
##' Plot of trials leave-one-out crossvalidation Outputs from the one-step Joint surrogate model for evaluating a 
##' canditate surrogate endpoint.
##' @description{
##' Plot of trials leave-one-out crossvalidation Outputs for evaluating the joint surrogate model 
##' }
##' @aliases plot.jointSurroPenalloocv
##' @usage 
##' \method{plot}{jointSurroPenalloocv}(x, unusedtrial = NULL, xleg = "bottomleft", 
##' yleg = NULL, main = NULL, xlab = "Trials", 
##' ylab = "Log Hazard ratio of the true endpoint", 
##' legend = c("Beta observed", "Beta predict"), ...)

##' @param x An object inherent from the \code{jointSurroPenalloocv} Class
##' @param unusedtrial Vector of unconsidered trials, may be due to the fact that the 
##' predicted treatment effects on true endpoint have an outlier. In this case, 
##' one can drop from the data the trials with very hight absolute predicted value 
##' @param xleg X-coordinate for the location of the legend.
##' @param yleg Y-coordinate for the location of the legend, the default is \code{NULL}
##' @param main An overall title for the plot: see \link{title}.
##' @param xlab A title for the x axis: see \link{title}.
##' @param ylab A title for the y axis: see \link{title}.
##' @param legend A vector of characters string of length >= 1 to appear in the legend
##' @param ... other unused arguments.
##' @return This function displays the boxplots corresponding to the number of trials in the 
##' dataset. Each boxplot includes 3 elements corresponding to the predicted treatment effect on true endpoint
##' with the prediction interval. The circles inside or outside the boxplot represent the observed
##' treatment effects on true endpoint. For each trial with convergence issues or outliers, the boxplot is replaced
##' by a dash. In this case, we display in the title of the figure a vector of these trials, if argument \code{main} 
##' is set to \code{NULL}. The function returns the list of unused trials.
##' @seealso \code{\link{loocv}}
##' @author Casimir Ledoux Sofeu \email{casimir.sofeu@u-bordeaux.fr}, \email{scl.ledoux@gmail.com} and 
##' Virginie Rondeau \email{virginie.rondeau@inserm.fr}
##' @references 
##' Burzykowski T, Buyse M (2006). "Surrogate threshold effect: an alternative 
##' measure for meta-analytic surrogate endpoint validation." Pharmaceutical 
##' Statistics, 5(3), 173-186.ISSN 1539-1612.
##' @importFrom graphics boxplot points
##' @keywords surrogate prediction loocv plot
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' # Generation of data to use 
##'  data.sim <- jointSurrSimul(n.obs=300, n.trial = 10,cens.adm=549.24,
##'              alpha = 1.5, theta = 3.5, gamma = 2.5, zeta = 1, sigma.s = 0.7,
##'              sigma.t = 0.7, cor = 0.8, betas = -1.25, betat = -1.25,
##'              full.data = 0, random.generator = 1, seed = 0,
##'              nb.reject.data = 0)
##' ###--- Joint surrogate model ---###
##' joint.surro.sim.MCGH <- jointSurroPenal(data = data.sim, int.method = 2,
##'                         nb.mc = 300, nb.gh = 20, print.iter = T)
##' # Example of loocv taking into accountn ony trial 2 trials (1 and 3)
##' dloocv <- loocv(joint.surro.sim.MCGH, unusedtrial = c(2,4:10))
##' plot(x = dloocv, xleg = "topright", bty = "n")
##' }
"plot.jointSurroPenalloocv" <- function(x, unusedtrial = NULL, xleg = "bottomleft", 
                                        yleg = NULL, main = NULL, xlab = "Trials", 
                                        ylab = "Log Hazard ratio of the true endpoint", 
                                        legend = c("Beta observed", "Beta predict"), ...){
    object <- x
    data.gumbel <- object$result
    data.gumbel <- data.gumbel[!(data.gumbel$trialID %in% unusedtrial),]
    data.plot <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 3 * nrow(data.gumbel), ncol = 4))
    names(data.plot) <- c("trialID", "beta.T", "ordre", "beta")
    data.plot$ordre <- rep(c(0,1,2),nrow(data.gumbel))
    # remove from unusedtrial all trials allready in the vector object$notconvtrial  
    unusedtrial <- unusedtrial[!c(unusedtrial %in% intersect(unusedtrial, object$notconvtrial))]
    j <- 1
    for(i in 1:nrow(data.gumbel)){
      if(data.plot$trialID[i] %in% unusedtrial){
        data.plot$trialID[j:(j+2)] <- data.gumbel$trial[i]
        data.plot$beta.T[j:(j+2)] <- 0
        data.plot$beta[j:(j+2)] <- c(0,0,0)
        data.plot$trialID[j:(j+2)] <- data.gumbel$trial[i]
        data.plot$beta.T[j:(j+2)] <- data.gumbel$beta.T[i]
        data.plot$beta[j:(j+2)] <- as.numeric(data.gumbel[i,c("beta.T.i", "Inf.95.CI", "Sup.95.CI")])
      j = j+3
    # I allow 0 to all trials belonging in the vector unusedtrial
    data.plot2 <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 3 * object$ntrial, ncol = 4))
    names(data.plot2) <- c("trialID", "beta.T", "ordre", "beta")
    data.plot2$ordre <- rep(c(0,1,2),object$ntrial)
    for(i in 1:nrow(data.plot))
      data.plot2[i,] <- data.plot[i,] 
    while (k <= length(unusedtrial)){
      data.plot2$trialID[j:(j+2)] <- unusedtrial[k]
      data.plot2$beta.T[j:(j+2)] <- 0
      data.plot2$beta[j:(j+2)] <- c(0,0,0)
      j <- j+3
      k <- k+1
    while (k <= length(object$notconvtrial)){
      data.plot2$trialID[j:(j+2)] <- object$notconvtrial[k]
      data.plot2$beta.T[j:(j+2)] <- 0
      data.plot2$beta[j:(j+2)] <- c(0, 0,0)
      j <- j+3
      k <- k+1
    mainlabel = NULL
    doBy::orderBy(~ trialID+ordre,data.plot2)
    trialnotused <- sort(c(unusedtrial, object$notconvtrial))
    if(length(trialnotused)>=1) mainlabel <- trialnotused[1]
      for(i in 2:length(trialnotused))
        mainlabel <- paste(mainlabel,trialnotused[i], sep = ", ")
      if(length(mainlabel) > 0){ # to avoid to display the main in cases where all trials have been used
        boxplot(data.plot2$beta ~ data.plot2$trialID, xlab = xlab, 
                ylab = ylab,
                main = paste("Unused trials = ", mainlabel, sep = ""))
        boxplot(data.plot2$beta ~ data.plot2$trialID, xlab = xlab,
                ylab = ylab)
      boxplot(data.plot2$beta ~ data.plot2$trialID, xlab = xlab, 
              ylab = ylab,
              main = main)
    points(data.plot2$trialID[!(data.plot2$trialID %in% unusedtrial)],data.plot2$beta.T[!(data.plot2$trialID %in% unusedtrial)])
    legend(x = xleg, y = yleg, legend = legend, cex = 1, pch= c(1,15), ...)
    abline(h = 0)
    return(paste("Unused trials = ", mainlabel, sep = ""))

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