
Defines functions fastintTDft_WCEbase_GLM fastintTDft_base2_GLM fastintTDft_base_GLM intTDft_base_NC_debug slowintTDft_WCEbase_NC intTDft_WCEbase_GL intTDft_WCEbase_NC intTDft_WCEbase_NC0 intTDft_base_GL intTDft_base2_NC intTDft_base_NC0 intTDft_base_NC

intTDft_base_NC <- function(func=function(x) return(x), intFrom, intTo,
		step, Nstep, intweightsfunc = intweights_CAV_SIM,
	# compute numerical integral of func*base_i(t)  in [intFrom , intTo] following Newton_Cote method
	# func : (vector of) function to integrate, func(t, ...)
	# intFrom : lower bound (vector)
	# intTo   : upper bound (vector)
	# Spline : Spline parameters
	# step : vector of the steps (one row per T)
	# Nstep : vector of the number of steps ((intTo - intFrom) = Nstep * step), Nstep is even
	# intweightfunc function for computing weights : 
	#     - NC-2 : Cavalieri-Simpson method intweight_CAV_SIM(), Nstep is even
	#     - NC-3 : Simpson 3/8   intweight_SIM_3_8(), Nstep = 3*1
	#     - NC-4 : Boole intweight_BOOLE(), Nstep = 4 I
	# intToStatus : unused but present for compatibility with inTD_GLM
	# ... : parameters of func()
	res<-matrix(0, nrow = length(intTo), ncol = Spline@nbases + Spline@log)
	for(i in 1:length(intTo)){
		# vector of evaluated t
		theT <- intFrom[i] + (0:Nstep[i])*step[i]
		# matrix of the evaluated functions (nt row, nfunc col)
		FF <- func(theT, i, ...)
		TBase <- fevaluate(Spline, theT, intercept=TRUE)
		# weights 1 * nt matrix
		w<-intweightsfunc(Nstep[i], step[i]) 
# numerical integration
		res[i,] <- crossprod(w*FF, TBase)

# la version avec calcul dans C ne fonctionne pas en X64
intTDft_base_NC0 <- function(func=function(x) return(x), intFrom, intTo,
		step, Nstep, degree = 4L, intweightsfunc = intweights_CAV_SIM,
	# compute numerical integral of func*base_i(t)  in [intFrom , intTo] following Newton_Cote method
	# func : (vector of) function to integrate, func(t, ...)
	# intFrom : lower bound (vector)
	# intTo   : upper bound (vector)
	# Spline : Spline parameters
	# step : vector of the steps (one row per T)
	# Nstep : vector of the number of steps ((intTo - intFrom) = Nstep * step), Nstep is even
	# intweightfunc function for computing weights : 
	#     - NC-2 : Cavalieri-Simpson method intweight_CAV_SIM(), Nstep is even
	#     - NC-3 : Simpson 3/8   intweight_SIM_3_8(), Nstep = 3*1
	#     - NC-4 : Boole intweight_BOOLE(), Nstep = 4 I
	# intToStatus : unused but present for compatibility with inTD_GLM
	# ... : parameters of func()
	func <- match.fun(func)
	ff1 <- function(x, i){
		func(x, i, ...)
	ff2 <- function(x) {
		fevaluate(Spline, x, intercept=TRUE)
#    res <- .External(C_call_intTDft_NC, ff, rho = environment(), 
#                     as.double(intFrom), as.double(intTo),
#                     as.double(step), as.integer(Nstep),
#                     as.integer(intweightsfunc), 
#                     as.integer(debug))
	res <- .Call(C_intTDftbase_NC, ff1, ff2,
			as.double(intFrom), as.double(intTo),
			as.double(step), as.integer(Nstep), as.integer(max(Nstep)+1L),
			as.integer(degree), as.integer(getNBases(Spline)), environment())

