
report.summary.fptl <-
function (obj, tex = FALSE, digits = 8, heading = TRUE, ...) 
    if (!is.summary.fptl(obj)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("obj"), "is not of class", shQuote("summary.fptl")))
    cp <- (length(obj) == 1L)
    Args <- formals(summary.fptl)
    ArgsFPTL <- formals(FPTL)
    A <- attr(obj, "Call")[[1]][-1]
    Args[names(A)] <- A
    A <- attr(obj, "FPTLCall")[[1]][-1]
    ArgsFPTL[names(A)] <- A
    if (!cp) 
        ArgsFPTL$x0 <- sapply(attr(obj, "FPTLCall"), "[[", "x0")
    dp <- attr(obj, "dp")
    S <- ArgsFPTL$S
    env <- ArgsFPTL$env
    if (is.name(env)) 
        env <- attr(obj, "vars")[[as.character(env)]]
    else env <- as.list(env)[-1]
    if (!is.null(env)) {
        A1 <- parse(text = dp$mean)[[1]]
        A2 <- parse(text = dp$var)[[1]]
        if (is.character(S)) 
            S <- parse(text = S)[[1]]
        if (cp) 
            env <- c(t0 = ArgsFPTL$t0, x0 = ArgsFPTL$x0, env)
        else env <- c(t0 = ArgsFPTL$t0, env)
        l1 <- (sapply(env, length) == 1L)
        if (any(l1)) {
            env1 <- env[l1]
            logic <- sapply(env1, is.character)
            if (any(logic)) {
                env2 <- lapply(env1[logic], function(x) eval(parse(text = paste("substitute(", 
                  x, ")", sep = ""))))
                A1 <- eval(substitute(substitute(expr, env2), 
                  list(expr = A1)))
                A2 <- eval(substitute(substitute(expr, env2), 
                  list(expr = A2)))
                if (!is.numeric(S)) 
                  S <- eval(substitute(substitute(expr, env2), 
                    list(expr = S)))
            logic <- sapply(env1, is.numeric)
            if (any(logic)) {
                env2 <- env1[logic]
                A1 <- eval(substitute(substitute(expr, env2), 
                  list(expr = A1)))
                A2 <- eval(substitute(substitute(expr, env2), 
                  list(expr = A2)))
                if (!is.numeric(S)) 
                  S <- eval(substitute(substitute(expr, env2), 
                    list(expr = S)))
        l2 <- !l1
        if (!is.null(attr(obj, "vars")) | any(l2)) {
            env2 <- c(attr(obj, "vars"), env[l2])
            v <- intersect(union(all.names(A1), all.names(A2)), 
            if (length(v) > 0L) {
                w <- lapply(env2[v], function(x) paste("(", paste(x, 
                  collapse = ", "), "),", sep = ""))
                w[[length(w) - 1L]] <- substring(w[[length(w) - 
                  1L]], 1L, nchar(w[[length(w) - 1L]]) - 1L)
        else v <- character(0)
        A1 <- as.character(parse(text = deparse(A1)))
        A2 <- as.character(parse(text = deparse(A2)))
        if (!is.numeric(S)) 
            S <- as.character(parse(text = deparse(S)))
    else {
        A1 <- as.character(parse(text = dp$mean))
        A2 <- as.character(parse(text = dp$var))
        if (!is.numeric(S)) {
            if (cp) 
                env2 <- list(t0 = ArgsFPTL$t0, x0 = ArgsFPTL$x0)
            else env2 <- list(t0 = ArgsFPTL$t0)
            S <- as.character(parse(text = deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(expr, 
                env2), list(expr = parse(text = S)[[1]]))))))
        v <- character(0)
    if (tex) {
        noindent <- "\\noindent "
        vskip <- "\n\\vskip 10pt "
        dollar <- "$"
        sim <- " \\sim "
        x0.label <- "x_{0}"
        ti.label <- "t_{i}^{\\phantom{*}}"
        labels <- c("$I_{i}^{\\phantom{+}}$", "$t_{i}^{*}$", 
            "$t_{max,i}^{-}$", "$t_{max,i}^{\\phantom{+}}$", 
    else {
        noindent <- ""
        vskip <- "\n"
        dollar <- ""
        sim <- " ~ "
        x0.label <- "x0"
        ti.label <- "t[i]"
        labels <- c("I[i]", "t[i]*", "tmax[i]^-", "tmax[i]", 
    aux <- function(paragraph, m) {
        N <- nchar(paragraph)
        if (m < N) {
            index <- unlist(gregexpr(" ", paragraph))
            J <- numeric(0)
            i <- m
            while (i < N) {
                i <- index[tail(which(index <= i), 1)]
                J <- c(J, i)
                i <- m + i
            return(substring(paragraph, c(1, J + 1L), c(J, N)))
        else return(paragraph)
    if (heading) {
        pardp <- "stores the information provided by the First-Passage-Time Location (FPTL) function about the location of the variation range of the first-passage-time variable through the boundary"
