
Defines functions anovageePrim2

Documented in anovageePrim2

anovageePrim2 <- function(m1, m2,...){

  mm1 <- model.matrix(m1)
  mm2 <- model.matrix(m2)

  P1 <- mm1 %*% solve(t(mm1)%*%mm1) %*% t(mm1) 
  P2 <- mm2 %*% solve(t(mm2)%*%mm2) %*% t(mm2)
  e2 <- mm2 - P1 %*% mm2
  e1 <- mm1 - P2 %*% mm1

  m2inm1 <- all(apply(e2,2,var) < 1e-10)
  m1inm2 <- all(apply(e1,2,var) < 1e-10)

  if (!any(c(m2inm1,m1inm2)))
    cat("Models not nested\n")
    if (all(c(m2inm1,m1inm2)))
      cat("Models are identical\n")
    else {
      if (m1inm2){
        tmp <- m1
        m1 <- m2
        m2 <- tmp
      ## Now mm2 < mm1
      mm1 <- model.matrix(m1)
      mm2 <- model.matrix(m2)

      ## What is this? I wonder
      mf1 <- paste(paste(formula(m1))[c(2,1,3)],collapse=" ")
      mf2 <- paste(paste(formula(m2))[c(2,1,3)],collapse=" ")

      ## Reparametrize the model
      mm <- cbind(mm2,mm1)
      qmm <- qr(mm)
      qmmq <- qr.Q(qmm)
      nymm1 <- as.data.frame(qmmq[,1:qmm$rank])
      colnames(nymm1) <- paste("parm",1:ncol(nymm1),sep=".")
      nymm2 <- nymm1[,1:ncol(mm2),drop=FALSE]

      formula1 <- formula(paste(formula(m1)[[2]],formula(m1)[[1]],
      m1call <- m1$call

      ## BUGFIX provided by Stefan Boehringer
      ##nymm1[,paste(formula(m1call)[[2]])] <- m1$y
      nymm1[, paste(formula(m1)[[2]])] <- m1$y

      nymm1[,paste(m1call$id)] <- m1$id
      m1call$offset <- m1$offset
      m1call$weights <- m1$weights
      m1call$formula <- formula1
      m1call$data <- nymm1

      m1ny <- eval(m1call)

      ## Calculate wald statistic
      beta  <- coef(m1ny)
      vbeta <- summary(m1ny)$cov.unscaled
      df    <- dim(mm1)[2] - dim(mm2)[2]
      rbeta <- rep(1, length(beta))
      rbeta[1:df] <- 0
      beta0   <- rev(rbeta)
      zeroidx <- beta0 == 0
      ##X2 <- t(beta[zeroidx]) %*% solve(vbeta[zeroidx, zeroidx, drop=FALSE]) %*% beta[zeroidx]
      ##X2 <- t(beta[zeroidx]) %*% solve(vbeta[zeroidx, zeroidx, drop=FALSE], beta[zeroidx])

      ## FIX; February 2017: Use generalized inverse instead:
      ## FIXME: Somehow the formal dof's should also be written
      V0 <- vbeta[zeroidx, zeroidx, drop=FALSE]
      b0 <- beta[zeroidx]
      ##bv <<- list(b0=b0, V0=V0)
      ##X2 <- t(b0) %*% solve(V0, b0)
      X2 <- as.numeric( t(b0) %*% ginv(V0) %*% b0)
      ev <- eigen(V0, only.values=TRUE)$values
      df.real <- sum(ev > 1e-12)
      ## Make table with results
      topnote <- paste("Model 1", mf1,"\nModel 2", mf2)
      title  <- "Analysis of 'Wald statistic' Table\n"      
      table  <- data.frame(Df=df.real, X2=X2, p=1 - pchisq(X2, df.real))
      dimnames(table) <- list("1", c("Df", "X2", "P(>|Chi|)"))      
      val <- structure(table, heading = c(title, topnote),
                       class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

anova.geeglmlist <- 
  function (object, ..., dispersion = NULL, test = NULL) 
  responses <- as.character(lapply(object, function(x) {
  sameresp <- responses == responses[1]
  if (!all(sameresp)) {
    object <- object[sameresp]
    warning("Models with response ", deparse(responses[!sameresp]), 
            " removed because response differs from ", "model 1")

  ns <- sapply(object, function(x) length(x$residuals))
  if (any(ns != ns[1])) 
    stop("models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset")
  objects <- list(object,...)    
  m1 <- objects[[1]][[1]]
  if (length(objects[[1]])>1)
    m2 <- objects[[1]][[2]]
    m2 <- NULL

  value <- anovageePrim2(m1,m2)