intTDft_base2_NC <- function(func=function(x) return(x), intFrom, intTo, FromT,
		step, Nstep, intweightsfunc = intweights_CAV_SIM,
	#similar to intTDft_base_NC but
	# compute numerical integral of func*base_i(t - FromT)  in [intFrom , intTo] following Newton_Cote method
	# func : (vector of) function to integrate, func(t, ...)
	# intFrom : lower bound (vector)
	# intTo   : upper bound (vector)
	# Spline : Spline parameters
	# step : vector of the steps (one row per T)
	# Nstep : vector of the number of steps ((intTo - intFrom) = Nstep * step), Nstep is even
	# intweightfunc function for computing weights : 
	#     - NC-2 : Cavalieri-Simpson method intweight_CAV_SIM(), Nstep is even
	#     - NC-3 : Simpson 3/8   intweight_SIM_3_8(), Nstep = 3*1
	#     - NC-4 : Boole intweight_BOOLE(), Nstep = 4 I
	# intToStatus : unused but present for compatibility with inTD_GLM
	# ... : parameters of func()
	res<-matrix(0, nrow = length(intTo), ncol = Spline@nbases + Spline@log)
	for(i in 1:length(intTo)){
		# vector of evaluated t
		theT <- intFrom[i] + (0:Nstep[i])*step[i]
		# evaluate spline basis at t - intFrom
		TBase <- fevaluate(Spline, theT - FromT[i], intercept=TRUE)
		# matrix of the evaluated functions (nt row, nfunc col)
		FF <- func(theT, i, ...)
		# weights 1 * nt matrix
		w<-intweightsfunc(Nstep[i], step[i])
# numerical integration
		res[i,] <- crossprod(w*FF, TBase)
#  cat("outinintTD_NC\n")

intTDft_base_GL <- function(func=function(x) x, intFrom, intTo,
		step, Nstep,
		intweightsfunc = NULL,
	# compute numerical integral of func*base_i(intFrom)  in [intFrom , intTo] Gauss Legendre quadrature
	# func : (vector of) function to integrate, func(t, ...)
	# intFrom : lower bound (vector)
	# intTo   : upper bound (vector)
	# Spline : Spline parameters
	# step : points of the quadrature
	# Nstep : weights of the quadrature
	# intweightfunc : unused
	# intToStatus : unused but present for compatibility with inTD_GLM
	# ... : parameters of func()
	res<-matrix(0, nrow = length(intFrom), ncol = Spline@nbases + Spline@log)
	Tmid <- (intTo + intFrom)/2
	dT   <- (intTo - intFrom)/2
	for(i in 1:length(intFrom)){
		# vector of evaluated t
		theT <- dT[i] * step + Tmid[i]
		# matrix of the evaluated functions (nt row, nfunc col)
		FF <- func(theT, i, ...)
		TBase <- fevaluate(Spline, theT, intercept=TRUE)
# numerical integration
		res[i,] <- crossprod(Nstep*FF, TBase)
	res * dT

intTDft_WCEbase_NC0 <- function(func=function(x) return(x), intFrom, intTo, 
		Spline, intercept,
		theW, fromT, FirstId, LastId,
		step, Nstep, intweightsfunc = intweights_CAV_SIM,
	#similar to intTDft_base_NC but
	# compute numerical integral_intFrom^intTo {sum_o=firstid^j  theW[o] base_i(t - fromT[o])} func(t) dt    following Newton_Cote method
	# ie      numerical integral_intFrom^intTo {sum_o=firstid^j  gradwce(t, theW, fromTo) func(t) dt    following Newton_Cote method
	# func : (vector of) function to integrate, func(t, ...)
	# intFrom : lower bound (vector)
	# intTo   : upper bound (vector)
	# fromT : begining of the time intervalle of the time-to-event exposure
	# FirstId : all lines in FirstId[iT]:iT in the data comes from the same individual 
	# Spline : integrated Spline parameters of the wce to integrate
	# intercept : =FALSE if intercept is removed
	# theW : vectot of increment of exposure 
	# step : vector of the steps (one row per T)
	# Nstep : vector of the number of steps ((intTo - intFrom) = Nstep * step), Nstep is even
	# intweightfunc function for computing weights : 
	#     - NC-2 : Cavalieri-Simpson method intweight_CAV_SIM(), Nstep is even
	#     - NC-3 : Simpson 3/8   intweight_SIM_3_8(), Nstep = 3*1
	#     - NC-4 : Boole intweight_BOOLE(), Nstep = 4 I
	# intToStatus : unused but present for compatibility with inTD_GLM
	# ... : parameters of func()
	res<-matrix(0, nrow = length(intTo), ncol = Spline@nbases + Spline@log - (1 - intercept))
	for(i in 1:length(intTo)){
		# vector of evaluated t
		theT <- intFrom[i] + (0:Nstep[i])*step[i]
		TBase <- 0
		# gradient of WCE at theT
		TBase <- gradientwce(object=Spline, t=theT, Increment=theW, fromT=fromT, tId=rep(i, Nstep[i]+1),
				FirstId=FirstId, LastId=LastId, intercept=intercept, outer.ok=TRUE)
		# matrix of the evaluated functions (nt row, nfunc col)
		FF <- func(theT, i, fromT=fromT, FirstId=FirstId, LastId=LastId, ...)
		# weights 1 * nt matrix
		w<-intweightsfunc(Nstep[i], step[i])
# numerical integration
		res[i,] <- crossprod(w*FF, TBase)
#  cat("outinintTD_NC\n")

