
fmanova.trp <- function(x, group.label, k = 30, projection = c("GAUSS", "BM"),
                        permutation = FALSE, B = 1000,
                        independent.projection.tests = TRUE,
                        parallel = FALSE, nslaves = NULL)
  n <- ncol(x[[1]])
  p <- length(x)
  I <- nrow(x[[1]])
  if (n != length(group.label)) {
    stop("the number of observations is not equal to the number of elements in vector of labels")
  if (!is.logical(permutation)) {
    stop("argument permutation is not logical")
  if (!is.logical(independent.projection.tests)) {
    stop("argument independent.projection.tests is not logical")
  if (B < 1) {
    stop("invalid number of permutations (B)")
  if (any(k < 1)) {
    stop("invalid number of projections (k)")
  if (is.null(k)) {
    stop("argument k is not a vector of length greater than or equal to one")
  projection <- match.arg(projection)
  if (any(is.na(group.label))) {
    stop("argument group.label can not contain NA values")
  if (!parallel) {
    parallel.method <- "parallel.method0"
  else {
    if (!("doParallel" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
      stop("Please install package 'doParallel'")
    requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE)
    nlp <- parallel::detectCores()
    if (is.null(nslaves)) {
      if (nlp >= 2) {
        nslaves <- nlp
        parallel.method <- "parallel.method1"
      else {
        parallel.method <- "parallel.method0"
    else {
      if (nlp >= 2) {
        if (nslaves >= 2) {
          nslaves <- nslaves
        else {
          nslaves <- nlp
        parallel.method <- "parallel.method1"
      else {
        parallel.method <- "parallel.method0"
  manova.statistics.quick <- function(data, group.label, n, p){
    data <- as.matrix(data)
    group.label0 <- unique(group.label)
    l <- length(group.label0)
    n.i <- numeric(l)
    for (i in 1:l) n.i[i] <- sum(group.label == group.label0[i])
    gmeans <- matrix(colMeans(data), nrow = p, ncol = 1)
    xmeans <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = l)
    for (ii in 1:l) xmeans[, ii] <- matrix(colMeans(data[group.label ==
                                                           group.label0[ii], ]), nrow = p, ncol = 1)
    H <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
    for (iiH in 1:l) H <- H + n.i[iiH] * (xmeans[, iiH] -
                                            gmeans) %*% t(xmeans[, iiH] - gmeans)
    E <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
    for (iiE in 1:l) E <- E + (n.i[iiE] - 1) * cov(data[group.label ==
                                                          group.label0[iiE], ])
    wart <- (eigen(H %*% solve(E)))$values
    return(c(Wilks = prod(1/(1 + wart)), LH = sum(wart),
             Pillai = sum(wart/(1 + wart)), Roy = wart[1]))
  modulo <- function(z) {
  pvalues <- matrix(0, nrow = 4, ncol = length(k))
  if (independent.projection.tests) {
    all.data.proj <- list()
    iik <- 0
    for (ik in k) {
      if (projection == "GAUSS") {
        if (parallel.method == "parallel.method0") {
          ik.data.proj <- list()
          W <- numeric(ik)
          LH <- numeric(ik)
          P <- numeric(ik)
          R <- numeric(ik)
          for (j in 1:ik) {
            data.proj <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = p)
            z <- matrix(rnorm(I * p), nrow = p, ncol = I)
            modu <- apply(z, 1, modulo)
            z <- z/modu
            for (i in 1:p) {
              data.matrix <- as.matrix(t(x[[i]]))
              data.proj[, i] <- data.matrix %*% z[i, ]
            ik.data.proj[[j]] <- data.proj
            model <- manova(data.proj ~ as.factor(group.label))
            if (permutation == FALSE) {
              W[j] <- summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1,
              LH[j] <- summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1,
              P[j] <- summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1,
              R[j] <- summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1,
            else {
              Ws <- summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1,
              LHs <- summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1,
              Ps <- summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1,
              Rs <- summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1,
              Wp <- numeric(B)
              LHp <- numeric(B)
              Pp <- numeric(B)
              Rp <- numeric(B)
