
Defines functions predict.gbm

Documented in predict.gbm

#' Predict method for GBM Model Fits
#' Predicted values based on a generalized boosted model object
#' \code{predict.gbm} produces predicted values for each observation in
#' \code{newdata} using the the first \code{n.trees} iterations of the boosting
#' sequence. If \code{n.trees} is a vector than the result is a matrix with
#' each column representing the predictions from gbm models with
#' \code{n.trees[1]} iterations, \code{n.trees[2]} iterations, and so on.
#' The predictions from \code{gbm} do not include the offset term. The user may
#' add the value of the offset to the predicted value if desired.
#' If \code{object} was fit using \code{\link{gbm.fit}} there will be no
#' \code{Terms} component. Therefore, the user has greater responsibility to
#' make sure that \code{newdata} is of the same format (order and number of
#' variables) as the one originally used to fit the model.
#' @param object Object of class inheriting from (\code{\link{gbm.object}})
#' @param newdata Data frame of observations for which to make predictions
#' @param n.trees Number of trees used in the prediction. \code{n.trees} may be
#' a vector in which case predictions are returned for each iteration specified
#' @param type The scale on which gbm makes the predictions
#' @param single.tree If \code{single.tree=TRUE} then \code{predict.gbm}
#' returns only the predictions from tree(s) \code{n.trees}
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return Returns a vector of predictions. By default the predictions are on
#' the scale of f(x). For example, for the Bernoulli loss the returned value is
#' on the log odds scale, poisson loss on the log scale, and coxph is on the
#' log hazard scale.
#' If \code{type="response"} then \code{gbm} converts back to the same scale as
#' the outcome. Currently the only effect this will have is returning
#' probabilities for bernoulli and expected counts for poisson. For the other
#' distributions "response" and "link" return the same.
#' @author Greg Ridgeway \email{gregridgeway@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gbm}}, \code{\link{gbm.object}}
#' @keywords models regression
#' @export predict.gbm
#' @export
predict.gbm <- function(object, newdata, n.trees, type = "link", 
                        single.tree = FALSE, ...) {
   if ( missing( newdata ) ){
      newdata <- reconstructGBMdata(object)
   if ( missing(n.trees) || length(n.trees) < 1 ) {
      if ( object$train.fraction < 1 ) {
         n.trees <- gbm.perf( object, method = "test", plot.it = FALSE )
      } else if (!is.null(object$cv.error)) {
         n.trees <- gbm.perf( object, method = "cv", plot.it = FALSE )
      } else { 
         n.trees <- length( object$train.error ) 
      message( paste( "Using", n.trees, "trees...\n" ) )
   if (!is.element(type, c("link", "response"))) {
     stop("type must be either 'link' or 'response'")
   if (!is.null(object$Terms)) {
     x <- model.frame(terms(reformulate(object$var.names)), newdata,
                      na.action = na.pass)
   } else {
     x <- newdata
   cRows <- nrow(x)
   cCols <- ncol(x)
   for(i in 1:cCols) {
      if(is.factor(x[,i])) {
         if (length(levels(x[,i])) > length(object$var.levels[[i]])) {
            new.compare <- levels(x[,i])[1:length(object$var.levels[[i]])]
         } else {
            new.compare <- levels(x[,i])
         if (!identical(object$var.levels[[i]], new.compare)) {
            x[,i] <- factor(x[,i], union(object$var.levels[[i]], levels(x[,i])))
         x[,i] <- as.numeric(factor(x[,i], levels = object$var.levels[[i]]))-1
   x <- as.vector(unlist(x, use.names=FALSE))
   if (missing(n.trees) || any(n.trees > object$n.trees)) {
     n.trees[n.trees>object$n.trees] <- object$n.trees
     warning("Number of trees not specified or exceeded number fit so far. ",
             "Using ", paste(n.trees, collapse = " "), ".")
   i.ntree.order <- order(n.trees)
   # Next if block for compatibility with objects created with version 1.6.
   if (is.null(object$num.classes)){
     object$num.classes <- 1
   predF <- .Call("gbm_pred",
                  cNumClasses = as.integer(object$num.classes),
                  single.tree = as.integer(single.tree),
                  PACKAGE = "gbm")
   if ((length(n.trees) > 1) || (object$num.classes > 1)) {
      if (object$distribution$name=="multinomial") {
         predF <- array(predF, dim=c(cRows,object$num.classes,length(n.trees)))
         dimnames(predF) <- list(NULL, object$classes, n.trees)
         predF[,,i.ntree.order] <- predF
      } else {
         predF <- matrix(predF, ncol=length(n.trees), byrow=FALSE)
         colnames(predF) <- n.trees
         predF[,i.ntree.order] <- predF
   if (type=="response") {
      if (is.element(object$distribution$name, c("bernoulli", "pairwise"))) {
         predF <- 1 / (1 + exp(-predF))
      } else if (object$distribution$name =="poisson") {
         predF <- exp(predF)
      } else if (object$distribution$name == "adaboost"){
         predF <- 1 / (1 + exp(-2*predF))
      if (object$distribution$name == "multinomial") {
         pexp <- exp(predF)
         psum  <- apply(pexp,  c(1, 3), function(x) { x / sum(x) })
         # Transpose each 2d array
         predF <- aperm(psum, c(2, 1, 3))
      if ((length(n.trees) == 1) && 
          (object$distribution$name != "multinomial")) {
        predF <- as.vector(predF)
   if(!is.null(attr(object$Terms,"offset"))) {
     warning("predict.gbm does not add the offset to the predicted values.")

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gbm documentation built on June 28, 2024, 9:07 a.m.