intTDft_WCEbase_NC <- function(func=function(x) return(x), intFrom, intTo, 
		Spline, intercept,
		theW, fromT, FirstId, LastId,
		step, Nstep, degree = 4L, intweightsfunc = intweights_CAV_SIM,
	#similar to intTDft_base_NC but
	# compute numerical integral_intFrom^intTo {sum_o=firstid^j  theW[o] base_i(t - fromT[o])} func(t) dt    following Newton_Cote method
	# ie      numerical integral_intFrom^intTo {sum_o=firstid^j  gradwce(t, theW, fromTo) func(t) dt    following Newton_Cote method
	# func : (vector of) function to integrate, func(t, ...)
	# intFrom : lower bound (vector)
	# intTo   : upper bound (vector)
	# fromT : begining of the time intervalle of the time-to-event exposure
	# FirstId : all lines in FirstId[iT]:iT in the data comes from the same individual 
	# Spline : integrated Spline parameters of the wce to integrate
	# intercept : =FALSE if intercept is removed
	# theW : vectot of increment of exposure 
	# step : vector of the steps (one row per T)
	# Nstep : vector of the number of steps ((intTo - intFrom) = Nstep * step), Nstep is even
	# intweightfunc function for computing weights : 
	#     - NC-2 : Cavalieri-Simpson method intweight_CAV_SIM(), Nstep is even
	#     - NC-3 : Simpson 3/8   intweight_SIM_3_8(), Nstep = 3*1
	#     - NC-4 : Boole intweight_BOOLE(), Nstep = 4 I
	# intToStatus : unused but present for compatibility with inTD_GLM
	# ... : parameters of func()
	func <- match.fun(func)
	ff1 <- function(x, i) {
		func(x, i, fromT=fromT, FirstId=FirstId, LastId=LastId, ...)
	ff2 <- function(x, i) {
		gradientwce(object=Spline, t=x, Increment=theW, fromT=fromT, tId=rep(i, Nstep[i]+1),
				FirstId=FirstId, LastId=LastId, intercept=intercept, outer.ok=TRUE)
#    res <- .External(C_call_intTDft_NC, ff, rho = environment(), 
#                     as.double(intFrom), as.double(intTo),
#                     as.double(step), as.integer(Nstep),
#                     as.integer(intweightsfunc), 
#                     as.integer(debug))
	res <- .Call(C_intTDftwcebase_NC, ff1, ff2,
			as.double(intFrom), as.double(intTo),
			as.double(step), as.integer(Nstep), as.integer(max(Nstep)),
			as.integer(degree), as.integer(getNBases(Spline)-1+intercept), environment())

