# main -----
#' @export
#' @title Tabulation of aggregations
#' @description It tabulates a data.frame representing an aggregation
#' which is then transformed as a flextable with
#' [as_flextable][as_flextable.tabulator]. The function
#' allows to define any display with the syntax of flextable in
#' a table whose layout is showing dimensions of the aggregation
#' across rows and columns.
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' <img src="" alt="tabulator illustration" style="width:100\%;">
#' }}
#' @note
#' This is very first version of the function; be aware it
#' can evolve or change.
#' @param x an aggregated data.frame
#' @param rows column names to use in rows dimensions
#' @param columns column names to use in columns dimensions
#' @param datasup_first additional data that will be merged with
#' table and placed after the columns presenting
#' the row dimensions.
#' @param datasup_last additional data that will be merged with
#' table and placed at the end of the table.
#' @param hidden_data additional data that will be merged with
#' table, the columns are not presented but can be used
#' with [compose()] or [mk_par()] function.
#' @param row_compose a list of call to [as_paragraph()] - these
#' calls will be applied to the row dimensions (the name is
#' used to target the displayed column).
#' @param ... named arguments calling function [as_paragraph()].
#' The names are used as labels and the values are evaluated
#' when the flextable is created.
#' @return an object of class `tabulator`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set_flextable_defaults(digits = 2, border.color = "gray")
#' library(data.table)
#' # example 1 ----
#' if (require("stats")) {
#' dat <- aggregate(breaks ~ wool + tension,
#' data = warpbreaks, mean
#' )
#' cft_1 <- tabulator(
#' x = dat, rows = "wool",
#' columns = "tension",
#' `mean` = as_paragraph(as_chunk(breaks)),
#' `(N)` = as_paragraph(as_chunk(length(breaks), formatter = fmt_int))
#' )
#' ft_1 <- as_flextable(cft_1)
#' ft_1
#' }
#' # example 2 ----
#' if (require("ggplot2")) {
#' multi_fun <- function(x) {
#' list(mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x))
#' }
#' dat <-
#' dat <- dat[cut %in% c("Fair", "Good", "Very Good")]
#' dat <- dat[, unlist(lapply(.SD, multi_fun),
#' recursive = FALSE
#' ),
#' .SDcols = c("z", "y"),
#' by = c("cut", "color")
#' ]
#' tab_2 <- tabulator(
#' x = dat, rows = "color",
#' columns = "cut",
#' `z stats` = as_paragraph(as_chunk(fmt_avg_dev(z.mean,, digit2 = 2))),
#' `y stats` = as_paragraph(as_chunk(fmt_avg_dev(y.mean,, digit2 = 2)))
#' )
#' ft_2 <- as_flextable(tab_2)
#' ft_2 <- autofit(x = ft_2, add_w = .05)
#' ft_2
#' }
#' # example 3 ----
#' # data.table version
#' dat <- melt(,
#' id.vars = "Species",
#' = "name", = "value"
#' )
#' dat <- dat[,
#' list(
#' avg = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE),
#' sd = sd(value, na.rm = TRUE)
#' ),
#' by = c("Species", "name")
#' ]
#' # dplyr version
#' # library(dplyr)
#' # dat <- iris %>%
#' # pivot_longer(cols = -c(Species)) %>%
#' # group_by(Species, name) %>%
#' # summarise(avg = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE),
#' # sd = sd(value, na.rm = TRUE),
#' # .groups = "drop")
#' tab_3 <- tabulator(
#' x = dat, rows = c("Species"),
#' columns = "name",
#' `mean (sd)` = as_paragraph(
#' as_chunk(avg),
#' " (", as_chunk(sd), ")"
#' )
#' )
#' ft_3 <- as_flextable(tab_3)
#' ft_3
#' init_flextable_defaults()
#' }
#' @importFrom rlang enquos enquo call_args
#' @importFrom data.table rleidv
#' @seealso [as_flextable.tabulator()], [summarizor()],
#' [as_grouped_data()], [tabulator_colnames()]
tabulator <- function(x, rows, columns,
datasup_first = NULL,
datasup_last = NULL,
hidden_data = NULL,
row_compose = list(),
...) {
`rows can not be empty` = length(rows) > 0,
`columns can not be empty` = length(columns) > 0
use_labels <- attr(x, "use_labels")
n_by <- attr(x, "n_by")
x <-
row_compose <- enquo(row_compose)
row_compose <- call_args(row_compose)
col_exprs <- enquos(...)
