#' @title Stepwise model selection in (graphical) interaction models
#' @description Stepwise model selection in (graphical) interaction
#' models
#' @name stepwise
#' @param object An \code{iModel} model object
#' @param criterion Either \code{"aic"} or \code{"test"} (for significance test)
#' @param alpha Critical value for deeming an edge to be significant/
#' insignificant. When \code{criterion="aic"}, \code{alpha} defaults to 0;
#' when \code{criterion="test"}, \code{alpha} defaults to 0.05.
#' @param type Type of models to search. Either \code{"decomposable"} or
#' \code{"unrestricted"}. If \code{type="decomposable"} and the initial
#' model is decompsable, then the search is among decomposable models only.
#' @param search Either \code{'all'} (greedy) or \code{'headlong'} (search edges
#' randomly; stop when an improvement has been found).
#' @param steps Maximum number of steps.
#' @param k Penalty term when \code{criterion="aic"}. Only k=2 gives genuine
#' AIC.
#' @param fixin Matrix (p x 2) of edges. If those edges are in the model,
#' they are not considered for removal.
#' @param fixout Matrix (p x 2) of edges. If those edges are not in the model,
#' they are not considered for addition.
#' @param direction Direction for model search. Either \code{"backward"} or
#' \code{"forward"}.
#' @param details Controls the level of printing on the screen.
#' @param trace For debugging only
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed on to \code{testdelete} (for
#' \code{testInEdges}) and \code{testadd} (for \code{testOutEdges}).
#' @author Søren Højsgaard, \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{cmod}}, \code{\link{dmod}}, \code{\link{mmod}},
#' \code{\link{testInEdges}}, \code{\link{testOutEdges}}
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' data(reinis)
#' ## The saturated model
#' m1 <- dmod(~.^., data=reinis)
#' m2 <- stepwise(m1)
#' m2
drop_func <- function(criterion){
"aic" ={
opt.op = which.min,
comp.op = `<`,
out.str = "change.AIC",
crit.str = "aic")},
opt.op = which.max,
comp.op = `>`,
out.str = "p.value",
crit.str = "p.value")
add_func <- function(criterion){
"aic" ={
opt.op = which.max,
comp.op = `>`,
out.str = "change.AIC",
crit.str = "aic")},
opt.op = which.min,
comp.op = `<`,
out.str = "p.value",
crit.str = "p.value")
#' @export
#' @rdname stepwise
stepwise.iModel <- function(object,
steps = 1000,
k = 2,
trace=2, ...)
direction <- match.arg(direction, c("backward", "forward", "both"))
criterion <- match.arg(criterion, c("aic", "test"))
search <- match.arg(search, c("headlong", "all"))
if (isGSD_glist(.glist(object))[2]){
type <- match.arg(type, c("decomposable", "unrestricted"))
} else {
type <- "unrestricted"
cat("STEPWISE: ",
"\n criterion:", criterion, if (criterion=="aic") paste("( k =", round(k,2),")"),
"\n direction:", direction,
"\n type :", type,
"\n search :", search,
"\n steps :", steps, "\n")
if (direction == "backward"){
out <- backward(object, type=type, search=search,
criterion=criterion, alpha=alpha, steps=steps,
k=k, fixin=fixin, details=details, trace=trace)#$object
} else {
out <- forward(object, type=type, search=search,
criterion=criterion, alpha=alpha, steps=steps,
k=k, fixout=fixout, details=details, trace=trace)#$object
#' @export
#' @rdname stepwise
backward <- function(object, criterion="aic", alpha=NULL, type="decomposable", search="all",
steps=1000, k=2, fixin=NULL, details=1, trace=2, ...) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("decomposable", "unrestricted"))
search <- match.arg(search, c("headlong", "all"))
## discrete is needed because checking for decomposability is special for mixed models.
disc <- getmi(object, "disc.names") ## FIXME: Simpler than above
vn <- getmi(object, "varNames")
fmat <- if (!is.null(fixin)) .as_amat(.do_handlefix(fixin), vn=vn)