        if (is.name(match.call()$obj)) 
            pardp <- paste("The summary.fptl class object", ifelse(tex, 
                paste("{\\tt ", match.call()$obj, "}", sep = ""), 
                shQuote(match.call()$obj)), pardp)
        else pardp <- pardp <- paste("This summary.fptl class object", 
        cat(aux(pardp, 125L), sep = "\n")
        if (tex) {
            S <- paste("\\verb#", aux(S, 60L), "#", sep = "")
            if (length(S) > 1L) {
                cat("$$\\arraycolsep 2pt \\begin{array}{ll}")
                cat(paste(c("\n\\mbox{\\tt S(t)} =", character(length(S) - 
                  1)), S, sep = " & "), sep = " \\\\ \n")
            else cat("$$\\mbox{\\tt S(t)} = ", S, "$$", sep = "")
            cat(aux(paste("\nof the diffusion process $\\{X(t) \\thinspace ; \\thinspace ", 
                ArgsFPTL$t0, " \\leq t \\leq ", ArgsFPTL$T, " \\}$ with infinitesimal moments \\medskip", 
                sep = ""), 125L), sep = "\n")
            A1 <- paste("\\verb#", aux(A1, 60L), "#", sep = "")
            if (length(A1) > 1L) {
                cat("\n\\qquad $\\arraycolsep 2pt \\begin{array}{ll}")
                cat(paste(c("\n\\mbox{\\tt A}_1\\mbox{\\tt (x,t)} =", 
                  character(length(A1) - 1)), A1, sep = " & "), 
                  sep = " \\\\ \n")
                cat("\\end{array}$ \\medskip")
            else cat("\n\\qquad $\\mbox{\\tt A}_1\\mbox{\\tt (x,t)} = ", 
                A1, "$ \\medskip", sep = "")
            cat("\n\n\\noindent and \\medskip \n")
            A2 <- paste("\\verb#", aux(A2, 60L), "#", sep = "")
            if (length(A2) > 1L) {
                cat("\n\\qquad $\\arraycolsep 2pt \\begin{array}{ll}")
                cat(paste(c("\n\\mbox{\\tt A}_2\\mbox{\\tt (x,t)} = ", 
                  character(length(A2) - 1)), A2, sep = " & "), 
                  sep = " \\\\ \n")
                cat("\\end{array}$ \\medskip")
            else cat("\n\\qquad $\\mbox{\\tt A}_2\\mbox{\\tt (x,t)} = ", 
                A2, "$ \\medskip", sep = "")
            if (length(v) > 0L) {
                cat("\n\\noindent where \\medskip \n")
                v <- paste(v, "=")
                w <- lapply(w, aux, m = 60L)
                logic <- (sapply(w, length) > 1L)
                w[logic] <- mapply(function(x, y) c("\n\\qquad {\\tt \\tabcolsep 2pt \\begin{tabular}{ll}", 
                  paste(c(x, character(length(y) - 1L)), " & ", 
                    y, "\\\\", sep = ""), "\\end{tabular}} \\medskip"), 
                  v[logic], w[logic], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
                w[!logic] <- mapply(function(x, y) paste("\n\\qquad {\\tt ", 
                  x, y, "} \\medskip", sep = ""), v[!logic], 
                  w[!logic], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
                lapply(w[-length(w)], cat, sep = "\n")
                cat("\n\\noindent and\n")
                cat(w[[length(w)]], sep = "\n")
        else {
            n <- nchar("S(t) = ")
            S <- aux(S, 125L - 8L - n)
            S <- paste("\t", c("S(t) = ", rep(paste(rep(" ", 
                n), collapse = ""), length(S) - 1L)), S, sep = "")
            cat(S, sep = "\n")
            cat(aux(paste("of the diffusion process {X(t); ", 
                ArgsFPTL$t0, " <= t <= ", ArgsFPTL$T, "} with infinitesimal moments", 
                sep = ""), 125L), sep = "\n")
            n <- nchar("A1(x,t) = ")
            A1 <- aux(A1, 125L - 8L - n)
            A1 <- paste("\t", c("A1(x,t) = ", rep(paste(rep(" ", 
                n), collapse = ""), length(A1) - 1L)), A1, sep = "")
            cat(A1, sep = "\n")
            n <- nchar("A2(x,t) = ")
            A2 <- aux(A2, 125L - 8L - n)
            A2 <- paste("\t", c("A2(x,t) = ", rep(paste(rep(" ", 
                n), collapse = ""), length(A2) - 1L)), A2, sep = "")
            A2[length(A2)] <- paste(A2[length(A2)], ",", sep = "")
            cat(A2, sep = "\n")
            if (length(v) > 0L) {
                v <- paste(v, "= ")
                w <- lapply(w, aux, m = 125L - 8L - max(nchar(v)))
                w <- mapply(function(x, y) paste("\t", c(x, rep(paste(rep(" ", 
                  nchar(x) + 1L), collapse = ""), length(y) - 
                  1L)), y, sep = ""), v, w)
                lapply(w[-length(w)], cat, sep = "\n")
