric_features in c(4, 3, 2, 1, 0)) {
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_series_one_feature_invariant_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric_features)
for (normalisation_method in familiar:::.get_available_normalisation_methods()) {
"Normalisation is correctly performed using the ",
normalisation_method, " method and ",
n_numeric_features, " numeric features for a dataset with one invariant feature."
), {
# Make a copy of the data.
data_copy <- data.table::copy(data)
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data_copy@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = outcome_type
# Add skeletons.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_normalisation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
normalisation_method = normalisation_method)
# Update the feature info list.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_normalisation_parameters(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data_copy)
# Act as if the data has been transformed.
data_copy@preprocessing_level <- "transformation"
# Perform a normalisation.
data_copy <- familiar:::normalise_features(
data = data_copy,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Test whether the features are normalised (unless none).
if (normalisation_method == "none") {
# Check that the data is not altered.
testthat::expect_equal(data.table::fsetequal(data_copy@data, data@data), TRUE)
} else {
for (feature in familiar:::get_feature_columns(data_copy)) {
# Determine if the feature is numeric.
if (feature_info_list[[feature]]@feature_type == "numeric") {
if (feature == "feature_2") {
# Assert that for the NA feature, the none method is used.
} else {
# Compute mean.
x <- mean(data_copy@data[[feature]], na.rm = TRUE)
if (normalisation_method %in%
c("normalisation", "normalisation_trim", "normalisation_winsor")) {
# Check that the feature is correctly centred around 0.
testthat::expect_equal(x < 0.7 & x > 0.3, TRUE)
} else {
# Check that the feature is correctly centred around 0.
testthat::expect_equal(x < 0.2 & x > -0.2, TRUE)
} else {
# Assert that for the categorical features, the none method is used.
# One-sample test --------------------------------------------------------------
for (n_numeric_features in c(4, 3, 2, 1, 0)) {
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_series_one_sample_data(
outcome_type = outcome_type,
n_numeric = n_numeric_features)
for (normalisation_method in familiar:::.get_available_normalisation_methods()) {
"Normalisation is correctly performed using the ",
normalisation_method, " method and ",
n_numeric_features, " numeric features for a dataset with one sample."
), {
# Make a copy of the data.
data_copy <- data.table::copy(data)
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data_copy@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = outcome_type
# Add skeletons.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_normalisation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
normalisation_method = normalisation_method)
# Update the feature info list.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_normalisation_parameters(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data_copy)
# Act as if the data has been transformed.
data_copy@preprocessing_level <- "transformation"
# Perform a normalisation.
data_copy <- familiar:::normalise_features(
data = data_copy,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Check that the data is not altered.
testthat::expect_equal(data.table::fsetequal(data_copy@data, data@data), TRUE)
for (feature in familiar:::get_feature_columns(data_copy)) {
# Assert that the none method is used.
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