data_colnames <- setdiff(colnames(x), c(rows, columns))
col_expr_names <- names(col_exprs)
hidden_columns <- (
dat = x, columns = columns,
rows = rows
x <- add_fake_columns(x, col_expr_names)
supp_colnames <- setdiff(colnames(datasup_first), rows)
supp_colnames_last <- setdiff(colnames(datasup_last), rows)
visible_columns <- map_visible_columns(
dat = x, columns = columns, rows = rows,
supp_colnames = supp_colnames,
supp_colnames_last = supp_colnames_last,
value_names = col_expr_names
# check dimensions
cts <-[, c("cts") := .N, by = c(columns, rows)]
cts <- cts[cts$cts > 1, ]
if (nrow(cts) > 0) {
all_dims <- paste0("`", c(columns, rows), "`", collapse = ", ")
"number of rows is not unique for some combinations of rows and columns: %s.",
.formula <- paste(
paste0("`", rows, "`", collapse = "+"),
"~", paste0("`", columns, "`", collapse = "+")
value_vars <- c(data_colnames, col_expr_names)
dat <- dcast(
data =,
formula = .formula,
value.var = value_vars, sep = "@"
dat <- merge_additional_dataset(dat, datasup_first, rows = rows)
dat <- merge_additional_dataset(dat, hidden_data, rows = rows)
dat <- merge_additional_dataset(dat, datasup_last, rows = rows)
z <- list(
data = dat,
rows = rows,
columns = columns,
visible_columns = visible_columns,
hidden_columns = hidden_columns,
col_exprs = col_exprs,
row_exprs = row_compose,
use_labels = use_labels,
n_by = n_by
class(z) <- "tabulator"
#' @export
#' @title Transform a 'tabulator' object into a flextable
#' @description [tabulator()] object can be transformed as a flextable
#' with method [as_flextable()].
#' @param x result from [tabulator()]
#' @param separate_with columns used to sepatate the groups
#' with an horizontal line.
#' @param big_border,small_border big and small border properties defined
#' by a call to [fp_border_default()] or [officer::fp_border()].
#' @param rows_alignment,columns_alignment alignments to apply to
#' columns corresponding to `rows` and `columns`; see arguments
#' `rows` and `columns` in [tabulator()].
#' @param label_rows labels to use for the first column names, i.e.
#' the *row* column names. It must be a named vector, the values will
#' be matched based on the names.
#' @param spread_first_col if TRUE, first row is spread as a new line separator
#' instead of being a column. This helps to reduce the width and allows for
#' clear divisions.
#' @param expand_single if FALSE (the default), groups with only one
#' row will not be expanded with a title row. If TRUE,
#' single row groups and multi-row groups are all
#' restructured.
#' @param sep_w blank column separators'width to be used. If 0,
#' blank column separators will not be used.
#' @param unit unit of argument `sep_w`, one of "in", "cm", "mm".
