
Defines functions puntosMedios fishIout fishIin toPolar toCartesian circulo circulin addNoise toHiperbolico OnClickMotion OnDobleClick MadjustPlus MadjustMinus IncVadjustPlus IncVadjustMinus MouseWheel centrarSalida HeavyWavoidCluttering H1WavoidCluttering plotPOI plotPOIGraph POICreate

Documented in addNoise centrarSalida circulin circulo fishIin fishIout H1WavoidCluttering HeavyWavoidCluttering IncVadjustMinus IncVadjustPlus MadjustMinus MadjustPlus MouseWheel OnClickMotion OnDobleClick plotPOI plotPOIGraph POICreate puntosMedios toCartesian toHiperbolico toPolar

# PACKAGE fisheyeR
# Aux functions

puntosMedios = function(Pcoords, detalle = 5){
  for (i in 1:detalle){
    new_pcoords = matrix(rep(0,4*nrow(Pcoords)), nrow = 2* nrow(Pcoords), byrow = T )
    cont = 0
    for (i in 1:nrow(Pcoords)){
	   if (i == nrow(Pcoords)) {
  		cont = cont + 1
  		new_pcoords[cont,] = Pcoords[i,]
  		cont = cont + 1
  		new_pcoords[cont,] = Pcoords[i,] - ((Pcoords[i,]-Pcoords[1,])/2)
  		cont = cont + 1
  		new_pcoords[cont,] = Pcoords[i,]
  		cont = cont + 1
  		new_pcoords[cont,] = Pcoords[i,] - ((Pcoords[i,]-Pcoords[i+1,])/2)}}
    Pcoords = new_pcoords}

fishIout = function(x, value){
  d = value
 	if (x > 0){
		signo = 1
		signo = -1
	x = abs(x)

fishIin = function(x, value){
  d = value
	if (x > 0){
		signo = 1
		signo = -1
	x = abs(x)


toPolar = function(x, y){
	t1 = atan2(y,x)
	rP = sqrt(x^2+y^2)
	return(c(t1 = t1,rP = rP))

toCartesian = function(t1, rP){
	x1 = rP*cos(t1)
	y1 = rP*sin(t1)
	return(c(x = x1,y = y1))

circulo =  function(cx, cy, r, circleCol, PLOT = TRUE){
	t = seq(0,2*pi,length=100)
	circle = t(rbind(cx+sin(t)*r,cy+cos(t)*r))
	if (PLOT == TRUE) plot(circle,type='l',,ylim=c(-1.15,1.15),xlim=c(-1.15,1.15),
		ann=FALSE, axes=F, col = circleCol)

circulin = function(cx, cy, r = 0.045, objeto, col = 'blue', PLOT = TRUE, label = 0){
	t = seq(0,2*pi,length=100)
	circle = t(rbind(cx+sin(t)*r,cy+cos(t)*r))
	points(circle,type='l', col = col)
	if (label != 0) text(cx,cy,label,cex = .7)
	insiders <- apply(objeto,1,function(co)(cx-co[1])^2+(cy-co[2])^2<r^2)
  assign('insiders', insiders , envir = POI.env)

addNoise = function(m, tamanyo = 0.01){
	noise = function(m, t = tamanyo){
		ruido = rnorm(length(m), 0,t)
	noised = noise(m)
	unicos = which(duplicated(m) == FALSE)
	m[-unicos,] = noised[-unicos,]

toHiperbolico = function(objeto, M = 1 , cx = 0, cy = 0, r = 1){
	insiders = apply(objeto,1,function(co)(cx-co[1])^2+(cy-co[2])^2<r^2)
	outers = which(insiders < 1)
	objetoP = matrix(toPolar(objeto[,1],objeto[,2]),nc=2)
	if (length(outers)){
			objetoP[outers,2] = 1
	objetoP[,2] = sapply(objetoP[,2],fishIin,M)
	objetoC = matrix(toCartesian(objetoP[,1],objetoP[,2]),nc=2)
  return(list(objetoC = objetoC,
              objetoP = objetoP))

resetear = function (x,y) {
  assign('xClick_old',x , envir = POI.env)
  assign('yClick_old',y , envir = POI.env)

