if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI")))){
# If on CI
env_test <- "CI"
}else if (!identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")){
# If on CRAN
env_test <- "CRAN"
set.seed(125) # CRAN SEED
# If on local machine
env_test <- 'local'
test_that(" Test for prediction/SE for complex families ", {
# From mgcv
n <- 400
dat <- gamSim(1,n=n, verbose = FALSE)
dat$f <- dat$f - mean(dat$f)
alpha <- c(-Inf,-1,0,5,Inf)
R <- length(alpha)-1
y <- dat$f
u <- runif(n)
u <- dat$f + log(u/(1-u))
for (i in 1:R) {
y[u > alpha[i]&u <= alpha[i+1]] <- i
dat$y <- y
dat$new_y <- dat$y - 1
# From mgcv: Confirm predictions line up for
# single linear predictor models
if (env_test == 'CRAN'){# Slightly fewer links for CRAN
list_link <- list(ocat(R=R), poisson(link = 'identity'), nb(), scat(), ziP())
list_link <- list(ocat(R=R), poisson(link = 'identity'), gaussian(), tw(), nb(), scat(), ziP())
for (f in list_link){
if (!grepl(f$family, pattern='^Zero')){
b <- suppressWarnings(gam(y~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3),family=f,data=dat))
b <- suppressWarnings(gam(new_y~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3),family=f,data=dat))
pred_gKRLS <- calculate_effects(model = b, continuous_type = 'predict', individual = T)
pred_mgcv <- predict(b, newdata = dat, = TRUE, type = 'response')
expect_equivalent(get_individual_effects(pred_gKRLS)$est, as.vector(pred_mgcv$fit))
expect_equivalent(get_individual_effects(pred_gKRLS)$se, as.vector(pred_mgcv$
rm(pred_gKRLS, pred_mgcv)
b <- gam(list(new_y ~ s(x0),
~ x0 + x1 + x2,
~ s(x3, x2, bs = 'gKRLS')),
data = dat,
family = multinom(K = 3))
pred_gKRLS <- calculate_effects(model = b, continuous_type = 'predict', individual = T)
pred_mgcv <- predict(b, newdata = dat, = TRUE, type = 'response')
expect_equivalent(get_individual_effects(pred_gKRLS)$est, as.vector(pred_mgcv$fit))
if (packageVersion('mgcv') > '1.8-42'){
expect_equivalent(get_individual_effects(pred_gKRLS)$se, as.vector(pred_mgcv$, tol = 1e-6, scale = 1)
expect_true(!isTRUE(all.equal(get_individual_effects(pred_gKRLS)$se, as.vector(pred_mgcv$
# Test when K = 2 (i.e. 3 categories)
new_dat <- subset(dat, new_y < 3)
b <- gam(list(new_y ~ s(x0),
~ s(x3, x2, bs = 'gKRLS')),
data = new_dat,
family = multinom(K = 2))
pred_gKRLS <- calculate_effects(model = b, continuous_type = 'predict', individual = T)
pred_mgcv <- predict(b, newdata = new_dat, = TRUE, type = 'response')
expect_equivalent(get_individual_effects(pred_gKRLS)$est, as.vector(pred_mgcv$fit), tol = 1e-6, scale = 1)
expect_equivalent(get_individual_effects(pred_gKRLS)$se, as.vector(pred_mgcv$, tol = 1e-6, scale = 1)
if (env_test != 'CRAN'){
# Test that multinomial and logit agree when 2 categories (K=1)
new_dat_2 <- subset(dat, new_y < 2)
b <- gam(list(new_y ~ x0 + x1 + x2 * x3),
data = new_dat_2,
family = multinom(K = 1), method = 'REML')
b2 <- gam(new_y ~ x0 + x1 + x2 * x3,
data = new_dat_2,
family = binomial(), method = 'REML')
fit_multinom <- calculate_effects(b, variables = 'x3')
fit_logit <- calculate_effects(b2, variables = 'x3')
tol = 1e-4,
expect_equivalent(vcov(b), vcov(b2), tol = 1e-4, scale = 1)
expect_equivalent(coef(b), coef(b2), tol = 1e-4, scale = 1)
test_that("calculate_interactions works with complex familes", {
n <- 100
dat <- gamSim(1,n=n, verbose = FALSE)
dat$f <- dat$f - mean(dat$f)
alpha <- c(-Inf,-1,0,5,Inf)
R <- length(alpha)-1
y <- dat$f
u <- runif(n)
u <- dat$f + log(u/(1-u))
for (i in 1:R) {
y[u > alpha[i]&u <= alpha[i+1]] <- i
dat$y <- y
dat$new_y <- dat$y - 1
dat$x0 <- as.numeric(dat$x0 > median(dat$x0))
dat$x1 <- cut(dat$x1, 3)
for (f in list(ocat(R=R), nb(), scat(), ziP())){
# print(f)
if (!grepl(f$family, pattern='^Zero')){
b <- suppressWarnings(gam(y~ x0 * x1 + s(x2) + s(x3),family=f,data=dat))
b <- suppressWarnings(gam(new_y~ x0 * x1 + s(x2) + s(x3),family=f,data=dat))
# Check that flipping doesn't affect estimates
pred_gKRLS <- calculate_interactions(model = b, variables = list(c('x0', 'x1')))
pred_gKRLS_alt <- calculate_interactions(model = b, variables = list(c('x1', 'x0')))