intTDft_WCEbase_GL <- function(func=function(x) return(x), intFrom, intTo,
		Spline, intercept,
		theW, fromT, toT, FirstId, LastId,
		step, Nstep, intweightsfunc = intweights_CAV_SIM,
	#similar to intTDft_base_LG but
	# compute numerical integral_intFrom^intTo {sum_o=firstid^j  theW[o] base_i(t - fromT[o])} func(t) dt    following Gauss Legendre quadrature
	# ie      numerical integral_intFrom^intTo {sum_o=firstid^j  gradwce(t, theW, fromTo) func(t) dt    following  Gauss Legendre quadrature
	# func : (vector of) function to integrate, func(t, ...)
	# intFrom : lower bound (vector)
	# intTo   : upper bound (vector)
	# FirstId : all lines in FirstId[iT]:iT in the data comes from the same individual 
	# Spline : integrated Spline parameters of the wce to integrate
	# intercept : =FALSE if intercept is removed
	# theW : vectot of increment of exposure 
	# step : points of the quadrature
	# Nstep : weights of the quadrature
	# intweightfunc : unused
	# intToStatus : unused but present for compatibility with inTD_GLM
	# ... : parameters of func()
	res<-matrix(0, nrow = length(intTo), ncol = Spline@nbases + Spline@log)
	Tmid <- (intTo + intFrom)/2
	dT   <- (intTo - intFrom)/2
	npoints <- length(step)
	for(i in 1:length(intTo)){
		# vector of evaluated t
		theT <- dT[i] * step + Tmid[i]
		TBase <- 0
		# gradient of WCE at theT
		TBase <- gradientwce(object=Spline, t=theT, Increment=theW, fromT=fromT, tId=rep(i, npoints),
				FirstId=FirstId, LastId=LastId, intercept=intercept, outer.ok=TRUE)
		# matrix of the evaluated functions (nt row, nfunc col)
		FF <- func(theT, i, fromT=fromT, FirstId=FirstId, LastId=LastId, ...)
# numerical integration
		res[i,] <- crossprod(Nstep*FF, TBase)
	dT * res  

slowintTDft_WCEbase_NC <- function(func=function(x) return(x), intFrom, intTo, 
		Spline, intercept,
		theW, fromT, toT, FirstId, LastId,
		step, Nstep, intweightsfunc = intweights_CAV_SIM,
	#similar to intTDft_base_NC but
	# compute sum_o=firstid^j  theW[o] numerical integral_intFrom^intTo func(t) *base_i(t - fromT[o])   following Newton_Cote method
	# func : (vector of) function to integrate, func(t, ...)
	# intFrom : lower bound (vector)
	# intTo   : upper bound (vector)
	# FirstId : all lines in FirstId[iT]:iT in the data comes from the same individual 
	# Spline : Spline parameters of the base to integrate
	# intercept : =FALSE if intercept is removed
	# theW : vectot of increment of exposure 
	# step : vector of the steps (one row per T)
	# Nstep : vector of the number of steps ((intTo - intFrom) = Nstep * step), Nstep is even
	# intweightfunc function for computing weights : 
	#     - NC-2 : Cavalieri-Simpson method intweight_CAV_SIM(), Nstep is even
	#     - NC-3 : Simpson 3/8   intweight_SIM_3_8(), Nstep = 3*1
	#     - NC-4 : Boole intweight_BOOLE(), Nstep = 4 I
	# intToStatus : unused but present for compatibility with inTD_GLM
	# ... : parameters of func()
	res<-matrix(0, nrow = length(intTo), ncol = Spline@nbases + Spline@log)
	for(i in 1:length(intTo)){
		# vector of evaluated t
		theT <- intFrom[i] + (0:Nstep[i])*step[i]
		TBase <- 0
		for(iId in FirstId[i]:i){
			# evaluate spline basis at t - fromT[o]
			TBase <- TBase +  theW[iId] * fevaluate(Spline, theT-fromT[i], intercept=intercept)
		# matrix of the evaluated functions (nt row, nfunc col)
		FF <- func(theT, i, fromT=fromT, FirstId=FirstId, LastId=LastId, ...)
		# weights 1 * nt matrix
		w<-intweightsfunc(Nstep[i], step[i])
# numerical integration
		res[i,] <- crossprod(w*FF, TBase)
#  cat("outinintTD_NC\n")

