
Defines functions extractForecasts tsPartition cvts checkCVArguments

Documented in checkCVArguments cvts extractForecasts tsPartition

#' Validate that CV window parameters are valid
#' Validate that CV window parameters are valid
#' @param x the input time series.
#' @param windowSize length of the window to build each model. When \code{rolling == FALSE},
#' the each model will be fit to a time series of this length, and when \code{rolling == TRUE}
#' the first model will be fit to a series of this length and grow by one each iteration.
#' @param maxHorizon maximum length of the forecast horizon to use for computing errors.
checkCVArguments <- function(x,
                             maxHorizon) {
  if (any(sapply(c(x, windowSize, maxHorizon), FUN = function(x) !is.numeric(x)))) {
    stop("The arguments x, windowSize, and maxHorizon must all be numeric.")

  if (any(c(windowSize, maxHorizon) < 1L)) {
    stop("The arguments windowSize, and maxHorizon must be positive integers.")

  if (any(c(windowSize, maxHorizon) %% 1L != 0)) {
    stop("The arguments windowSize, and maxHorizon must be positive integers.")

  # Ensure at least two periods are tested
  if (windowSize + 2 * maxHorizon > length(x)) {
    stop("The time series must be longer than windowSize + 2 * maxHorizon.")

#' Cross validation for time series
#' Perform cross validation on a time series.
#' @import doParallel
#' @import foreach
#' @export
#' @param x the input time series.
#' @param FUN the model function used. Custom functions are allowed. See details and examples.
#' @param FCFUN a function that process point forecasts for the model function. This defaults
#' to \code{\link{forecast}}. Custom functions are allowed. See details and examples. See details.
#' @param rolling should a rolling procedure be used? If TRUE, non-overlapping windows
#' of size \code{maxHorizon} will be used for fitting each model. If FALSE, the size
#' of the dataset used for training will grow by one each iteration.
#' @param windowSize length of the window to build each model. When \code{rolling == FALSE},
#' the each model will be fit to a time series of this length, and when \code{rolling == TRUE}
#' the first model will be fit to a series of this length and grow by one each iteration.
#' @param maxHorizon maximum length of the forecast horizon to use for computing errors.
#' @param horizonAverage should the final errors be an average over all forecast horizons
#' up to \code{maxHorizon} instead of producing
#' metrics for each individual horizon?
#' @param xreg External regressors to be used to fit the model. Only used if FUN accepts xreg
#' as an argument. FCFUN is also expected to accept it (see details)
#' @param saveModels should the individual models be saved? Set this to \code{FALSE} on long
#' time series to save memory.
#' @param saveForecasts should the individual forecast from each model be saved? Set this
#' to \code{FALSE} on long time series to save memory.
#' @param verbose should the current progress be printed to the console?
#' @param num.cores the number of cores to use for parallel fitting. If the underlying model
#' that is being fit also utilizes parallelization, the number of cores it is using multiplied
#' by `num.cores` should not exceed the number of cores available on your machine.
#' @param extraPackages on Windows if a custom `FUN` or `FCFUN` is being used that requires
#" packages to be
#' loaded, these can be passed here so that they can be passed to parallel socket workers
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to the model function FUN
#' @details Cross validation of time series data is more complicated than regular
#' k-folds or leave-one-out cross validation of datasets
#' without serial correlation since observations \eqn{x_t}{x[t]} and \eqn{x_{t+n}}{x[t+n]}
#' are not independent. The \code{cvts()} function overcomes
#' this obstacle using two methods: 1) rolling cross validation where an initial training window
#' is used along with a forecast horizon
#' and the initial window used for training grows by one observation each round until the training
#' window and the forecast horizon capture the
#' entire series or 2) a non-rolling approach where a fixed training length is used that
