summary.flexsurvrtrunc: Summarise quantities of interest from fitted flexsurvrtrunc...

View source: R/summary.flexsurvrtrunc.R

summary.flexsurvrtruncR Documentation

Summarise quantities of interest from fitted flexsurvrtrunc models


This function extracts quantities of interest from the untruncated version of a model with individual-specific right truncation points fitted by flexsurvrtrunc. Note that covariates are currently not supported by flexsurvrtrunc.


## S3 method for class 'flexsurvrtrunc'
  type = "survival",
  fn = NULL,
  t = NULL,
  quantiles = 0.5,
  ci = TRUE,
  se = FALSE,
  B = 1000,
  cl = 0.95,



Output from flexsurvreg or flexsurvspline, representing a fitted survival model object.


"survival" for survival probabilities.

"cumhaz" for cumulative hazards.

"hazard" for hazards.

"rmst" for restricted mean survival.

"mean" for mean survival.

"median" for median survival (alternative to type="quantile" with quantiles=0.5).

"quantile" for quantiles of the survival time distribution.

Ignored if "fn" is specified.


Custom function of the parameters to summarise against time. This has optional first argument t representing time, and any remaining arguments must be parameters of the distribution. It should return a vector of the same length as t.


Times to calculate fitted values for. By default, these are the sorted unique observation (including censoring) times in the data - for left-truncated datasets these are the "stop" times.


If type="quantile", this specifies the quantiles of the survival time distribution to return estimates for.


Set to FALSE to omit confidence intervals.


Set to TRUE to include standard errors.


Number of simulations from the normal asymptotic distribution of the estimates used to calculate confidence intervals or standard errors. Decrease for greater speed at the expense of accuracy, or set B=0 to turn off calculation of CIs and SEs.


Width of symmetric confidence intervals, relative to 1.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently unused.

flexsurv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:08 a.m.