
Defines functions sortcoloredmeshes.by.hemi get.rglstyle.shiny get.rglstyle.glass2 get.rglstyle.glass get.rglstyle.edges get.rglstyle.semitransparent get.rglstyle.default get.rglstyle get.rglstyle.parameters vis.coloredmesh vis.rotated.coloredmeshes vis.coloredmeshes.rotating vis.renderable is.Triangles3D fsbrain.renderable vis.coloredmeshes

Documented in fsbrain.renderable get.rglstyle get.rglstyle.default get.rglstyle.edges get.rglstyle.glass get.rglstyle.glass2 get.rglstyle.parameters get.rglstyle.semitransparent get.rglstyle.shiny is.Triangles3D sortcoloredmeshes.by.hemi vis.coloredmesh vis.coloredmeshes vis.coloredmeshes.rotating vis.renderable vis.rotated.coloredmeshes

# Low-level visualization function for meshes.

#' @title Visualize a list of colored meshes in a single scene.
#' @param coloredmeshes list of coloredmesh. A coloredmesh is a named list as returned by the coloredmesh.from.* functions. It has the entries 'mesh' of type tmesh3d, a 'col', which is a color specification for such a mesh.
#' @param background string, background color passed to rgl::bg3d()
#' @param skip_all_na logical, whether to skip (i.e., not render) meshes in the list that have the property 'render' set to FALSE. Defaults to TRUE. Practically, this means that a hemisphere for which the data was not given is not rendered, instead of being rendered in a single color.
#' @param style a named list of style parameters or a string specifying an available style by name (e.g., 'shiny'). Defaults to 'default', the default style.
#' @param rgloptions option list passed to \code{\link{par3d}}. Example: \code{rgloptions = list("windowRect"=c(50,50,1000,1000))};
#' @param rglactions named list. A list in which the names are from a set of pre-defined actions. Defaults to the empty list.
#' @param draw_colorbar logical. Whether to draw a colorbar. WARNING: Will only show up if there is enough space in the plot area and does not resize properly. Defaults to FALSE. See \code{\link[fsbrain]{coloredmesh.plot.colorbar.separate}} for an alternative.
#' @note To change or adapt the colorbar, you should use the makecmap_options parameter when constructing them in a vis function. See the example.
#' @return the list of visualized coloredmeshes
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    fsbrain::download_optional_data();
#'    subjects_dir = fsbrain::get_optional_data_filepath("subjects_dir");
#'    cm = vis.subject.morph.native(subjects_dir, 'subject1', 'thickness',
#'     makecmap_options=list('n'=100, 'colFn'=viridis::viridis));
#'    # You could mess with the meshes here.
#'    vis.coloredmeshes(cm);
#' }
#' @importFrom rgl open3d bg3d wire3d par3d
#' @export
vis.coloredmeshes <- function(coloredmeshes, background="white", skip_all_na=TRUE, style="default", rgloptions = rglo(), rglactions=list(), draw_colorbar=FALSE) {

    if(!is.list(coloredmeshes)) {
        stop("Parameter coloredmeshes must be a list.");
    } else {
        # The check above does not help a lot, since all classes are also derived from 'list', so that will be true in most cases.
        if(length(coloredmeshes) < 1) {
            warning("Nothing to visualize.");
        } else {
            if(! fsbrain.renderable(coloredmeshes[[1]])) {
                stop("Pass a list of 'fs.coloredmesh', 'fs.coloredvoxels', or 'Triangles3D' instances.");

    horizontal = FALSE;
    if(draw_colorbar == TRUE) {
        draw_colorbar = "vertical";

    if(draw_colorbar == "vertical") {
        layout_mat = matrix(c(1, 2), ncol=2, byrow = T);
        layout_column_widths = c(3L, 1L);
        layout_row_heights = rep(1L, nrow(layout_mat));
    } else if(draw_colorbar == "horizontal") {
        horizontal = TRUE;
        layout_mat = matrix(c(1, 2), ncol=1, byrow = T);
        layout_row_heights = c(3L, 1L);
        layout_column_widths = rep(1L, ncol(layout_mat));
    } else if(draw_colorbar == FALSE) {
        # assume FALSE
        layout_mat = NULL;
        layout_column_widths = NULL;
        layout_row_heights = NULL;
    } else {
        stop("Invalid setting for 'draw_colorbar'. Use a logical value or one of 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.");

