# Functions for predicting by cross-validation (jackknife) ####
# the performances of assemblages
#' @include
#' stats.R
#' validating_loo.R
# Arithmetic mean by assembly motif ####
#' @title Arithmetic mean of performances
#' by assembly motif
#' using jackknife method
#' @description Take a vector \code{fobs}
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share the same assembly motif,
#' and return a vector of performances predicted
#' as the arithmetic mean
#' of performances of other assemblages.
#' @usage amean_bymot_jack(fobs, jack)
#' @inheritParams validate_using_cross_validation
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' Its values are computed as the arithmetic mean
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif,
#' by excluding a subset of assemblages
#' containing the assemblage to predict.
#' @details Predicted performances are computed using arithmetic mean
#' \code{opt.mean = "amean"} of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif \code{opt.model = "bymot"}.
#' The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Prediction is computed by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).
#' @seealso \code{\link{amean_byelt_jack}},
#' \code{\link{gmean_bymot_jack}},
#' \code{\link{gmean_byelt_jack}}
#' @keywords internal
amean_bymot_jack <- function(fobs, jack) {
nbass <- length(fobs)
if (nbass > jack[1] * jack[2]) {
fprd <- numeric(nbass)
index <-
size <- floor(nbass / jack[2])
for (ind in seq_len(jack[2] - 1)) {
indjack <- index[(ind - 1) * size + (1:size)]
fprd[indjack] <- amean(fobs[-indjack])
indjack <- index[(ind * size + 1):nbass]
fprd[indjack] <- amean(fobs[-indjack])
} else {
fprd <- amean_bymot_LOO(fobs)
#' @title Predicting the performances
#' by assembly motif
#' using jackknife method
#' @description Take a vector \code{fobs} of assembly performances
#' and return a vector of performances predicted
#' as the arithmetic mean of performances of other assemblages
#' that share the same assembly motif. \cr
#' Assembly motifs are labelled in the vector \code{assMotif}.
#' @usage validate_amean_bymot_jack(fobs, assMotif, jack)
#' @inheritParams validate_using_cross_validation
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' Its values are computed as the arithmetic mean
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif,
#' by excluding a subset of assemblages
#' containing the assemblage to predict.
#' @details Predicted performances are computed
#' using arithmetic mean (\code{opt.mean = "amean"})
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif (\code{opt.model = "bymot"}).
#' The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Prediction is computed by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).
#' @seealso \code{\link{validate_amean_byelt_jack_xpr}},
#' \code{\link{validate_gmean_bymot_jack_xpr}},
#' \code{\link{validate_gmean_byelt_jack_xpr}}
#' @keywords internal
validate_amean_bymot_jack <- function(fobs, assMotif, jack) {
fprd <- numeric(length(assMotif))
setMot <- unique(assMotif)
for (mot in seq_along(setMot)) {
indMot <- which(assMotif == setMot[mot])
fprd[indMot] <- amean_bymot_jack(fobs[indMot], jack)
#' @title Predicting the performances
#' by assembly motif
#' using jackknife method
#' over several experiments
#' @description Take a vector \code{fobs} of assembly performances
#' and return a vector of performances predicted
#' as the arithmetic mean of performances of other assemblages
#' that share the same assembly motif. \cr
#' Assembly motifs are labelled in the vector \code{assMotif}.
#' Experiments are labelled in the vector \code{xpr}.
#' @usage validate_amean_bymot_jack_xpr(fobs, assMotif, jack, xpr)
#' @inheritParams validate_using_cross_validation
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' Its values are computed as the arithmetic mean
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif,
#' experiment by experiment,
#' by excluding a subset of assemblages
#' containing the assemblage to predict.
#' @details Predicted performances are computed
#' using arithmetic mean (\code{opt.mean = "amean"})
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif (\code{opt.model = "bymot"}).
#' The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Prediction is computed by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).