#' @param ... unused argument
#' @family as_flextable methods
#' @seealso [summarizor()], [as_grouped_data()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(flextable)
#' set_flextable_defaults(digits = 2, border.color = "gray")
#' if (require("stats")) {
#' dat <- aggregate(breaks ~ wool + tension,
#' data = warpbreaks, mean
#' )
#' cft_1 <- tabulator(
#' x = dat,
#' rows = "wool",
#' columns = "tension",
#' `mean` = as_paragraph(as_chunk(breaks)),
#' `(N)` = as_paragraph(
#' as_chunk(length(breaks))
#' )
#' )
#' ft_1 <- as_flextable(cft_1, sep_w = .1)
#' ft_1
#' }
#' if (require("stats")) {
#' set_flextable_defaults(
#' padding = 1, font.size = 9,
#' border.color = "orange"
#' )
#' ft_2 <- as_flextable(cft_1, sep_w = 0)
#' ft_2
#' }
#' if (require("stats")) {
#' set_flextable_defaults(
#' padding = 6, font.size = 11,
#' border.color = "white",
#' font.color = "white",
#' background.color = "#333333"
#' )
#' ft_3 <- as_flextable(
#' x = cft_1, sep_w = 0,
#' rows_alignment = "center",
#' columns_alignment = "right"
#' )
#' ft_3
#' }
#' init_flextable_defaults()
#' }
as_flextable.tabulator <- function(
x, separate_with = character(0),
big_border = fp_border_default(width = 1.5),
small_border = fp_border_default(width = .75),
rows_alignment = "left", columns_alignment = "center",
label_rows = x$rows, spread_first_col = FALSE,
expand_single = FALSE,
sep_w = .05, unit = "in", ...) {
# get necessary element
dat <- x$data
rows <- x$rows
columns <- x$columns
if (spread_first_col) {
dat <- as_grouped_data(dat, groups = rows[1], expand_single = expand_single)
visible_columns <- x$visible_columns
hidden_columns <- x$hidden_columns
col_exprs <- x$col_exprs
if (sep_w < 0.001) {
visible_columns <- visible_columns[!visible_columns[[".tab_columns"]] %in% "dummy", ]
visible_columns_keys <- visible_columns[
visible_columns$.type. %in% "columns" &
!visible_columns[[".tab_columns"]] %in% "dummy",
blank_columns <- visible_columns[
visible_columns[[".tab_columns"]] %in% "dummy", "col_keys"
# create border_h_major from separate_with
`separate_with is not part of rows` =
length(separate_with) < 1 || all(separate_with %in% rows)
border_h_major <- integer()
if (length(separate_with) > 0) {
rle <- rleidv(dat[separate_with])
border_h_major <- which(rle != c(-1, rle[-length(rle)])) - 1
border_h_major <- setdiff(border_h_major, 0)
if (length(separate_with) > 0 && spread_first_col) {
border_h_major <- setdiff(border_h_major, which(![[rows[1]]])))
if (spread_first_col) {
visible_columns <- visible_columns[-1, ]
# for later iteration, a list of visible columns
# to use when filling the table
visible_columns_mapping <- visible_columns[visible_columns$.type. %in% "columns" & !visible_columns[[".tab_columns"]] %in% "dummy", ]
visible_columns_mapping$.type. <- NULL
visible_columns_mapping <- split(visible_columns_mapping, visible_columns_mapping[columns], drop = TRUE)
# for later iteration, a list of hidden columns that can
# be used by expressions defined by the user
hidden_columns_mapping <- split(hidden_columns, hidden_columns[columns], drop = TRUE)
ft <- flextable(dat, col_keys = visible_columns$col_keys)
ft <- border_remove(ft)
labels_tab <- visible_columns
labels_tab <- labels_tab[!labels_tab$.tab_columns %in% "dummy", ]
if (length(col_exprs) > 1) {
labels <- labels_tab$.tab_columns
names(labels) <- labels_tab$col_keys