    do.call(rgl::par3d, rgloptions);


    if(is.character(draw_colorbar)) {
        rgl::layout3d(layout_mat, widths=layout_column_widths, height=layout_row_heights);

    for(cmesh in coloredmeshes) {
        vis.renderable(cmesh, skip_all_na=skip_all_na, style=style);

    if(is.character(draw_colorbar)) {
        draw.colorbar(coloredmeshes, horizontal=horizontal);



#' @title Check whether object can be rendered by fsbrain
#' @param x any `R` object
#' @return TRUE if *x* is an instance of a class that can be rendered by fsbrain visualization functions, and FALSE otherwise. Currently, the following types are renderable: `fs.coloredvoxels`, `fs.coloredmesh`, `Triangles3D`.
#' @seealso \code{\link[fsbrain]{is.Triangles3D}}
#' @keywords internal
fsbrain.renderable <- function(x) {
    return(is.fs.coloredvoxels(x) | is.fs.coloredmesh(x) | is.Triangles3D(x));

#' @title Check whether object is a Triangles3D instance
#' @param x any `R` object
#' @return TRUE if its argument is a Triangles3D instance (that is, has "Triangles3D" amongst its classes) and FALSE otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
is.Triangles3D <- function(x) inherits(x, "Triangles3D")

#' @title Visualize a renderable object
#' @description Renders instances of `coloredmesh`, `coloredvoxels` and `Triangles3D`.
#' @param cmesh an instance of one of the supported renderable classes
#' @param skip_all_na logical, whether to skip rendering hidden instances
#' @param style a rendering style, can be a style name or a list defining an rgl material style
#' @seealso \code{\link[fsbrain]{fsbrain.renderable}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @importFrom rgl triangles3d
vis.renderable <- function(cmesh, skip_all_na=TRUE, style="default") {
    if(is.fs.coloredmesh(cmesh)) {
        if(!(skip_all_na && !cmesh$render)) {
            vis.coloredmesh(cmesh, style = style);
    } else if (is.fs.coloredvoxels(cmesh)) {
        style_params = get.rglstyle.parameters(cmesh, style);
        if(hasIn(cmesh, 'color')) {
            style_params = modifyList(style_params, list("color"=cmesh$color));
        do.call(rgl::triangles3d, c(list(cmesh$voxeltris), style_params));
    } else if(is.Triangles3D(cmesh)) {
        if (requireNamespace("misc3d", quietly = TRUE)) {
            style_params = get.rglstyle.parameters(cmesh, style);
            style_params = modifyList(style_params, list("add"=TRUE)); # Add image to existing scene, otherwise only the last one will be visible.
            do.call(misc3d::drawScene.rgl, c(list(cmesh), style_params));
        } else {
            warning("The 'misc3d' package must be installed to render 'Triangles3D' instances. Skipping visualization."); # nocov
    } else {
        stop(sprintf("Received object with classes '%s', cannot render this. Pass an 'fs.coloredmesh', 'fs.coloredvoxels', or 'Triangles3D' instance.\n", paste(class(cmesh), collapse=" ")));  # nocov