#' @seealso \code{\link{validate_amean_byelt_jack_xpr}},
#' \code{\link{validate_gmean_bymot_jack_xpr}},
#' \code{\link{validate_gmean_byelt_jack_xpr}}
#' @keywords internal
validate_amean_bymot_jack_xpr <- function(fobs, assMotif, jack, xpr) {
fprd <- numeric(length(assMotif))
setXpr <- unique(names(xpr))
for (ix in seq_along(setXpr)) {
indXpr <- which(names(xpr) == setXpr[ix])
fprd[indXpr] <- validate_amean_bymot_jack(fobs[indXpr],
assMotif[indXpr], jack)
# Geometric mean by assembly motif ####
#' @title Geometric mean
#' by assembly motif
#' using jackknife method
#' @description Take a vector \code{fobs}
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share the same assembly motif,
#' and return a vector of performances predicted
#' as the geometric mean
#' of performances of other assemblages.
#' @usage gmean_bymot_jack(fobs, jack)
#' @inheritParams validate_using_cross_validation
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' Its values are computed as the geometric mean of performances
#' of assemblages that share a same assembly motif,
#' by excluding a subset of assemblages
#' containing the assemblage to predict.
#' @details Predicted performances are computed
#' using geometric mean (\code{opt.mean = "gmean"})
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif (\code{opt.model = "bymot"}).
#' The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Prediction is computed by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).
#' @seealso \code{\link{amean_bymot_jack}},
#' \code{\link{amean_byelt_jack}},
#' \code{\link{gmean_byelt_jack}}
#' @keywords internal
gmean_bymot_jack <- function(fobs, jack) {
nbass <- length(fobs)
if (nbass > jack[1] * jack[2]) {
fprd <- numeric(nbass)
index <-
size <- floor(nbass / jack[2])
for (ind in seq_len(jack[2] - 1)) {
indjack <- index[(ind - 1) * size + (1:size)]
fprd[indjack] <- gmean(fobs[-indjack])
indjack <- index[(ind * size + 1):nbass]
fprd[indjack] <- gmean(fobs[-indjack])
} else {
fprd <- gmean_bymot_LOO(fobs)
#' @title Predicting the performances
#' by assembly motif
#' using jackknife method
#' @description Take a vector \code{fobs}
#' of performances of assemblages
#' and return a vector of performances
#' predicted as the geometric mean
#' of performances of other assemblages.
#' @usage validate_gmean_bymot_jack(fobs, assMotif, jack)
#' @inheritParams validate_using_cross_validation
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' Its values are computed as the geometric mean of performances
#' of assemblages that share a same assembly motif,
#' by excluding a subset of assemblages
#' containing the assemblage to predict.
#' @details Predicted performances are computed
#' using geometric mean (\code{opt.mean = "gmean"})
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif (\code{opt.model = "bymot"}).
#' The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Prediction is computed by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).
#' @seealso \code{\link{validate_amean_bymot_jack}},
#' \code{\link{validate_amean_byelt_jack}},
#' \code{\link{validate_gmean_byelt_jack}}
#' @keywords internal
validate_gmean_bymot_jack <- function(fobs, assMotif, jack) {
fprd <- numeric(length(assMotif))
setMot <- unique(assMotif)
for (mot in seq_along(setMot)) {
indMot <- which(assMotif == setMot[mot])
fprd[indMot] <- gmean_bymot_jack(fobs[indMot], jack)
#' @title Predicting the performances
#' by assembly motif
#' using jackknife method
#' over several experiments
#' @description Take a vector \code{fobs}
#' of performances of assemblages
#' over several experiments
#' and return a vector of performances
#' predicted as the geometric mean,
#' experiment by experiment,
#' of performances of other assemblages.
#' @usage validate_gmean_bymot_jack_xpr(fobs, assMotif, jack, xpr)
#' @inheritParams validate_using_cross_validation
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' Its values are computed as the geometric mean of performances
#' of assemblages that share a same assembly motif,
#' experiment by experiment,
#' by excluding a subset of assemblages
#' containing the assemblage to predict.
#' @details Predicted performances are computed
#' using geometric mean (\code{opt.mean = "gmean"})
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif (\code{opt.model = "bymot"}).
#' The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Prediction is computed by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).