#' @export
anova.geeglm<-function (object, ..., dispersion = NULL, test = NULL) 

    dotargs <- list(...)
    named <- if (is.null(names(dotargs))) 
                 rep(FALSE, length(dotargs))
             else (names(dotargs) != "")
    if (any(named)) 
        warning("The following arguments to anova.glm(..) are invalid and dropped: ", 
                paste(deparse(dotargs[named]), collapse = ", "))
    dotargs <- dotargs[!named]
    is.glm <- unlist(lapply(dotargs, function(x) inherits(x, "glm")))
    dotargs <- dotargs[is.glm]

    if (length(dotargs) > 0) 
        return(anova.geeglmlist(c(list(object), dotargs), dispersion = dispersion, 
                            test = test))

    varlist <- attr(object$terms, "variables")
    x <- if (n <- match("x", names(object), 0)) {
         else {
  varseq   <- attr(x, "assign")
  nvars    <- max(0, varseq)
  betaList <- vbetaList <- NULL
  if (nvars > 1) {
    method <- object$method
    if (!is.function(method)) 
      method <- get(method, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
    for (i in 1:(nvars - 1)) {
      eprint("calling fit....")
      fit <- method(x = x[, varseq <= i, drop = FALSE], 
                    y = object$y, weights = object$prior.weights, 
                    corstr = object$corstr,
                    start  = object$start, offset = object$offset,   id=object$id,
                    family = object$family, control = object$control)
      betaList <- c(betaList, list(fit$beta))
      vbetaList <- c(vbetaList, list(fit$vbeta))
  betaList <- c(betaList, list( object$geese$beta ))
  vbetaList <- c(vbetaList, list( object$geese$vbeta ))
  hasIntercept <- (length(grep("(Intercept)", names(betaList[[1]]))) != 0)
  dimVec <- unlist(lapply(betaList, length))

  if (hasIntercept){
    dfVec <- dimVec[1] - 1
  } else {
    dfVec <- dimVec[1]

  if (length(dimVec) > 1){
    for (i in 2:length(dimVec))
      dfVec <- c(dfVec, dimVec[i] - dimVec[i-1])
  X2Vec <- NULL
  ## Calculate Wald statistics
  for (i in 1:length(dfVec)){
    beta    <- betaList[[i]]
    vbeta   <- vbetaList[[i]]
    beta0   <- rep(1, length(beta))
    beta0[1:dfVec[i]] <- 0
    beta0   <- rev(beta0)
    zeroidx <- beta0 == 0
    X2      <- t(beta[zeroidx]) %*% solve(vbeta[zeroidx, zeroidx, drop=FALSE]) %*% beta[zeroidx]
    X2Vec   <- c(X2Vec, X2)
    resdf <- dfVec
    resdev <- X2Vec

    tab <- data.frame(resdf, resdev, 1-pchisq(resdev,resdf))
    colnames(tab) <- c("Df", "X2", "P(>|Chi|)")
    tl <- attr(object$terms, "term.labels")
    if (length(tl) == 0) 
        tab <- tab[1, , drop = FALSE]
    if (length(tl))
        rownames(tab) <- c(tl)
    title <- paste("Analysis of 'Wald statistic' Table",
                   "\nModel: ", object$family$family,
                   ", link: ", object$family$link, 
                   "\nResponse: ", as.character(varlist[-1])[1],
                   "\nTerms added sequentially (first to last)\n", 
                 sep = "")
  structure(tab, heading = title, class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

# anova.geeglm <- function(object, ...){
#   anovaPgee (object, ...)
# }

# anovaPgee <- function(object, ...){
#   #cat("anova.gee\n")
#   m1 <- object
#   objects <- list(object,...)
#   if (length(objects)>1)
#     m2 <- objects[[2]]
#   else 
#     m2 <- NULL
#   if (is.null(m2)){
#     term <- attr(object$terms,"term.labels")
#     resp <- paste(formula(object))[2]
#     rhs  <- lapply(1:length(term), function(i) paste(term[1:i],collapse=" + "))
#     print(rhs)
#     model.list <- c(paste(resp,"~ 1"), paste(resp,"~", rhs))

