Man pages for forrel
Forensic Pedigree Analysis and Relatedness Inference

checkPairwiseCheck pedigree data for relationship errors
exclusionPowerPower of exclusion
expectedLRExpected likelihood ratio
familiasImport/export from Familias
findExclusionsFind markers excluding an identification
FORCEFORCE panel kinship SNPs
forrel-packageforrel: Forensic Pedigree Analysis and Relatedness Inference
ibdBootstrapBootstrap estimation of IBD coefficients
ibdEstimatePairwise relatedness estimation
ibdLoglikPairwise IBD likelihood
kinshipLRLikelihood ratios for kinship testing
LRpowerPower simulation for kinship LR
markerSimMarker simulation
markerSimParametricSimulate marker data given IBD coefficients
missingPersonEPExclusion power for missing person cases
missingPersonIPInclusion power for missing person cases
missingPersonLRLikelihood ratio calculation for missing person...
missingPersonPlotMissing person plot
MPPsimsMissing person power simulations
NorwegianFrequenciesNorwegian STR frequencies
powerPlotExclusion/inclusion power plots
profileSimSimulation of complete DNA profiles
profileSimParametricSimulate complete DNA profiles given IBD coefficients
quickLRLR calculations for paternity and sibship
randomPersonEPRandom person exclusion power
showInTriangleAdd points to the IBD triangle
simpleSimUnconditional marker simulation
forrel documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:15 p.m.