nlogLik <- function(object, ...) -logLik(object, ...)
gbreakpoints <- function(formula, data, fit = lm, objfun = nlogLik,
h = 0.15, breaks = NULL, = NULL,
ic = c("LWZ", "BIC"), hpc = c("none", "foreach"), ...)
n <- NROW(data)
k <- attr(objfun(fit(formula, data = data, ...)), "df")
if(h < 1) h <- floor(n*h)
h <- round(h, digits = 0)
if(h > floor(n/2))
stop("minimum segment size must be smaller than half the number of observations")
if(is.null(breaks)) breaks <- ceiling(n/h) - 2
## use
if(is.null( {
if(is.ts(data)) <- time(data)
else if(is.zoo(data)) <- index(data)
else <- 1:n
data <- data[ORDER(, , drop = FALSE] <-[ORDER(]
hpc <- match.arg(hpc)
if(hpc == "foreach") {
if(requireNamespace("foreach")) {
`%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
} else {
warning("High perfomance computing (hpc) support with 'foreach' package is not available, foreach is not installed.")
hpc <- "none"
## compute objfun() for all valid segmentes i, ..., j.
#Z# for the default fit & objfun, this can be speeded up
#Z# by re-using breakpoints(), otherwise this has to be done
#Z# in a double for-loop and becomes *really* slow
if(missing(fit) & missing(objfun)) {
#Z# obtain RSS-based breakpoints
lm_bp <- breakpoints(formula, h = h, data =, hpc = hpc)
RSS2obj.triang <- function(x) {
rval <- x$RSS.triang
n <- x$nobs
df <- x$nreg + 1
h <- x$nobs - length(rval)
rss2nloglik <- function(i) {
rss <- rval[[i]]
ni <- seq_along(rss)
loglik <- 0.5 * ni * (log(rss) + 1 - log(ni) + log(2 * pi))
rval <- lapply(seq_along(rval), rss2nloglik)
rval <- lapply(rval, function(x) x[-(1:h)])
#Z# convert RSS to negative log-likelihood
obj.triang <- RSS2obj.triang(lm_bp)
} else {
#Z# this becomes *really* slow...
#Z# (but can be alleviated to some degree by hpc option)
obj.triang <- list()
if(hpc == "none") {
for(i in 1:(n-h+1)) {
obj_j <- rep(0, (n-i-h+2))
for(j in (i+h-1):n) obj_j[(j-i-h+2)] <- as.numeric(objfun(fit(formula, data = data[(i:j),,drop = FALSE], ...)))
obj.triang[[i]] <- obj_j
} else {
obj.triang <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:(n-h+1)) %dopar% {
obj_j <- rep(0, (n-i-h+2))
for(j in (i+h-1):n) obj_j[(j-i-h+2)] <- as.numeric(objfun(fit(formula, data = data[(i:j),,drop = FALSE], ...)))
#Z# For other special models (combinations of fit and objfun)
#Z# it would be great to have external methods that generate
#Z# something that can be easily transformed in an obj.triang
#Z# object.
## function to extract the objective(i,j) from obj.triang
objective <- function(i,j) {
if((j < (i + h - 1)) || i < 1 || j > n) NA
else obj.triang[[i]][j-i-h+2]
## compute optimal previous partner if observation i is the mth break
## store results together with objective in obj.table
## breaks = 1
index <- h:(n-h)
obj.break <- sapply(index, function(i) objective(1,i))
obj.table <- cbind(index, obj.break)
rownames(obj.table) <- as.character(index)
## breaks >= 2
extend.obj.table <- function(obj.table, breaks)
if((breaks*2) > ncol(obj.table)) {
for(m in (ncol(obj.table)/2 + 1):breaks)
my.index <- (m*h):(n-h)
my.obj.table <- obj.table[,c((m-1)*2 - 1, (m-1)*2)]
my.obj.table <- cbind(my.obj.table, NA, NA)
for(i in my.index)
pot.index <- ((m-1)*h):(i - h)
obj.break <- sapply(pot.index, function(j) my.obj.table[as.character(j), 2] + objective(j+1,i))
opt <- which.min(obj.break)
my.obj.table[as.character(i), 3:4] <- c(pot.index[opt], obj.break[opt])
obj.table <- cbind(obj.table, my.obj.table[,3:4])
colnames(obj.table) <- as.vector(rbind(paste("break", 1:breaks, sep = ""),
paste("objective", 1:breaks, sep = "")))
obj.table <- extend.obj.table(obj.table, breaks)
## extract optimal breaks
extract.breaks <- function(obj.table, breaks)
if((breaks*2) > ncol(obj.table)) stop("compute obj.table with enough breaks before")
index <- obj.table[, 1, drop = TRUE]
obj.break <- sapply(index, function(i) obj.table[as.character(i),breaks*2] + objective(i + 1, n))
opt <- index[which.min(obj.break)]
if(breaks > 1) {
for(i in ((breaks:2)*2 - 1))
opt <- c(obj.table[as.character(opt[1]),i], opt)
names(opt) <- NULL
opt <- extract.breaks(obj.table, breaks)
RVAL <- list(breakpoints = opt,
obj.table = obj.table,
obj.triang = obj.triang,
objective = objective,
extract.breaks = extract.breaks,
extend.obj.table = extend.obj.table,
nobs = n,
npar = k,
fit = fit,
fitname = deparse(substitute(fit)),
objfun = objfun,
objname = deparse(substitute(objfun)),
icname = match.arg(ic),
call =,
index =
class(RVAL) <- c("gbreakpointsfull", "gbreakpoints", "breakpointsfull", "breakpoints")
RVAL$breakpoints <- breakpoints(RVAL)$breakpoints
breakpoints.gbreakpointsfull <- function(obj, breaks = NULL, ...)