              for (i.perm in 1:B) {
                manovap <- manova.statistics.quick(data.proj,
                                                   sample(group.label), n, p)
                Wp[i.perm] <- manovap[1]
                LHp[i.perm] <- manovap[2]
                Pp[i.perm] <- manovap[3]
                Rp[i.perm] <- manovap[4]
              W[j] <- mean(Re(Wp) <= Ws)
              LH[j] <- mean(Re(LHp) >= LHs)
              P[j] <- mean(Re(Pp) >= Ps)
              R[j] <- mean(Re(Rp) >= Rs)
          iik <- iik + 1
          all.data.proj[[iik]] <- ik.data.proj
          pvalues[, iik] <- c(min(ik * W[order(W)]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * LH[order(LH)]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * P[order(P)]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * R[order(R)]/1:ik))
        if (parallel.method == "parallel.method1") {
          cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(nslaves)
          rs <- foreach(j = 1:ik, .combine = "c") %dopar%
            data.proj <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = p)
            z <- matrix(rnorm(I * p), nrow = p, ncol = I)
            modu <- apply(z, 1, modulo)
            z <- z/modu
            for (i in 1:p) {
              data.matrix <- as.matrix(t(x[[i]]))
              data.proj[, i] <- data.matrix %*% z[i, ]
            model <- manova(data.proj ~ as.factor(group.label))
            if (permutation == FALSE) {
              list(c(summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1, 6],
                     summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1, 6],
                     summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1, 6],
                     summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1, 6]),
            else {
              Ws <- summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1,
              LHs <- summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1,
              Ps <- summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1,
              Rs <- summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1,
              Wp <- numeric(B)
              LHp <- numeric(B)
              Pp <- numeric(B)
              Rp <- numeric(B)
              for (i.perm in 1:B) {
                manovap <- manova.statistics.quick(data.proj,
                                                   sample(group.label), n, p)
                Wp[i.perm] <- manovap[1]
                LHp[i.perm] <- manovap[2]
                Pp[i.perm] <- manovap[3]
                Rp[i.perm] <- manovap[4]
              list(c(mean(Re(Wp) <= Ws),
                     mean(Re(LHp) >= LHs),
                     mean(Re(Pp) >= Ps),
                     mean(Re(Rp) >= Rs)),
          iik <- iik + 1
          all.data.proj[[iik]] <- rs[seq(2, 2 * ik, by = 2)]
          rs1 <- rs[seq(1, 2 * ik - 1, by = 2)]
          rs <- matrix(0, nrow = ik, ncol = 4)
          for (jj in 1:ik) rs[jj, ] <- rs1[[jj]]
          pvalues[, iik] <- c(min(ik * (rs[, 1])[order(rs[, 1])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * (rs[, 2])[order(rs[, 2])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * (rs[, 3])[order(rs[, 3])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * (rs[, 4])[order(rs[, 4])]/1:ik))
      else {
        if (parallel.method == "parallel.method0") {
          ik.data.proj <- list()
          W <- numeric(ik)
          LH <- numeric(ik)
          P <- numeric(ik)
          R <- numeric(ik)
          for (j in 1:ik) {
            data.proj <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = p)
            for (i in 1:p) {
              data.matrix <- as.matrix(t(x[[i]]))
              bm.p <- cumsum(rnorm(I, mean = 0, sd = 1))/sqrt(I)
              bm.p <- bm.p/modulo(bm.p)
              data.proj[, i] <- data.matrix %*% as.matrix(bm.p)
            ik.data.proj[[j]] <- data.proj
            model <- manova(data.proj ~ as.factor(group.label))
            if (permutation == FALSE) {
              W[j] <- summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1,
              LH[j] <- summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1,
              P[j] <- summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1,
              R[j] <- summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1,
            else {
              Ws <- summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1,
              LHs <- summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1,