#' is shifted forward by the forecast horizon after each iteration.
#' For the rolling approach, training points are heavily recycled, both in terms of used for fitting
#' and in generating forecast errors at each of the forecast horizons from \code{1:maxHorizon}.
#' In contrast, the models fit with
#' the non-rolling approach share less overlap, and the predicted forecast values are also
#' only compared to the actual values once.
#' The former approach is similar to leave-one-out cross validation while the latter resembles
#' k-fold cross validation. As a result,
#' rolling cross validation requires far more iterations and computationally takes longer
#' to complete, but a disadvantage of the
#' non-rolling approach is the greater variance and general instability of cross-validated errors.
#' The \code{FUN} and \code{FCFUN} arguments specify which function to use
#' for generating a model and forecasting, respectively. While the functions
#' from the "forecast" package can be used, user-defined functions can also
#' be tested, but the object returned by \code{FCFUN} must
#' accept the argument \code{h} and contain the point forecasts out to
#' this horizon \code{h} in slot \code{$mean} of the returned object. An example is given with
#' a custom model and forecast.
#' For small time series (default \code{length <= 500}), all of the individual fit models
#' are included in the final
#' \code{cvts} object that is returned. This can grow quite large since functions
#' such as \code{auto.arima} will
#' save fitted values, residual values, summary statistics, coefficient matrices, etc.
#' Setting \code{saveModels = FALSE}
#' can be safely done if there is no need to examine individual models fit at every stage
#' of cross validation since the
#' forecasts from each fold and the associated residuals are always saved.
#' External regressors are allowed via the \code{xreg} argument. It is assumed that both
#' \code{FUN} and \code{FCFUN} accept the \code{xreg} parameter if \code{xreg} is not \code{NULL}.
#' If \code{FUN} does not accept the \code{xreg} parameter a warning will be given.
#' No warning is provided if \code{FCFUN} does not use the \code{xreg} parameter.
#' @seealso \code{\link{accuracy.cvts}}
#' @examples
#' series <- subset(AirPassengers, end = 50)
#' cvmod1 <- cvts(series, FUN = snaive,
#'                windowSize = 25, maxHorizon = 12)
#' accuracy(cvmod1)
#' # We can also use custom model functions for modeling/forecasting
#' stlmClean <- function(x) stlm(tsclean(x))
#' series <- subset(austres, end = 38)
#' cvmodCustom <- cvts(series, FUN = stlmClean, windowSize = 26, maxHorizon = 6)
#' accuracy(cvmodCustom)
#' \donttest{
#' # Use the rwf() function from the "forecast" package.
#' # This function does not have a modeling function and
#' # instead calculates a forecast on the time series directly
#' series <- subset(AirPassengers, end = 26)
#' rwcv <- cvts(series, FCFUN = rwf, windowSize = 24, maxHorizon = 1)
#' # Don't return the model or forecast objects
#' cvmod2 <- cvts(USAccDeaths, FUN = stlm,
#'                saveModels = FALSE, saveForecasts = FALSE,
#'                windowSize = 36, maxHorizon = 12)
#' # If we don't need prediction intervals and are using the nnetar model, turning off PI
#' # will make the forecasting much faster
#' series <- subset(AirPassengers, end=40)
#' cvmod3 <- cvts(series, FUN = hybridModel,
#'                FCFUN = function(mod, h) forecast(mod, h = h, PI = FALSE),
#'                rolling = FALSE, windowSize = 36,
#'                maxHorizon = 2)
#' }
#' @author David Shaub
#' @importFrom utils getAnywhere
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
cvts <- function(x,
                 FUN = NULL, # nolint
                 FCFUN = NULL, # nolint
                 rolling = FALSE,
                 windowSize = 84,
                 maxHorizon = 5,
                 horizonAverage = FALSE,
                 xreg = NULL,
                 saveModels = ifelse(length(x) > 500, FALSE, TRUE),
                 saveForecasts = ifelse(length(x) > 500, FALSE, TRUE),
                 verbose = TRUE,
                 num.cores = 2L, # nolint
                 extraPackages = NULL,
                 ...) {

