
#library(colorspace) is take off so it can go to gamlss
scattersmooth <- function(x, y, 
                          nbin = 100, 
                        lambda = 1, 
                          ndot = 500, 
                         csize = 0.3, 
                         ticks = TRUE,
                          xlim = c(min(x), max(x)), 
                          ylim = c(min(y), max(y)), 
                          show = TRUE,
                          save = FALSE,
                          data = NULL,
                          xlab = NULL,
                          ylab = NULL,
                          cols = heat.colors(10:200),
                    col.points = "blue",
smooth2d = function (H, lambda) {
    # 2-D exponential smoother
    if (length(lambda) == 1) lambda = c(lambda, lambda)
    # Build penalty matrices
      m <- nrow(H)
      n <- ncol(H)
     E1 <- diag(m)
     E2 <- diag(n)
    D1x <- diff(E1)
    D1y <- diff(E2)
    D2x <- diff(D1x)
    D2y <- diff(D1y)    
     Qx <- E1 + lambda[1]^2 * t(D2x) %*% D2x + 2 * lambda[1] * t(D1x) %*% D1x
     Qy <- E2 + lambda[2]^2 * t(D2y) %*% D2y + 2 * lambda[2] * t(D1y) %*% D1y
    # Smooth
      H <- t(solve(Qy, t(solve(Qx, H))))
    fillhist <- function(xb, yb, nb)
        H <- matrix(rep(0, prod(nb)), nb[1], nb[2])
        for (i in 1:length(xb))
            H[xb[i],yb[i]] <- H[xb[i],yb[i]] + 1
# main function starts here
# check correct input
xlab <- if (is.null(xlab))  deparse(substitute(x)) else xlab
ylab <- if (is.null(ylab))  deparse(substitute(y)) else ylab
y <- if (!is.null(data)) get(deparse(substitute(y)), envir=as.environment(data)) else y
x <- if (!is.null(data)) get(deparse(substitute(x)), envir=as.environment(data)) else x
# ## --------------
#     if (!is.null(data)) 
#            {
#            YYY <- paste(paste(deparse(substitute(data)),"$", sep=""),deparse(substitute(y)), sep="" )
#              y <- eval(parse(text=YYY))
# #            XXX <- paste(paste(deparse(substitute(data)),"$", sep=""),deparse(substitute(x)), sep="" )
#              x <- eval(parse(text=XXX))
#            }
    if (length(x) != length(y))
        stop("lengths of x and y do not match")
    if ( (length(x) < 2) | (length(y) < 2) )
        stop("x and y should be vectors")
    if ( !is.numeric(x) | !is.numeric(y) )
        stop("x and y should contain numeric values")
    if ( all(!is.numeric(lambda)) | all(lambda < 0) | (length(lambda) > 2) )
        stop("lambda should be numeric and positive")
    if ( length(lambda) == 1 )
        lambda <- c(lambda, lambda)
    if (all(!is.numeric(nbin)) | all(nbin < 1) | (length(nbin) > 2) )
        stop("nbin should be a strictly positive integer")
    if ( length(nbin) == 1 )
        nbin <- c(nbin, nbin)
    if (!is.numeric(ndot) | (ndot < 0) | (length(ndot) > 1) )
        stop("ndot should be a non-negative integer")
     ndot <- floor(ndot)
        m <- length(x)
    # Put the x-values into bins
     xmin <- xlim[1]
     xmax <- xlim[2]
       dx <- (xmax - xmin) / (nbin[1] - 1)
     xbin <- floor(1 + (x - xmin) / dx)
    xgrid <- xmin + (1:nbin[1] - 0.5) * dx
    # Put the y-values into bins
     ymin <- ylim[1]
     ymax <- ylim[2]
       dy <- (ymax - ymin) / (nbin[2]-1)
     ybin <- floor(1 + (y - ymin) / dy)
    ygrid <- ymin + (1:nbin[2] - 0.5) * dy
    # Select point within boundaries
      sel <- 1 <= xbin & xbin <= nbin[1] & 1 <= ybin & ybin <= nbin[2]
     xbin <- xbin[sel]
     ybin <- ybin[sel]
    nmiss <- length(x) - sum(sel)
    # Create and smooth the unsmoothed histogram
     Hraw <- fillhist(xbin, ybin, nbin)
  Hsmooth <- smooth2d(Hraw, lambda) 
    if (ticks == FALSE) par(xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n')
    if (show) 
     # cols =  #gray(0:n.col/n.col) 
      #          heat.colors(10:200)
      image(x = xgrid, y = ygrid, z = -Hsmooth, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
            col = cols)
      # Plot selection of dots
      if (ndot > 0) 
        ndot <- min(m, ndot)
        sel <- sort.list(rnorm(m))[1:ndot]
        points(x[sel], y[sel], cex = csize, col = col.points, pch = 15)
    sg <- list()
   if (save==TRUE) 
    # Return results
    sg <- list(Hraw = Hraw, Hsmooth = Hsmooth, xgrid = xgrid, ygrid = ygrid, 
              xbin = xbin, ybin = ybin, nmiss = nmiss, seldots = sel)

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gamlss.util documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:10 a.m.