
Defines functions checkSmoothingParametersSize checkSmoothingParameters

checkSmoothingParameters<-function(locations = NULL, observations, FEMbasis, covariates = NULL, PDE_parameters = NULL, BC = NULL, incidence_matrix = NULL, areal.data.avg = TRUE, search = 'tree', bary.locations = NULL, optim, lambda = NULL, DOF.stochastic.realizations = 100, DOF.stochastic.seed = 0, DOF.matrix = NULL, GCV.inflation.factor = 1, lambda.optimization.tolerance = 0.05)
  #################### Full Consistency Parameter Check #########################

  # Mesh type and methods
    stop("FEMbasis required;  is NULL.")
  if(!is(FEMbasis, "FEMbasis"))
    stop("'FEMbasis' is not class 'FEMbasis'")

  if(!is(FEMbasis$mesh, "mesh.1.5D") & !is(FEMbasis$mesh, "mesh.2D") & !is(FEMbasis$mesh, "mesh.2.5D") & !is(FEMbasis$mesh, "mesh.3D"))
    stop('Unknown mesh class')

  if(is(FEMbasis$mesh, "mesh.2.5D") & !is.null(PDE_parameters) )
    stop('For mesh class mesh.2.5D, anysotropic regularization is not yet implemented.
         Use Laplacian regularization instead')
  if(is(FEMbasis$mesh, "mesh.1.5D") & !is.null(PDE_parameters) )
    stop('For mesh class mesh.1.5D, anysotropic regularization is not yet implemented.
         Use Laplacian regularization instead')

  # Locations & observations & areal
      stop("Missing values not admitted in 'locations'.")
      stop("Missing values not admitted in 'observations' when 'locations' are specified.")

    stop("observations required;  is NULL.")

  if(!is.null(locations) & !is.null(incidence_matrix))
    stop("Both 'locations' and 'incidence_matrix' are given. In case of pointwise data, set 'incidence_matrix to NULL. In case of areal data, set 'locations' to NULL.")

  if(any(incidence_matrix != 0 & incidence_matrix != 1))
    stop("Value different than 0 or 1 in 'incidence_matrix'.")
    stop("'areal.data.avg' required; is NULL.")
    stop("'areal.data.avg' is not logical")

  # PDE_parameters
      stop("'K' required in PDE_parameters;  is NULL.")
      stop("'b' required in PDE_parameters;  is NULL.")
      stop("'c' required in PDE_parameters;  is NULL.")
  space_varying = FALSE
    message("Smoothing: anysotropic and non-stationary case")
      stop("'K' in 'PDE_parameters' is not a function")
      stop("'b' in 'PDE_parameters' is not a function")
      stop("'c' in 'PDE_parameters' is not a function")
      stop("'u' in 'PDE_parameters' is not a function")
  else if(!is.null(PDE_parameters)){
    message("Smoothing: anysotropic and stationary case")
    message("Smoothing: isotropic and stationary case")
  # Boundary Conditions [BC]
    if (is.null(BC$BC_indices))
      stop("'BC_indices' required in BC;  is NULL.")
    if (is.null(BC$BC_values))
      stop("'BC_indices' required in BC;  is NULL.")

  # Check the locations in 'bary.locations' and 'locations' are the same
  if(!is.null(bary.locations) & !is.null(locations)){
    flag = TRUE
    for(i in 1:nrow(locations)){
      if(!(locations[i,1] == bary.locations$locations[i,1] & locations[i,2] == bary.locations$locations[i,2])){
        flag = FALSE
    if(flag == FALSE){
      stop("Locations are not same as the one in barycenter information.")
  } # end of bary.locations
  # Optimization
  if(optim[1] == 1 & optim[2] == 1)
    stop("Newton method can only be applied in a 'DOF.evaluation' = 'exact' context")
  # --> Lambda related
  if(optim[1] == 0 & is.null(lambda))
    stop("'lambda' required for 'lambda.selection.criterion' = 'grid'; now is NULL.")
  if(optim[1] != 0 & !is.null(lambda))
    if(length(lambda) > 1)
      warning("In optimized methods 'lambda' is the initial value, all terms following the first will be discarded")

