
##' S3method predict for the one-step Joint surrogate models for the evaluation of a 
##' canditate surrogate endpoint.
##' @description{
##' Predict the treatment effect on the true endpoint (\if{latex}{\eqn{\beta_T}} \if{html}{\eqn{\beta}\out{<sub>T</sub>}}), based on the 
##' treatment effect observed on the surrogate endpoint (\if{latex}{\eqn{\beta_S}} \if{html}{\eqn{\beta}\out{<sub>S</sub>}}).
##' }
##' @details{
##' Prediction is based on the formulas described in (Burzikwosky \emph{et al.}, 2006).
##' We do not consider the case in which the prediction take into account estimation error on 
##' the estimate of the treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint in the new trial.
##' }
##' @aliases predict.jointSurroPenal 
##' @usage
##' \method{predict}{jointSurroPenal}(object, datapred = NULL, betaS.obs = NULL, 
##' betaT.obs = NULL, ntrial0 = NULL, var.used = "error.estim", alpha. = 0.05, 
##' dec = 3, colCI = "red", from = -2, to = 2, type = "Coef", ...)
##' @param object An object inheriting from \code{jointSurroPenal} class
##' (output from calling the function \code{jointSurroPenal} or \code{jointSurroCopPenal}).
##' @param datapred Dataset to use for the prediction. If this argument is specified,
##' the data structure must be the same as the parameter \code{data} in the 
##' function \link{jointSurroPenal} or \link{jointSurroCopPenal}. However, if observation on the true endpoint are
##' not available, columns timeT and \code{statusT} can be absent. In this case, the \if{latex}{\eqn{\beta_S}} \if{html}{\eqn{\beta}\out{<sub>S</sub>}}
##' are calculated using Cox proportional hazards models.
##' @param betaS.obs Observed treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint, to use for the prediction of
##' the treatment effect on the true endpoint. If not null, this value is used for prediction instead of
##' \code{datapred}. The default is \code{NULL}.
##' @param betaT.obs Observed treatment effect on the true endpoint. Used to assess the prediction if not null.
##' The defaut is \code{NULL}.
##' @param var.used This argument can take two values. The first one is \code{"error.estim"}
##' and indicates if the prediction error take into account
##' the estimation error of the estimates of the parameters. If the estimates 
##' are supposed to be known or if the dataset includes a high number of trials with 
##' a high number of subject per trial, value \code{No.error} can be used. 
##' The default is \code{error.estim} (highly recommended).
##' @param ntrial0 Number of subjects include in the new trial. Required if \code{betaS.obs} is not null.
##' The default is \code{NULL}.
##' @param alpha. The confidence level for the prediction interval. The default is \code{0.05}
##' @param dec The desired number of digits after the decimal point for parameters
##' and confidence intervals. Default of 3 digits is used.
##' @param colCI The color used to display the confidence interval.
##' @param from The range (with \code{to}) over which the function will be plotted. The default is 
##' \code{from -2 to 2}
##' @param to The range (with \code{from}) over which the function will be plotted. The default is 
##' \code{from -2 to 2} 
##' @param type The type of graphic, \code{"Coef"} for the \code{log HR} or \code{"HR"} for hazard ratio.
#'  If set to \code{HR}, the arguments \code{from} and \code{to} must take positive values.
#'  The default is \code{"Coef"}.
##' @param ... other unused arguments. See the function (\link{plotTreatPredJointSurro})
##' @return Returns and display a dataframe including for each trial the number of included subjects 
##' (if available), the observed 
##' treatment effect on surrogate endpoint, the observed treatment effect on
##' true endpoint (if available) and the predicted treatment effect on 
##' true enpoint with the associated prediction intervals. If the observe treatment effect on true 
##' endpoint (if available) is included into the prediction interval, the last columns contains "*".
##' This function also produces a plot of predicted treatment effects on the true endpoint
##' according to the given values of the treatment effects on the surrogate endpoint, with 
##' the prediction intervals.
##' @seealso \code{\link{jointSurroPenal}, \link{jointSurroCopPenal}}
##' @author Casimir Ledoux Sofeu \email{casimir.sofeu@u-bordeaux.fr}, \email{scl.ledoux@gmail.com} and 
##' Virginie Rondeau \email{virginie.rondeau@inserm.fr}
##' @references 
##' Burzykowski T, Buyse M (2006). "Surrogate threshold effect: an alternative 
##' measure for meta-analytic surrogate endpoint validation." Pharmaceutical 
##' Statistics, 5(3), 173-186.ISSN 1539-1612.