intTDft_base_NC_debug<- function(func=function(x) return(x), intFrom, intTo,
		step, Nstep, intweightsfunc = intweights_CAV_SIM,
	# compute numerical integral of func*base_i(t)  in [intFrom , intTo] following Newton_Cote method
	# func : (vector of) function to integrate, func(t, ...)
	# intFrom : lower bound (vector)
	# intTo   : upper bound (vector)
	# Spline : Spline parameters
	# step : vector of the steps (one row per T)
	# Nstep : vector of the number of steps ((intTo - intFrom) = Nstep * step), Nstep is even
	# intweightfunc function for computing weights : 
	#     - NC-2 : Cavalieri-Simpson method intweight_CAV_SIM(), Nstep is even
	#     - NC-3 : Simpson 3/8   intweight_SIM_3_8(), Nstep = 3*1
	#     - NC-4 : Boole intweight_BOOLE(), Nstep = 4 I
	# intToStatus : unused but present for compatibility with inTD_GLM
	# ... : parameters of func()
	cat("lengthT lengthNstep step \n")
	cat(length(T), length(Nstep), length(step))
	print(cbind(T,Nstep, step)[1:20,])
	res<-matrix(0, nrow = length(intTo), ncol = Spline@nbases + Spline@log)
	for(i in 1:length(intTo)){
		# vector of evaluated t
		theT <- intFrom[i] + (0:Nstep[i])*step[i]
		TBase <- fevaluate(Spline, theT, intercept=TRUE)
		# vector of the evaluated functions
		FF <- func(theT, i, ...)
		# weights
		w<-intweightsfunc(Nstep[i], step[i])
# numerical integration
		res[i,] <- crossprod(w*FF, TBase)

fastintTDft_base_GLM <- function(func=function(x) return(x), intFrom, intTo,
		step, Nstep, intweightsfunc=NULL,
	# compute numerical integral of func*b_i(t) in [intFrom , intTo] for equivalence with the poisson GLM trick
	# func : function to integrate, func(t, ...)
	# intFrom : lower bound (vector)
	# intTo   : upper bound (vector)
	# Spline : Spline parameters
	# step : object of class GLMStepParam
	# Nstep : index of the first and last complete band ( intFrom[i] < step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]] <= step@cuts[Nstep[i,2]+1] < intTo)
	#                                                    ( intFrom[i] < step@points[Nstep[i,1]] <= step@points[Nstep[i,2]] < intTo)
	# intweightsfunc=NULL, not used, for compatibility with ind_TD_base_NC
	# intToStatus : status at intTo
	# ... : parameters of func()
	if(debug>200) {
	res<-matrix(0, nrow = length(intFrom), ncol = Spline@nbases+Spline@log)
	# matrix of bases evaluated at the points and T
	allTBase <- fevaluate(Spline,step@points , intercept=TRUE)
	Tpoints <- ifelse(intToStatus, intTo,  (step@cuts[1+Nstep[,2]]+intTo)/2) 
	TBaseatintTo <- fevaluate(Spline, Tpoints , intercept=TRUE)
	TBaseatintFrom <- fevaluate(Spline, (step@cuts[Nstep[,1]]+intFrom)/2 , intercept=TRUE)
	for(i in 1:length(intTo)){
		# vector of evaluated t
		if(Nstep[i,2]>= Nstep[i,1]){
			# at least one complete step
			theT <- c((step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]]+intFrom[i])/2,
					step@points[Nstep[i,1]:Nstep[i,2]] ,
					Tpoints[i] )
			# vector of the evaluated functions
			FF <- func(theT, i, ...)
			# weights
			w<- c(step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]] - intFrom[i],
			# numerical integration of the complete bands
			res[i,] <- crossprod(w*FF,
					rbind( TBaseatintFrom[i,],
							allTBase[Nstep[i,1]:Nstep[i,2],, drop=FALSE],
		else if(Nstep[i,2] - Nstep[i,1] == -1L){
# intFrom and intTo are in 2 successive bands
			# Nstep[i,2] + 1 =  Nstep[i,1]
			theT <- c((step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]]+intFrom[i])/2,
					Tpoints[i] )
			# vector of the evaluated functions
			FF <- func(theT, i, ...)
			# weights
			w<- c(step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]] - intFrom[i],
			# numerical integration of the complete bands
			res[i,] <- crossprod(w*FF,
					rbind( TBaseatintFrom[i,], TBaseatintTo[i,]))
		else { #if((Nstep[i,2] - Nstep[i,1]) == -2L){
# intFrom and intTo are in the same band
			if( intToStatus[i]!=0 ){
				res[i,] <- (intTo[i]- intFrom[i]) * func(intTo[i], i, ...) * TBaseatintTo[i,]
			else {
				res[i,] <-  ((intTo[i] - intFrom[i]) * func((intTo[i] + intFrom[i])/2, i,  ...)) %*% fevaluate(Spline, (intTo[i] + intFrom[i])/2 , intercept=TRUE) #[,,drop=TRUE] 

