Man pages for gap
Genetic Analysis Package

a2gAllele-to-genotype conversion
abTest/Power calculation for mediating effect
AE3AE model using nuclear family trios
allele.recodeAllele recoding
asplotRegional association plot
b2rObtain correlation coefficients and their...
BFDPBayesian false-discovery probability
btBradley-Terry model for contingency table
ccsizePower and sample size for case-cohort design
chow.testChow's test for heterogeneity in two regressions
chr_pos_a1_a2SNP id by chr:pos+a1/a2
ci2msEffect size and standard error from confidence interval
circos.cis.vs.trans.plotcircos plot of cis/trans classification
circos.cnvplotcircos plot of CNVs.
circos.mhtplotcircos Manhattan plot with gene annotation
circos.mhtplot2Another circos Manhattan plot
cis.vs.trans.classificationA cis/trans classifier
cnvplotgenomewide plot of CNVs
comp.scorescore statistics for testing genetic linkage of quantitative...
csCredible set
ESplotEffect-size plot
fbsizeSample size for family-based linkage and association design
FPRPFalse-positive report probability
g2aConversion of a genotype identifier to alleles
gapGenetic analysis package
gc.emGene counting for haplotype analysis
gc.lambdaEstimation of the genomic control inflation statistic...
gcontrolgenomic control
gcontrol2genomic control based on p values
gcpPermutation tests using GENECOUNTING
genecountingGene counting for haplotype analysis
geno.recodeGenotype recoding
get_b_seGet b and se from AF, n, and z
get_pve_seGet pve and its standard error from n, z
get_sdyGet sd(y) from AF, n, b, se
gifKinship coefficient and genetic index of familiality
grid2dTwo-dimensional grid
h2GHeritability and its variance
h2GEHeritability and its variance when there is an environment...
h2.jagsHeritability estimation based on genomic relationship matrix...
h2lHeritability under the liability threshold model
h2_mzdzHeritability estimation according to twin correlations
hapHaplotype reconstruction
hap.controlControl for haplotype reconstruction
hap.emGene counting for haplotype analysis
hap.scoreScore statistics for association of traits with haplotypes
hg18Chromosomal lengths for build 36
hg19Chromosomal lengths for build 37
hg38Chromosomal lengths for build 38
hmht.controlControls for highlights
htrHaplotype trend regression
hweHardy-Weinberg equlibrium test for a multiallelic marker
hwe.ccA likelihood ratio test of population Hardy-Weinberg...
hwe.hardyHardy-Weinberg equilibrium test using MCMC
hwe.jagsHardy-Weinberg equlibrium test for a multiallelic marker...
inv_chr_pos_a1_a2Retrieval of chr:pos+a1/a2 according to SNP id
invnormalInverse normal transformation
ixyConversion of chrosome name from strings
KCCDisease prevalences in cases and controls
kin.morgankinship matrix for simple pedigree
klemHaplotype frequency estimation based on a genotype table of...
labelManhattanAnnotate Manhattan or Miami Plot
LD22LD statistics for two diallelic markers
LDklLD statistics for two multiallelic markers
log10plog10(p) for a normal deviate z
log10pvaluelog10(p) for a P value including its scientific format
logplog(p) for a normal deviate z
makepedA function to prepare pedigrees in post-MAKEPED format
masizeSample size calculation for mediation analysis
MCMCgrmMixed modeling with genetic relationship matrices
METAL_forestplotforest plot as R/meta's forest for METAL outputs
metapMeta-analysis of p values
metaregFixed and random effects model for meta-analysis
mht.controlControls for mhtplot
mhtplotManhattan plot
mhtplot2Manhattan plot with annotations
mhtplot.truncTruncated Manhattan plot
miaMultiple imputation analysis for hap
miamiplotMiami plot
miamiplot2Miami Plot
mrMendelian randomization analysis
mr_forestplotMendelian Randomization forest plot
mtdtTransmission/disequilibrium test of a multiallelic marker
mtdt2Transmission/disequilibrium test of a multiallelic marker by...
muvarMeans and variances under 1- and 2- locus (biallelic) QTL...
mvmetaMultivariate meta-analysis based on generalized least squares
pbsizePower for population-based association design
pbsize2Power for case-control association design
pedtodotConverting pedigree(s) to dot file(s)
pedtodot_verbatimPedigree-drawing with graphviz
pfcProbability of familial clustering of disease
pfc.simProbability of familial clustering of disease
pgcPreparing weight for GENECOUNTING
plot.hap.scorePlot haplotype frequencies versus haplotype score statistics
print.hap.scorePrint a hap.score object
pvalueP value for a normal deviate
qqfunQuantile-comparison plots
qqunifQ-Q plot for uniformly distributed random variable
qtl2dplot2D QTL plot
qtl2dplotly2D QTL plotly
qtl3dplotly3D QTL plot
qtlClassifierA QTL cis/trans classifier
ReadGRMA function to read GRM file
ReadGRMBinA function to read GRM binary files utility function to read ms output
revStrandAllele on the reverse strand
runshinygapStart shinygap
s2kStatistics for 2 by K table
sentinelsSentinel identification from GWAS summary statistics
SNPFunctions for single nucleotide polymorphisms
snptest_sampleA utility to generate SNPTEST sample file
tsccPower calculation for two-stage case-control design
whscoreWhittemore-Halpern scores for allele-sharing
WriteGRMA function to write GRM file
WriteGRMBinA function to write GRM binary file
xyConversion of chromosome names to strings
gap documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 5:07 p.m.