  # --> Stochastic related data
    stop("'DOF.stochastic.realizations' must be a positive integer")
  else if(DOF.stochastic.realizations < 1)
    stop("'DOF.stochastic.realizations' must be a positive integer")
    stop("'DOF.stochastic.seed' must be a non-negative integer")
  else if(DOF.stochastic.seed < 0)
    stop("'DOF.stochastic.seed' must be a non-negative integer")
  if((DOF.stochastic.realizations != 100 || DOF.stochastic.seed != 0) & optim[2] != 1)
    warning("'DOF.stochastic.realizations' and 'DOF.stochastic.seed' are used just with 'DOF.evaluation' = 'stochastic'")
  # --> GCV.inflation.factor related
    stop("'GCV.inflation.factor' required;  is NULL.")
  } else if(!is.numeric(GCV.inflation.factor))
    stop("'GCV.inflation.factor' must be a non-negative real")
  } else if(GCV.inflation.factor < 0)
    stop("'GCV.inflation.factor' must be a non-negative real")
  if(GCV.inflation.factor != 1 & optim[3] != 1)
    warning("'GCV' not selected as 'loss function', 'GCV.inflation.factor' unused")
  # --> DOF.matrix related
      stop("An optimization method needs DOF to be computed during the call, please set 'DOF.matrix' to 'NULL")
      stop("'DOF.matrix' is passed to the function, 'DOF.evaluation' should be NULL")
      warning("'GCV' is not the 'lambda.selection.lossfunction'. DOF.matrix is passed but GCV is not computed")
  if(is.null(DOF.matrix) & optim[2]==0 & optim[3]==1)
    stop("Either 'DOF.matrix' different from NULL or 'DOF.evaluation' different from NULL, otherwise 'lambda.selection.lossfunction' = 'GCV' can't be computed")
    stop("'stopping_criterion_tol' must be a numeric percentage between 0 and 1")
  else if(lambda.optimization.tolerance>=1 || lambda.optimization.tolerance<=0)
    stop("'stopping_criterion_tol' must be a numeric percentage between 0 and 1")
  if(optim[1]==0 & lambda.optimization.tolerance!=0.05)
    warning("'lambda.optimization.tolerance' is not used in grid evaluation")
  # Return information