ft <- set_header_labels(x = ft, values = labels)
} else {
labels <- labels_tab[[columns[length(columns)]]]
names(labels) <- labels_tab$col_keys
ft <- set_header_labels(x = ft, values = labels)
columns <- columns[-length(columns)]
for (j in names(visible_columns_mapping)) {
visible_columns_mapping_j <- visible_columns_mapping[[j]]
replication_info <- hidden_columns_mapping[[j]]
ft$body$dataset[as.character(replication_info$.user_columns)] <- ft$body$dataset[replication_info$col_keys]
for (i in seq_len(nrow(visible_columns_mapping_j))) {
colname <- visible_columns_mapping_j[i, "col_keys"]
exp_name <- visible_columns_mapping_j[i, ".tab_columns"]
ft <- mk_par(ft, j = colname, value = !!col_exprs[[exp_name]])
ft$body$dataset[as.character(replication_info$.user_columns)] <- rep(list(NULL), nrow(replication_info))
row_spanner <- character(length = 0L)
if (spread_first_col) {
row_spanner <- rows[1]
rows <- rows[-1]
# treatment of groups
rleid_ <-, dat[row_spanner])
table_rleid <- table(rleid_[[[row_spanner]])])
table_uid <- as.integer(names(table_rleid[table_rleid > 1])) - 1 # considered as title row for non single group
# write title rows for non single groups
sel <- rleid_ %in% table_uid
row_spanner_labels <- dat[[row_spanner]][sel]
ft <- mk_par(ft, i = sel, value = as_paragraph(row_spanner_labels))
ft <- merge_h(ft, i = sel)
# write title rows for single groups
sna <- ![[row_spanner]])
sna <- c(sna[-length(sna)] == sna[-1], FALSE) & sna
row_spanner_labels <- dat[[row_spanner]][sna]
ft <- mk_par(ft, i = sna, j = 1, value = as_paragraph(row_spanner_labels))
ft <- merge_v(ft, j = rows, part = "body")
ft <- valign(ft, valign = "top", j = rows)
for (j in names(x$row_exprs)) {
if (!j %in% row_spanner) {
ft <- mk_par(ft, i = ![[j]]), j = j, value = !!x$row_exprs[[j]])
} else {
ft <- mk_par(ft, i = ![[j]]), j = 1, value = !!x$row_exprs[[j]])
for (column in rev(columns)) {
rel_ <- rle(visible_columns[[column]])
rel_$values[rel_$values %in% "dummy"] <- ""
ft <- add_header_row(
x = ft,
values = rel_$values,
colwidths = rel_$lengths, top = TRUE
ft <- hline(ft,
i = 1, j = which(!visible_columns[[column]] %in% c("dummy", rows)),
border = small_border,
part = "header"
ft <- align(x = ft, i = 1, align = "center", part = "header")
rows_supp <- visible_columns$col_keys[
visible_columns$.type. %in% c("rows_supp", "rows_supp_last") &
!visible_columns$.tab_columns %in% "dummy"
ft <- merge_v(
x = ft,
j = c(rows, rows_supp), part = "header"
ft <- valign(ft, valign = "bottom", j = c(rows, rows_supp), part = "header")
ft <- valign(ft, valign = "top", part = "body")
ft <- align(x = ft, j = visible_columns_keys, align = columns_alignment, part = "all")
ft <- align(x = ft, j = c(rows, rows_supp), align = rows_alignment, part = "all")
if (sep_w > 0) {
ft <- padding(ft, j = blank_columns, padding = 0, part = "all")
# dummy as blank columns
ft <- hline(ft, i = border_h_major, border = small_border)
ft <- hline(ft,
i = nrow_part(ft, part = "header"),
j = setdiff(visible_columns$col_keys, blank_columns),
border = big_border, part = "header"
ft <- hline_top(x = ft, border = big_border, part = "header")
ft <- hline_bottom(x = ft, border = big_border, part = "body")
if (sep_w > 0) {
ft <- border(ft,
j = blank_columns, = fp_border_default(width = 0),
border.bottom = fp_border_default(width = 0),
part = "all"
ft <- bg(ft, j = blank_columns, bg = "transparent", part = "all")
