
Defines functions ImageBlock TransformBlock DataBlock MultiCategoryBlock RegressionBlock SEResNeXtBlock CategoryBlock MaxPool AvgPool ResBlock SeparableBlock SEBlock

Documented in AvgPool CategoryBlock DataBlock ImageBlock MaxPool MultiCategoryBlock RegressionBlock ResBlock SEBlock SeparableBlock SEResNeXtBlock TransformBlock

#' @title SEBlock
#' @param expansion decoder
#' @param ni number of inputs
#' @param nf number of features
#' @param groups number of groups
#' @param reduction number of reduction
#' @param stride number of strides
#' @return Block object
#' @export
SEBlock <- function(expansion, ni, nf, groups = 1, reduction = 16, stride = 1) {

    expansion = expansion,
    ni = ni,
    nf = nf,
    groups = as.integer(),
    reduction = as.integer(reduction),
    stride = as.integer(stride)


#' @title SeparableBlock
#' @param expansion decoder
#' @param ni number of inputs
#' @param nf number of features
#' @param reduction number of reduction
#' @param stride number of stride
#' @param base_width base width
#' @return Block object
#' @export
SeparableBlock <- function(expansion, ni, nf, reduction = 16, stride = 1, base_width = 4) {

    expansion = expansion,
    ni = ni,
    nf = nf,
    reduction = as.integer(reduction),
    stride = as.integer(stride),
    base_width = as.integer(base_width)


#' @title ResBlock
#' @description Resnet block from `ni` to `nh` with `stride`
#' @param expansion decoder
#' @param ni number of linear inputs
#' @param nf number of features
#' @param stride stride number
#' @param groups groups number
#' @param reduction reduction
#' @param nh1 out channels 1
#' @param nh2 out channels 2
#' @param dw dw paramer
#' @param g2 g2 block
#' @param sa sa parameter
#' @param sym symmetric
#' @param norm_type normalization type
#' @param act_cls activation
#' @param ndim dimension number
#' @param ks kernel size
#' @param pool pooling type, Average, Max
#' @param pool_first pooling first
#' @param padding padding
#' @param bias bias
#' @param bn_1st batch normalization 1st
#' @param transpose transpose
#' @param init initializer
#' @param xtra xtra
#' @param bias_std bias standard deviation
#' @param dilation dilation number
#' @param padding_mode padding mode
#' @return Block object
#' @export
ResBlock <- function(expansion, ni, nf, stride = 1, groups = 1,
                     reduction = NULL, nh1 = NULL, nh2 = NULL, dw = FALSE,
                     g2 = 1, sa = FALSE, sym = FALSE, norm_type = 1,
                     act_cls = nn$ReLU, ndim = 2, ks = 3, pool = AvgPool(), pool_first = TRUE,
                     padding = NULL, bias = NULL, bn_1st = TRUE, transpose = FALSE, init = "auto",
                     xtra = NULL, bias_std = 0.01, dilation = 1, padding_mode = "zeros") {

  args = list(
    expansion = expansion,
    ni = ni,
    nf = nf,
    stride = as.integer(stride),
    groups = as.integer(groups),
    reduction = reduction,
    nh1 = nh1,
    nh2 = nh2,
    dw = dw,
    g2 = as.integer(g2),
    sa = sa,
    sym = sym,
    norm_type = as.integer(norm_type),
    act_cls = act_cls,
    ndim = as.integer(ndim),
    ks = as.integer(ks),
    pool = pool,
    pool_first = pool_first,
    padding = padding,
    bias = bias,
    bn_1st = bn_1st,
    transpose = transpose,
    init = init,
    xtra = xtra,
    bias_std = bias_std,
    dilation = as.integer(dilation),
    padding_mode = padding_mode

    args$reduction <- NULL

    args$nh1 <- NULL

    args$nh2 <- NULL

    args$padding <- NULL

    args$bias <- NULL

    args$xtra <- NULL

  do.call(vision()$all$ResBlock, args)


#' @title AvgPool
#' @description nn$AvgPool layer for `ndim`
#' @param ks kernel size
#' @param stride the stride of the window. Default value is kernel_size
#' @param padding implicit zero padding to be added on both sides
#' @param ndim dimension number
#' @param ceil_mode when True, will use ceil instead of floor to compute the output shape
#' @return None
#' @export
AvgPool <- function(ks = 2, stride = NULL, padding = 0, ndim = 2, ceil_mode = FALSE) {

  args = list(
    ks = as.integer(ks),
    stride = stride,
    padding = as.integer(padding),
    ndim = as.integer(ndim),
    ceil_mode = ceil_mode

    args$stride <- NULL

  do.call(vision()$all$AvgPool, args)


#' @title MaxPool
#' @description nn.MaxPool layer for `ndim`
#' @param ks kernel size
#' @param stride the stride of the window. Default value is kernel_size
#' @param padding implicit zero padding to be added on both sides
#' @param ndim dimension number
#' @param ceil_mode when True, will use ceil instead of floor to compute the output shape
#' @return None
#' @export
MaxPool <- function(ks = 2, stride = NULL, padding = 0, ndim = 2, ceil_mode = FALSE) {

  args = list(
    ks = as.integer(ks),
    stride = stride,
    padding = as.integer(padding),
    ndim = as.integer(ndim),
    ceil_mode = ceil_mode

    args$stride <- NULL

  do.call(vision()$all$MaxPool, args)