#' @seealso \code{\link{validate_amean_bymot_jack_xpr}},
#' \code{\link{validate_amean_byelt_jack_xpr}},
#' \code{\link{validate_gmean_byelt_jack_xpr}}
#' @keywords internal
validate_gmean_bymot_jack_xpr <- function(fobs, assMotif, jack, xpr) {
fprd <- numeric(length(assMotif))
setXpr <- unique(names(xpr))
for (ix in seq_along(setXpr)) {
indXpr <- which(names(xpr) == setXpr[ix])
fprd[indXpr] <- validate_gmean_bymot_jack(assMotif[indXpr],
fobs[indXpr], jack)
# Arithmetic mean by element within each assembly motif ####
#' @title Arithmetic mean
#' by elements occurring within assembly motif
#' using jackknife method
#' @description Take a numeric vector and return the predicted vector
#' computed as the arithmetic mean
#' of all elements belonging to a same assembly motif.
#' @usage amean_byelt_jack(fobs, mOccur, jack)
#' @inheritParams validate_using_cross_validation
#' @details Modelled performances are computed
#' using arithmetic mean (\code{opt.mean = "amean"}) of performances.
#' Assemblages share a same assembly motif (\code{opt.model = "bymot"}).
#' Modelled performances are the average
#' of mean performances of assemblages that contain the same elements
#' as the assemblage to predict,
#' except a subset of assemblages.
#' This procedure corresponds to a linear model with each assembly motif
#' based on the element occurrence in each assemblage.
#' The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Prediction is computed by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' prediction is computed by leave-one-out (LOO).
#' @seealso \code{\link{amean_bymot_jack}},
#' \code{\link{gmean_bymot_jack}},
#' \code{\link{gmean_byelt_jack}}
#' @keywords internal
amean_byelt_jack <- function(fobs, mOccur, jack) {
nbass <- length(fobs)
fprd <- numeric(nbass)
if (nbass > jack[1] * jack[2]) {
index <-
size <- floor(nbass / jack[2])
for (ind in seq_len(jack[2] - 1)) {
indjack <- index[(ind - 1) * size + (1:size)]
indOth <- seq_len(nbass)[-indjack]
tmp <- mOccur[indOth, ] * fobs[indOth]
tmp[tmp == 0] <- NA
vfct <- apply(tmp, MARGIN = 2, FUN = amean)
tmp <- t(t(mOccur[indjack, ]) * vfct)
tmp[tmp == 0] <- NA
fprd[indjack] <- apply(tmp, MARGIN = 1, FUN = amean)
indjack <- index[(ind * size + 1):nbass]
indOth <- seq_len(nbass)[-indjack]
tmp <- mOccur[indOth, ] * fobs[indOth]
tmp[tmp == 0] <- NA
vfct <- apply(tmp, MARGIN = 2, FUN = amean)
tmp <- t(t(mOccur[indjack, ]) * vfct)
tmp[tmp == 0] <- NA
fprd[indjack] <- apply(tmp, MARGIN = 1, FUN = amean)
} else {
fprd[ ] <- amean_byelt_LOO(fobs, mOccur)
#' @title Predicting the performances
#' by elements occurring within assembly motif
#' using jackknife method
#' @description Take a numeric vector and return the predicted vector
#' computed as the arithmetic mean of all elements belonging to the same motif.
#' @usage validate_amean_byelt_jack(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, jack)
#' @inheritParams validate_using_cross_validation
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' Its values are computed as the arithmetic mean
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif,
#' by excluding a subset of assemblages
#' containing the assemblage to predict.
#' @details Predicted performances are computed
#' using arithmetic mean (\code{opt.mean = "amean"})
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif (\code{opt.model = "bymot"}).
#' The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Prediction is computed by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).
