
Defines functions save_rds saveImmediateCondition readImmediateConditions

Documented in readImmediateConditions saveImmediateCondition save_rds

#' @importFrom utils file_test
#' @keywords internal
immediateConditionsPath <- local({
  .cache <- list()
  function(rootPath = tempdir()) {
    rootPath <- normalizePath(rootPath, mustWork = FALSE)
    path <- .cache[[rootPath]]
    if (is.null(path)) {
      path <- file.path(rootPath, ".future", "immediateConditions")
      dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
      stop_if_not(file_test("-d", path))
      .cache[[rootPath]] <<- path

#' Writes and Reads 'immediateCondition' RDS Files
#' @param path (character string) The folder where the RDS files are.
#' @param pattern (character string) A regular expression selecting
#' the RDS files to be read.
#' @param include (character vector) The class or classes of the objects
#' to be kept.
#' @param signal (logical) If TRUE, the condition read are signaled.
#' @param remove (logical) If TRUE, the RDS files used are removed on exit.
#' @return
#' `readImmediateConditions()` returns a [base::list] of
#' `immediateCondition` objects.
#' @importFrom utils file_test
#' @keywords internal
readImmediateConditions <- function(path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir(), pattern = "[.]rds$", include = getOption("future.relay.immediate", "immediateCondition"), signal = FALSE, remove = TRUE) {
  stop_if_not(is.character(include), !anyNA(include))
  stop_if_not(is.logical(remove), length(remove) == 1L, !is.na(remove))

  ## Nothing to do?
  if (!file_test("-d", path)) return(list())
  files <- dir(path = path, pattern = "[.]rds$", full.names = TRUE)

  ## Nothing to do?
  if (length(files) == 0L) return(list())

  ## Read objects from file
  objs <- lapply(files, FUN = tryCatch(readRDS, error = identity))

  ## Drop the ones that failed to be read
  keep <- !vapply(objs, FUN = inherits, "error", FUN.VALUE = FALSE)
  objs <- objs[keep]        
  files <- files[keep]

  ## Nothing to do?
  if (length(files) == 0L) return(list())

  ## Drop the ones that does not contain 'time' and 'condition' of the
  ## required class 'include'
  keep <- vapply(objs, FUN = function(x) {
    if (!all(is.element(c("time", "condition"), names(x)))) return(FALSE)
    if (length(include) == 0L) return(TRUE)
    inherits(x[["condition"]], include)
  objs <- objs[keep]        
  files <- files[keep]
  ## Nothing to do?
  if (length(files) == 0L) return(list())

  ## Re-order by timestamp
  times <- vapply(objs, FUN = .subset2, "time", FUN.VALUE = NA_real_)
  objs <- objs[order(times, na.last = TRUE)]
  times <- NULL

  ## Get conditions
  conds <- lapply(objs, FUN = .subset2, "condition")
  objs <- NULL

  ## Resignal conditions
  conds <- lapply(conds, FUN = function(condition) {
    ## Increment signal count
    signaled <- condition$signaled
    if (is.null(signaled)) signaled <- 0L
    condition$signaled <- signaled + 1L

  ## Remove files?
  if (remove && length(files) > 0L) file.remove(files)


#' @param cond A condition of class `immediateCondition`.
#' @return
#' `saveImmediateCondition()` returns, invisibly, the pathname of
#' the RDS written.
#' @rdname readImmediateConditions
saveImmediateCondition <- function(cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) {
  ## Wrap condition in an object with a timestamp
  obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond)
  file <- tempfile(
    pattern = class(cond)[1],
     tmpdir = path,
    fileext = ".rds"
  save_rds(obj, file)

#' Robustly Saves an Object to RDS File Atomically
#' @param object The \R object to be save.
#' @param pathname RDS file to written.
#' @param \ldots (optional) Additional arguments passed to [base::saveRDS()].
#' @return (invisible) The pathname of the RDS written.
#' @details
#' Uses [base::saveRDS] internally but writes the object atomically by first
#' writing to a temporary file which is then renamed.
#' @importFrom utils file_test
#' @keywords internal
save_rds <- function(object, pathname, ...) {
  pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname)
  if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) {
    fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp)
    stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]])
    saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...)
  }, error = function(ex) {
    msg <- conditionMessage(ex)
    fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp)
    msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg)
    ex$message <- msg
  stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp))

  res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname)

  ## IMPORTANT: Although, it is valid to also check that the 'pathname_tmp'
  ## file no longer exists, we cannot assume that 'pathname' will still exist
  ## here; it could be that another file already picked it up and moved,
  ## renamed, or deleted it.
  if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) {
    fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp)
    fi <- file.info(pathname)
    msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]])


tmpl_expr_send_immediateConditions_via_file <- bquote_compile({
  }, immediateCondition = function(cond) {
    ## saveImmediateCondition <- future:::saveImmediateCondition,
    ## which in turn uses future:::save_rds
    save_rds <- .(future:::save_rds)
    saveImmediateCondition <- .(future:::saveImmediateCondition)
    saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = .(
        if (exists("saveImmediateCondition_path", mode = "character")) {
          get("saveImmediateCondition_path", mode = "character")
        } else {
          future:::immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = tempdir())
    ## Avoid condition from being signaled more than once
    ## muffleCondition <- future:::muffleCondition
    muffleCondition <- .(future:::muffleCondition)

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future documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:38 a.m.