fastintTDft_base2_GLM <- function(func=function(x) return(x), intFrom, intTo, fromT, toT,
		step, Nstep, intweightsfunc=NULL,
	#similar to fastintTDft_base2_GLM but
	# compute numerical integral of func*b_i(t-FromT) in [intFrom , intTo] for equivalence with the poisson GLM trick
	# func : function to integrate, func(t, ...)
	# intFrom : lower bound (vector)
	# intTo   : upper bound (vector)
	# Spline : Spline parameters
	# step : object of class GLMStepParam
	# Nstep : index of the first and last complete band ( intFrom[i] < step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]] <= step@cuts[Nstep[i,2]+1] < intTo)
	#                                                    ( intFrom[i] < step@points[Nstep[i,1]] <= step@points[Nstep[i,2]] < intTo)
	# intweightsfunc=NULL, not used, for compatibility with ind_TD_base_NC
	# intToStatus : status at intTo
	# ... : parameters of func()
	if(debug>200) {
	res<-matrix(0, nrow = length(intFrom), ncol = Spline@nbases+Spline@log)
	# matrix of bases evaluated at the points and T
	Tpoints <- ifelse(intToStatus, intTo,  (step@cuts[1+Nstep[,2]]+intTo)/2) 
	TBaseatintTo <- fevaluate(Spline, Tpoints - fromT, intercept=TRUE)
	TBaseatintFrom <- fevaluate(Spline, (step@cuts[Nstep[,1]] - fromT)/2 , intercept=TRUE)
	for(i in 1:length(intTo)){
		# vector of evaluated t
		if(Nstep[i,2]>= Nstep[i,1]){
			# at least one complete step
			theT <- c((step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]]+intFrom[i])/2,
					step@points[Nstep[i,1]:Nstep[i,2]] ,
					Tpoints[i] )
			#evaluated bases 
			allTBase <- fevaluate(Spline, theT - fromT[i], intercept=TRUE)
			# vector of the evaluated functions
			FF <- func(theT, i, ...)
			# weights
			w<- c(step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]] - intFrom[i],
			# numerical integration of the complete bands
			res[i,] <- crossprod(w*FF, allTBase)
		else if(Nstep[i,2] - Nstep[i,1] == -1L){
# intFrom and intTo are in 2 successive bands
			# Nstep[i,2] + 1 =  Nstep[i,1]
			theT <- c((step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]]+intFrom[i])/2,
					Tpoints[i] )
			#evaluated bases 
			allTBase <- fevaluate(Spline, theT - fromT[i], intercept=TRUE)
			# vector of the evaluated functions
			FF <- func(theT, i, ...)
			# weights
			w<- c(step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]] - intFrom[i],
			# numerical integration of the complete bands
			res[i,] <- crossprod(w*FF, allTBase)
		else { #if((Nstep[i,2] - Nstep[i,1]) == -2L){
# intFrom and intTo are in the same band
			if( intToStatus[i]!=0 ){
				res[i,] <- (intTo[i]- intFrom[i]) * func(intTo[i], i, ...) %*% fevaluate(Spline, intTo[i] - fromT[i], intercept=TRUE) #[,,drop=TRUE]
			else {
				res[i,] <- ((intTo[i] - intFrom[i]) * func((intTo[i] + intFrom[i])/2, i,  ...)) %*% fevaluate(Spline, (intTo[i] - fromT[i])/2 , intercept=TRUE) #[,,drop=TRUE] 

