validate_amean_bymot_jack: Predicting the performances by assembly motif using jackknife...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also

View source: R/validating_jack.R


Take a vector fobs of assembly performances and return a vector of performances predicted as the arithmetic mean of performances of other assemblages that share the same assembly motif.

Assembly motifs are labelled in the vector assMotif.


validate_amean_bymot_jack(fobs, assMotif, jack)



a numeric vector. The vector fobs contains the quantitative performances of assemblages.


a vector of labels of length(fobs). The vector assMotif contains the assembly motifs of assemblages.


an integer vector of length 2. The vector specifies the parameters for jackknife method. The first integer jack[1] specifies the size of subset, the second integer jack[2] specifies the number of subsets.


Predicted performances are computed using arithmetic mean (opt.mean = "amean") of performances of assemblages that share a same assembly motif (opt.model = "bymot").

The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided into jack[2] subsets of jack[1] assemblages. Prediction is computed by excluding jack[1] assemblages, including the assemblage to predict. If the total number of assemblages belonging to the assembly motif is lower than jack[1]*jack[2], prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).


Return a vector of length(fobs). Its values are computed as the arithmetic mean of performances of assemblages that share a same assembly motif, by excluding a subset of assemblages containing the assemblage to predict.

See Also

validate_amean_byelt_jack_xpr, validate_gmean_bymot_jack_xpr, validate_gmean_byelt_jack_xpr

functClust documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 5:06 p.m.