# WARNING - Generated by {fusen} from dev/flat_package.Rmd: do not edit by hand
#' Compute multiple statistics
#' @description Computation of the different statistics defined in the package.
#' See Smida et al (2022) for more details.
#' @details
#' For HKR statistics, only the values of the two statistics, namely `HKR1` and
#' `HKR2` and not the eigen values (see [funStatTest::stat_hkr()] for
#' more details).
#' @param MatX numeric matrix of dimension `n_point x n` containing `n`
#' trajectories (in columns) of size `n_point` (in rows).
#' @param MatY numeric matrix of dimension `n_point x m` containing `m`
#' trajectories (in columns) of size `n_point` (in rows).
#' @param stat character string or vector of character string, name of the
#' statistics for which the p-values will be computed, among `"mo"`, `"med"`,
#' `"wmw"`, `"hkr"`, `"cff"`.
#' @return list of named numeric value corresponding to the statistic values
#' listed in `stat` input.
#' @inherit funStatTest_authors author
#' @references
#' Zaineb Smida, Lionel Cucala, Ali Gannoun & Ghislain Durif (2022)
#' A median test for functional data, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics,
#' 34:2, 520-553,
#' \doi{10.1080/10485252.2022.2064997},
#' [hal-03658578](
#' @seealso [funStatTest::stat_mo()], [funStatTest::stat_med()],
#' [funStatTest::stat_wmw()], [funStatTest::stat_hkr()],
#' [funStatTest::stat_cff()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' simu_data <- simul_data(
#' n_point = 100, n_obs1 = 50, n_obs2 = 75, c_val = 10,
#' delta_shape = "constant", distrib = "normal"
#' )
#' MatX <- simu_data$mat_sample1
#' MatY <- simu_data$mat_sample2
#' res <- comp_stat(MatX, MatY, stat = c("mo", "med", "wmw", "hkr", "cff"))
#' res
comp_stat <- function(MatX, MatY, stat = c("mo", "med")) {
stat, c("mo", "med", "wmw", "hkr", "cff"), empty.ok = FALSE)
# original values on non-permuted samples
stat_values <- lapply(
function(stat_name) {
tmp <- switch (
mo = stat_mo(MatX, MatY),
med = stat_med(MatX, MatY),
wmw = stat_wmw(MatX, MatY),
hkr = as.matrix(unlist(stat_hkr(MatX, MatY)[1:2])),
cff = stat_cff(MatX, MatY)
names(stat_values) <- stat
#' Cuevas-Febrero-Fraiman statistic
#' @description The Cuevas-Febrero-Fraiman statistics defined in
#' Cuevas et al (2004) (and noted CFF in Smida et al 2022)
#' is computed to compare two sets of functional trajectories.
#' @param MatX numeric matrix of dimension `n_point x n` containing `n`
#' trajectories (in columns) of size `n_point` (in rows).
#' @param MatY numeric matrix of dimension `n_point x m` containing `m`
#' trajectories (in columns) of size `n_point` (in rows).
#' @return numeric value corresponding to the WMW statistic value
#' @inherit funStatTest_authors author
#' @references
#' Cuevas, A, Febrero, M, and Fraiman, R (2004)
#' An anova test for functional data. Computational Statistics & Data
#' Analysis, 47(1): 111–122. \doi{10.1016/j.csda.2003.10.021}
#' Zaineb Smida, Lionel Cucala, Ali Gannoun & Ghislain Durif (2022)
#' A median test for functional data, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics,
#' 34:2, 520-553,
#' \doi{10.1080/10485252.2022.2064997},
#' [hal-03658578](
#' @seealso [funStatTest::comp_stat()], [funStatTest::permut_pval()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' simu_data <- simul_data(
#' n_point = 100, n_obs1 = 50, n_obs2 = 75, c_val = 10,
#' delta_shape = "constant", distrib = "normal"
#' )
#' MatX <- simu_data$mat_sample1
#' MatY <- simu_data$mat_sample2
#' stat_cff(MatX, MatY)
stat_cff <- function(MatX, MatY) {
m <- ncol(MatX)
n <- ncol(MatY)
N <- n+m
npoints <- nrow(MatX)
X_bar <- apply(MatX, 1, mean)
Y_bar <- apply(MatY, 1, mean)
stat <- m * (norm2(X_bar - Y_bar)^2)
#' Horváth-Kokoszka-Reeder statistics
#' @description The Horváth-Kokoszka-Reeder statistics defined in
#' Chakraborty & Chaudhuri (2015) (and noted HKR1 and HKR2 in Smida et al 2022)
#' are computed to compare two sets of functional trajectories.
