
Defines functions premult.lowrank.nmode.prod.r1 premult.nmode.prod.r1 nmode.prod.lowrank nmode.prod.r1 nmode.prod.vec

#   N-mode products generalize matrix-vector products and constitute the key
# operations for this package. They currently work for matrices, sparse
# matrices (as implemented by package Matrix), 3-dimensional tensors (which
# should be input as arrays), and low-rank matrices and tensors (objects of
# class "lowrank" which are stored as lists of matrices of dimension d_n x k).
# Ideally, they would also accept sparse tensors and tensors of arbitrary
# dimension, but I am not aware of any good R packages for handling these types
# of object.

nmode.ops.error <- paste("N-mode products are not yet implemented for",
                         "objects of that class and/or dimension.")

# X is a m_1 x m_2 (x m_3) matrix (array) and v is an m_n-vector. The n-mode
#   product multiplies the jth n-slice of X by v_j and then sums the slices
#   together. For example, the 3-mode product of a 3-dimensional tensor is
#   \sum_k v_k X_{ijk}. v can be set to 1 to indicate an m_n-vector of all
#   ones.
nmode.prod.vec <- function(X, v, n) {
  # Matrices and sparse matrices:
  if (is.matrix(X) || inherits(X, "Matrix")) {
    if (n == 1 && identical(v, 1))
    if (n == 1)
      return(as.vector(v %*% X))
    if (n == 2 && identical(v, 1))
    if (n == 2)
      return(as.vector(X %*% v))

  # Low-rank matrices:
  if (inherits(X, "lowrank") && length(X) == 2) {
    if (identical(v, 1))
      u <- colSums(X[[n]])
      u <- t(v %*% X[[n]])

    return(as.vector(X[[-n]] %*% u))

  # 3-dimensional tensors:
  if (is.array(X) && length(dim(X) == 3)) {
    if (n == 1 && identical(v, 1))
      return(apply(X, 3, colSums))
    if (n == 1)
      return(apply(X, 3, FUN = function(M) {t(v) %*% M}))
    if (n == 2 && identical(v, 1))
      return(apply(X, 3, rowSums))
    if (n == 2)
      return(apply(X, 3, FUN = function(M) {M %*% v}))
    if (n == 3 && identical(v, 1))
      return(apply(X, 2, rowSums))
    if (n == 3)
      return(apply(X, 2, FUN = function(M) {M %*% v}))

  # Low-rank tensors (returns a low-rank matrix):
  if (inherits(X, "lowrank") && length(X) == 3) {
    if (identical(v, 1))
      u <- colSums(X[[n]])
      u <- as.vector(v %*% X[[n]])

    retval <- X[-n]
    smaller.dim <- which.min(c(nrow(retval[[1]]), nrow(retval[[2]])))
    retval[[smaller.dim]] <- t(t(retval[[smaller.dim]]) * u)
    class(retval) <- "lowrank"


# X is a m_1 x m_2 (x m_3) matrix (array), r1 is a r1 object whose dimension
#   is one less than X, and n indicates the dimension that is omitted. For
#   matrices, this is simply the usual matrix product of X and the vector
#   in r1. For tensors, it is the n-mode product of X and the rank-one matrix
#   formed by the outer product of the vectors in r1. For example, if
#   r1 = list(u, v) and n = 1, then \sum_{j, k} u_j v_k X_{ijk} is returned.
#   Any of the list elements in r1 can be set to 1 to indicate a vector of all
#   ones.
nmode.prod.r1 <- function(X, r1, n) {
  if (is.null(X))

  if (identical(X, 1)) {

  if (is.matrix(X)
      || inherits(X, "Matrix")
      || (inherits(X, "lowrank") && length(X) == 2)) {
    return(nmode.prod.vec(X, unlist(r1), (1:2)[-n]))

  if ((is.array(X) && (length(dim(X)) == 3))
      || (inherits(X, "lowrank") && length(X) == 3)) {
    ns <- (1:3)[-n]
    # Go backwards (otherwise indices get messed up).
    return(nmode.prod.vec(nmode.prod.vec(X, r1[[2]], ns[2]), r1[[1]], ns[1]))


nmode.prod.lowrank <- function(X, Y, n) {
  # Matrices and sparse matrices:
  if (is.matrix(X) || inherits(X, "Matrix")) {
    if (n == 1)
      return(as.matrix(X %*% Y[[1]]))
    if (n == 2)
      return(t(as.matrix(t(Y[[1]]) %*% X)))