ft <- void(ft, j = blank_columns, part = "all")
ft <- width(ft, j = blank_columns, width = sep_w, unit = unit)
if (!is.null(names(label_rows))) {
j_labs <- names(label_rows)
if (spread_first_col) {
j_labs <- j_labs[!names(label_rows) %in% row_spanner]
label_rows <- label_rows[!names(label_rows) %in% row_spanner]
ft <- mk_par(ft,
i = 1, j = j_labs,
value = as_paragraph(as.character(label_rows)),
part = "header"
if (spread_first_col) {
ft <- align(x = ft, i = ![[row_spanner]]), align = columns_alignment)
if (!is.null(x$use_labels)) {
for (labj in names(x$use_labels)) {
if (labj %in% ft$col_keys) {
ft <- labelizor(
x = ft, j = labj,
labels = x$use_labels[[labj]],
part = "all"
if (!is.null(x$n_by) && length(x$columns) == 1L) {
sum_x <- visible_columns
grp_labels <- sum_x[sum_x$.tab_columns %in% names(x$col_exprs)[1] & sum_x$.type. %in% "columns", x$columns]
col_keys <- sum_x[sum_x$.tab_columns %in% names(x$col_exprs)[1] & sum_x$.type. %in% "columns", "col_keys"]
names(col_keys) <- grp_labels
cts <- x$n_by$n
names(cts) <- x$n_by[[x$columns]]
for (lvl in names(cts)) {
ft <- append_chunks(
x = ft,
j = col_keys[lvl], i = 1, part = "header",
as_chunk(cts[lvl], formatter = fmt_header_n)
ft <- autofit(ft, part = "all", add_w = .2, add_h = .0, unit = "cm")
ft <- fix_border_issues(ft, part = "all")
# util methods -----
#' @export
#' @describeIn tabulator call `summary()` to get
#' a data.frame describing mappings between variables
#' and their names in the flextable. This data.frame contains
#' a column named `col_keys` where are stored the names that
#' can be used for further selections.
#' @param object an object returned by function
#' `tabulator()`.
summary.tabulator <- function(object, ...) {
hidden_columns <- object$hidden_columns
names(hidden_columns)[names(hidden_columns) %in% ".user_columns"] <- "column"
hidden_columns$.type. <- "hidden"
visible_columns <- object$visible_columns
names(visible_columns)[names(visible_columns) %in% ".tab_columns"] <- "column"
dat <- rbind(visible_columns, hidden_columns)
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang quo_text
#' @title Column keys of tabulator objects
#' @description The function provides a way to get column keys
#' associated with the flextable corresponding to a [tabulator()]
#' object. It helps in customizing or programing with `tabulator`.
#' The function is using column names from the original
#' dataset, eventually filters and returns the names
#' corresponding to the selection.
#' @param x a [tabulator()] object
#' @param columns column names to look for
#' @param type the type of column to look for, it can be:
#' * 'columns': visible columns, corresponding to names provided
#' in the '...' arguments of your call to 'tabulator()'.
#' * 'hidden': unvisible columns, corresponding to names of
#' the original dataset columns.
#' * 'rows': visible columns used as 'row' content
#' * 'rows_supp': visible columns used as 'rows_supp' content
#' * NULL: any type of column
#' @param ... any filter conditions that use variables
#' names, the same than the argument `columns` of function [tabulator()]
#' (`tabulator(columns = c("col1", "col2"))`).
#' @seealso [tabulator()], [as_flextable.tabulator()]
#' @examples
#' library(flextable)
#' cancer_dat <- data.frame(
#' count = c(