#' @param MatX numeric matrix of dimension `n_point x n` containing `n`
#' trajectories (in columns) of size `n_point` (in rows).
#' @param MatY numeric matrix of dimension `n_point x m` containing `m`
#' trajectories (in columns) of size `n_point` (in rows).
#' @return A list with the following elements
#' - `T1`: numeric value corresponding to the HKR1 statistic value
#' - `T2`: numeric value corresponding to the HKR2 statistic value
#' - `eigenval`: numeric vector of eigen values from the empirical
#' pooled covariance matrix of `MatX` and `MatY` (see Smida et al, 2022, for
#' more details)
#' @importFrom Matrix rankMatrix
#' @importFrom tibble lst
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @inherit funStatTest_authors author
#' @references
#' Horváth, L., Kokoszka, P., & Reeder, R. (2013). Estimation of the mean of
#' functional time series and a two-sample problem. Journal of the Royal
#' Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology), 75(1), 103–122.
#' \doi{10.1111/j.1467-9868.2012.01032.x}
#' Zaineb Smida, Lionel Cucala, Ali Gannoun & Ghislain Durif (2022)
#' A median test for functional data, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics,
#' 34:2, 520-553,
#' \doi{10.1080/10485252.2022.2064997},
#' [hal-03658578](
#' @seealso [funStatTest::comp_stat()], [funStatTest::permut_pval()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' simu_data <- simul_data(
#' n_point = 100, n_obs1 = 50, n_obs2 = 75, c_val = 10,
#' delta_shape = "constant", distrib = "normal"
#' )
#' MatX <- simu_data$mat_sample1
#' MatY <- simu_data$mat_sample2
#' stat_hkr(MatX, MatY)
stat_hkr <- function(MatX, MatY) {
X <- MatX
Y <- MatY
M <- ncol(X)
N <- ncol(Y)
npoints <- nrow(X)
X_bar = matrix(0, npoints, 1) #initializing sum
for (index in 1:M) {
X_bar = X_bar+X[,index]
X_bar = X_bar/M
X_bar_matrix = matrix(X_bar, npoints, M)
Y_bar = matrix(0, npoints, 1) #initializing sum
for (index in 1:N) {
Y_bar = Y_bar+Y[,index]
Y_bar = Y_bar/N
Y_bar_matrix = matrix(Y_bar, npoints, N)
Z = matrix(0, npoints, N+M)
Z[,1:M] = sqrt(N/M)*(X-X_bar_matrix)
Z[,(M+1):(N+M)] = sqrt(M/N)*(Y-Y_bar_matrix)
Z = sqrt((N+M-1)/(N+M))*Z
# pca on Z
tmp <- prcomp(t(Z), center = FALSE, scale. = FALSE)
#proportion de la variance 85% pour obtenir les valeurs propres.
#exp_var <- cumsum(tmp$sdev^2)/sum(tmp$sdev^2)
#k <- head(which(exp_var >= 0.85), 1)
#D <- (1/(N+M-1)) * Z %*% t(Z)
#rk_D <- rankMatrix(D) #package{Matrix}
rk_Z <- rankMatrix(Z)
eigenvec <- as.matrix(tmp$rotation[,1:rk_Z])
eigenval <- tmp$sdev[1:rk_Z]^2
#eigenvec <- as.matrix(tmp$rotation[,1:k])
#eigenval <- tmp$sdev[1:k]^2
XY_bar_mat <- matrix(X_bar - Y_bar, nrow = 1, ncol = npoints, byrow = TRUE)
a <- XY_bar_mat %*% eigenvec
T1 = N*M / (N+M) * sum(a^2/eigenval)
T2 = N*M / (N+M) * sum(a^2)
return(lst(T1, T2, eigenval))
#' MED median statistic
#' @description The MED median statistics defined in Smida et al (2022) is
#' computed to compare two sets of functional trajectories.
#' @param MatX numeric matrix of dimension `n_point x n` containing `n`
#' trajectories (in columns) of size `n_point` (in rows).
#' @param MatY numeric matrix of dimension `n_point x m` containing `m`
#' trajectories (in columns) of size `n_point` (in rows).
