
Defines functions fftempfile tempPathFile unsplitPathFile splitPathFile standardPathFile

Documented in fftempfile splitPathFile standardPathFile tempPathFile unsplitPathFile

# File utilities for ff
# (c) 2009 Jens Oehlschlägel
# Licence: GPL2
# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
# Created: 2009-09-19
# Last changed: 2009-09-20

# source("d:/mwp/eanalysis/ff/R/fileutil.R")

#! \name{splitPathFile}
#! \Rdversion{1.1}
#! \alias{standardPathFile}
#! \alias{splitPathFile}
#! \alias{unsplitPathFile}
#! \alias{tempPathFile}
#! \alias{fftempfile}
#! \title{
#!   Analyze pathfile-strings
#! }
#! \description{
#!   \code{splitPathFile} splits a vector of pathfile-strings into path- and file-components without loss of information.
#!   \code{unsplitPathFile} restores the original pathfile-string vector.
#!   \code{standardPathFile} standardizes a vector of pathfile-strings: backslashes are replaced by slashes, except for the first two leading backslashes indicating a network share.
#!   \code{tempPathFile} returns  - similar to \code{\link{tempfile}} - a vector of filenames given path(s) and file-prefix(es) and an optional extension.
#!   \code{fftempfile} returns  - similar to \code{tempPathFile} - a vector of filenames following a vector of pathfile patterns that are intrepreted in a ff-specific way.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! splitPathFile(x)
#! unsplitPathFile(splitted)
#! standardPathFile(x)
#! tempPathFile(splitted=NULL, path=splitted$path, prefix=splitted$file, extension=NULL)
#! fftempfile(x)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{x}{ a character vector of pathfile strings }
#!   \item{splitted}{ a return value from \code{splitPathFile} }
#!   \item{path}{ a character vector of path components }
#!   \item{prefix}{ a character vector of file components }
#!   \item{extension}{ optional extension like "csv" (or NULL) }
#! }
#! \details{
#!   \code{\link{dirname}} and \code{\link{basename}} remove trailing file separators and therefore cannot distinguish pathfile string that contains ONLY a path from a pathfile string that contains a path AND file.
#!   Therefore \code{\link{file.path}(dirname(pathfile), basename(pathfile))} cannot always restore the original pathfile string.
#!   \cr
#!   \code{splitPathFile} decomposes each pathfile string into three parts: a path BEFORE the last file separator, the file separator, the filename component AFTER the last file separator.
#!   If there is no file separator in the string, \code{splitPathFile} tries to guess whether the string is a path or a file component: ".", ".." and "~" are recognized as path components.
#!   No tilde expansion is done, see \code{\link{path.expand}}.
#!   Backslashes are converted to the current \code{\link{.Platform}$file.sep} using \code{splitPathFile} except for the first two leading backslashes indicating a network share.
#!   \cr
#!   \code{unsplitPathFile} restores the original pathfile-string vector up to translated backslashes.
#!   \cr
#!   \code{tempPathFile} internally uses \code{\link{tempfile}} to create its filenames, if an extension is given it repeats filename creation until none of them corresponds to an existing file.
#!   \cr
#!   \code{fftempfile} takes a path-prefix pattern as input, splits it,
#!   will replace an empty path by \code{getOption("fftempdir")} and will use \code{getOption("ffextension")} as extension.
#! }
#! \value{
#! A list with components
#!   \item{path}{ a character vector of path components }
#!   \item{fsep}{ a character vector of file separators or "" }
#!   \item{file}{ a character vector of file components }
#! }
#! \author{
#!   Jens Oehlschlägel
#! }
#! \note{
#!   There is no gurantee that the path and file components contain valid path- or file-names. Like \code{\link{basename}},  \code{splitPathFile} can return ".", ".." or even "", however, all these make sense as a prefix in tempPathFile.
#! }
#! \seealso{
#!   \code{\link{tempfile}}, \code{\link{dirname}}, \code{\link{basename}}, \code{\link{file.path}}
#! }
#! \examples{
#!   pathfile <- c("", ".", "/.", "./", "./.", "/"
#!   , "a", "a/", "/a", "a/a", "./a", "a/.", "c:/a/b/c", "c:/a/b/c/"
#!   , "..", "../", "/..", "../..", "//", "\\\\\\\\a\\\\", "\\\\\\\\a/"
#!   , "\\\\\\\\a/b", "\\\\\\\\a/b/", "~", "~/", "~/a", "~/a/")
#!   splitted <- splitPathFile(pathfile)
#!   restored <- unsplitPathFile(splitted)
#!   stopifnot(all(gsub("\\\\\\\\","/",restored)==gsub("\\\\\\\\","/",pathfile)))
#!   dirnam <- dirname(pathfile)
#!   basnam <- basename(pathfile)
#!   db  <- file.path(dirnam,basnam)
#!   ident = gsub("\\\\\\\\","/",db) == gsub("\\\\\\\\","/",pathfile)
#!   sum(!ident)
#!   do.call("data.frame", c(list(ident=ident, pathfile=pathfile
#!    , dirnam=dirnam, basnam=basnam), splitted))
#!   \dontrun{
#!     message("show the difference between tempfile and fftempfile")
#!     do.call("data.frame", c(list(ident=ident, pathfile=pathfile, dirnam=dirnam, basnam=basnam)
#! , splitted, list(filename=tempPathFile(splitted), fftempfile=fftempfile(pathfile))))
#!     message("for a single string splitPathFile is slower, 
#! for vectors of strings it scales much better than dirname+basename")
#!     system.time(for (i in 1:1000){
#!       d <- dirname(pathfile)
#!       b <- basename(pathfile)
#!     })
#!     system.time(for (i in 1:1000){
#!       s <- splitPathFile(pathfile)
#!     })
#!     len <- c(1,10,100,1000)
#!     timings <- matrix(0, 2, length(len), dimnames=list(c("dir.base.name", "splitPathFile"), len))
#!     for (j in seq(along=len)){
#!       l <- len[j]
#!       r <- 10000 / l
#!       x <- rep("\\\\\\\\a/b/", l)
#!       timings[1,j] <- system.time(for (i in 1:r){
#!           d <- dirname(x)
#!           b <- basename(x)
#!         })[3]
#!       timings[2,j] <- system.time(for (i in 1:r){
#!           s <- splitPathFile(x)
#!         })[3]
#!     }
#!     timings
#!   }
#! }
#! \keyword{file}

