#' Gets the logged journal of events for a future
#' _WARNING: This function is under development. It can change at any time.
#' For now, please, do not depend on this function in a published R package._
#' @param x A [Future] object.
## @param baseline (POSIXct; optional) A timestamp to server as time zero
## for the relative start time (`at`). If `TRUE` (default), then the
## earliest timepoint observed is used as the baseline.
#' @param \ldots Not used.
#' @return
#' A data frame of class `FutureJournal` with columns:
#' 1. `event` (factor) - type of event that took place
#' 2. `category` (factor) - the category of the event
#' 3. `parent` (character string) - (to be describe)
#' 4. `start` (POSIXct) - the timestamp when the event started
#' 5. `at` (difftime) - the time when the event started
#' relative to first event
#' 6. `duration` (difftime) - the duration of the event
#' 7. `future_label` (character string) - the label of the future
#' 8. `future_uuid` (factor) - the UUID of the future
#' 9. `session_uuid` (factor) - the UUID of the R session where the
#' event took place
#' The common events are:
#' * `create` - the future was created (an `overhead`)
#' * `launch` - the future was launched (an `overhead`)
#' * `evaluate` - the future was evaluated (an `evaluation`)
#' * `resolved` - the future was queried (may be occur multiple times)
#' (an `overhead`)
#' * `gather` - the results was retrieved (an `overhead`)
#' but others may be added by other Future classes.
#' Common event categories are:
#' * `evaluation` - processing time is spent on evaluation
#' * `overhead` - processing time is spent on orchestrating the future
#' * `waiting` - processing time is spent on waiting to set up or
#' querying the future
#' but others may be added by other Future classes.
#' The data frame is sorted by the `at` time.
#' Note that the timestamps for the `evaluate` event are based on the local
#' time on the worker. The system clocks on the worker and the calling R
#' system may not be in perfect sync.
#' @section Enabling and disabling event logging:
#' To enable logging of events, set option `future.journal` is TRUE.
#' To disable, set it to FALSE (default).
#' @example incl/journal.R
#' @seealso
#' Use [capture_journals()] to capture journals from all futures.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
journal <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("journal")
#' @export
journal.Future <- function(x, ...) {
data <- x$.journal
if (is.null(data)) {
label <- x$label
if (is.null(label)) label <- "<none>"
stop(sprintf("No journal is available for future ('%s'). Did you forget to enable journaling?", label))
stop_if_not(inherits(data, "FutureJournal"))
session_uuid <- x$owner
stop_if_not(length(session_uuid) == 1L, is.character(session_uuid), !
session_uuid <- rep(session_uuid, times = nrow(data))
## Backward compatibility (until all backends does this)
if (!is.element("evaluate", data$event) && !is.null(x$result)) {
x <- appendToFutureJournal(x,
event = "evaluate",
category = "evaluation",
start = x$result$started,
stop = x$result$finished
data <- x$.journal
stop_if_not(length(x$result$session_uuid) == 1L, is.character(x$result$session_uuid))
session_uuid <- c(session_uuid, x$result$session_uuid)
stop_if_not(inherits(data, "FutureJournal"))
## Find relative time zero
baseline <- min(data$start, na.rm = TRUE)
## Append 'at' and 'duration'
data$at <- data$start - baseline
data$duration <- data$stop - data$start
data$stop <- NULL
## Append future 'label'
data$future_label <- if (is.null(x$label)) NA_character_ else x$label
## Append future UUID
data$future_uuid <- as.factor(x$uuid)
## Append session UUID
data$session_uuid <- as.factor(session_uuid)
## Coerce 'event' to a factor
known_levels <- c("lifespan", "create", "launch", "resolved", "gather", "evaluate")
extra_levels <- c("attachPackages", "eraseWorker", "exportGlobals", "receiveResult", "getWorker")
other_levels <- sort(setdiff(data$event, known_levels))
levels <- c(known_levels, other_levels)
data$event <- factor(data$event, levels = levels)
## Coerce 'category' to a factor
levels <- c("evaluation", "overhead", "waiting")
data$category <- factor(data$category, levels = levels)
## Coerce 'category' to a factor
levels <- c("evaluation", "overhead", "waiting")
data$category <- factor(data$category, levels = levels)
## Sort by relative start time
if (nrow(data) > 1L) data <- data[order(data$at), ]
#' @export
journal.FutureJournal <- function(x, baseline = NULL, ...) {
## Reset relative time zero?
if (!is.null(baseline)) {
if (isTRUE(baseline)) baseline <- min(x$start, na.rm = TRUE)
x$at <- x$start - baseline
#' @export
journal.list <- function(x, baseline = TRUE, ...) {
## Reset relative time zero to the first observed timestamp?
if (isTRUE(baseline)) {
stop_if_not(baseline >= 1L, baseline <= length(x))
x <- lapply(x, FUN = journal, ...)
start <- lapply(x, FUN = function(x) min(x$start, na.rm = TRUE))
start <- Reduce(c, start)
baseline <- min(start, na.rm = TRUE)
js <- lapply(x, FUN = journal, baseline = baseline, ...)