#' @return numeric value corresponding to the MED median statistic value
#' @inherit funStatTest_authors author
#' @references Zaineb Smida, Lionel Cucala, Ali Gannoun & Ghislain Durif (2022)
#' A median test for functional data, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics,
#' 34:2, 520-553,
#' \doi{10.1080/10485252.2022.2064997},
#' [hal-03658578](
#' @seealso [funStatTest::comp_stat()], [funStatTest::permut_pval()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' simu_data <- simul_data(
#' n_point = 100, n_obs1 = 50, n_obs2 = 75, c_val = 10,
#' delta_shape = "constant", distrib = "normal"
#' )
#' MatX <- simu_data$mat_sample1
#' MatY <- simu_data$mat_sample2
#' stat_med(MatX, MatY)
stat_med <- function(MatX, MatY) {
n <- ncol(MatY)
m <- ncol(MatX)
npoints <- nrow(MatX)
M <- rep(0,npoints)
for(i in 1:n){
num <- rep(0,npoints)
for(j in 1:m) {
diff <- MatY[,i]-MatX[,j]
norm_diff <- norm2(diff)
if(norm_diff > 0) {
num <- num + diff/norm_diff
denom <- norm2(num)
if(denom > 0) {
M <- M+(num/denom)
M <- M/n
#' MO median statistic
#' @description The MO median statistics defined in Smida et al (2022) is
#' computed to compare two sets of functional trajectories.
#' @param MatX numeric matrix of dimension `n_point x n` containing `n`
#' trajectories (in columns) of size `n_point` (in rows).
#' @param MatY numeric matrix of dimension `n_point x m` containing `m`
#' trajectories (in columns) of size `n_point` (in rows).
#' @return numeric value corresponding to the MO median statistic value
#' @inherit funStatTest_authors author
#' @references Zaineb Smida, Lionel Cucala, Ali Gannoun & Ghislain Durif (2022)
#' A median test for functional data, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics,
#' 34:2, 520-553,
#' \doi{10.1080/10485252.2022.2064997},
#' [hal-03658578](
#' @seealso [funStatTest::comp_stat()], [funStatTest::permut_pval()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' simu_data <- simul_data(
#' n_point = 100, n_obs1 = 50, n_obs2 = 75, c_val = 10,
#' delta_shape = "constant", distrib = "normal"
#' )
#' MatX <- simu_data$mat_sample1
#' MatY <- simu_data$mat_sample2
#' stat_mo(MatX, MatY)
stat_mo <- function(MatX, MatY) {
n <- ncol(MatY)
m <- ncol(MatX)
n_point <- nrow(MatX)
numM <- numeric(n_point)
Med <- numeric(n_point)
v <- numeric(n_point)
for(i in 1:n){
num1 <- numeric(n_point)
num2 <- numeric(n_point)
for(k in 1:n){
v <- MatY[,i]-MatY[,k]
norm_v <- norm2(v)
if(norm_v != 0) {
num1 <- num1+v/norm_v
for(j in 1:m){
v <- MatY[,i]-MatX[,j]
norm_v <- norm2(v)
if(norm_v != 0) {
num2 <- num2+v/norm_v
numM <- num1+num2
denomM <- norm2(numM)
if(denomM != 0) {
Med <- Med+(numM/denomM)
Med <- Med/n
#' Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney (WMW) statistic
#' @description The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney statistic defined in
#' Chakraborty & Chaudhuri (2015) (and noted WMW in Smida et al 2022) is
#' computed to compare two sets of functional trajectories.
#' @param MatX numeric matrix of dimension `n_point x n` containing `n`
#' trajectories (in columns) of size `n_point` (in rows).
#' @param MatY numeric matrix of dimension `n_point x m` containing `m`
#' trajectories (in columns) of size `n_point` (in rows).
#' @return numeric value corresponding to the WMW statistic value
#' @inherit funStatTest_authors author
#' @references
#' Anirvan Chakraborty, Probal Chaudhuri,
#' A Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney-type test for infinite-dimensional data,
#' Biometrika, Volume 102, Issue 1, March 2015, Pages 239–246,
#' \doi{10.1093/biomet/asu072}
#' Zaineb Smida, Lionel Cucala, Ali Gannoun & Ghislain Durif (2022)
#' A median test for functional data, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics,
#' 34:2, 520-553,
#' \doi{10.1080/10485252.2022.2064997},
#' [hal-03658578](
#' @seealso [funStatTest::comp_stat()], [funStatTest::permut_pval()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' simu_data <- simul_data(
#' n_point = 100, n_obs1 = 50, n_obs2 = 75, c_val = 10,
#' delta_shape = "constant", distrib = "normal"
#' )
#' MatX <- simu_data$mat_sample1
#' MatY <- simu_data$mat_sample2
#' stat_wmw(MatX, MatY)
stat_wmw <- function(MatX, MatY) {
n <- ncol(MatY)
m <- ncol(MatX)
npoints <- nrow(MatX)
vecWMW <- rep(0,npoints)
for (i in 1:m) {
for(j in 1:n){
diff <- MatY[,j]-MatX[,i]
norm_diff <- norm2(diff)
if(norm_diff > 0) {
vecWMW <- vecWMW + diff/norm_diff
vecWMW <- vecWMW/(n*m)
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