##' Computes estimated trajectories and their confidence intervals (using either
##' the delta method or importance sampling).
##' @title Prediction function for fitode objects
##' @param object fitode object
##' @param level the confidence level required
##' @param times time vector to predict over. Default is set to the time frame of the data.
##' @param method confidence interval method. Default is set to Delta method.
##' @param nsim number of simulations for mvrnorm, wmvrnorm methods
##' @return The estimated trajectories and their confidence intervals of the fitode object
##' @importFrom bbmle predict
##' @importFrom bbmle confint
##' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
##' @importFrom grDevices adjustcolor
##' @importFrom stats qnorm quantile
##' @docType methods
##' @exportMethod predict
setMethod("predict", "fitode",
method=c("delta", "impsamp", "wmvrnorm"),
if (missing(times)) times <- sort(unique(object@data$times))
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method=="impsamp") method <- "wmvrnorm"
model <- object@model
parms <- coef(object)
fixed <- object@fixed
if (method != "delta" || missing(level)) {
model <- Transform(model, keep_sensitivity=FALSE)
ss <- ode.solve(model, times, parms,
expr <- object@model@expr
frame <- c(parms, ss@solution)
df <- lapply(expr, function(e) {
m <- eval(e, frame)
names(df) <- sapply(lapply(model@observation, "[[", 2), deparse)
if (!missing(level)) {
nstate <- length(model@state)
npar <- length(model@par)
linklist <- object@mle2@data$linklist
ll <- (1-level)/2
clist <- switch(method,
sens <- ode.sensitivity(model,
fitted_parms <- coef(object, "links")
mu.eta <- apply_link(fitted_parms, linklist, "mu.eta")
sens <- lapply(sens, function(s) t(t(s) * mu.eta))
fitted.vcov <- vcov(object, "links")
if(any(diag(fitted.vcov < 0)))
warning("At least one entries in diag(vcov) is negative. Confidence interval will be accurate.")
tmp <- vector('list', length(expr))
for (i in 1:length(expr)) {
mean.vcov <- sens[[i]] %*% fitted.vcov %*% t(sens[[i]])
mean.err <- sqrt(diag(mean.vcov))
z <- -qnorm(ll)
tmp[[i]] <- data.frame(df[[i]]$estimate - z * mean.err, df[[i]]$estimate + z * mean.err)
wmv <- wmvrnorm(object, nsim=nsim)
lapply(wmv$simtraj, function(mat) {
t(apply(mat, 1, wquant, weights=wmv$weight, probs=c(ll, 1-ll)))
clist <- lapply(clist, function(cmat){
setNames(, c(paste(100*ll, "%"), paste(100*(1-ll), "%")))
df <- Map(cbind, df, clist)
attr(df, "loglik.ode") <- sapply(object@model@loglik, function(x) x@name)
##' Extracts estimated parameters (either on response scales or link scales)
##' @title Extract model coefficients from fitode objects
##' @param object fitode object
##' @param type type of coefficients. The default (\code{type=response}) is on the
##' response scale; this is the scale on which the model parameters are defined.
##' Alternatively, \code{type=link} can be used to obtain parameters on the estimated scale.
##' @return The estimated coefficients of the fitode object
##' @importFrom bbmle coef
##' @docType methods
##' @exportMethod coef
setMethod("coef", "fitode",
function(object,type=c("response", "links")){
type <- match.arg(type)
##' Extracts variance-covariance matrix (either on response scales or link scales)
##' @title Extract variance-covariance matrix from fitode objects
##' @param object fitode object
##' @param type type of covariance matrix. The default (\code{type=response}) is on the
##' response scale; this is the scale on which the model parameters are defined.
##' Alternatively, \code{type=link} can be used to obtain the covariance matrix on the estimated scale.
##' @return The variance-covariance matrix of the fitode object
##' @importFrom bbmle vcov
##' @docType methods
##' @exportMethod vcov
setMethod("vcov", "fitode",
function(object,type=c("response", "links")){
type <- match.arg(type)
##' Calculates standard error by taking the square root of the diagonal matrix
##' @title Extract standard error from fitode objects
##' @importFrom bbmle stdEr
##' @param x fitode object
##' @param type type of standard error. The default (\code{type=response}) is on the
##' response scale; this is the scale on which the model parameters are defined.
##' Alternatively, \code{type=link} can be used to obtain standard errors on the estimated scale.
##' @return The standard error of the fitode object
##' @docType methods
##' @exportMethod stdEr
setMethod("stdEr", "fitode", function(x,type=c("response", "links")){sqrt(diag(vcov(x, type)))})
##' Extract log-likelihood of a fit
##' @title Extract log-likelihood
##' @param object fitode object
##' @return The log-likelihood of the fitode object
##' @docType methods
##' @exportMethod logLik
setMethod("logLik", "fitode", function(object){-object@min})
##' Profile fitode objects
##' @param fitted fitted model object
##' @importFrom bbmle profile
##' @param which which parameter(s) to profile? (integer value)
##' @param alpha critical level
##' @param trace trace progress of computations?
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to mle2 profiling method
##' @return The log-likelihood profile of the fitode object
##' @exportMethod profile
setMethod("profile", "fitode",
...) {
## TODO: make this fancier?
p <- length(fitted@coef)
prof <- profile(fitted@mle2, which=which, continuation="naive", trace=trace,
##' Calculate confidence intervals for model parameters and their transformations using
##' (1) delta method, (2) profile likelihood, and (3) importance sampling.