#' @seealso \code{\link{validate_amean_bymot_jack}},
#' \code{\link{validate_gmean_bymot_jack}},
#' \code{\link{validate_gmean_byelt_jack}}
#' @keywords internal
validate_amean_byelt_jack <- function(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, jack) {
fprd <- numeric(length(assMotif))
setMot <- unique(assMotif)
for (mot in seq_along(setMot)) {
indMot <- which(assMotif == setMot[mot])
if (length(indMot) > 1) {
fprd[indMot] <- amean_byelt_jack(fobs[indMot], mOccur[indMot, ], jack)
} else {
fprd[indMot] <- NA
#' @title Predicting the performances
#' by elements occurring within assembly motif
#' using jackknife method
#' over several experiments
#' @description Take a numeric vector and return the predicted vector
#' computed as the arithmetic mean of all elements belonging to a same motif.
#' @usage validate_amean_byelt_jack_xpr(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, jack, xpr)
#' @inheritParams validate_using_cross_validation
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' Its values are computed as the arithmetic mean
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif,
#' by excluding a subset of assemblages
#' containing the assemblage to predict.
#' @details Predicted performances are computed
#' using arithmetic mean (\code{opt.mean = "amean"})
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif (\code{opt.model = "bymot"}).
#' The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Prediction is computed by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).
#' @seealso \code{\link{validate_amean_bymot_jack_xpr}},
#' \code{\link{validate_gmean_bymot_jack_xpr}},
#' \code{\link{validate_gmean_byelt_jack_xpr}}
#' @keywords internal
validate_amean_byelt_jack_xpr <- function(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, jack, xpr) {
fprd <- numeric(length(assMotif))
setXpr <- unique(names(xpr))
for (ix in seq_along(setXpr)) {
index <- which(names(xpr) == setXpr[ix])
fprd[index] <- validate_amean_byelt_jack(fobs[index],
mOccur[index, ],
jack )
# Geometric mean by element within each assembly motif ####
#' @title Geometric mean
#' by elements occurring within assembly motif
#' using jackknife method
#' @description Take a numeric vector and return the predicted vector
#' computed as the arithmetic mean of all elements belonging to the same motif.
#' @usage gmean_byelt_jack(fobs, mOccur, jack)
#' @inheritParams validate_using_cross_validation
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' Its values are computed as the geometric mean
#' of performances of assemblages,
#' by excluding a subset of assemblages
#' containing the assemblage to predict.
#' @details Predicted performances are computed
#' using geometric mean (\code{opt.mean = "gmean"})
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif (\code{opt.model = "bymot"}).
#' The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Prediction is computed by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).
#' @seealso \code{\link{amean_bymot_jack}},
#' \code{\link{amean_byelt_jack}},
#' \code{\link{gmean_bymot_jack}}
#' @keywords internal
gmean_byelt_jack <- function(fobs, mOccur, jack) {
nbass <- length(fobs)
fprd <- numeric(nbass)
if (nbass > jack[1] * jack[2]) {
index <-
size <- floor(nbass / jack[2])
for (ind in seq_len(jack[2] - 1)) {
indjack <- index[(ind - 1) * size + (1:size)]
indOth <- seq_len(nbass)[-indjack]
tmp <- mOccur[indOth, ] * fobs[indOth]
tmp[tmp == 0] <- NA
vfct <- apply(tmp, MARGIN = 2, FUN = gmean)
tmp <- t(t(mOccur[indjack, ]) * vfct)
tmp[tmp == 0] <- NA
fprd[indjack] <- apply(tmp, MARGIN = 1, FUN = gmean)
indjack <- index[(ind * size + 1):nbass]
indOth <- seq_len(nbass)[-indjack]
tmp <- mOccur[indOth, ] * fobs[indOth]
tmp[tmp == 0] <- NA
vfct <- apply(tmp, MARGIN = 2, FUN = gmean)
tmp <- t(t(mOccur[indjack, ]) * vfct)
tmp[tmp == 0] <- NA
fprd[indjack] <- apply(tmp, MARGIN = 1, FUN = gmean)
} else {
fprd[] <- gmean_byelt_LOO(fobs, mOccur)
#' @title Predicting the performances
#' by elements occurring within assembly motif
#' using jackknife method
#' @description Take a numeric vector and return the predicted vector
#' computed as the arithmetic mean of all elements belonging to the same motif.