OnClickMotion <- function(x,y)
  xClick <- x
  yClick <- y
  img = get('img',envir = POI.env)
  width  <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqwidth",img)))
  height <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqheight",img)))
  if (exists( 'xClick_old', env = POI.env) & exists( 'yClick_old', env = POI.env)) {
     xClick_old <- get('xClick_old', env = POI.env)
     yClick_old <- get('yClick_old', env = POI.env)
  } else {
     xClick_old <- xClick
     yClick_old <- yClick
  POI = get('POI',envir = POI.env)
  incrementoScale = POI@IncVscale
  POI@newcoords <- (as.numeric(xClick) - as.numeric(xClick_old)) * incrementoScale
  POI@newcoords_1  <- - ((as.numeric(yClick) - as.numeric(yClick_old))) * incrementoScale
  POI@selected <- 1
  assign('POI', POI, envir = POI.env)
  assign('xClick_old', xClick , envir = POI.env)
  assign('yClick_old', yClick , envir = POI.env)

OnDobleClick <- function(x,y)
  img = get('img',envir = POI.env)
  POI = get('POI',envir = POI.env)
  xCoords <- POI@objetoC[,1]
  yCoords <- POI@objetoC[,2]
  usrCoords   <- c(-1.242, 1.242, 1.242, -1.242 )
  xClick <- as.numeric(x)
  yClick <- as.numeric(y)
  width  <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqwidth",img)))
  height <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqheight",img)))
  xMin <- 0
  xMax <- width
  yMin <- 0
  yMax <- height
  rangeX <- usrCoords[2] - usrCoords[1]
  rangeY <- usrCoords[4] - usrCoords[3]
  imgXcoords <-  (xCoords-usrCoords[1])*(xMax-xMin)/rangeX + xMin
  imgYcoords <- (yCoords-usrCoords[3])*(yMax-yMin)/rangeY + yMin
  xPlotCoord <- usrCoords[1]+(xClick-xMin)*rangeX/(xMax-xMin)
  yPlotCoord <- usrCoords[3]+(yClick-yMin)*rangeY/(yMax-yMin)
  squared.Distance <- (xClick-imgXcoords)^2 + (yClick-imgYcoords)^2
  indexClosest <- which.min(squared.Distance)
  assign('indexClosest',indexClosest , envir = POI.env)

OnMiddleClick = function (x,y) {
  POI = get('POI',envir = POI.env)
  img = get('img',envir = POI.env)
  POI@selected <- 0
  POI@newcoords <- 0
  POI@newcoords_1 <- 0
  assign('POI',POI, envir = POI.env)

MadjustPlus = function(){
  POI = get('POI',envir = POI.env)
  img = get('img',envir = POI.env)
  POI@M <- POI@M + 1
  POI@newcoords <- 0
  POI@newcoords_1 <- 0
  assign('POI',POI, envir = POI.env)

MadjustMinus = function(){
   POI = get('POI',envir = POI.env)
   img = get('img',envir = POI.env)
   if(POI@M >= 0) {POI@M <- POI@M - 1 } else { POI@M <- 0}
   POI@newcoords <- 0
   POI@newcoords_1 <- 0
   assign('POI',POI, envir = POI.env)

IncVadjustPlus = function(){
   POI = get('POI',envir = POI.env)
   img = get('img',envir = POI.env)
   POI@IncVscale <- POI@IncVscale * 0.1
   POI@newcoords <- 0
   POI@newcoords_1 <- 0
   assign('POI',POI, envir = POI.env)

IncVadjustMinus = function(){
   POI = get('POI',envir = POI.env)
   img = get('img',envir = POI.env)
   POI@IncVscale <- POI@IncVscale * 10
   POI@newcoords <- 0
   POI@newcoords_1 <- 0
   assign('POI',POI, envir = POI.env)