#' @title CategoryBlock
#' @description `TransformBlock` for single-label categorical targets
#' @param vocab vocabulary
#' @param sort sort or not
#' @param add_na add NA
#' @return Block object
#' @export
CategoryBlock <- function(vocab = NULL, sort = TRUE, add_na = FALSE) {

  args = list(
    vocab = vocab,
    sort = sort,
    add_na = add_na

    args$vocab <- NULL

  do.call(text()$CategoryBlock, args)

#' @title SEResNeXtBlock
#' @param expansion decoder
#' @param ni number of linear inputs
#' @param nf number of features
#' @param groups groups number
#' @param reduction reduction number
#' @param stride stride number
#' @param base_width int, base width
#' @return Block object
#' @export
SEResNeXtBlock <- function(expansion, ni, nf, groups = 32, reduction = 16, stride = 1, base_width = 4) {

    expansion = expansion,
    ni = ni,
    nf = nf,
    groups = as.integer(groups),
    reduction = as.integer(reduction),
    stride = as.integer(stride),
    base_width = as.integer(base_width)


#' @title RegressionBlock
#' @description `TransformBlock` for float targets
#' @param n_out number of out features
#' @return Block object
#' @export
RegressionBlock <- function(n_out = NULL) {

  args = list(
    n_out = n_out

    args$n_out <- NULL

  do.call(vision()$all$RegressionBlock, args)


#' @title MultiCategoryBlock
#' @description `TransformBlock` for multi-label categorical targets
#' @param encoded encoded or not
#' @param vocab vocabulary
#' @param add_na add NA
#' @return Block object
#' @export
MultiCategoryBlock <- function(encoded = FALSE, vocab = NULL, add_na = FALSE) {

  args = list(
    encoded = encoded,
    vocab = vocab,
    add_na = add_na

    args$vocab <- NULL

  do.call(vision()$all$MultiCategoryBlock, args)


#' @title DataBlock
#' @description Generic container to quickly build `Datasets` and `DataLoaders`
#' @param blocks input blocks
#' @param dl_type DL application
#' @param getters how to get dataet
#' @param n_inp n_inp is the number of elements in the tuples that should be considered part
#' of the input and will default to 1 if tfms consists of one set of transforms
#' @param item_tfms One or several transforms applied to the items before batching them
#' @param batch_tfms One or several transforms applied to the batches once they are formed
#' @param ... additional parameters to pass
#' @return Block object
#' @export
DataBlock <- function(blocks = NULL, dl_type = NULL, getters = NULL,
                      n_inp = NULL, item_tfms = NULL, batch_tfms = NULL,
                      ...) {

  args <- list(
    blocks = blocks,
    dl_type = dl_type,
    getters = getters,
    n_inp = n_inp,
    item_tfms = item_tfms,
    batch_tfms = batch_tfms,

    args$blocks <- NULL

    args$dl_type <- NULL

    args$getters <- NULL

  if(!is.null(args$batch_tfms)) {
    args$batch_tfms <- unlist(args$batch_tfms)
  } else {
    args$batch_tfms <- NULL

  if(!is.null(args$item_tfms)) {
    args$item_tfms <- unlist(args$item_tfms)
  } else {
    args$item_tfms <- NULL

  if(!is.null(args$n_inp)) {
    args$n_inp <- as.integer(args$n_inp)
  } else {
    args$n_inp <- NULL

  do.call(vision()$gan$DataBlock, args)


#' @title TransformBlock
#' @description A basic wrapper that links defaults transforms for the data block API
#' @param type_tfms transformation type
#' @param item_tfms item transformation type
#' @param batch_tfms one or several transforms applied to the batches once they are formed
#' @param dl_type DL application
#' @param dls_kwargs additional arguments
#' @return block
#' @export
TransformBlock <- function(type_tfms = NULL, item_tfms = NULL,
                           batch_tfms = NULL, dl_type = NULL,
                           dls_kwargs = NULL) {

  if(missing(type_tfms) & missing(item_tfms) & missing(batch_tfms) & missing(dl_type) & missing(dls_kwargs)) {
  } else {
    args <- list(
      type_tfms = type_tfms,
      item_tfms = item_tfms,
      batch_tfms = batch_tfms,
      dl_type = dl_type,
      dls_kwargs = dls_kwargs

    if(!is.null(args$batch_tfms)) {
      args$batch_tfms <- unlist(args$batch_tfms)
    } else {
      args$batch_tfms <- NULL

    if(!is.null(args$item_tfms)) {
      args$item_tfms <- unlist(args$item_tfms)
    } else {
      args$item_tfms <- NULL

    if(!is.null(args$type_tfms )) {
      args$type_tfms  <- unlist(args$type_tfms )
    } else {
      args$type_tfms <- NULL

      args$dl_type <- NULL

      args$dls_kwargs <- NULL

    do.call(vision()$gan$TransformBlock, args)


#' @title ImageBlock
#' @description A `TransformBlock` for images of `cls`
#' @param ... parameters to pass
#' @return block
#' @export
ImageBlock <- function(...) {



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