checkSmoothingParametersSize<-function(locations = NULL, observations, FEMbasis, covariates = NULL, PDE_parameters = NULL, incidence_matrix = NULL, BC = NULL, space_varying = FALSE, ndim, mydim, lambda = NULL, DOF.matrix = NULL)
  #################### Parameter Check #########################
  # Observations
  if(ncol(observations) != 1)
    stop("'observations' must be a column vector")
  if(nrow(observations) < 1)
    stop("'observations' must contain at least one element")
  # Locations
    if(is(FEMbasis$mesh, "mesh.2D")){
      if(nrow(observations) > nrow(FEMbasis$mesh$nodes))
        stop("Size of 'observations' is larger then the size of 'nodes' in the mesh")
    if(ncol(locations) != ndim)
      stop("'locations' must be a ndim-columns matrix;")
    if(nrow(locations) != nrow(observations))
      stop("'locations' and 'observations' have incompatible size;")
     if(dim(locations)[1]==dim(FEMbasis$mesh$nodes)[1] & dim(locations)[2]==dim(FEMbasis$mesh$nodes)[2] & !(sum(abs(locations[,1]))==sum(abs(FEMbasis$mesh$nodes[,1])) & sum(abs(locations[,2]))==sum(abs(FEMbasis$mesh$nodes[,2]))) )
      warning("The locations matrix has the same dimensions as the mesh nodes. If the locations you are using are the mesh nodes, set locations=NULL instead")
    if(nrow(covariates) != nrow(observations))
      stop("'covariates' and 'observations' have incompatible size;")
  # Incidence matrix
  if (!is.null(incidence_matrix)){
    if (nrow(incidence_matrix) != nrow(observations))
      stop("'incidence_matrix' and 'observations' have incompatible size;")
    if (is(FEMbasis$mesh, "mesh.2D") && ncol(incidence_matrix) != nrow(FEMbasis$mesh$triangles))
      stop("'incidence_matrix' must be a ntriangles-columns matrix;")
    else if (is(FEMbasis$mesh, "mesh.2.5D") && ncol(incidence_matrix) != nrow(FEMbasis$mesh$triangles))
      stop("'incidence_matrix' must be a ntriangles-columns matrix;")
    else if (is(FEMbasis$mesh, "mesh.3D") && ncol(incidence_matrix) != nrow(FEMbasis$mesh$tetrahedrons))
      stop("'incidence_matrix' must be a ntetrahedrons-columns matrix;")
    else if (is(FEMbasis$mesh, "mesh.1.5D") && ncol(incidence_matrix) != nrow(FEMbasis$mesh$edges))
      stop("'incidence_matrix' must be a nedges-columns matrix;")
  # BC
    if(ncol(BC$BC_indices) != 1)
      stop("'BC_indices' must be a column vector")
    if(ncol(BC$BC_values) != 1)
      stop("'BC_values' must be a column vector")
    if(nrow(BC$BC_indices) != nrow(BC$BC_values))
      stop("'BC_indices' and 'BC_values' have incompatible size;")
    if(is(FEMbasis$mesh, "mesh.2D")){
      if(sum(BC$BC_indices>nrow(nrow(FEMbasis$mesh$nodes))) > 0)
        stop("At least one index in 'BC_indices' larger then the number of 'nodes' in the mesh;")
  # PDE_parameters
  if(!is.null(PDE_parameters) & space_varying==FALSE){
    if(!all.equal(dim(PDE_parameters$K), c(ndim,ndim)))
      stop("'K' in 'PDE_parameters must be a 2x2 or 3x3 matrix")
    if(!all.equal(dim(PDE_parameters$b), c(ndim,1)))
      stop("'b' in 'PDE_parameters must be a column vector of size 2 or 3")
    if(!all.equal(dim(PDE_parameters$c), c(1,1)))
      stop("'c' in 'PDE_parameters must be a double")

  if(!is.null(PDE_parameters) & space_varying==TRUE){

    n_test_points = min(nrow(FEMbasis$mesh$nodes), 5)
    test_points = FEMbasis$mesh$nodes[1:n_test_points, ]

    try_K_func = PDE_parameters$K(test_points)
    try_b_func = PDE_parameters$b(test_points)
    try_c_func = PDE_parameters$c(test_points)
    try_u_func = PDE_parameters$u(test_points)

      stop("Test on function 'K' in 'PDE_parameters' not passed; output is not numeric")
    if(!all.equal(dim(try_K_func), c(ndim,ndim,n_test_points)) )
      stop("Test on function 'K' in 'PDE_parameters' not passed; wrong size of the output")

      stop("Test on function 'b' in 'PDE_parameters' not passed; output is not numeric")
    if(!all.equal(dim(try_b_func), c(ndim,n_test_points)))
      stop("Test on function 'b' in 'PDE_parameters' not passed; wrong size of the output")

      stop("Test on function 'c' in 'PDE_parameters' not passed; output is not numeric")
    if(length(try_c_func) != n_test_points)
      stop("Test on function 'c' in 'PDE_parameters' not passed; wrong size of the output")

      stop("Test on function 'u' in 'PDE_parameters' not passed; output is not numeric")
    if(length(try_u_func) != n_test_points)
      stop("Test on function 'u' in 'PDE_parameters' not passed; wrong size of the output")
  # Optimization
      stop("'lambda' must be a column vector")
      stop("'lambda' must contain at least one element")
    if(ncol(DOF.matrix) != 1)
      stop("'DOF.matrix' must be a column vector")
      stop("The number of rows of DOF.matrix is different from the number of lambda")
    } else if(nrow(DOF.matrix)!=length(lambda))
      stop("The number of rows of DOF.matrix is different from the number of lambda")

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fdaPDE documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:09 p.m.