
Defines functions r_check_limit_cores .onLoad .onAttach

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  options(gaston.chr.x = 23L, gaston.chr.y = 24L, gaston.chr.mt = 26L, gaston.autosomes = c(1:22,25L) )
  rnorm(1); # force RNG seed initialisation (not done when the RNG is called from C++ code)

  n <- RcppParallel::defaultNumThreads()
  n <- 2**max(0,floor(min(3, log2(n) - 1)))
    n <- 1
  packageStartupMessage("Gaston set number of threads to ", n, ". Use setThreadOptions() to modify this.")

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  options(gaston.chr.x = 23L, gaston.chr.y = 24L, gaston.chr.mt = 26L, gaston.autosomes = c(1:22,25L) )
  rnorm(1); # force RNG seed initialisation (not done when the RNG is called from C++ code)

# note : Il se pourrait qu'au lieu de renvoyer "true" certains systèmes renvoient "true " ou quelque chose comme ça
# le plus simple semble etre de tester que c'est défini (à autre chose que "false" au cas où, admettons)...
r_check_limit_cores <- function() { 
  Rcheck <- tolower(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_", ""))
  (nchar(Rcheck[1]) > 0) & (Rcheck != "false")

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gaston documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:33 a.m.