##' Sofeu, C. L. and Rondeau, V. (2020). How to use frailtypack for validating failure-time surrogate 
##' endpoints using individual patient data from meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. 
##' PLOS ONE; 15, 1-25.
##' @importFrom graphics points
##' @keywords surrogate prediction
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ###--- Joint surrogate model ---###
##' ###---evaluation of surrogate endpoints---###
##' data(dataOvarian)
##' joint.surro.ovar <- jointSurroPenal(data = dataOvarian, n.knots = 8, 
##'                 init.kappa = c(2000,1000), indicator.alpha = 0, 
##'                 nb.mc = 200, scale = 1/365)
##' # prediction of the treatment effects on the true endpoint in each trial of 
##' # the dataOvarian dataset
##' predict(joint.surro.ovar)
##' # prediction of the treatment effect on the true endpoint from an observed 
##' # treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint in a given trial
##' # in log HR
##' predict(joint.surro.ovar, betaS.obs = -0.797, betaT.obs = -1.018)
##' predict(joint.surro.ovar, type = "Coef", betaS.obs = -1, leg.y = 0, leg.x = 0.3, to = 2.3)
##' predict(joint.surro.ovar, type = "Coef", leg.y = 3.5, add.accept.area.betaS = F, to = 2.3)
##' # in HR
##' predict(joint.surro.ovar, betaS.obs = exp(-0.797), betaT.obs = exp(-1.018))
##' predict(joint.surro.ovar, type = "HR", betaS.obs = log(0.65), leg.y = 5, to = 2.3)
##' predict(joint.surro.ovar, type = "HR", leg.y = 5, add.accept.area.betaS = F, to = 2.3)
##' }
"predict.jointSurroPenal" <- function (object, datapred = NULL, betaS.obs = NULL, betaT.obs = NULL, 
                                       ntrial0 = NULL, var.used = "error.estim", alpha. = 0.05, 
                                       dec = 3, colCI = "red", from = -2, to = 2, type = "Coef", ...)
  if (!inherits(object, "jointSurroPenal"))
    stop("object must be of class 'jointSurroPenal'")
  if(! var.used %in% c("error.estim","No.error"))
    stop("Argument 'var.used' must be specified to 'error.estim' or 'No.error' ")
    if(is.null(datapred)){ # we used the dataset from the model
      data <- object$data
      # ================ data checking=======================
        data <- datapred
        # The initial followup time. The default value is 0
        data$initTime <- 0 
        # dataset's names control
        varStatus=(c("initTime","timeS","statusS","trialID","patientID","trt") %in% names(data))
        if(F %in% varStatus){
          stop("Control the names of your variables. They must contain at leat 5 variables named: timeS, statusS, trialID, patientID and trt. seed the help on this function")
        # traitement des donnees
        if(max(table(data$patientID)) > 1){
          stop("Control your dataset. You probably have a duplicate on individual (patientID variable)")
          stop("The variables timeS, and trialID must be numeric") 
        if(F %in% c(levels(as.factor(as.character(data$statusS))) %in% c(0,1),levels(as.factor(as.character(data$trt))) %in% c(0,1))){
          stop("The variables statusS, and trt must be coded 0 or 1")
        if(T %in% c((data$timeS - data$initTime) <= 0)){
          stop("Controll the follow up times of your sujects. the is at leat one subjects with intTime > timeS ")
      # ====================== end data checking ==============================
    trial <- unique(data$trialID)
    trialtable <- table(data$trialID)
    if(F %in% (c("timeT","statusT") %in% names(data))){
      matrixPred <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = length(trial), ncol = 6))
      names(matrixPred) <- c("trialID","ntrial","bata.S", "beta.T.i", "Inf.95.CI", "Sup.95.CI" )
      matrixPred$trialID <- trial
      for(i in 1:length(trial)){