class <- class(js[[1]])
js <- Reduce(rbind, js)
class(js) <- class
#' @export
print.FutureJournal <- function(x, digits.secs = 3L, ...) {
oopts <- options(digits.secs = digits.secs)
#' @export
summary.FutureJournal <- function(object, ...) {
## To please 'R CMD check'
event <- future_uuid <- median <- parent <- category <- NULL
dt_top <- subset(object,
uuids <- unique(dt_top$future_uuid)
nbr_of_futures <- length(uuids)
## Calculate 'stop' times
dt_top$stop <- dt_top$start + dt_top$duration
## -------------------------------------------------------
## 1. Calculate the total walltime
## -------------------------------------------------------
## (a) timestamp when the first event starts
t_begin <- subset(dt_top, event == "create")[["start"]]
## (b) timestamp when 'gather' finishes
t_end <- subset(dt_top, event == "gather")[["stop"]]
## (c) durations (per future)
t_delta <- t_end - t_begin
## (d) total duration
t_total <- sum(t_delta, na.rm = TRUE)
## (e) build table
t <- NULL
if (length(uuids) > 1L) {
t <- c(t, min = min(t_delta, na.rm = TRUE))
t <- c(t, mean = mean(t_delta, na.rm = TRUE))
t <- c(t, median = median(t_delta, na.rm = TRUE))
t <- c(t, max = max(t_delta, na.rm = TRUE))
t <- as.difftime(t, units = "secs")
t <- c(t, total = t_total)
stats <- data.frame(walltime = t)
## -------------------------------------------------------
## 2. Calculate efficiency
## -------------------------------------------------------
## (a) Per future
eff <- list()
for (kk in seq_along(uuids)) {
uuid <- uuids[[kk]]
dt_uuid <- subset(dt_top, future_uuid == uuid)
res <- data.frame(
evaluate = subset(dt_uuid, category == "evaluation")[["duration"]],
overhead = sum(subset(dt_uuid, category == "overhead")[["duration"]])
res[["duration"]] <- t_delta[kk]
eff[[uuid]] <- res
eff <- Reduce(rbind, eff)
## (b) Summary
res <- NULL
if (length(uuids) > 1L) {
t <- lapply(c("min", "mean", "median", "max"), FUN = function(fcn_name) {
fcn <- get(fcn_name, mode = "function")
t <-, FUN = fcn))
rownames(t) <- fcn_name
t <- Reduce(rbind, t)
res <- t
## (c) Total
t <-, FUN = sum))
rownames(t) <- "total"
res <- rbind(res, t)
## (d) Combine
stats <- cbind(stats, res)
## (e) Fractions
stats[["evaluate_ratio"]] <- as.numeric(stats[["evaluate"]]) / as.numeric(stats[["duration"]])
stats[["overhead_ratio"]] <- as.numeric(stats[["overhead"]]) / as.numeric(stats[["duration"]])
stats[["summary"]] <- rownames(stats)
rownames(stats) <- NULL
stats <- stats[, c("summary", "evaluate", "evaluate_ratio", "overhead", "overhead_ratio", "duration", "walltime")]
attr(stats, "nbr_of_futures") <- length(uuids)
class(stats) <- c("FutureJournalSummary", class(stats))
#' @export
print.FutureJournalSummary <- function(x, ...) {
cat(sprintf("Number of futures: %d\n", attr(x, "nbr_of_futures")))
makeFutureJournal <- function(x, event = "create", category = "other", parent = NA_character_, start = stop, stop = Sys.time()) {
inherits(x, "Future"),
length(event) == 1L, is.character(event), !,
length(category) == 1L, is.character(category), !,
length(parent) == 1L, is.character(parent),
length(start) == 1L, inherits(start, "POSIXct"),
length(stop) == 1L, inherits(stop, "POSIXct")
data <- data.frame(event = event, category = category, parent = parent, start = start, stop = stop)
class(data) <- c("FutureJournal", class(data))
x$.journal <- data
updateFutureJournal <- function(x, event, start = NULL, stop = Sys.time()) {
## Nothing to do?
if (!inherits(x$.journal, "FutureJournal")) return(x)
inherits(x, "Future"),
length(event) == 1L, is.character(event), !,
is.null(start) || (length(start) == 1L && inherits(start, "POSIXct")),
is.null(stop) || (length(stop) == 1L && inherits(stop, "POSIXct"))
data <- x$.journal
stop_if_not(inherits(data, "FutureJournal"))
row <- which(data$event == event)
n <- length(row)
if (n == 0L) stop("No such 'event' entry in journal: ", sQuote(event))
if (n > 1L) row <- row[n]
entry <- data[row, ]
if (!is.null(start)) entry$start <- start
if (!is.null(stop)) entry$stop <- stop
data[row, ] <- entry
stop_if_not(inherits(data, "FutureJournal"))
x$.journal <- data
appendToFutureJournal <- function(x, event, category = "other", parent = NA_character_, start = Sys.time(), stop = as.POSIXct(NA_real_), skip = TRUE) {
## Nothing to do?
if (!inherits(x$.journal, "FutureJournal")) return(x)
if (skip && is.element(event, x$.journal$event)) return(x)
inherits(x, "Future"),
length(event) == 1L, is.character(event), !,
length(category) == 1L, is.character(category), !,
length(parent) == 1L, is.character(parent),
length(start) == 1L, inherits(start, "POSIXct"),
length(stop) == 1L, inherits(stop, "POSIXct")
data <- data.frame(event = event, category = category, parent = parent, start = start, stop = stop)
x$.journal <- rbind(x$.journal, data)
#' @rdname FutureCondition
#' @export
FutureJournalCondition <- function(message, journal, call = NULL, uuid = future$uuid, future = NULL) {
stop_if_not(inherits(journal, "FutureJournal"))
cond <- FutureCondition(message = message, call = call, uuid = uuid, future = future)
cond$journal <- journal
class <- c("FutureJournalCondition", class(cond))
class(cond) <- class[!duplicated(class, fromLast = TRUE)]
#' @export
journal.FutureJournalCondition <- function(x, ...) {
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