#' @title Visualize a list of colored meshes in a single scene and rotate them, movie-style.
#' @param coloredmeshes list of coloredmesh. A coloredmesh is a named list as returned by the coloredmesh.from.* functions. It has the entries 'mesh' of type tmesh3d, a 'col', which is a color specification for such a mesh.
#' @param background string, background color passed to rgl::bg3d()
#' @param skip_all_na logical, whether to skip (i.e., not render) meshes in the list that have the property 'rendner' set to FALSE. Defaults to TRUE. Practically, this means that a hemisphere for which the data was not given is not rendered, instead of being rendered in a single color.
#' @param style a named list of style parameters or a string specifying an available style by name (e.g., 'shiny'). Defaults to 'default', the default style.
#' @param x rotation x axis value, passed to \code{\link{spin3d}}. Defaults to 0.
#' @param y rotation y axis value, passed to \code{\link{spin3d}}. Defaults to 1.
#' @param z rotation z axis value, passed to \code{\link{spin3d}}. Defaults to 0.
#' @param rpm rotation rpm value, passed to \code{\link{spin3d}}. Defaults to 15.
#' @param duration rotation duration value, passed to \code{\link{spin3d}}. Defaults to 20.
#' @param rgloptions option list passed to \code{\link{par3d}}. Example: rgloptions = list("windowRect"=c(50,50,1000,1000));
#' @param rglactions named list. A list in which the names are from a set of pre-defined actions. Defaults to the empty list.
#' @return the list of visualized coloredmeshes
#' @export
#' @importFrom rgl open3d bg3d wire3d play3d spin3d
vis.coloredmeshes.rotating <- function(coloredmeshes, background="white", skip_all_na=TRUE, style="default", x=0, y=0, z=1, rpm=6, duration=10, rgloptions = rglo(), rglactions = list()) {

    if(!is.list(coloredmeshes)) {
        stop("Parameter coloredmeshes must be a list.");

    do.call(rgl::par3d, rgloptions);
    for(cmesh in coloredmeshes) {
        vis.renderable(cmesh, skip_all_na=TRUE, style=style);
    rgl::view3d(-90, 0);

    if (!rgl::rgl.useNULL()) {
        if(rglactions.has.key(rglactions, 'movie')) {
            movie = rglactions$movie;
            rgl::movie3d(rgl::spin3d(axis = c(x, y, z), rpm = rpm), duration = duration, movie = movie, fps = 20, dir=path.expand("~"));
            expected_movie_path = file.path(path.expand("~"), sprintf("%s.gif", movie));
            message(sprintf("Tried to write gif movie to user home, check file '%s'.\n", expected_movie_path));
        } else {
            rgl::play3d(rgl::spin3d(axis = c(x, y, z), rpm = rpm), duration = duration);
    } else {
        message("Cannot show rotating scene with NULL device.");    # nocov


#' @title Rotate and visualize coloredmeshes, applying a style.
#' @param coloredmeshes list of renderables. A coloredmesh is a named list as returned by the coloredmesh.from.* functions. It has the entries 'mesh' of type tmesh3d, a 'col', which is a color specification for such a mesh.
#' @param rotation_angle angle in radians. Passed to \code{\link{rotate3d}}.
#' @param x x value passed to \code{\link{rotate3d}}.
#' @param y y value passed to \code{\link{rotate3d}}.
#' @param z z value passed to \code{\link{rotate3d}}.
#' @param style a named list of style parameters or a string specifying an available style by name (e.g., 'shiny'). Defaults to 'default', the default style.
#' @param draw_colorbar logical. Whether to draw a colorbar.
#' @keywords internal
vis.rotated.coloredmeshes <- function(renderables, rotation_angle, x, y, z, style="default", draw_colorbar=FALSE) {
    if(is.null(renderables)) {
    for (mesh_idx in seq_len(length(renderables))) {     # usually this will only run once for the single mesh of a hemisphere.
        orig_renderable = renderables[[mesh_idx]];
        do_vis = TRUE;
        if(is.fs.coloredmesh(orig_renderable)) {
            orig_mesh = orig_renderable$mesh;
            rotated_mesh = rgl::rotate3d(orig_mesh, rotation_angle, x, y, z);
            rotated_renderable = orig_renderable;         # copy coloredmesh
            rotated_renderable$mesh = rotated_mesh;  # replace inner mesh with rotated version
        } else if(is.fs.coloredvoxels(orig_renderable)) {
            colvox = orig_renderable;
            colvox$voxeltris = rgl::rotate3d(colvox$voxeltris, rotation_angle, x, y, z);
            rotated_renderable = colvox;
        } else if(is.Triangles3D(orig_renderable)) {
            tris3d = orig_renderable;
            tris3d$v1 = rgl::rotate3d(tris3d$v1, rotation_angle, x, y, z);
            tris3d$v2 = rgl::rotate3d(tris3d$v2, rotation_angle, x, y, z);
            tris3d$v3 = rgl::rotate3d(tris3d$v3, rotation_angle, x, y, z);
            rotated_renderable = tris3d;
        } else {
            warning(sprintf("Rotation not supported for object of type '%s'. Not rendering object.\n", paste(class(orig_renderable), collapse = " ")));
            do_vis = FALSE;