## Here we use amat behind the scenes...
isgsd <- isGSD_glist(.glist(object), discrete=disc)
if (!all(isgsd)) type <- "unrestricted"
if (is.null(alpha))
alpha <- if (criterion=="aic") 0 else 0.05
ff <- drop_func(criterion)
t0 <- proc.time()
## testEdges <- switch(search,
## "headlong" = {.testInEdges_headlong},
## "all" = {.testInEdges_all})
itcount <- 1
repeat {
##cat("Iteration", itcount, "\n")
gg <- .glist(object)
amat <- .as_amat(gg) ## FIXME generate amat yet another time
edgeMAT <- getEdges(amat, type=type, ingraph=TRUE, discrete=disc)
if (!is.null(fmat))
edgeMAT <- .update_edgeMAT(edgeMAT, fmat, vn)
if (nrow(edgeMAT) == 0) {
if (details >= 1) cat(sprintf("No edges can be removed\n"))
testMAT <- .test_in_edges(object, edgeMAT, comp.op=ff$comp.op, crit.str=ff$crit.str,
alpha=alpha, k=k, search=search, amat=amat, ...)
statvec <- testMAT[, ff$crit.str]
opt.idx <- ff$opt.op(statvec)
## print(testMAT); print(opt.idx)
if (details>=2) print(testMAT, row.names=FALSE, digits=4)
##str(list(statvec=statvec, opt.idx=opt.idx))
if (ff$comp.op( statvec[opt.idx], alpha)) {
## update object
opt.edge <- as.character(testMAT[opt.idx, c("V1", "V2")])
## print(opt.edge)
object <- update(object, list(drop.edge=opt.edge))
if (details >= 1) cat(sprintf(" %s %9.4f Edge deleted: %s\n",
ff$out.str, statvec[opt.idx], .toString(opt.edge)))
if (itcount == steps) { break }
} else break
itcount <- itcount + 1
#' @export
#' @rdname stepwise
forward <- function(object, criterion="aic", alpha=NULL, type="decomposable", search="all",
steps=1000, k=2, fixout=NULL, details=1, trace=2, ...)
type <- match.arg(type, c("decomposable", "unrestricted"))
search <- match.arg(search, c("headlong", "all"))
## discrete is needed because checking for decomposability is special for mixed models.
disc <- getmi(object, "disc.names") ## FIXME: Simpler than above
vn <- getmi(object, "varNames")
fmat <- if (!is.null(fixout)) .as_amat(.do_handlefix(fixout), vn=vn)
isgsd <- isGSD_glist(.glist(object), discrete=disc)
if (!all(isgsd)) type <- "unrestricted"
if (is.null(alpha))
alpha <- if (criterion=="aic") 0 else 0.05
ff <- add_func(criterion)
t0 <- proc.time()
## testEdges <- switch(search,
## "headlong" ={.testOutEdges_headlong},
## "all" ={.testOutEdges_all})
itcount <- 1
##cat("Iteration", itcount, "\n")
amat <- .as_amat(.glist(object))
edgeMAT <- getEdges(amat, type=type, ingraph=FALSE, discrete=disc)
if (!is.null(fmat))
edgeMAT <- .update_edgeMAT(edgeMAT, fmat, vn)
if (nrow(edgeMAT) == 0){
if (details >= 1) cat(sprintf("No edges can be added\n"))
testMAT <- .test_out_edges(object, edgeMAT, comp.op=ff$comp.op, crit.str=ff$crit.str,
alpha=alpha, k=k, search=search, amat=amat, ...)