  # Parse and validate args

  # Default model function
  # This can be useful for methods that estimate the model and forecasts in one step
  # e.g. GMDH() from the "GMDH" package or thetaf()/meanf()/rwf() from "forecast". In this case,
  # no model function is used but the forecast function is applied in FCFUN
  FUN <- ifelse(is.null(FUN), function(x) x, FUN) # nolint

  # Default forecast function
  FCFUN <- ifelse(is.null(FCFUN), forecast, FCFUN) # nolint

  f <- frequency(x)
  tspx <- tsp(x)
  if (is.null(tspx)) {
    x <- ts(x, frequency = f)

  checkCVArguments(x = x, windowSize = windowSize, maxHorizon = maxHorizon)

  # Check if fitting function accepts xreg when xreg is not NULL
  xregUse <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(xreg)) {
    fitArgs <- formals(FUN)
    if (any(grepl("xreg", names(fitArgs)))) {
      xregUse <- TRUE
      xreg <- as.matrix(xreg)
    } else
      warning("Ignoring xreg parameter since fitting function does not accept xreg")

  # Setup parallel

  if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
    cl <- parallel::makeForkCluster(num.cores)
    includePackages <- NULL
  } else {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(num.cores)
    # Someone with more Windows experience might know a better way of doing all this
    # Determine which packages will need to be sent to the parallel workers
    excludePackages <- c("", "R_GlobalEnv")
    includePackages <- "forecast"
    funPackage <- environmentName(environment(FUN))
    if (!is.element(funPackage, excludePackages)) {
      includePackages <- c(includePackages, funPackage)

    # Determine which packages will need to be sent to the parallel workers
    fcfunPackage <- environmentName(environment(FCFUN))
    if (!is.element(fcfunPackage, excludePackages)) {
      includePackages <- c(includePackages, fcfunPackage)
    if (!is.null(extraPackages)) {
      includePackages <- c(includePackages, extraPackages)
    includePackages <- unique(includePackages)


  # Combined code for rolling/nonrolling CV
  numRow <- ifelse(rolling, length(x) - windowSize - maxHorizon + 1,
                   as.integer((length(x) - windowSize) / maxHorizon))
  resultsMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = numRow, ncol = maxHorizon)

  forecasts <- vector("list", nrow(resultsMat))
  slices <- tsPartition(x, rolling, windowSize, maxHorizon)

  # Run parallel CV

  # Perform the cv fits
  # adapted from code from Rob Hyndman at http://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/tscvexample/
  # licensend under >= GPL2 from the author

  # Appease R CMD CHECK with sliceNum declaration
  sliceNum <- NULL
  results <- foreach::foreach(sliceNum = seq_along(slices),
                              .packages = includePackages) %dopar% {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Fitting fold", sliceNum, "of", nrow(resultsMat), "\n")
    results <- list()

    trainIndices <- slices[[sliceNum]]$trainIndices
    testIndices <- slices[[sliceNum]]$testIndices

    tsTrain <- tsSubsetWithIndices(x, trainIndices)
    tsTest <- tsSubsetWithIndices(x, testIndices)

    if (xregUse) {
      xregTrain <- xreg[trainIndices, , drop = FALSE]
      xregTest <- xreg[testIndices, , drop = FALSE]
      mod <- do.call(FUN, list(tsTrain, xreg = xregTrain, ...))
      fc <- FCFUN(mod, xreg = xregTest, h = maxHorizon)
    } else {
      mod <- do.call(FUN, list(tsTrain, ...))
      fc <- FCFUN(mod, h = maxHorizon)

    if (saveModels) {
      results$mods <- mod

    if (saveForecasts) {
      results$forecasts <- fc

    results$resids <- tsTest - fc$mean

  # Gather the parallel chunks
  residlist <- lapply(results, function(x) unlist(x$resids))
  resids <- matrix(unlist(residlist, use.names = FALSE),
                   ncol = maxHorizon, byrow = TRUE)
  forecasts <- NULL
  if (saveForecasts) {
    forecasts <- lapply(results, function(x) x$forecasts)
  mods <- NULL
  if (saveModels) {
    mods <- lapply(results, function(x) x$mods)