              Ps <- summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1,
              Rs <- summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1,
              Wp <- numeric(B)
              LHp <- numeric(B)
              Pp <- numeric(B)
              Rp <- numeric(B)
              for (i.perm in 1:B) {
                manovap <- manova.statistics.quick(data.proj,
                                                   sample(group.label), n, p)
                Wp[i.perm] <- manovap[1]
                LHp[i.perm] <- manovap[2]
                Pp[i.perm] <- manovap[3]
                Rp[i.perm] <- manovap[4]
              W[j] <- mean(Re(Wp) <= Ws)
              LH[j] <- mean(Re(LHp) >= LHs)
              P[j] <- mean(Re(Pp) >= Ps)
              R[j] <- mean(Re(Rp) >= Rs)
          iik <- iik + 1
          all.data.proj[[iik]] <- ik.data.proj
          pvalues[, iik] <- c(min(ik * W[order(W)]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * LH[order(LH)]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * P[order(P)]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * R[order(R)]/1:ik))
        if (parallel.method == "parallel.method1") {
          cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(nslaves)
          rs <- foreach(j = 1:ik, .combine = "c") %dopar%
            data.proj <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = p)
            for (i in 1:p) {
              data.matrix <- as.matrix(t(x[[i]]))
              bm.p <- cumsum(rnorm(I, mean = 0, sd = 1))/sqrt(I)
              bm.p <- bm.p/modulo(bm.p)
              data.proj[, i] <- data.matrix %*% as.matrix(bm.p)
            model <- manova(data.proj ~ as.factor(group.label))
            if (permutation == FALSE) {
              list(c(summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1, 6],
                     summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1, 6],
                     summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1, 6],
                     summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1, 6]), data.proj)
            else {
              Ws <- summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1, 2]
              LHs <- summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1, 2]
              Ps <- summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1, 2]
              Rs <- summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1, 2]
              Wp <- numeric(B)
              LHp <- numeric(B)
              Pp <- numeric(B)
              Rp <- numeric(B)
              for (i.perm in 1:B) {
                manovap <- manova.statistics.quick(data.proj,
                                                   sample(group.label), n, p)
                Wp[i.perm] <- manovap[1]
                LHp[i.perm] <- manovap[2]
                Pp[i.perm] <- manovap[3]
                Rp[i.perm] <- manovap[4]
              list(c(mean(Re(Wp) <= Ws),
                     mean(Re(LHp) >= LHs),
                     mean(Re(Pp) >= Ps),
                     mean(Re(Rp) >= Rs)),
          iik <- iik + 1
          all.data.proj[[iik]] <- rs[seq(2, 2 * ik, by = 2)]
          rs1 <- rs[seq(1, 2 * ik - 1, by = 2)]
          rs <- matrix(0, nrow = ik, ncol = 4)
          for (jj in 1:ik) rs[jj, ] <- rs1[[jj]]
          pvalues[, iik] <- c(min(ik * (rs[, 1])[order(rs[, 1])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * (rs[, 2])[order(rs[, 2])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * (rs[, 3])[order(rs[, 3])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * (rs[, 4])[order(rs[, 4])]/1:ik))
    ik <- max(k)
    if (projection == "GAUSS") {
      if (parallel.method == "parallel.method0") {
        ik.data.proj <- list()
        W <- numeric(ik)
        LH <- numeric(ik)
        P <- numeric(ik)
        R <- numeric(ik)
        for (j in 1:ik) {
          data.proj <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = p)
          z <- matrix(rnorm(I * p), nrow = p, ncol = I)
          modu <- apply(z, 1, modulo)
          z <- z/modu
          for (i in 1:p) {
            data.matrix <- as.matrix(t(x[[i]]))
            data.proj[, i] <- data.matrix %*% z[i, ]
          ik.data.proj[[j]] <- data.proj
          model <- manova(data.proj ~ as.factor(group.label))
          if (permutation == FALSE) {
            W[j] <- summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1,
            LH[j] <- summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1,
            P[j] <- summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1,