#' @usage validate_gmean_byelt_jack(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, jack)
#' @inheritParams validate_using_cross_validation
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' Its values are computed as the geometric mean
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif,
#' by excluding a subset of assemblages
#' containing the assemblage to predict.
#' @details Predicted performances are computed
#' using geometric mean (\code{opt.mean = "gmean"})
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif (\code{opt.model = "bymot"}).
#' The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Prediction is computed by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).
#' @seealso \code{\link{validate_amean_bymot_jack}},
#' \code{\link{validate_amean_byelt_jack}},
#' \code{\link{validate_gmean_bymot_jack}}
#' @keywords internal
validate_gmean_byelt_jack <- function(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, jack) {
fprd <- numeric(length(assMotif))
setMot <- unique(assMotif)
for (mot in seq_along(setMot)) {
indMot <- which(assMotif == setMot[mot])
if (length(indMot) > 1) {
fprd[indMot] <- gmean_byelt_jack(fobs[indMot], mOccur[indMot, ], jack)
} else {
fprd[indMot] <- NA
#' @title Predicting the performances
#' by elements occurring within assembly motif
#' using jackknife method
#' over several experiments
#' @description Take a vector \code{fobs} of assembly performances
#' and return a vector of performances predicted
#' as the geometric mean of performances of other assemblages
#' that share the same assembly motif.
#' Assembly motifs are described in the vector \code{assMotif}.
#' Experiments are specified in the vector \code{xpr}.
#' @usage validate_gmean_byelt_jack_xpr(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, jack, xpr)
#' @inheritParams validate_using_cross_validation
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' Its values are computed as the geometric mean of performances
#' of assemblages that share a same assembly motif,
#' by excluding a subset of assemblages
#' containing the assemblage to predict.
#' @details Predicted performances are computed
#' using geometric mean (\code{opt.mean = "gmean"})
#' of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif (\code{opt.model = "bymot"}).
#' The assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif are divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Prediction is computed by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).
#' @seealso \code{\link{validate_amean_bymot_jack_xpr}},
#' \code{\link{validate_amean_byelt_jack_xpr}},
#' \code{\link{validate_gmean_bymot_jack_xpr}}
#' @keywords internal
validate_gmean_byelt_jack_xpr <- function(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, jack, xpr) {
fprd <- numeric(length(assMotif))
setXpr <- unique(names(xpr))
for (ix in seq_along(setXpr)) {
index <- which(names(xpr) == setXpr[ix])
fprd[index] <- validate_gmean_byelt_jack(fobs[index],
mOccur[index, ],
jack )
# Function for switch on different options ####
#' @title Predicting by cross-validation of assembly performances
#' @description Take a vector \code{fobs} of assembly performances
#' over several experiments
#' and return a vector of performances
#' predicted as the mean performances of assemblages
#' that share the same assembly motif.\cr
#' Assembly motifs are labelled in the vector \code{assMotif}.
#' Experiments are labelled in the vector \code{xpr}.
#' Modelling options are indicated in \code{opt.mean} and \code{opt.model}.
#' Occurrence matrix \code{mOccur} is used if \code{opt.model = "byelt"}.
#' Cross-validation is leave-one-out or jackknifesi
#' @usage
#' validate_using_cross_validation(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, xpr,
#' opt.mean = "amean", opt.model = "bymot",
#' opt.jack = FALSE, jack = c(3,4) )
#' @param fobs a numeric vector. The vector \code{fobs} contains the
#' quantitative performances of assemblages.
#' @param assMotif a vector of labels of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' The vector \code{assMotif} contains the assembly motifs of assemblages.
#' @param mOccur a matrix of occurrence (occurrence of elements).
#' Its first dimension equals to \code{length(fobs)}. Its second dimension
#' equals to the number of elements.
#' @param xpr a vector of numerics of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' The vector \code{xpr} contains the weight of each experiment,
#' and the labels (in \code{names(xpr)}) of different experiments.
#' The weigth of each experiment is used
#' in the computation of the Residual Sum of Squares
#' in the function \code{rss_clustering}.