subset(pred_gKRLS[-c(2,3)], QOI %in% c('AIE', 'AMIE')),
subset(pred_gKRLS_alt[-c(2,3)], QOI %in% c('AIE', 'AMIE'))
# Check the effects are correct on CI or local
if (env_test != 'CRAN'){
safe_cm <- function(x){if (is.matrix(x)){colMeans(x)}else{mean(x)}}
AME_x1 <- mapply(levels(dat$x1), FUN=function(i){
copy <- dat
copy$x1 <- i
return(safe_cm(predict(b, newdata = copy, type = 'response')))
AME_x0 <- sapply(c(0,1), FUN=function(i){
copy <- dat
copy$x0 <- i
return(safe_cm(predict(b, newdata = copy, type = 'response')))
ACE <- sapply(levels(dat$x1), FUN=function(i){
copy <- dat
copy$x0 <- 0
copy$x1 <- levels(dat$x1)[1]
pred_0 <- safe_cm(predict(b, newdata = copy, type = 'response'))
copy$x0 <- 1
copy$x1 <- i
pred_1 <- safe_cm(predict(b, newdata = copy, type = 'response'))
return(pred_1 - pred_0)
if (!is.matrix(AME_x1)){
ACE <- t(matrix(ACE))
AME_x1 <- t(matrix(AME_x1))
AME_x1 <- AME_x1 - AME_x1[1]
AME_x0 <- diff(AME_x0)
AME_x1 <- sweep(AME_x1, MARGIN = 1, STATS = AME_x1[,1], FUN = '-')
AME_x0 <- as.vector(diff(t(AME_x0)))
ACE <- ACE[,-1, drop = F]
AME_x1 <- AME_x1[,-1, drop = F]
AMIE <- ACE - AME_x1 - kronecker(matrix(AME_x0), t(matrix(rep(1,2))))
AIE_low <- sapply(levels(dat$x1), FUN=function(i){
copy <- dat
copy$x1 <- levels(dat$x1)[1]
copy$x0 <- 0
pred_0 <- safe_cm(predict(b, newdata = copy, type = 'response'))
copy <- dat
copy$x1 <- i
copy$x0 <- 0
pred_1 <- safe_cm(predict(b, newdata = copy, type = 'response'))
return(pred_1 - pred_0)
AIE_high <- sapply(levels(dat$x1), FUN=function(i){
copy <- dat
copy$x1 <- levels(dat$x1)[1]
copy$x0 <- 1
pred_0 <- safe_cm(predict(b, newdata = copy, type = 'response'))
copy <- dat
copy$x1 <- i
copy$x0 <- 1
pred_1 <- safe_cm(predict(b, newdata = copy, type = 'response'))
return(pred_1 - pred_0)
if (is.matrix(AIE_high)){
AIE <- (AIE_high - AIE_low)[,-1, drop = F]
AIE <- (AIE_high - AIE_low)[-1]
# Confirm all equal
subset(pred_gKRLS, QOI == 'AME')$est,
c(as.vector(t(cbind(AME_x0, AME_x1[,1,drop=F]))), AME_x1[,2])
subset(pred_gKRLS, QOI == 'ACE')$est,
subset(pred_gKRLS, QOI == 'AMIE')$est,
subset(pred_gKRLS, QOI == 'AIE')$est,
test_that("calculate interactions works with lpi (e.g., gaulss)", {
n <- 400
dat <- gamSim(eg = 3, n = n, dist = 'gamma', verbose = FALSE)
if (env_test == 'CRAN'){
link_list <- list(gaulss())
link_list <- list(gaulss(), gevlss())
for (f in link_list){
# print(f)
fmla <- list(y ~ s(x1, x2, bs = 'gKRLS'), ~ s(x1, x2, bs = 'gKRLS'))
if (f$family == 'gevlss'){
fmla <- c(fmla, ~x1 + x2)
fit_mgcv <- gam(fmla, data = dat, family = f)
predict_mgcv <- calculate_effects(fit_mgcv, continuous_type = 'predict')
# Check predictions align
colMeans(predict(fit_mgcv, data = dat, type = 'response'))
# Shorten for CRAN by only checking interactions on CI or local
if (env_test != 'CRAN'){
predict_inter <- calculate_interactions(fit_mgcv, continuous_type = 'minmax',
variables = list(c('x1', 'x2')))
AME_x1 <- sapply(range(dat$x1), FUN=function(i){
copy <- dat
copy$x1 <- i
return(colMeans(predict(fit_mgcv, newdata = copy, type = 'response')))
AME_x2 <- sapply(range(dat$x2), FUN=function(i){
copy <- dat
copy$x2 <- i
return(colMeans(predict(fit_mgcv, newdata = copy, type = 'response')))
ACE <- mapply(range(dat$x1), range(dat$x2), FUN=function(i,j){
copy <- dat
copy$x1 <- i
copy$x2 <- j
return(colMeans(predict(fit_mgcv, newdata = copy, type = 'response')))
AME_x1 <- as.vector(diff(t(AME_x1)))
AME_x2 <- as.vector(diff(t(AME_x2)))
ACE <- as.vector(diff(t(ACE)))
AMIE <- ACE - AME_x1 - AME_x2
AIE_low <- sapply(range(dat$x2), FUN=function(i){
copy <- dat
copy$x1 <- min(dat$x1)
copy$x2 <- i
return(colMeans(predict(fit_mgcv, newdata = copy, type = 'response')))
AIE_high <- sapply(range(dat$x2), FUN=function(i){
copy <- dat
copy$x1 <- max(dat$x1)
copy$x2 <- i
return(colMeans(predict(fit_mgcv, newdata = copy, type = 'response')))
AIE <- as.vector(diff(t(AIE_high))) - as.vector(diff(t(AIE_low)))
expect_equal(predict_inter$est, c(as.vector(t(cbind(AME_x1, AME_x2))), ACE, AMIE, AIE))
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