if(is.null(breaks)) breaks <- obj$icname
breaks <- match.arg(breaks, c("BIC", "LWZ"))
IC <- summary(obj)$objective[breaks,]
breaks <- if(any( length(IC)-1 else which.min(IC)-1
if(breaks < 1)
breakpoints <- NA
objective <- obj$objective(1, obj$nobs)
} else { <- obj$extend.obj.table(obj$obj.table, breaks)
breakpoints <- obj$extract.breaks(, breaks)
bp <- c(0, breakpoints, obj$nobs)
objective <- sum(apply(cbind(bp[-length(bp)]+1,bp[-1]), 1,
function(x) obj$objective(x[1], x[2])))
RVAL <- list(breakpoints = breakpoints,
objective = objective,
nobs = obj$nobs,
npar = obj$npar,
call =,
fitname = obj$fitname,
objname = obj$objname,
index = obj$index)
class(RVAL) <- c("gbreakpoints", "breakpoints")
print.gbreakpoints <- function(x, format.times = NULL, ...)
if(any($breakpoints))) lbp <- 0
else lbp <- length(x$breakpoints)
cat(paste("\n\t Optimal ", lbp + 1, "-segment partition for `", x$fitname,"' fit: \n\n", sep = ""))
cat("\nBreakpoints at observation number:\n")
cat("\nCorresponding to breakdates:\n")
cat(as.character(breakdates(x, format.times = format.times)),"\n")
breakdates.gbreakpoints <- function(obj, format.times = NULL, breaks = NULL, ...)
if(is.null(format.times)) format.times <- !identical(obj$index, 1:obj$nobs)
if("gbreakpointsfull" %in% class(obj)) obj <- breakpoints(obj, breaks = breaks)
else {
if(format.times) obj$index[obj$breakpoints] else obj$breakpoints/obj$nobs
summary.gbreakpoints <- function(object, ...)
cat(paste("\nObjective function `", object$objname, "': ", format(object$objective),"\n", sep = ""))
summary.gbreakpointsfull <- function(object, breaks = NULL,
sort = TRUE, format.times = NULL, ...)