#     value <- NULL
#     for (i in 2:length(model.list)){
#       if (i==2){
#         mf1 <- model.list[i-1]
#         mf2 <- model.list[i]
#         ##print(mf1); print(mf2)

#         #print(mf1)
#         #print(object)
#         m1 <- update(object,formula=as.formula(mf1))
#         m2 <- update(object,formula=as.formula(mf2))
#       } else {
#         m1 <- m2
#         m2 <- update(object,formula=as.formula(model.list[i]))
#         ##print(formula(m1)[1:3]); print(formula(m2)[1:3])
#       }
#       value <- rbind(value,anovageePrim(m1,m2))
#     }
#     rownames(value) <- term
#     attr(value,"model1") <- NULL
#     attr(value,"model2") <- NULL
#   } else {
#     value <- anovageePrim(object,m2)
#   }
#   value[,3] <- round(value[,3],5)
#   return(value)
# }

# anovageePrim <- function(m1, m2,...){
#   mm1 <- model.matrix(m1)
#   mm2 <- model.matrix(m2)
#   P1 <- mm1 %*% solve(t(mm1)%*%mm1) %*% t(mm1) 
#   P2 <- mm2 %*% solve(t(mm2)%*%mm2) %*% t(mm2)
#   e2 <- mm2 - P1 %*% mm2
#   e1 <- mm1 - P2 %*% mm1

#   #print(mm1[c(1:5,100:105),]); print(mm2[c(1:5,100:105),])
#   m2inm1 <- all(apply(e2,2,var) < 1e-10)
#   m1inm2 <- all(apply(e1,2,var) < 1e-10)

#   #print(apply(e2,2,var))
#   #print(apply(e1,2,var))
#   #print(m2inm1)
#   #print(m1inm2)
#   if (!any(c(m2inm1,m1inm2)))
#     cat("Models not nested\n")
#   else 
#     if (all(c(m2inm1,m1inm2)))
#       cat("Models are identical\n")
#     else {
#       if (m1inm2){
#         tmp <- m1
#         m1 <- m2
#         m2 <- tmp
#       }
#       mm1 <- model.matrix(m1)
#       mm2 <- model.matrix(m2)
#       mf1 <- paste(paste(formula(m1))[c(2,1,3)],collapse=" ")
#       mf2 <- paste(paste(formula(m2))[c(2,1,3)],collapse=" ")

#       mm <- cbind(mm2,mm1)
#       qmm <- qr(mm)
#       qmmq <- qr.Q(qmm)
#       nymm1 <- as.data.frame(qmmq[,1:qmm$rank])
#       colnames(nymm1) <- paste("parm",1:ncol(nymm1),sep=".")
#       nymm2 <- nymm1[,1:ncol(mm2),drop=FALSE]

#       dimDiff <- ncol(nymm1)-ncol(nymm2)

#       D <- diag(dimDiff)
#       L <- cbind(matrix(0,ncol=ncol(nymm2),nrow=nrow(D)),D)

#       formula1 <- formula(paste(formula(m1)[[2]],formula(m1)[[1]],
#                                 paste(c("-1",colnames(nymm1)),collapse="+"),collapse=""))

#       m1call <- m1$call
#       #print(formula(m1call)[[2]])
#       #print(nymm1[1:10,])
#       #print(paste(m1call$formula[[2]]))
#       #nymm1[,paste(m1call$formula[[2]])] <- m1$y
#       nymm1[,paste(formula(m1call)[[2]])] <- m1$y
#       nymm1[,paste(m1call$id)] <- m1$id
#       m1call$offset <- m1$offset
#       m1call$weights <- m1$weights
#       m1call$formula <- formula1

#       m1call$data <- nymm1
#       m1ny <- eval(m1call)
#       #print(class(m1ny))

#       val <- esticon(m1ny,L,joint.test=TRUE)

#       rownames(val)<-""
#       class(val) <- c("anova.gee","data.frame")
#       attr(val,"model1") <- mf1
#       attr(val,"model2") <- mf2
#       return(val)
#     }
# }

# print.anova.geeglm <- function(x,...){
#   cat("Analysis table for GEE models\n\n")
#   if (!is.null(attr(x,"model1"))){
#     cat("Model 1: "); cat(attr(x,"model1"), "\n")
#     cat("Model 2: "); cat(attr(x,"model2"), "\n\n")
#   }
#   print.data.frame(x)
# }

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