standardPathFile <- function(x){
  fsep <- .Platform$file.sep
  netshare <- substr(x, 1, 2) == "\\\\"
  if (any(netshare)){
    x[!netshare] <- gsub("\\\\", fsep, x[!netshare])
    y <- x[netshare]
    x[netshare] <- paste(substr(y, 1, 2), gsub("\\\\", fsep, substring(y, 3)), sep="")
    x <- gsub("\\\\", fsep, x)

splitPathFile <- function(x){
  fsep <- .Platform$file.sep
  x <- standardPathFile(x)
  n <- nchar(x)
  pos <- regexpr(paste(fsep, "[^", fsep, "]*$", sep=""), x)
  pos[pos<0] <- 0L
  path <- substr(x, 1, pos-1L)
  file <- substr(x, pos+1L, n)
  ratherpath <- !pos & !is.na(match(file, c(".", "..", "~")))
  if (any(ratherpath)){
    path[ratherpath] <- file[ratherpath]
    file[ratherpath] <- ""
  fsep <- rep(fsep, length(pos))
  fsep[!pos] <- ""
  list(path=path, fsep=fsep, file=file)

unsplitPathFile <- function(splitted){
  do.call("paste", c(splitted, list(sep="")))

tempPathFile <- function(splitted=NULL, path=splitted$path, prefix=splitted$file, extension=NULL){
  fsep <- .Platform$file.sep
  if (is.null(prefix))
    prefix <- ""
  ret <- tempfile(prefix, path)
  if (!is.null(extension)){
    n <- max(length(prefix),length(path))
    prefix <- rep(prefix, length.out=n)
    path <- rep(path, length.out=n)
    ret <- paste(ret, ".", extension, sep="")
    fe <- file.exists(ret)
    while (any(fe)){
      ret[fe] <- paste(tempfile(prefix[fe], path[fe]), ".", extension, sep="")
      fe[fe] <- file.exists(ret[fe])

fftempfile <- function(x){
  splitted <- splitPathFile(x)
  nopath <- splitted$path=="" & splitted$fsep==""
  if (any(nopath))
    splitted$path[nopath] <- getOption("fftempdir")
  tempPathFile(splitted, extension=getOption("ffextension"))

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ff documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:50 a.m.