statvec <- testMAT[,ff$crit.str]
opt.idx <- ff$opt.op(statvec)
if (details >= 2) print(testMAT, row.names=FALSE, digits=4)
if (ff$comp.op( statvec[opt.idx], alpha)) {
opt.edge <- as.character(testMAT[opt.idx, c("V1","V2")])
object <- update(object, list(add.edge=opt.edge)) ## Update model
if (details >= 1) cat(sprintf(" %s %9.4f Edge added: %s\n",
ff$out.str, statvec[opt.idx], .toString(opt.edge)))
if (itcount == steps) { break }
} else break
itcount <- itcount + 1
### dot-functions below here
.edge_matrix <- function(amat, duplicates=FALSE, names=FALSE, long=FALSE){
if (!is.adjMAT(amat)) stop("amat not an adjacency matrix\n")
m <- t.default(MAT2ftM_(amat)) ## Wide format
if (!duplicates){
i <- m[1, ] < m[2, ]
m <- m[, i]
if (names) {
d <- dim(m)
m <- colnames(amat)[m]
dim(m) <- d
if (long) t.default(m) else m
.do_handlefix <- function(x){
.handle_matrix <- function(x){
if (ncol(x) == 2) rowmat2list(x)
else if (nrow(x) == 2) colmat2list(x)
else stop("Do not know what to do\n")
.handle_list <- function(x){
out <- lapply(x, function(l){
if (is.vector(l)) list(l)
else if (is.matrix(l)) .handle_matrix(l)
else stop("Do not know what to do\n")
unlist(out, recursive=FALSE)
if (is.null(x)) NULL
else if (is.matrix(x)) .handle_matrix(x)
else if (is.list(x)) .handle_list(x)
else stop("Do not know what to do\n")
.update_edgeMAT <- function(edgeMAT, fmat, vn){
.amat_subtract <- function(amat1, amat2){
if (is.null(amat2)) return(amat1)
amat1 <- amat1 - amat2
amat1[amat1 < 0L] <- 0L
am <- .as_amat(matrix2list(edgeMAT), vn=vn)
am <- .amat_subtract(am, fmat)
edgeMAT <- .edge_matrix(am, names=TRUE, long=TRUE)