        subdata <- data[data$trialID == trial[i],]
        matrixPred$beta.S[i] <- coxph(Surv(timeS, statusS) ~ trt, subdata)$coefficients
      matrixPred <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = length(trial), ncol = 8))
      names(matrixPred) <- c("trialID","ntrial","beta.S", "beta.T", "beta.T.i", "Inf.95.CI", "Sup.95.CI","" )
      matrixPred$trialID <- trial
      for(i in 1:length(trial)){
        subdata <- data[data$trialID == trial[i],]
        matrixPred$beta.S[i] <- coxph(Surv(timeS, statusS) ~ trt, subdata)$coefficients
        matrixPred$beta.T[i] <- coxph(Surv(timeT, statusT) ~ trt, subdata)$coefficients
  }else{ # Here, the observe treatment effect on surrogate is provided
    trial <- 0
      trialtable <- ntrial0
      trialtable <- NA
    i<- 1
      matrixPred <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 6))
      names(matrixPred) <- c("trialID","ntrial","beta.S", "beta.T.i", "Inf.95.CI", "Sup.95.CI" )
      matrixPred$trialID <- 0
      matrixPred$beta.S[i] <- betaS.obs
      matrixPred <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 8))
      names(matrixPred) <- c("trialID","ntrial","beta.S", "beta.T", "beta.T.i", "Inf.95.CI", "Sup.95.CI","" )
      matrixPred$trialID <- 0
      matrixPred$beta.S[i] <- betaS.obs
      matrixPred$beta.T[i] <- betaT.obs
    for(i in 1:length(trial)){
      beta  <- object$beta.t
      #===proble dans l'indexation de la matrice des coefficient. scl: 11/04/2020
      # dab   <- object$Coefficients$Estimate[nrow(object$Coefficients)-4]
      # daa   <- object$Coefficients$Estimate[nrow(object$Coefficients)-6]
      # dbb   <- object$Coefficients$Estimate[nrow(object$Coefficients)-5]
      dab   <- object$Coefficients[rownames(object$Coefficients)=="sigma_sT",1]
      daa   <- object$Coefficients[rownames(object$Coefficients)=="sigma_s",1]
      dbb   <- object$Coefficients[rownames(object$Coefficients)=="sigma_t",1]
      alpha <- object$beta.s
      alpha0 <- matrixPred$beta.S[i]
      x     <- t(matrix(c(1, -dab/daa),1,2))
      # Vmu (sigma_ST, sigma_SS). on utilise la matrice obtenu par delta methode a partir de la hessienne
      Vmu   <- matrix(c(object$varcov.Sigma[3,3], object$varcov.Sigma[3,1], 
                        object$varcov.Sigma[3,1], object$varcov.Sigma[1,1]),2,2)
      nparam <- nrow(object$varH)
      # VD (bete_T, beta_S). on utilise la hesienne directement car pas de changement de variable
      VD     <- matrix(c(object$varH[nparam,nparam], object$varH[nparam,nparam-1],
                         object$varH[nparam-1,nparam], object$varH[nparam -1,nparam - 1]),2,2)
      R2trial <- object$Coefficients[rownames(object$Coefficients)=="R2trial",1] # scl: 11/04/2020
      matrixPred$beta.T.i[i] <- beta + (dab/daa) * (alpha0 - alpha)
      variance.inf <- dbb * (1 - R2trial) 
      variance.N <- t(x) %*% (Vmu + (((alpha0 - alpha)/daa)**2) * VD) %*% x
      + variance.inf
      if(var.used == "error.estim") 
        variance <- variance.N
        variance <- variance.inf
      matrixPred$Inf.95.CI[i] <- matrixPred$beta.T.i[i] - qnorm(1-alpha./2) * sqrt(variance)
      matrixPred$Sup.95.CI[i] <- matrixPred$beta.T.i[i] + qnorm(1-alpha./2) * sqrt(variance)
      # matrixPred[i,-c(1,2)] <- round(matrixPred[i,-c(1,2)],dec)
      # ajout du nombre d'essais
      # matrixPred$ntrial[i] <- trialtable[matrixPred[i,1]]
      matrixPred$ntrial[i] <- trialtable[i]
      # je mets une "*" si la valeur observee est incluse dans l'intervalle de prediction
      if(!(F %in% (c("timeT","statusT") %in% names(data)))){
        if((matrixPred$beta.T[i] >= matrixPred$Inf.95.CI[i]) & (matrixPred$beta.T[i] <= matrixPred$Sup.95.CI[i]))
          matrixPred[i,ncol(matrixPred)] <- "*"