MouseWheel = function(D){
   if(as.numeric(D)/120 == 1) {MadjustPlus()}
   if(as.numeric(D)/120 == -1) {MadjustMinus()}

centrarSalida = function() {
   POI = get('POI',envir = POI.env)
   img = get('img',envir = POI.env)
   POI@objeto[,1] <- rnorm(nrow(POI@objeto), 0, 0.005)
   POI@Pcoords[1,] <- c(0,0)
   POI@newcoords <- 0
   POI@newcoords_1 <- 0
   assign('POI',POI, envir = POI.env)

HeavyWavoidCluttering = function(object, value = 3) {
   m = round(object, value)
   duplis = duplicated(m)
   duplisb = duplicated(m,  fromLast=T)
   clust = duplis + duplisb
   unic = which( duplis == FALSE)
   return(list(newobjeto = matrix(object[unic,], ncol = 2), uniques = unic, clusters = clust))

H1WavoidCluttering = function(object, value = 3) {
   m = signif(object, value)
   duplis = duplicated(m)
   duplisb = duplicated(m,  fromLast=T)
   clust = duplis + duplisb
   unic = which( duplis == FALSE)
   return(list(newobjeto = matrix(object[unic,], ncol = 2), uniques = unic, clusters = clust))

plotPOI = function(POI){
  try(tkdestroy(get('tt', envir = POI.env)), silent = T)
  if (!exists('POI.env')){
     POI.env <<- new.env()
  if (require(tkrplot)) {
   tt <- tktoplevel()
   img <- tkrplot(tt,function() {POIPlot(POI)}, hscale = POI@hscale , vscale = POI@vscale )
   assign('tt', tt, envir = POI.env)
   assign('img', img, envir = POI.env)
   tkgrid(get('img',envir = POI.env)) 
   tkbind(get('img',envir = POI.env), "<B1-Motion>", OnClickMotion )  
   tkbind(get('img',envir = POI.env), "<Motion>", resetear)
   tkbind(get('img',envir = POI.env), "<Double-Button-1>",OnDobleClick)
   tkbind(get('img',envir = POI.env), "<Button-2>",OnMiddleClick)
   tkbind(get('tt',envir = POI.env),'+', MadjustPlus)
   tkbind(get('tt',envir = POI.env),'-', MadjustMinus)
   tkbind(get('tt',envir = POI.env),'0', IncVadjustPlus)
   tkbind(get('tt',envir = POI.env),'.', IncVadjustMinus)
   tkbind(get('tt',envir = POI.env),'<MouseWheel>', MouseWheel )
   } else {

plotPOIGraph = function(POI){
  try(tkdestroy(get('tt', envir = POI.env)), silent = T)
  if (!exists('POI.env')){
     POI.env <<- new.env()
  if (require(tkrplot)) {
    tt <- tktoplevel()
    img <- tkrplot(tt,function() {POIPlot(POI)}, hscale = POI@hscale , vscale = POI@vscale)
    assign('tt', tt, envir = POI.env)
    assign('img',img, envir = POI.env)
    tkgrid(get('img',envir = POI.env))
    tkbind(get('img',envir = POI.env), "<B1-Motion>", OnClickMotion )
    tkbind(get('img',envir = POI.env), "<Motion>", resetear)
    tkbind(get('img',envir = POI.env), "<Double-Button-1>",OnDobleClick)
    tkbind(get('img',envir = POI.env), "<Button-2>",OnMiddleClick)
    tkbind(get('tt',envir = POI.env),'+', MadjustPlus)
    tkbind(get('tt',envir = POI.env),'-', MadjustMinus)
    tkbind(get('tt',envir = POI.env),'0', IncVadjustPlus)
    tkbind(get('tt',envir = POI.env),'.', IncVadjustMinus)
    tkbind(get('tt',envir = POI.env),'<MouseWheel>', MouseWheel )    
  } else {

POICreate = function(type = 'POI',...) { 

Try the fisheyeR package in your browser

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fisheyeR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:47 a.m.