#' The used formula is \code{rss}
#' if each experiment has the same weight.
#' The used formula is \code{wrss}
#' (barycenter of RSS for each experiment)
#' if each experiment has different weights.
#' All assemblages that belong to a given experiment
#' should then have a same weigth.
#' Each experiment is identified by its names (\code{names(xpr)})
#' and the RSS of each experiment is weighted by values of \code{xpr}.
#' The vector \code{} is generated
#' by the function \code{stats::setNames}.
#' @param opt.mean switchs to arithmetic formula \code{opt.mean = "amean"}
#' or geometric formula \code{opt.mean = "gmean"}.
#' @param opt.model switchs to model type:
#' simple mean by assembly motif \code{opt.model = "bymot"}
#' or linear model with assembly motif \code{opt.model = "byelt"}.
#' @param opt.jack a logical,
#' that switchs towards cross-validation method.
#' If \code{opt.jack = FALSE}, a "leave-one-out" is used:
#' predicted performances are computed
#' as the mean of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif,
#' experiment by experiment,
#' except the only assemblage to predict. \cr
#' If \code{opt.jack = TRUE}, a jackknife method is used:
#' the set of assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif is divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Predicted performances are computed,
#' experiment by experiment,
#' by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' predictions are computed by Leave-One-Out method.
#' @param jack an integer vector of length \code{2}.
#' The vector specifies the parameters for jackknife method.
#' The first integer \code{jack[1]} specifies the size of subset,
#' the second integer \code{jack[2]} specifies the number of subsets.
#' @return Return a vector of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' Its values are predicted
#' according to \code{opt.mean} and \code{opt.model}.
#' @details None.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{calibrate_byminrss}} \cr
#' \code{\link{predict_performance}}
#' @keywords internal
validate_using_cross_validation <- function(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, xpr,
opt.mean = "amean",
opt.model = "bymot",
opt.jack = FALSE, jack = c(3, 4)) {
optmean <- "amean"
if (opt.mean == "gmean") optmean <- "gmean"
optmod <- "bymot"
if (opt.model == "byelt") optmod <- "byelt"
optjack <- ""
if (opt.jack == TRUE) optjack <- "jack"
optxpr <- ""
if (length(unique(names(xpr))) != 1) optxpr <- "xpr"
option <- paste(optmean, optmod, optjack, optxpr, sep = ".")
amean.bymot.. =
validate_amean_bymot_LOO(fobs, assMotif),
amean.bymot..xpr =
validate_amean_bymot_LOO_xpr(fobs, assMotif, xpr),
amean.bymot.jack. =
validate_amean_bymot_jack(fobs, assMotif, jack),
amean.bymot.jack.xpr =
validate_amean_bymot_jack_xpr(fobs, assMotif, jack, xpr),
gmean.bymot.. =
validate_gmean_bymot_LOO(fobs, assMotif),
gmean.bymot..xpr =
validate_gmean_bymot_LOO_xpr(fobs, assMotif, xpr),
gmean.bymot.jack. =
validate_gmean_bymot_jack(fobs, assMotif, jack),
gmean.bymot.jack.xpr =
validate_gmean_bymot_jack_xpr(fobs, assMotif, jack, xpr),
amean.byelt.. =
validate_amean_byelt_LOO(fobs, assMotif, mOccur),
amean.byelt..xpr =
validate_amean_byelt_LOO_xpr(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, xpr),
amean.byelt.jack. =
validate_amean_byelt_jack(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, jack),
amean.byelt.jack.xpr =
validate_amean_byelt_jack_xpr(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, jack, xpr),
gmean.byelt.. =
validate_gmean_byelt_LOO(fobs, assMotif, mOccur),
gmean.byelt..xpr =
validate_gmean_byelt_LOO_xpr(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, xpr),
gmean.byelt.jack. =
validate_gmean_byelt_jack(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, jack),
gmean.byelt.jack.xpr =
validate_gmean_byelt_jack_xpr(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, jack, xpr) )
# End of file ####
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