        if(do_vis) {
            vis.renderable(rotated_renderable, style=style);

    if(draw_colorbar) {

#' @title Draw a coloredmesh using a style.
#' @param cmesh a coloredmesh. A coloredmesh is a named list as returned by the coloredmesh.from.* functions. It has the entries 'mesh' of type tmesh3d, a 'col', which is a color specification for such a mesh.
#' @param style a named list of style parameters or a string specifying an available style by name (e.g., 'shiny'). Defaults to 'default', the default style. Pass the magic word 'from_mesh' to try to retrieve a style (as a name or a style list) from the field `style` of the mesh, or default to "default" if the mesh has no such field.
#' @seealso \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.renderable}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom rgl shade3d
vis.coloredmesh <- function(cmesh, style="default") {
    if(! is.fs.coloredmesh(cmesh)) {
        stop("Parameter cmesh must be an 'fs.coloredmesh' instance.");
    style_params = get.rglstyle.parameters(cmesh, style);
    do.call(rgl::shade3d, c(list(cmesh$mesh, col=cmesh$col), style_params));

#' @title Produce the named list of style parameters from style definition.
#' @description A style definition can be a character string like "shiny", already a parameter list, or a command like 'from_mesh' that tells us to get the style from the renderable. This function creates the final parameters from the definition and the renderable.
#' @param renderable A renderable (or any list) which includes a 'style' key. If it does not include such a key, the 'default' style will be used.
#' @param style A style definition. Can be a character string like 'shiny' or 'from_mesh', or already a named list of material properties (which will be returned as-is).
#' @return a style, resolved to a parameter list compatible with \code{\link{material3d}}.
#' @keywords internal
get.rglstyle.parameters <- function(renderable, style) {
    if(is.list(style)) {
        style_params = style;
    } else if (is.character(style)) {
        if(style == 'from_mesh') {
            if(!is.null(renderable$style)) {
                style = renderable$style;
            } else {
                style = 'default';
        } else {
            style_params = get.rglstyle(style);
    } else {
        stop("Parameter 'style' must be a named list of style parameters or a string specifying an available style by name (e.g., 'default' or 'shiny').");

#' @title Get the default visualization style parameters as a named list.
#' @description Run \code{\link{material3d}} without arguments to see valid style keywords to create new styles.
#' @param style string. A style name. Available styles are one of: "default", "shiny", "semitransparent", "glass", "edges".
#' @return a style, resolved to a parameter list compatible with \code{\link{material3d}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{shade3d}} can use the returned style
#' @export
get.rglstyle <- function(style) {
    if(style == "default") {
    } else if (style == "shiny") {
    } else if (style == "edges") {
    } else if (style == "semitransparent") {
    } else if (style == "glass") {
    } else if (style == "glass2") {
    } else {
        stop(sprintf("No such rendering style: '%s'. Try something like 'default', 'shiny', 'edges' or 'semitransparent'.\n", style));

#' @title Get the default visualization style parameters as a named list.
#' @description The default rendering style, which is is rather plain. Does not look super fancy, but allows for clear data visualization without distractions. Hint: Run \code{\link{material3d}} without arguments to see valid style keywords to create new styles.
#' @return named list, style parameters that can be passed to \code{\link{shade3d}} via \code{\link{do.call}}.
#' @keywords internal
get.rglstyle.default <- function() {
    return(list("shininess"=50, specular="black"));