if(is.null(format.times)) format.times <- !identical(object$index, 1:object$nobs)
if(is.null(breaks)) breaks <- ncol(object$obj.table)/2
n <- object$nobs
objective <- c(object$objective(1, n), rep(NA, breaks))
BIC <- c(AIC(breakpoints(object, breaks = 0), k = log(n)), rep(NA, breaks))
LWZ <- c(AIC(breakpoints(object, breaks = 0), k = 0.299 * log(n)^2.1), rep(NA, breaks))
names(objective) <- as.character(0:breaks)
bp <- breakpoints(object, breaks = breaks)
bd <- as.character(breakdates(bp, format.times = format.times))
objective[breaks + 1] <- bp$objective
BIC[breaks + 1] <- AIC(bp, k = log(n))
LWZ[breaks + 1] <- AIC(bp, k = 0.299 * log(n)^2.1)
bp <- bp$breakpoints
if(breaks > 1) {
for(m in (breaks-1):1)
bp <- rbind(NA, bp)
bd <- rbind(NA, bd)
bpm <- breakpoints(object, breaks = m)
if(sort) {
pos <- apply(outer(bpm$breakpoints, bp[nrow(bp),],
FUN = function(x,y) abs(x - y)), 1, which.min)
if(length(pos) > unique(length(pos))) {
warning("sorting not possible", call. = FALSE)
sort <- FALSE
if(!sort) pos <- 1:m
bp[1,pos] <- bpm$breakpoints
bd[1,pos] <- as.character(breakdates(bpm, format.times = format.times))
objective[m+1] <- bpm$objective
BIC[m+1] <- AIC(bpm, k = log(n))
LWZ[m+1] <- AIC(bpm, k = 0.299 * log(n)^2.1)
}} else {
bp <- as.matrix(bp)
bd <- as.matrix(bd)
rownames(bp) <- as.character(1:breaks)
colnames(bp) <- rep("", breaks)
rownames(bd) <- as.character(1:breaks)
colnames(bd) <- rep("", breaks)
objective <- rbind(objective, BIC, LWZ)
rownames(objective) <- c(object$objname, "BIC", "LWZ")
RVAL <- list(breakpoints = bp,
breakdates = bd,
objective = objective,
objname = object$objname,
fitname = object$fitname,
icname = object$icname,
call = object$call)
class(RVAL) <- "summary.gbreakpointsfull"
print.summary.gbreakpointsfull <- function(x, ...)
bp <- x$breakpoints
breaks <- ncol(bp)
bd <- x$breakdates
objective <- x$objective
bp[] <- ""
bd[] <- ""
rownames(bp) <- paste("m = ", rownames(bp), " ", sep = "")
rownames(bd) <- paste("m = ", rownames(bd), " ", sep = "")
objective <- rbind(0:(ncol(objective) - 1), format(objective))
rownames(objective) <- c("m", x$objname, "BIC", "LWZ")
colnames(objective) <- rep("", breaks + 1)
cat("\n\t Optimal (m+1)-segment partition for `", x$fitname,"' : \n\n", sep = "")
cat("\nBreakpoints at observation number:\n")
print(bp, quote = FALSE)
cat("\nCorresponding to breakdates:\n")
print(bd, quote = FALSE)
print(objective, quote = FALSE)
plot.gbreakpointsfull <- function(x, breaks = NULL, ...)
plot(summary(x, breaks = breaks), ...)
plot.summary.gbreakpointsfull <- function(x, type = "b", col = c(1, 4), lty = c(1, 1),
legend = TRUE, main = NULL, xlab = "Number of breakpoints", ylab = NULL, ...)
breaks <- as.numeric(colnames(x$objective))
obj <- x$objective[x$objname,]
icname <- x$icname
IC <- x$objective[icname,]
col <- rep(col, length.out = 2)
lty = rep(lty, length.out = 2)
if(any( {
if(is.null(main)) main <- ""
if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <- x$objname
plot(breaks, obj, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, main = main,
type = type, col = col[1], lty = lty[1], ...)
} else {
if(is.null(main)) main <- paste(icname, "and Negative Log-Likelihood")
if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <- ""
plot(breaks, IC, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, main = main,
type = type, col = col[1], lty = lty[1], ...)
par(new = TRUE)
plot(breaks, obj, type = type, axes = FALSE, col = col[2], lty = lty[2],
xlab = "", ylab = "")
if(legend) legend("topright", legend = c(icname, "neg. Log-Lik."),
lty = lty, col = col, bty = "n")
par(new = FALSE)
logLik.gbreakpoints <- function(object, ...)
if(is.null(object$npar)) return(NA)
n <- object$nobs
nb <- length(object$breakpoints[!$breakpoints)])
df <- object$npar * (nb + 1) + nb
logL <- -object$objective
attr(logL, "df") <- df
class(logL) <- "logLik"
logLik.gbreakpointsfull <- function(object, breaks = NULL, ...)
bp <- breakpoints(object, breaks = length(object$breakpoints))
logL <- logLik(bp)
AIC.gbreakpoints <- function(object, ..., k = 2)
if(is.null(object$npar)) return(NA)
AIC.gbreakpointsfull <- function(object, breaks = NULL, ..., k = 2)
if(is.null(object$npar)) return(NA)
if(is.null(breaks)) breaks <- 0:(ncol(object$obj.table)/2)
for(m in breaks)
RVAL <- c(RVAL, AIC(breakpoints(object, breaks = m), k = k))
names(RVAL) <- breaks
confint.gbreakpoints <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
stop(paste("no confidence intervals available for", dQuote("gbreakpoints"), "objects"))
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