fastintTDft_WCEbase_GLM <- function(func=function(x) return(x), intFrom, intTo, fromT, toT, FirstId, LastId,
		Spline, intercept, theW, 
		step, Nstep, intweightsfunc=NULL,
	#similar to fastintTDft_base2_GLM but
	# compute sum_o=firstid^j  theW[o] numerical integral_intFrom^intTo func(t) *base_i(t - fromT[o]) for equivalence with the poisson GLM trick
	# func : function to integrate, func(t, ...)
	# intFrom : lower bound (vector)
	# intTo   : upper bound (vector)
	# FirstId : all lines in FirstId[iT]:iT in the data comes from the same individual 
	# Spline : Spline parameters of the base to integrate
	# intercept : =FALSE if intercept is removed
	# theW : vectot of increment of exposure 
	# step : object of class GLMStepParam
	# Nstep : index of the first and last complete band ( intFrom[i] < step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]] <= step@cuts[Nstep[i,2]+1] < intTo)
	#                                                    ( intFrom[i] < step@points[Nstep[i,1]] <= step@points[Nstep[i,2]] < intTo)
	# intweightsfunc=NULL, not used, for compatibility with ind_TD_base_NC
	# intToStatus : status at intTo
	# ... : parameters of func()
	if(debug>200) {
	res<-matrix(0, nrow = length(intFrom), ncol = Spline@nbases+Spline@log)
	# matrix of bases evaluated at the points and T
	Tpoints <- ifelse(intToStatus, intTo,  (step@cuts[1+Nstep[,2]]+intTo)/2) 
	TBaseatintTo <- fevaluate(Spline, Tpoints - fromT, intercept=intercept)
	TBaseatintFrom <- fevaluate(Spline, (step@cuts[Nstep[,1]] - fromT)/2 , intercept=intercept)
	for(i in 1:length(intTo)){
		# vector of evaluated t
		if(Nstep[i,2]>= Nstep[i,1]){
			# at least one complete step
			theT <- c((step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]]+intFrom[i])/2,
					step@points[Nstep[i,1]:Nstep[i,2]] ,
					Tpoints[i] )
			#evaluated bases 
			allTBase <- 0
			for(iId in FirstId[i]:i){
				# evaluate spline basis at t - fromT[o]
				allTBase <- allTBase +  theW[iId] * fevaluate(Spline, theT-fromT[iId], intercept=intercept)
			# vector of the evaluated functions
			FF <- func(theT, i, fromT=fromT, FirstId=FirstId, LastId=LastId, ...)
#        print("theT - fromT")
#        print(theT-fromT[i])
#        print("rate FF")
#        print(log(FF))
#        print("allbase")
#        print(cbind(theT-fromT[i], log(FF), allTBase))
			# weights
			w<- c(step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]] - intFrom[i],
			# numerical integration of the complete bands
			res[i,] <- crossprod(w*FF, allTBase)
		else if(Nstep[i,2] - Nstep[i,1] == -1L){
# intFrom and intTo are in 2 successive bands328.4213
			# Nstep[i,2] + 1 =  Nstep[i,1]
			theT <- c((step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]]+intFrom[i])/2,
					Tpoints[i] )
			#evaluated bases 
			allTBase <- 0
			for(iId in FirstId[i]:i){
				# evaluate spline basis at t - fromT[o]
				allTBase <- allTBase +  theW[iId] * fevaluate(Spline, theT-fromT[iId], intercept=intercept)
			# vector of the evaluated functions
			FF <- func(theT, i, fromT=fromT, FirstId=FirstId, LastId=LastId, ...)
			# weights
			w<- c(step@cuts[Nstep[i,1]] - intFrom[i],
			# numerical integration of the complete bands
			res[i,] <- crossprod(w*FF, allTBase)
		else { #if((Nstep[i,2] - Nstep[i,1]) == -2L){
# intFrom and intTo are in the same band
			if( intToStatus[i]!=0 ){
				theT <- intTo[i]
			else {
				theT <- (intTo[i] + intFrom[i])/2
			#evaluated bases 
			allTBase <- 0
			for(iId in FirstId[i]:i){
				# evaluate spline basis at t - fromT[o]
				allTBase <- allTBase +  theW[iId] * fevaluate(Spline, theT-fromT[iId], intercept=intercept)
			res[i,] <- (intTo[i]- intFrom[i]) * func(intTo[i], i, fromT=fromT, FirstId=FirstId, LastId=LastId, ...) %*% allTBase #[,,drop=TRUE]

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flexrsurv documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:09 p.m.