#' 9L, 5L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 9L, 3L, 1L, 10L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 0L, 3L,
#' 2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 0L, 12L, 4L, 1L, 7L, 3L, 1L, 5L, 5L, 3L, 10L,
#' 4L, 1L, 4L, 2L, 0L, 3L, 1L, 0L, 4L, 4L, 2L, 42L, 28L, 19L, 26L,
#' 19L, 11L, 12L, 10L, 7L, 10L, 5L, 6L, 5L, 0L, 3L, 4L, 3L, 3L,
#' 1L, 2L, 3L
#' ),
#' risktime = c(
#' 157L, 77L, 21L, 139L, 68L, 17L, 126L, 63L, 14L, 102L, 55L,
#' 12L, 88L, 50L, 10L, 82L, 45L, 8L, 76L, 42L, 6L, 134L, 71L,
#' 22L, 110L, 63L, 18L, 96L, 58L, 14L, 86L, 42L, 10L, 66L,
#' 35L, 8L, 59L, 32L, 8L, 51L, 28L, 6L, 212L, 130L, 101L,
#' 136L, 72L, 63L, 90L, 42L, 43L, 64L, 21L, 32L, 47L, 14L,
#' 21L, 39L, 13L, 14L, 29L, 7L, 10L
#' ),
#' time = rep(as.character(1:7), 3),
#' histology = rep(as.character(1:3), 21),
#' stage = rep(as.character(1:3), each = 21)
#' )
#' datasup_first <- data.frame(
#' time = factor(1:7, levels = 1:7),
#' zzz = runif(7)
#' )
#' z <- tabulator(cancer_dat,
#' rows = "time",
#' columns = c("histology", "stage"),
#' datasup_first = datasup_first,
#' n = as_paragraph(as_chunk(count))
#' )
#' j <- tabulator_colnames(
#' x = z, type = "columns",
#' columns = c("n"),
#' stage %in% 1
#' )
#' src <- tabulator_colnames(
#' x = z, type = "hidden",
#' columns = c("count"),
#' stage %in% 1
#' )
#' if (require("scales")) {
#' colourer <- col_numeric(
#' palette = c("wheat", "red"),
#' domain = c(0, 45)
#' )
#' ft_1 <- as_flextable(z)
#' ft_1 <- bg(
#' ft_1,
#' bg = colourer, part = "body",
#' j = j, source = src
#' )
#' ft_1
#' }
tabulator_colnames <- function(x, columns, ..., type = NULL) {
dat <- summary(x)
if (!is.null(type)) {
dat <- dat[dat$.type. %in% type, ]
exprs <- enquos(...)
exprs_evals <- lapply(exprs, function(expr_filter, dat) {
check_filter_expr(expr_filter, dat)
eval_tidy({{ expr_filter }}, data = dat)
}, dat = dat)
exprs_evals <- append(exprs_evals, list(dat$column %in% columns))
keep <- Reduce(`&`, exprs_evals)
dat["col_keys"][keep, ]
#' @export
print.tabulator <- function(x, ...) {
"* row(s): ",
paste0("`", x$rows, "`", collapse = ", "),
"* column(s): ",
paste0("`", x$columns, "`", collapse = ", "),
"* content(s): ",
paste0("`", names(x$col_exprs), "`", collapse = ", "),
visible_columns <- x$visible_columns
columns_keys <- visible_columns[visible_columns$.type. %in% "columns" & !visible_columns[[".tab_columns"]] %in% "dummy", "col_keys"]
cat("\ncol_keys: c(",
paste0(shQuote(columns_keys, type = "cmd"), collapse = ", "),
sep = ""
# utils -----
#' @importFrom rlang quo_text
check_filter_expr <- function(filter_expr, x) {
filter_varnames <- all.vars(filter_expr)
missing_varnames <- setdiff(filter_varnames, colnames(x))
if (length(missing_varnames) > 0) {
"`%s` is using unknown variable(s): %s",
paste0("`", missing_varnames, "`", collapse = ",")
call. = FALSE
add_fake_columns <- function(x, fake_columns) {
x[fake_columns] <- rep(list(character(nrow(x))), length(fake_columns))
merge_additional_dataset <- function(a, b, rows) {
if (!is.null(b)) {
by <- intersect(rows, colnames(b))
a$.keep_order_a <- seq_len(nrow(a))
b$.keep_order_b <- seq_len(nrow(b))
z <- merge(a, b, by = by, all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
z <- z[order(z$.keep_order_a, z$.keep_order_b), ]
z[c(".keep_order_a", ".keep_order_b")] <- list(NULL, NULL)
a <- z
#' @importFrom data.table setorderv
map_visible_columns <- function(dat, columns, rows, value_names = character(0),