            R[j] <- summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1,
          else {
            Ws <- summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1,
            LHs <- summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1,
            Ps <- summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1,
            Rs <- summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1,
            Wp <- numeric(B)
            LHp <- numeric(B)
            Pp <- numeric(B)
            Rp <- numeric(B)
            for (i.perm in 1:B) {
              manovap <- manova.statistics.quick(data.proj,
                                                 sample(group.label), n, p)
              Wp[i.perm] <- manovap[1]
              LHp[i.perm] <- manovap[2]
              Pp[i.perm] <- manovap[3]
              Rp[i.perm] <- manovap[4]
            W[j] <- mean(Re(Wp) <= Ws)
            LH[j] <- mean(Re(LHp) >= LHs)
            P[j] <- mean(Re(Pp) >= Ps)
            R[j] <- mean(Re(Rp) >= Rs)
        all.data.proj <- ik.data.proj
        iik <- 0
        for (ik in k) {
          iik <- iik + 1
          pvalues[, iik] <- c(min(ik * W[1:ik][order(W[1:ik])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * LH[1:ik][order(LH[1:ik])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * P[1:ik][order(P[1:ik])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * R[1:ik][order(R[1:ik])]/1:ik))
      if (parallel.method == "parallel.method1") {
        cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(nslaves)
        rs <- foreach(j = 1:ik, .combine = "c") %dopar%
          data.proj <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = p)
          z <- matrix(rnorm(I * p), nrow = p, ncol = I)
          modu <- apply(z, 1, modulo)
          z <- z/modu
          for (i in 1:p) {
            data.matrix <- as.matrix(t(x[[i]]))
            data.proj[, i] <- data.matrix %*% z[i, ]
          model <- manova(data.proj ~ as.factor(group.label))
          if (permutation == FALSE) {
            list(c(summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1, 6],
                   summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1, 6],
                   summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1, 6],
                   summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1, 6]),
          else {
            Ws <- summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1,
            LHs <- summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1,
            Ps <- summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1,
            Rs <- summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1,
            Wp <- numeric(B)
            LHp <- numeric(B)
            Pp <- numeric(B)
            Rp <- numeric(B)
            for (i.perm in 1:B) {
              manovap <- manova.statistics.quick(data.proj,
                                                 sample(group.label), n, p)
              Wp[i.perm] <- manovap[1]
              LHp[i.perm] <- manovap[2]
              Pp[i.perm] <- manovap[3]
              Rp[i.perm] <- manovap[4]
            list(c(mean(Re(Wp) <= Ws),
                   mean(Re(LHp) >= LHs),
                   mean(Re(Pp) >= Ps),
                   mean(Re(Rp) >= Rs)),
        all.data.proj <- rs[seq(2, 2 * ik, by = 2)]
        rs1 <- rs[seq(1, 2 * ik - 1, by = 2)]
        rs <- matrix(0, nrow = ik, ncol = 4)
        for (jj in 1:ik) rs[jj, ] <- rs1[[jj]]
        iik <- 0
        for (ik in k) {
          iik <- iik + 1
          pvalues[, iik] <- c(min(ik * (rs[1:ik, 1])[order(rs[1:ik, 1])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * (rs[1:ik, 2])[order(rs[1:ik, 2])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * (rs[1:ik, 3])[order(rs[1:ik, 3])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * (rs[1:ik, 4])[order(rs[1:ik, 4])]/1:ik))
    else {
      if (parallel.method == "parallel.method0") {
        ik.data.proj <- list()
        W <- numeric(ik)
        LH <- numeric(ik)
        P <- numeric(ik)
        R <- numeric(ik)
        for (j in 1:ik) {
          data.proj <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = p)
          for (i in 1:p) {
            data.matrix <- as.matrix(t(x[[i]]))
            bm.p <- cumsum(rnorm(I, mean = 0, sd = 1))/sqrt(I)
            bm.p <- bm.p/modulo(bm.p)
            data.proj[, i] <- data.matrix %*% as.matrix(bm.p)
          ik.data.proj[[j]] <- data.proj
          model <- manova(data.proj ~ as.factor(group.label))
