Man pages for flexsurv
Flexible Parametric Survival and Multi-State Models

AICcSecond-order Akaike information criterion
AICc.flexsurvregSecond-order Akaike information criterion
AIC.fmsmAkaike's information criterion from a flexible parametric...
ajfitAalen-Johansen nonparametric estimates comparable to a fitted...
ajfit_flexsurvmixForms a tidy data frame for plotting the fit of parametric...
ajfit_fmsmCheck the fit of Markov flexible parametric multi-state...
augment.flexsurvregAugment data with information from a flexsurv model object
basisNatural cubic spline basis
bcBreast cancer survival data
BIC.flexsurvregBayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for comparison of...
bootci.fmsmBootstrap confidence intervals for flexsurv output functions
bosBronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplants
coef.flexsurvregExtract model coefficients from fitted flexible survival...
coxsnell_flexsurvregCox-Snell residuals from a parametric survival model
dot-hessianNumerical evaluation of the hessian of a function using...
dot-hess_to_covhelper function to safely convert a Hessian matrix to...
flexsurvmixFlexible parametric mixture models for times to competing...
flexsurv-packageflexsurv: Flexible parametric survival and multi-state models
flexsurvregFlexible parametric regression for time-to-event data
flexsurvrtruncFlexible parametric models for right-truncated, uncensored...
flexsurvsplineFlexible survival regression using the Royston/Parmar spline...
fmixmsmConstructor for a mixture multi-state model based on...
fmsmConstruct a multi-state model from a set of parametric...
GenFGeneralized F distribution
GenF.origGeneralized F distribution (original parameterisation)
GenGammaGeneralized gamma distribution
GenGamma.origGeneralized gamma distribution (original parameterisation)
get_baseparsEvaluate baseline time-to-event distribution parameters given...
glance.flexsurvregGlance at a flexsurv model object
GompertzThe Gompertz distribution
hazardHazard and cumulative hazard functions
hr_flexsurvregHazard ratio as a function of time from a parametric survival...
lines.flexsurvregAdd fitted flexible survival curves to a plot
LlogisThe log-logistic distribution
logLik.flexsurvregLog likelihood from a flexsurvreg model
meanfinal_fmixmsmMean time to final state in a mixture multi-state model
mean_flexsurvmixMean times to events from a flexsurvmix model
meansMean and restricted mean survival functions
model.frame.flexsurvmixModel frame from a flexsurvmix object
model.frame.flexsurvregExtract original data from 'flexsurvreg' objects.
msfit.flexsurvregCumulative intensity function for parametric multi-state...
nobs.flexsurvregNumber of observations contributing to a fitted flexible...
normboot.flexsurvregSimulate from the asymptotic normal distribution of parameter...
pars.fmsmTransition-specific parameters in a flexible parametric...
pdf_flexsurvmixFitted densities for times to events in a flexsurvmix model
pfinal_fmsmProbabilities of final states in a flexible parametric...
p_flexsurvmixTransition probabilities from a flexsurvmix model
plot.flexsurvregPlots of fitted flexible survival models
plot.standsurvPlot standardized metrics from a fitted flexsurv model
plot_survtruncPlot nonparametric estimates of survival from right-truncated...
pmatrix.fsTransition probability matrix from a fully-parametric,...
pmatrix.simfsTransition probability matrix from a fully-parametric,...
ppath_fmixmsmProbability of each pathway taken through a mixture...
predict.flexsurvregPredictions from flexible survival models
probs_flexsurvmixProbabilities of competing events from a flexsurvmix model
qfinal_fmixmsmQuantiles of the distribution of the time until reaching a...
qgenericGeneric function to find quantiles of a distribution
quantile_flexsurvmixQuantiles of time-to-event distributions in a flexsurvmix...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
residuals.flexsurvregCalculate residuals for flexible survival models
rmst_flexsurvmixRestricted mean times to events from a flexsurvmix model
rmst_genericGeneric function to find restricted mean survival time for...
simfinal_fmsmSimulate and summarise final outcomes from a flexible...
sim.fmsmSimulate paths through a fully parametric semi-Markov...
simfs_bytransReformat simulated multi-state data with one row per...
simt_flexsurvmixSimulate times to competing events from a mixture multi-state...
simulate.flexsurvregSimulate censored time-to-event data from a fitted...
standsurvMarginal survival and hazards of fitted flexsurvreg models
summary.flexsurvregSummaries of fitted flexible survival models
summary.flexsurvrtruncSummarise quantities of interest from fitted flexsurvrtrunc...
survrtruncNonparametric estimator of survival from right-truncated,...
SurvsplineRoyston/Parmar spline survival distribution
SurvsplinekRoyston/Parmar spline survival distribution functions with...
tidy.flexsurvregTidy a flexsurv model object
tidy.standsurvTidy a standsurv object.
totlos.fsTotal length of stay in particular states for a...
totlos.simfsExpected total length of stay in specific states, from a...
unroll.functionConvert a function with matrix arguments to a function with...
vcov.flexsurvregVariance-covariance matrix from a flexsurvreg model
WeibullPHWeibull distribution in proportional hazards parameterisation
flexsurv documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:23 a.m.