supp_colnames = character(0),
supp_colnames_last = character(0)) {
dat <- dat[c(columns, rows)]
dat[value_names] <- lapply(value_names, function(x, n) character(n), n = nrow(dat))
dat <-
dat <- melt(,
id.vars = c(rows, columns),
measure.vars = value_names, = ".tab_columns"
setorderv(dat, cols = c(rows, columns))
columns <- c(columns, ".tab_columns")
ldims <- dat[, .SD, .SDcols = columns]
ldims <- unique(ldims)
setorderv(ldims, cols = columns[-length(columns)]) # important - order matters
uid_cols <- columns
last_m1_column <- length(columns) - 1
ldims <- split(ldims, rleid(ldims[[last_m1_column]]))
ldims <- lapply(ldims, function(x, j) {
x1 <- x[1, ]
x1[, j] <- "dummy"
rbind(x, x1)
}, j = seq(last_m1_column, length(columns), by = 1L))
ldims <-, ldims)
sel_columns <- columns[seq_len(length(columns) - 2)]
for (j in rev(seq_along(sel_columns))) {
ldims <- split(ldims, rleid(ldims[[j]]))
ldims <- lapply(ldims, function(x, j) {
x[nrow(x), j] <- "dummy"
}, j = j)
ldims <-, ldims)
ldims <- ldims[-nrow(ldims), ]
rdims <- lapply(rows, function(x, n) rep(x, n), n = ncol(ldims))
rdims <-, rdims)
x1 <- rdims[1, ]
x1[] <- "dummy"
rdims <- rbind(rdims, x1)
colnames(rdims) <- names(ldims)
rdims <-, row.names = FALSE)
rdims_supp <- NULL
if (length(supp_colnames) > 0) {
rdims_supp <- lapply(supp_colnames, function(x, n) rep(x, n), n = ncol(ldims))
rdims_supp <-, rdims_supp)
x1 <- rdims_supp[1, ]
x1[] <- "dummy"
rdims_supp <- rbind(rdims_supp, x1)
colnames(rdims_supp) <- names(ldims)
rdims_supp <-, row.names = FALSE)
rdims_supp$.type. <- "rows_supp"
rdims_supp_last <- NULL
if (length(supp_colnames_last) > 0) {
rdims_supp_last <- lapply(supp_colnames_last, function(x, n) rep(x, n), n = ncol(ldims))
rdims_supp_last <-, rdims_supp_last)
x1 <- rdims_supp_last[1, ]
x1[] <- "dummy"
rdims_supp_last <- rbind(x1, rdims_supp_last)
colnames(rdims_supp_last) <- names(ldims)
rdims_supp_last <-, row.names = FALSE)
rdims_supp_last$.type. <- "rows_supp_last"
ldims$.type. <- "columns"
rdims$.type. <- "rows"
last_column <- columns[length(columns)]
dims <- rbind(rdims, rdims_supp, ldims, rdims_supp_last)
is_dummy <- dims[[last_column]] %in% "dummy"
dims$col_keys <-, append(as.list(dims[uid_cols]), list(sep = "@")))
if (length(value_names) > 1) {
dims$col_keys <- paste0(dims$.stat_name, "@", dims$col_keys)
dims$col_keys[is_dummy] <- paste0("dummy", seq_len(sum(is_dummy)))
dims$col_keys[dims$.type. %in% "rows" & !is_dummy] <- dims[[last_column]][dims$.type. %in% "rows" & !is_dummy]
dims$col_keys[dims$.type. %in% "rows_supp" & !is_dummy] <- dims[[last_column]][dims$.type. %in% "rows_supp" & !is_dummy]
dims$col_keys[dims$.type. %in% "rows_supp_last" & !is_dummy] <- dims[[last_column]][dims$.type. %in% "rows_supp_last" & !is_dummy]
<- function(dat, columns, rows) {
user_columns <- setdiff(colnames(dat), c(columns, rows))
dat <-
dat[, c(user_columns) :=
lapply(.SD, function(x) character(length(x))), .SDcols = user_columns]
dat <- melt(,
id.vars = c(columns, rows),
measure.vars = user_columns, = ".user_columns"
columns <- c(columns, ".user_columns")
dims <- dat[, .SD, .SDcols = columns]
dims <- unique(dims)
dims$col_keys <-, append(as.list(dims[, .SD, .SDcols = columns[-length(columns)]]), list(sep = "@")))
dims$col_keys <- paste0(dims$.user_columns, "@", dims$col_keys)
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