          if (permutation == FALSE) {
            W[j] <- summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1,
            LH[j] <- summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1,
            P[j] <- summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1,
            R[j] <- summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1,
          else {
            Ws <- summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1,
            LHs <- summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1,
            Ps <- summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1,
            Rs <- summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1,
            Wp <- numeric(B)
            LHp <- numeric(B)
            Pp <- numeric(B)
            Rp <- numeric(B)
            for (i.perm in 1:B) {
              manovap <- manova.statistics.quick(data.proj,
                                                 sample(group.label), n, p)
              Wp[i.perm] <- manovap[1]
              LHp[i.perm] <- manovap[2]
              Pp[i.perm] <- manovap[3]
              Rp[i.perm] <- manovap[4]
            W[j] <- mean(Re(Wp) <= Ws)
            LH[j] <- mean(Re(LHp) >= LHs)
            P[j] <- mean(Re(Pp) >= Ps)
            R[j] <- mean(Re(Rp) >= Rs)
        all.data.proj <- ik.data.proj
        iik <- 0
        for (ik in k) {
          iik <- iik + 1
          pvalues[, iik] <- c(min(ik * W[1:ik][order(W[1:ik])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * LH[1:ik][order(LH[1:ik])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * P[1:ik][order(P[1:ik])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * R[1:ik][order(R[1:ik])]/1:ik))
      if (parallel.method == "parallel.method1") {
        cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(nslaves)
        rs <- foreach(j = 1:ik, .combine = "c") %dopar%
          data.proj <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = p)
          for (i in 1:p) {
            data.matrix <- as.matrix(t(x[[i]]))
            bm.p <- cumsum(rnorm(I, mean = 0, sd = 1))/sqrt(I)
            bm.p <- bm.p/modulo(bm.p)
            data.proj[, i] <- data.matrix %*% as.matrix(bm.p)
          model <- manova(data.proj ~ as.factor(group.label))
          if (permutation == FALSE) {
            list(c(summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1, 6],
                   summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1, 6],
                   summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1, 6],
                   summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1, 6]), data.proj)
          else {
            Ws <- summary(model, test = "Wilks")$stats[1, 2]
            LHs <- summary(model, test = "Hotelling-Lawley")$stats[1, 2]
            Ps <- summary(model, test = "Pillai")$stats[1, 2]
            Rs <- summary(model, test = "Roy")$stats[1, 2]
            Wp <- numeric(B)
            LHp <- numeric(B)
            Pp <- numeric(B)
            Rp <- numeric(B)
            for (i.perm in 1:B) {
              manovap <- manova.statistics.quick(data.proj,
                                                 sample(group.label), n, p)
              Wp[i.perm] <- manovap[1]
              LHp[i.perm] <- manovap[2]
              Pp[i.perm] <- manovap[3]
              Rp[i.perm] <- manovap[4]
            list(c(mean(Re(Wp) <= Ws),
                   mean(Re(LHp) >= LHs),
                   mean(Re(Pp) >= Ps),
                   mean(Re(Rp) >= Rs)),
        all.data.proj <- rs[seq(2, 2 * ik, by = 2)]
        rs1 <- rs[seq(1, 2 * ik - 1, by = 2)]
        rs <- matrix(0, nrow = ik, ncol = 4)
        for (jj in 1:ik) rs[jj, ] <- rs1[[jj]]
        iik <- 0
        for (ik in k) {
          iik <- iik + 1
          pvalues[, iik] <- c(min(ik * (rs[1:ik, 1])[order(rs[1:ik, 1])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * (rs[1:ik, 2])[order(rs[1:ik, 2])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * (rs[1:ik, 3])[order(rs[1:ik, 3])]/1:ik),
                              min(ik * (rs[1:ik, 4])[order(rs[1:ik, 4])]/1:ik))
  result <- list(pvalues = pvalues, data.projections = all.data.proj,
                 data = x, group.label = group.label, k = k, projection = projection,
                 permutation = permutation, B = B,
                 independent.projection.tests = independent.projection.tests,
                 parallel = parallel, nslaves = nslaves)
  class(result) <- "fmanovatrp"

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