                cat(w[[length(w)]], sep = "\n")
        if (cp) 
            cat(aux(paste(noindent, "conditioned to ", dollar, 
                "X(", ArgsFPTL$t0, ") = ", ArgsFPTL$x0, dollar, 
                ".", sep = ""), 125L), sep = "\n")
        else cat(aux(paste(noindent, "conditioned to ", dollar, 
            "X(", ArgsFPTL$t0, ") = ", x0.label, dollar, " for ", 
            length(obj), " equally spaced values in the range of the initial distribution ", 
            dollar, "X(", ArgsFPTL$t0, ")", sim, attr(obj, "id")[[3]], 
            dollar, ".", sep = ""), 125L), sep = "\n")
    cat(aux(paste(vskip, noindent, "The FPTL function was evaluated at ", 
        ArgsFPTL$n, " points in [", format(ArgsFPTL$t0, digits = digits), 
        ", ", format(ArgsFPTL$T, digits = digits), "] and it was considered constant in those growth subintervals where the slope of the function between the endpoints is less than ", 
        dollar, Args$zeroSlope, dollar, " degrees.", sep = ""), 
        125L), sep = "\n")
    cat(aux(paste(vskip, noindent, "In order to determine the time instants ", 
        labels[2], " it has been considered that the value of the FPTL function is significantly bigger than the value at ", 
        dollar, ti.label, dollar, " if its difference is over ", 
        dollar, "10^{", -Args$p0.tol, "}", dollar, " times the increment of the function between ", 
        dollar, ti.label, dollar, " and ", labels[4], ".", sep = ""), 
        125L), sep = "\n")
    x0 <- format(ArgsFPTL$x0, digits = digits)
    X <- matrix(numeric(0), ncol = 5)
    upper <- numeric(0)
    for (i in 1:length(obj)) {
        upper <- c(upper, obj[[i]]$instants[, 1][-1], ArgsFPTL$T)
        X <- rbind(X, obj[[i]]$instants)
    X <- apply(X, 2, format, digits = digits, ...)
    if (!is.matrix(X)) 
        X <- matrix(X, ncol = 5)
    X[, 1] <- paste("[", X[, 1], ", ", format(upper, digits = digits), 
        "]", sep = "")
    if (!cp) {
        X <- cbind(paste(rep(" ", nchar(x0[1])), collapse = ""), 
        m <- cumsum(sapply(obj, function(x) nrow(x$instants)))[-length(obj)]
        X[c(1, m + 1L), 1] <- x0
    if (tex) {
        if (cp) {
            item <- " "
            X[, 1] <- paste("{", X[, 1], "}", sep = "")
        else {
            x0.label <- paste("$", x0.label, "^{\\phantom{*}}$", 
                sep = "")
            item <- paste(", for each ", x0.label, ", ", sep = "")
            labels <- c(x0.label, labels)
            X[, 2] <- paste("{", X[, 2], "}", sep = "")
        cat(aux(paste(vskip, noindent, "The table below shows", 
            item, "the interesting time instants in the subintervals determined by the growth points of the FPTL function and T = ", 
            format(ArgsFPTL$T, digits = digits), ":", sep = ""), 
            125L), sep = "\n")
        labels <- paste("\\fbox{", labels, "}", sep = "")
        cat("\n\\fboxrule 0pt \\fboxsep 2pt")
        cat("\n\\begin{longtable}{|", rep("r|", ncol(X)), "}", 
            sep = "")
        cat("\n\\hline ")
        endhead <- paste("\\multicolumn{1}{", c("|", character(ncol(X) - 
            1L)), ">{\\columncolor[gray]{0.7}}c|}{", labels, 
            "}", sep = "")
        cat(endhead, sep = " & \n")
        cat("\\\\ \\hline \\endfirsthead \\multicolumn{", ncol(X), 
            "}{c}{\\tiny Continued from previous page} \\\\ \\hline ", 
            "\n", sep = "")
        cat(endhead, sep = " & \n")
        cat("\\endhead \\multicolumn{", ncol(X), "}{c}{\\tiny Continued on next page} \\endfoot \\endlastfoot", 
            sep = "")
        endline <- rep(" \\\\", nrow(X))
        if (!cp) 
            endline[m] <- paste(endline[m], "\\hline")
        cat(paste("\n", apply(X, 1, paste, collapse = " & "), 
            endline, sep = ""))
        cat(" \\hline")
    else {
        if (cp) 
            item <- " "
        else {
            item <- ", for each x0, "
            labels <- c(x0.label, labels)
        cat(aux(paste("The table below shows", item, "the interesting time instants in the subintervals determined by the growth points of the FPTL function and T = ", 
            format(ArgsFPTL$T, digits = digits), ":", sep = ""), 
            125L), sep = "\n")
        X <- rbind(labels, X)
        X <- apply(X, 2, format, justify = "right")
        cat(apply(X, 1, paste, collapse = "  "), sep = "\n")

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