  # Average the results from all forecast horizons up to maxHorizon
  if (horizonAverage) {
    resids <- as.matrix(rowMeans(resids), ncol = 1)

  params <- list(FUN = FUN,
                 FCFUN = FCFUN,
                 rolling = rolling,
                 windowSize = windowSize,
                 maxHorizon = maxHorizon,
                 horizonAverage = horizonAverage,
                 saveModels = saveModels,
                 saveForecasts = saveForecasts,
                 verbose = verbose,
                 num.cores = num.cores,
                 extra = list(...))

  result <- list(x = x,
                 xreg = xreg,
                 params = params,
                 forecasts = forecasts,
                 models = mods,
                 residuals = resids)

  class(result) <- "cvts"

#' Generate training and test indices for time series cross validation
#' Training and test indices are generated for time series cross validation.
#' Generated indices are based on the training windowSize, forecast horizons
#' and whether a rolling or non-rolling cross validation procedure is desired.
#' @export
#' @param x A time series
#' @param rolling Should indices be generated for a rolling or non-rolling procedure?
#' @param windowSize Size of window for training
#' @param maxHorizon Maximum forecast horizon
#' @return List containing train and test indices for each fold
#' @author Ganesh Krishnan
#' @examples
#' tsPartition(AirPassengers, rolling = TRUE, windowSize = 10, maxHorizon = 2)

tsPartition <- function(x,
                        maxHorizon) {
  numPartitions <- ifelse(rolling,
                          length(x) - windowSize - maxHorizon + 1,
                          as.integer((length(x) - windowSize) / maxHorizon))

  slices <- rep(list(NA), numPartitions)
  start <- 1

    for (i in 1:numPartitions) {
        if (rolling) {
            trainIndices <- seq(start, start + windowSize - 1, 1)
            testIndices <-  seq(start + windowSize, start + windowSize + maxHorizon - 1)
            start <- start + 1
        ## Sample the correct slice for nonrolling
        else {
            trainIndices <- seq(start, start + windowSize - 1 + maxHorizon * (i - 1), 1)
            testIndices <- seq(start + windowSize + maxHorizon * (i - 1),
                               start + windowSize - 1 + maxHorizon * i)

        slices[[i]] <- list(trainIndices = trainIndices, testIndices = testIndices)


#' Extract cross validated rolling forecasts
#' Obtain cross validated forecasts when rolling cross validation is used. The object is not
#' inspected to see if it was fit using a rolling origin
#' @export
#' @param cv An object of class cvts
#' @param horizon The forecast horizon from each fold to extract
#' @return Forecasts computed via a rolling origin
#' @details Combine the cross validated forecasts fit with a rolling origin. This may be useful
#' to visualize and investigate the cross validated performance of the model
#' @author Ganesh Krishnan
#' @examples
#' cv <- cvts(AirPassengers, FUN = stlm, FCFUN = forecast,
#'         rolling = TRUE, windowSize = 134, horizon = 2)
#' extractForecasts(cv)
extractForecasts <- function(cv,
                             horizon = 1) {
      if (horizon > cv$params$maxHorizon)
         stop("Cannot extract forecasts with a horizon greater than the model maxHorizon")
      pointfList <- Map(function(fcast) {
         pointf <- fcast$mean
         window(pointf, start = time(pointf)[horizon],
                end = time(pointf)[horizon])

      pointf <- Reduce(tsCombine, pointfList)

      #Ensure all points in the original series are represented (makes it easy for comparisons)
      template <- replace(cv$x, c(seq_len(length(cv$x))), NA)
      return(tsCombine(pointf, template))

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forecastHybrid documentation built on Aug. 28, 2020, 9:08 a.m.