          matrixPred[i,ncol(matrixPred)] <- " "
  }else{# Here, the observe treatment effect on surrogate is provided
      i <- 1
      beta  <- object$beta.t
      #===proble dans l'indexation de la matrice des coefficient. scl: 11/04/2020
      # dab   <- object$Coefficients$Estimate[nrow(object$Coefficients)-4]
      # daa   <- object$Coefficients$Estimate[nrow(object$Coefficients)-6]
      # dbb   <- object$Coefficients$Estimate[nrow(object$Coefficients)-5]
      dab   <- object$Coefficients[rownames(object$Coefficients)=="sigma_sT",1]
      daa   <- object$Coefficients[rownames(object$Coefficients)=="sigma_s",1]
      dbb   <- object$Coefficients[rownames(object$Coefficients)=="sigma_t",1]
      alpha <- object$beta.s
      alpha0 <- matrixPred$beta.S[i]
      x     <- t(matrix(c(1, -dab/daa),1,2))
      # Vmu (sigma_ST, sigma_SS). on utilise la matrice obtenu par delta methode a partir de la hessienne
      Vmu   <- matrix(c(object$varcov.Sigma[3,3], object$varcov.Sigma[3,1], 
                        object$varcov.Sigma[3,1], object$varcov.Sigma[1,1]),2,2)
      nparam <- nrow(object$varH)
      # VD (bete_T, beta_S). on utilise la hesienne directement car pas de changement de variable
      VD     <- matrix(c(object$varH[nparam,nparam], object$varH[nparam,nparam-1],
                         object$varH[nparam-1,nparam], object$varH[nparam -1,nparam - 1]),2,2)
      R2trial <- object$Coefficients[rownames(object$Coefficients)=="R2trial",1] # scl: 11/04/2020
      matrixPred$beta.T.i[i] <- beta + (dab/daa) * (alpha0 - alpha)
      variance.inf <- dbb * (1 - R2trial) 
      variance.N <- t(x) %*% (Vmu + (((alpha0 - alpha)/daa)**2) * VD) %*% x
      + variance.inf
      if(var.used == "error.estim") 
        variance <- variance.N
        variance <- variance.inf
      matrixPred$Inf.95.CI[i] <- matrixPred$beta.T.i[i] - qnorm(1-alpha./2) * sqrt(variance)
      matrixPred$Sup.95.CI[i] <- matrixPred$beta.T.i[i] + qnorm(1-alpha./2) * sqrt(variance)
      # matrixPred[i,-c(1,2)] <- round(matrixPred[i,-c(1,2)],dec)
      # ajout du nombre d'essais
      # matrixPred$ntrial[i] <- trialtable[matrixPred[i,1]]
      matrixPred$ntrial[i] <- trialtable[i]
      # je mets une "*" si la valeur observee est incluse dans l'intervalle de prediction
        if((matrixPred$beta.T[i] >= matrixPred$Inf.95.CI[i]) & (matrixPred$beta.T[i] <= matrixPred$Sup.95.CI[i]))
          matrixPred[i,ncol(matrixPred)] <- "*"
          matrixPred[i,ncol(matrixPred)] <- " "

  matrixPred[,-c(1,2,8)] <- round(matrixPred[,-c(1,2,8)],dec)
  plotTreatPredJointSurro(object, from = from, to = to, type = type, ...)
  for(k in 1:nrow(matrixPred)){
    if(type == "Coef"){ # log HR
      points(matrixPred$beta.S[k],matrixPred$beta.T.i[k], col = colCI)
      if(nrow(matrixPred)==1){ # si on a un seul point a predire, on met l'intervalle de confiance et le segment
        points(matrixPred$beta.S[k],matrixPred$Inf.95.CI[k], col = colCI)
        points(matrixPred$beta.S[k],matrixPred$Sup.95.CI[k], col = colCI)
        segments(x0 = matrixPred$beta.S, y0 = -6, x1 = matrixPred$beta.S, y1 = matrixPred$Sup.95.CI[k], col = "red", lty = 4)
    }else{ # HR
      points(exp(matrixPred$beta.S[k]),exp(matrixPred$beta.T.i[k]), col = colCI)
      if(nrow(matrixPred)==1){  # si on a un seul point a predire, on met l'intervalle de confiance et le segment
        points(exp(matrixPred$beta.S[k]),exp(matrixPred$Inf.95.CI[k]), col = colCI)
        points(exp(matrixPred$beta.S[k]),exp(matrixPred$Sup.95.CI[k]), col = colCI)
        segments(x0 = exp(matrixPred$beta.S), y0 = -6, x1 = exp(matrixPred$beta.S), y1 = exp(matrixPred$Sup.95.CI[k]), col = "red", lty = 4)
 # print(matrixPred)


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