#' @title Get the semi-transparent visualization style parameters as a named list.
#' @description Semitransparent rendering style. This style has a very negative impact on rendering performance (in interactive mode). Hint: Run \code{\link{material3d}} without arguments to see valid style keywords to create new styles.
#' @return named list, style parameters that can be passed to \code{\link{shade3d}} via \code{\link{do.call}}.
#' @keywords internal
get.rglstyle.semitransparent <- function() {
    return(list("shininess"=50, specular="black", alpha=0.5, front="filled", back="lines"));

#' @title Get the mesh edges visualization style parameters as a named list.
#' @description Mesh edges rendering style. Zoom in enough to see them.
#' @return named list, style parameters that can be passed to \code{\link{shade3d}} via \code{\link{do.call}}.
#' @keywords internal
get.rglstyle.edges <- function() {
    return(list(front="lines", back="lines", lwd=2.0, size=5.0));

#' @title Get the glass visualization style parameters as a named list.
#' @description Glass-brain rendering style. This style has a very negative impact on rendering performance (especially in interactive mode). Hint: Run \code{\link{material3d}} without arguments to see valid style keywords to create new styles.
#' @return named list, style parameters that can be passed to \code{\link{shade3d}} via \code{\link{do.call}}.
#' @keywords internal
get.rglstyle.glass <- function() {
    return(list("shininess"=50, specular="black", alpha=0.4, front="filled", back="culled"));

#' @title Get the glass2 visualization style parameters as a named list.
#' @description Glass-brain rendering style. This style has a very negative impact on rendering performance (especially in interactive mode). Hint: Run \code{\link{material3d}} without arguments to see valid style keywords to create new styles.
#' @return named list, style parameters that can be passed to \code{\link{shade3d}} via \code{\link{do.call}}.
#' @keywords internal
get.rglstyle.glass2 <- function() {
    return(list("shininess"=80, specular="white", alpha=0.4, front="filled", back="culled"));

#' @title Get a shiny visualization style.
#' @description A shiny or glossy rendering style. Looks a bit more modern, but the resulting highlights may make the interpretation of the plotted data a bit harder in some areas. Hint: Run \code{\link{material3d}} without arguments to see valid style keywords to create new styles.
#' @return named list, style parameters that can be passed to to \code{\link{shade3d}} via \code{\link{do.call}}.
#' @keywords internal
get.rglstyle.shiny <- function() {
    return(list("shininess"=50, specular="white"));

#' @title Sort coloredmeshes into 2 lists by their 'hemi' property.
#' @param coloredmeshes list of coloredmeshes or other renderables
#' @return named list with two entries: "lh": list of coloredmeshes that have property hemi set to 'lh'. "rh": list of coloredmeshes that have property hemi set to 'rh'. The rest is ignored.
#' @keywords internal
sortcoloredmeshes.by.hemi <- function(coloredmeshes) {
    lh_meshes = list();
    rh_meshes = list();
    for (mesh_idx in seq_len(length(coloredmeshes))) {
        cmesh = coloredmeshes[[mesh_idx]];
        mesh_name = sprintf("mesh%d", mesh_idx);
        if(! ('hemi' %in% names(cmesh))) {
            if(is.fs.coloredmesh(cmesh)) {
                warning(sprintf("Assigning coloredmesh # %d which has no hemi value at all to both hemispheres.\n", mesh_idx));
            lh_meshes[[mesh_name]] = cmesh;
            rh_meshes[[mesh_name]] = cmesh;
        } else {
            if(cmesh$hemi == 'lh') {
                lh_meshes[[mesh_name]] = cmesh;
            } else if(cmesh$hemi == 'rh') {
                rh_meshes[[mesh_name]] = cmesh;
            } else if(cmesh$hemi == 'both') {
                lh_meshes[[mesh_name]] = cmesh;
                rh_meshes[[mesh_name]] = cmesh;
            } else {
                warning(sprintf("Ignoring mesh # %d with invalid hemi value '%s'.\n", mesh_idx, cmesh$hemi));
    return(list("lh"=lh_meshes, "rh"=rh_meshes));

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