## # x : generator liste
## .is_gsd <- function(x, amat=NULL, discrete=NULL){
## if (is.null(amat)) amat <- .glist2amat(x)
## cliq <- maxCliqueMAT(amat)[[1]]
## ## Is graphical ?
## isg <- all(unlist(lapply(cliq, function(cq) isin(x, cq))))
## if (!isg) c(isg = FALSE, issd = FALSE)
## else
## c(isg = TRUE,
## issd = length(mcs_markedMAT(amat, discrete = discrete)) > 0)
## }
## ## Requires that first element (row) is smaller than second element (row)
## .hash_edge <- function(em){
## z <- c(1L, 100000L)
## if (is.matrix(em) && nrow(em) == 2) colSums(em * z)
## else if (is.numeric(em) && length(em) == 2)sum(em * z)
## }
## # obs: A named array
## .iloglin <- function(obs, ...){
## vn <- names(dimnames(obs))
## fit <- lapply(vn, function(v) {tabMarg(obs, v)})
## n <- sum(obs)
## s <- lapply(fit, function(f) sum(f * log(f)))
## tt <- obs * log(obs)
## t0 <- sum(tt[!])
## t1 <- sum(unlist(s))
## t2 <- length(fit) * n * log(n)
## dev <- 2 * (t0 - n * log(n) - t1 + t2)
## list(lrt=dev,
## df=prod(dim(obs)) - length(dim(obs)) - 1)
## }
## switch(criterion,
## "aic" ={opt.op <- which.min
## comp.op <- `<`
## out.str <- "change.AIC"
## crit.str <- "aic"},
## "test"={opt.op <- which.max
## comp.op <- `>`
## out.str <- "p.value"
## crit.str <- "p.value"
## })
## switch(criterion,
## "aic" ={
## ##opt.op <- which.min ## Changed june 2020
## ##comp.op <- `<` ## Changed june 2020
## opt.op <- which.max
## comp.op <- `>`
## out.str <- "change.AIC"
## crit.str <- "aic"},
## "test"={opt.op <- which.min
## comp.op <- `<`
## out.str <- "p.value"
## crit.str <- "p.value"
## })
## switch(criterion,
## "aic" ={opt.op <- which.min
## comp.op <- `<`
## out.str <- "change.AIC"
## crit.str <- "aic"},
## "test"={opt.op <- which.max
## comp.op <- `>`
## out.str <- "p.value"
## crit.str <- "p.value"
## })
## switch(criterion,
## "aic" ={
## ##opt.op <- which.min ## Changed june 2020
## ##comp.op <- `<` ## Changed june 2020
## opt.op <- which.max
## comp.op <- `>`
## out.str <- "change.AIC"
## crit.str <- "aic"},
## "test"={opt.op <- which.min
## comp.op <- `<`
## out.str <- "p.value"
## crit.str <- "p.value"
## })
## switch(criterion,
## "aic" ={opt.op <- which.min
## comp.op <- `<`
## out.str <- "change.AIC"
## crit.str <- "aic"},
## "test"={opt.op <- which.max
## comp.op <- `>`
## out.str <- "p.value"
## crit.str <- "p.value"
## })
## switch(criterion,
## "aic" ={
## ##opt.op <- which.min ## Changed june 2020
## ##comp.op <- `<` ## Changed june 2020
## opt.op <- which.max
## comp.op <- `>`
## out.str <- "change.AIC"
## crit.str <- "aic"},
## "test"={opt.op <- which.min
## comp.op <- `<`
## out.str <- "p.value"
## crit.str <- "p.value"
## })
## backfor <- function(object,
## criterion="aic",
## alpha=NULL,
## type="decomposable",
## search="all",
## steps = 1000,
## k = 2,
## direction="backward",
## fixin=NULL,
## fixout=NULL,
## details=1,
## trace=2, ...)
## {
## direction <- match.arg(direction, c("backward", "forward"))
## criterion <- match.arg(criterion, c("aic", "test"))
## search <- match.arg(search, c("headlong", "all"))
## if (is.null(alpha))
## alpha <- if (criterion=="aic") 0 else 0.05
## do_back <- identical(direction, "backward") ## Logical
## if (isGSD_glist(.glist(object))[2]){
## type <- match.arg(type, c("decomposable", "unrestricted"))
## } else {
## type <- "unrestricted"
## }
## type <- match.arg(type, c("decomposable", "unrestricted"))
## ## discrete is needed because checking for decomposability is special for mixed models.
## disc <- getmi(object, "disc.names") ## FIXME: Simpler than above
## vn <- getmi(object, "varNames")
## isgsd <- isGSD_glist(.glist(object), discrete=disc)
## if (!all(isgsd)) type <- "unrestricted"
## if (do_back){ ## Backward
## fmat <- if (!is.null(fixin)) .as_amat(.do_handlefix(fixin), vn=vn)
## ff <- drop_func(criterion)
## testEdges <- .test_in_edges
## } else { ## Forward
## fmat <- if (!is.null(fixout)) .as_amat(.do_handlefix(fixout), vn=vn)
## ff <- add_func(criterion)
## testEdges <- .test_out_edges
## }
## itcount <- 1
## repeat{
## ##cat("Iteration", itcount, "\n")
## amat <- .as_amat(.glist(object)) ## FIXME generate amat yet another time
## ingraph <- do_back
## edgeMAT <- getEdges(amat, type=type, ingraph=ingraph, discrete=disc)
## if (!is.null(fmat))
## edgeMAT <- .update_edgeMAT(edgeMAT, fmat, vn)
## if (nrow(edgeMAT) == 0){
## if (details >= 1){
## if (do_back) cat(sprintf("No edges can be removed\n"))
## else cat(sprintf("No edges can be added\n"))
## }
## break
## }
## testMAT <- testEdges(object, edgeMAT, comp.op=ff$comp.op, crit.str=ff$crit.str,
## alpha=alpha, k=k, search=search, amat=amat, ...)
## statvec <- testMAT[, ff$crit.str]
## opt.idx <- ff$opt.op(statvec)
## if (details >= 2) print(testMAT, row.names=FALSE, digits=4)
## if (ff$comp.op(statvec[opt.idx], alpha)) {
## opt.edge <- as.character(testMAT[opt.idx, c("V1", "V2")])
## if (do_back){ ## Backward
## object <- update(object, list(drop.edge=opt.edge))
## if (details >= 1)
## cat(sprintf(" %s %9.4f Edge deleted: %s\n",
## ff$out.str, statvec[opt.idx], .toString(opt.edge)))
## } else { ## Forward
## object <- update(object, list(add.edge=opt.edge))
## if (details >= 1) cat(sprintf(" %s %9.4f Edge added: %s\n",
## ff$out.str, statvec[opt.idx], .toString(opt.edge)))
## }
## if (itcount == steps) { break }
## } else break
## itcount <- itcount + 1
## }
## object
## }
## if(details>=1){
## cat("STEPWISE: ",
## "\n criterion:", criterion, if (criterion=="aic") paste("( k =", round(k,2),")"),
## "\n direction:", direction,
## "\n type :", type,
## "\n search :", search,
## "\n steps :", steps, "\n")
## }
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