
summary.fptl <-
function (object, zeroSlope = 0.01, p0.tol = 8, k = 3, ...) 
    if (!is.fptl(object)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("object"), "is not of class", shQuote("fptl")))
    Call <- match.call()
    if (zeroSlope > 0.01) {
        warning("zeroSlope is too big, default value has been used", 
            call. = FALSE)
        zeroSlope <- 0.01
    if (p0.tol < 8) {
        warning("p0.tol is too small, default value has been used", 
            call. = FALSE)
        p0.tol <- 8
    if (k < 1.5) {
        warning("k is too small, the value 1.5 has been used", 
            call. = FALSE)
        k <- 1.5
    G <- growth.intervals(object$x, object$y, zeroSlope)
    if (is.null(G)) 
        stop("the FPTL function is not growing")
    else {
        probs <- matrix(, nrow = nrow(G), ncol = 5)
        probs[, 1] <- (object$y)[G[, 1]]
        probs[, 4] <- (object$y)[G[, 2]]
        p <- probs[, 4] - probs[, 1]
        probs[, 2] <- probs[, 1] + p * (10^{
        probs[, 3] <- probs[, 4] * (1 - 0.05 * p)
        probs[, 5] <- 1 - (1 - probs[, 4]^2)^(0.5 * (1 + p/probs[, 
        indexes <- matrix(, nrow = nrow(G), ncol = 5)
        indexes[, c(1, 4)] <- G
        I <- mapply(seq, from = G[, 1], to = G[, 2], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        indexes[, 2] <- mapply(function(index, p, Y) ifelse(length(index) > 
            2, which(Y[index] >= p)[1], 1L), I, probs[, 2], MoreArgs = list(Y = object$y)) + 
            G[, 1] - 1
        indexes[, 3] <- mapply(function(index, p, Y) which(Y[index] >= 
            p)[1], I, probs[, 3], MoreArgs = list(Y = object$y)) + 
            G[, 1] - 1
        probs[, 2] <- object$y[indexes[, 2]]
        probs[, 3] <- object$y[indexes[, 3]]
        I <- mapply(seq, from = G[, 2], to = c(G[, 1][-1], length(object$x)), 
            SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        x1 <- object$x[c(G[, 1][-1], length(object$x))]
        x2 <- (object$x)[indexes[, 4]] + k * ((object$x)[indexes[, 
            4]] - (object$x)[indexes[, 2]]) * (1 - probs[, 4])
        logic <- (x2 < x1)
        if (any(logic)) 
            I[which(logic)] <- mapply(function(index, s, x) index[1] + 
                which(x[index] <= s) - 1, I[which(logic)], x2[logic], 
                MoreArgs = list(x = object$x), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        indexes[, 5] <- mapply(function(index, p, Y) max(which(Y[index] >= 
            p)), I, probs[, 5], MoreArgs = list(Y = object$y)) + 
            G[, 2] - 1
        probs[, 5] <- object$y[indexes[, 5]]
        out <- list(list(instants = matrix((object$x)[indexes], 
            ncol = 5), FPTLValues = probs))
        if (length(Call) >= 3) {
            index <- c(3:length(Call))
            Call[index] <- lapply(names(Call[index]), function(x, 
                A) A[[x]], A = list(zeroSlope = zeroSlope, p0.tol = p0.tol, 
                k = k))
        if (is.call(Call$object)) 
            Call$object <- attr(object, "Call")
        attr(out, "Call") <- list(Call)
        attr(out, "FPTLCall") <- list(attr(object, "Call"))
        attr(out, "dp") <- attr(object, "dp")
        attr(out, "vars") <- attr(object, "vars")
        class(out) <- c("summary.fptl")

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fptdApprox documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:07 p.m.