  # Low-rank matrix representations:
  if (inherits(X, "lowrank") && (length(X) == 2)) {
    if (n == 1)
      return(X[[1]] %*% (t(X[[2]]) %*% Y[[1]]))
    if (n == 2)
      return(X[[2]] %*% (t(X[[1]]) %*% Y[[1]]))

  if ((is.array(X) && (length(dim(X)) == 3))
      || (inherits(X, "lowrank") && (length(X) == 3))) {
    stop("N-mode products of tensors with matrices have not yet been implemented.")


# The following calculates the n-mode product between the matrix or tensor
#   X * LF (where LF is low-rank and multiplication is elementwise) and an r1
#   object. The idea is both to avoid forming a large matrix (or tensor) and
#   to be able to take advantage of any sparsity in X (since LF will not in
#   general be sparse, simply performing elementwise multiplication will
#   destroy sparsity in X).
premult.nmode.prod.r1 <- function(Z, X, r1, n) {
  if (is.null(X))

  if (inherits(X, "lowrank"))
    return(premult.lowrank.nmode.prod.r1(Z, X, r1, n))

  if (inherits(Z, "lowrank"))
    return(premult.lowrank.nmode.prod.r1(X, Z, r1, n))

  return(nmode.prod.r1(Z * X, r1, n))

premult.lowrank.nmode.prod.r1 <- function(Z, lowrank, r1, n) {
  if (identical(Z, 1)) {
    return(nmode.prod.r1(lowrank, r1, n))

  # Matrices:
  if (length(lowrank) == 2) {
    u <- unlist(r1) * lowrank[[-n]]

    if (inherits(Z, "lowrank") && n == 1)
      return(rowSums(lowrank[[1]] * (Z[[1]] %*% crossprod(Z[[2]], u))))
    if (inherits(Z, "lowrank") && n == 2)
      return(rowSums(lowrank[[2]] * (Z[[2]] %*% t(crossprod(u, Z[[1]])))))
    if (n == 1)
      return(Matrix::rowSums(lowrank[[1]] * (Z %*% u)))
    if (n == 2)
      return(Matrix::colSums(t(lowrank[[2]]) * (t(u) %*% Z)))

  # 3-dimensional tensors:
  if (length(lowrank) == 3) {
    ns <- (1:3)[-n]
    # Sum over third (or second) index. Get k m_1 x m_2 (or m_1 x m_3) matrices
    #   stacked on top of one another.
    tmp <- nmode.prod.vec(Z, r1[[2]] * lowrank[[ns[2]]], ns[[2]])
    if (inherits(tmp, "lowrank"))
      tmp <- lowrank.expand(tmp)
    # Elementwise multiply by an m_1 x k or m_2 x k matrix, then sum over the
    #   m_ index.
    if (ns[[1]] == 1) {
      tmp <- tmp * as.vector(lowrank[[1]] * r1[[1]])
      tmp <- Matrix::colSums(matrix(tmp, nrow = dim(Z)[1]))
      # Have m_n k vectors concatenated one after another.
                             * matrix(tmp, nrow = dim(Z)[n], byrow = TRUE)))
    } else { # ns[[1]] == 2
      tmp <- tmp * rep(t(lowrank[[2]] * r1[[1]]), each = dim(Z)[1])
      tmp <- Matrix::rowSums(tmp)
      # Have k m_n vectors concatenated one after another.
      return(Matrix::rowSums(lowrank[[n]] * matrix(tmp, nrow = dim(Z)[n])))


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