##' @title Calculate confidence intervals from fitode objects for model parameters and their transformations
##' @param object fitode object
##' @param parm character vector specifying model parameters or list of formuals specifying transformations
##' @param level the confidence level required
##' @param method method for calculating confidence intervals
##' @param nsim number of simulations to be used for importance sampling
##' @param seed seed
##' @param ... extra arguments passed to profiling method
##' @return The confidence intervals for model parameters and their transformations of the fitode object
##' @docType methods
##' @exportMethod confint
setMethod("confint", "fitode",
function (object, parm, level=0.95,
method=c("delta", "profile", "impsamp", "wmvrnorm"),
...) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method=="impsamp") method <- "wmvrnorm"
cc <- coef(object)
ll <- (1-level)/2
linklist <- object@mle2@data$linklist
if (missing(parm)) parm <- names(object@coef)
if (skip.transformation <- all(is.character(parm))) {
if (!all(parm %in% object@model@par))
stop("`parm` does not correspond to model parameters.\n",
"`parm` must be a vector of model parameters or list of formulas")
if (method=="profile") {
prof <- profile(object, which=match(parm, names(object@coef)),
alpha=1-level, ...)
ci0 <- confint(prof, level=level)
if (length(parm)==1) ci0 <- t(as.matrix(ci0))
rownames(ci0) <- names(object@mle2@coef)[match(parm, names(object@coef))]
ci <- apply(ci0, 2, apply_link, linklist, "linkinv")
if (length(parm)==1) ci <- matrix(c(ci), nrow=1)
estimate <- matrix(coef(object)[parm], ncol=1)
res <- cbind(estimate, ci)
colnames(res) <- c("estimate", paste(100*ll, "%"), paste(100*(1-ll), "%"))
rownames(res) <- parm
parm <- lapply(parm, function(x) {
ee <-'~'), ee, ee))
} else if (is.list(parm)) {
if (method=="profile")
stop("profile is only available for model parameters")
## TODO: don't allow state variables... it gets complicated
frame <- as.list(cc)
expr <- lapply(parm, "[[", 3)
estimate <- try(sapply(expr, eval, frame))
if (inherits(estimate, "try-error")) {
stop("Specified formula(s) cannot be evaluated with estimated parameters")
estimate <- matrix(estimate, ncol=1)
if (method=="delta") {
fitted_parms <- coef(object, "links")
fitted_vcov <- vcov(object, "links")
z <- -qnorm(ll)
if (skip.transformation) {
fitted_parms <- fitted_parms[match(sapply(expr, as.character), object@model@par)]
est_err <- sqrt(diag(fitted_vcov))[match(sapply(expr, as.character), object@model@par)]
lwr <- apply_link(fitted_parms - z * est_err, linklist, "linkinv")
upr <- apply_link(fitted_parms + z * est_err, linklist, "linkinv")
res <- cbind(estimate, lwr, upr)
} else {
expr_sens <- lapply(parm, function(x) Deriv(x[[3]], names(object@coef)))
mu.eta <- apply_link(fitted_parms, linklist, "mu.eta")
sens <- t(sapply(expr_sens, function(x) eval(x, frame) * mu.eta))
est_vcov <- sens %*% fitted_vcov %*% t(sens)
est_err <- sqrt(diag(est_vcov))
res <- cbind(estimate, estimate - z * est_err, estimate + z*est_err)
} else {
wmv <- wmvrnorm(object, nsim=nsim, seed=seed)
samp <- matrix(c(apply(wmv$simpars_orig, 1, function(x) sapply(expr, eval, as.list(x)))), ncol=length(parm), byrow=TRUE)
res <- cbind(estimate, t(apply(samp, 2, wquant, weights=wmv$weight, prob=c(ll, 1-ll))))
colnames(res) <- c("estimate", paste(100*ll, "%"), paste(100*(1-ll), "%"))
rownames(res) <- sapply(parm, function(x) as.character(x[[2]]))
##' Summarize fitode objects;
##' returns estimate, standard error, and confidence intervals
##' @title Summarize fitode object
##' @param object fitode object
##' @return The summary of the fitode object
##' @importFrom bbmle summary
##' @docType methods
##' @exportMethod summary
function(object) {
mm <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(object@coef), ncol=4)
rownames(mm) <- names(object@coef)
colnames(mm) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "l-95% CI", "u-95% CI")
mm[,1] <- object@coef
if (all(colnames(object@vcov)==names(object@coef)))
mm[,2] <- stdEr(object)
mm[,3:4] <- confint(object)[,-1]
##' Show fitode objects
##' @title Show fitode objects
##' @param object fitode object
##' @return No return value, called for side effects
##' @docType methods
##' @exportMethod show
##' @keywords internal
setMethod("show", "fitode",
function(object) {
cat("Model:", object@model@name, "\n")
for(i in 1:length(object@model@observation)) {
cat(deparse(object@model@observation[[i]]), "\n")
cat("\nlink: ")
if (length(object@link)==0) {
} else {
cat(paste(paste0(names(object@link), " = ", object@link), collapse="; "))
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