proteinLocsToGenomic <- function(inputLoci, CDSaaFile) {
exonsPep_0 = read.table(CDSaaFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep='\t',
kk = exonsPep_0[,1]
if(sum(grepl('^chr', kk)) ==0 ) {
kk[kk=='MT'] = 'M'
kk = paste('chr', kk, sep='')
exonsPep_0[,1] = kk
loci_0 = inputLoci
if(! {
loci_0 = data.frame(loci_0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
loci_0[,1] = as.character(loci_0[,1]);
loci_0[,2] = as.numeric(as.character(loci_0[,2]));
loci_0[,3] = as.numeric(as.character(loci_0[,3]))
rownames(loci_0) = 1:nrow(loci_0)
if(grepl('^ENSP', loci_0[1,1])[1] ) {
kk = exonsPep_0[,5]
exonsPep_0[,5] = exonsPep_0[,13]
exonsPep_0[,13] = kk
# get the loci in the list that are in the data with protein sequence.
loci = loci_0[loci_0[,1]%in% exonsPep_0[,5],]
if(nrow(loci)==0) {
return("there is no valid loci!!")
# get the protein sequence of the transcripts which are in the loci.
exonsPep = exonsPep_0[exonsPep_0[,5] %in% loci[,1],]
kk = paste(exonsPep[,5], exonsPep[,6], sep='_')
rownames(exonsPep) = kk
## now need get the genomic coordinates of the protein loci.
kk = nchar(exonsPep[,12]) # get the length of the peptides for each exon
kkt = tapply(kk, exonsPep[,5], function(a) a)
kkt1 = lapply(kkt, function(a) cumsum(a) )
#get the start and end of the peptides for each exon in a transcript
pepExonSE = lapply(kkt1, function(a) {
kk= length(a); if(kk==1) cbind(1, a) else cbind(c(1, a[1:(kk-1)]+1), a)
} )
# assume that the order of exons have been done already in the data file,
# from the 1st to the last in the fashion of from 5' to 3' end.
kkt13 = names(pepExonSE)
for(ind in 1:length(kkt13) ) {
kkt14=kkt13[ind]; kk=nrow(pepExonSE[[ind]]);
kkt15=paste(kkt14, '_', 1:kk, sep='');
# get the exon and the position in the exon for the start and
# end of peptide.
loci2Exon = list()
for(ind in 1:nrow(loci) ) {
a = loci[ind,]
kk = pepExonSE[[a[1,1]]];
kkt = which(a[1,2]>= kk[,1] & a[1,2] <= kk[,2])[1];
kkt01 = a[1,2] - kk[kkt,1] +1
kkt1 = which(a[1,3]>= kk[,1] & a[1,3] <= kk[,2])[1];
kkt02 = a[1,3]- kk[kkt1,1] +1
kkt03 = rbind(c(kkt, kkt01), c(kkt1, kkt02))
rownames(kkt03) = rownames(kk)[kkt03[,1]]
loci2Exon[[ind]]= kkt03
names(loci2Exon) = loci[,1]
# now get the genomic position of the start and end of the peptide
pepGenomicPos = matrix(nrow=length(loci2Exon), ncol=6)
for(ind00 in 1:2) {
if(ind00 ==1) { #for the start
kk = sapply(loci2Exon, function(a) rownames(a)[1]); # for the start
# start with the shift in aa
kk9991 = sapply(loci2Exon, function(a) a[1,2]); names(kk9991) = kk
} else { # for the end
kk = sapply(loci2Exon, function(a) rownames(a)[2]); # for the end
# end with the shift in aa
kk9991 = sapply(loci2Exon, function(a) a[2,2]); names(kk9991) = kk
kk9992 = exonsPep[names(kk9991),]
# clean up the previous Ns for the current CDS.
kk = kk9992[,9]; kk[kk==' '] = ''; kk9992[,9] = kk
for(ind in seq_along(kk9991)) { # for each locus
kkt = kk9991[ind]; # the index of the aa in the peptide
if( next;
kkt = 3*kkt; # the length of condon
kkt01 = kk9992[ind,]; # the current exon
rownames(kkt01) = names(kk9991)[ind] # get the original row names.
prevNs = kkt01[1,9] # the Ns as the remaining from the preceding exon
# if it's the first AA for the current exon and there are some
# remaining Ns for the current exon, then the start position should be
# in the previous exon if there is one.
if(kkt==3 & prevNs!='') {
# get the current exon's name
kkt02 = strsplit(rownames(kkt01), split='_')[[1]]
if(kkt01[1,4] == '+'){
kkt02[2] = as.numeric(kkt02[2]) - 1
} else {
# get the preceding exon's name
kkt02[2] = as.numeric(kkt02[2]) + 1
kkt02 = paste(kkt02, collapse='_')
# if there is the preceding exon.
if(kkt02 %in% rownames(exonsPep)) {
# get the preceding exon,as the current exon.
kkt01 = exonsPep[kkt02,]
if(kkt01[1,4]=='+') {
kkt02 = kkt01[1,3] -nchar(prevNs)+1
} else {
kkt02 = kkt01[1,2] + nchar(prevNs) - 1
} else { # if there is no preceding exon, the first AA would be X.
# Here is one way to deal with, i.e. using the start of exon
# and ignoring the added Ns
if(kkt01[1,4]=='+') {
kkt02 = kkt01[1,2]
} else {
kkt02 = kkt01[1,3]
} else {
# considering the Ns added to the start of the DNA seq
kkt = kkt - nchar(prevNs)
if(ind00==1) { # for the start position
kkt = kkt - 3; #the distance to the starting genomic position
} else { # for the end position
kkt = kkt - 1
if(kkt<0) kkt=0;
if(kkt01[1,4]=='+') {
# the genomic position starting the peptide
kkt02 = kkt01[1,2] + kkt
} else { # minus strand
kkt02 = kkt01[1,3] -kkt
} # for the else
pepGenomicPos[ind,ind00+1] = kkt02 # get the genomic position now
kk = rownames(kkt01)
pepGenomicPos[ind,ind00+4] = sub('^.*_', 'Exon_', kk)
if(ind00==1) { # for the start position
pepGenomicPos[ind,1] = kkt01[1,1] # the chromosome
pepGenomicPos[ind,4] = kkt01[1,4] # the strand
} # end of the loop for ind
} # end of the loop for ind00
colnames(pepGenomicPos) = c('chr', 'start', 'end', 'strand',
'start_exon', 'end_exon')
# swap the coordinates in the negative strand
kk =; kk = rowSums(kk)>0
# get the number
kkt = matrix(pepGenomicPos[!kk, ], ncol=ncol(pepGenomicPos) )
# not get the number
kkt00 = matrix(pepGenomicPos[kk, ], ncol=ncol(pepGenomicPos) )
kkt01 = kkt[,4] == '-'
kkt02 = kkt[,2]
kkt[kkt01,2] = kkt[kkt01,3]
kkt[kkt01,3] = kkt02[kkt01]
kkt = rbind(kkt, kkt00)
kkt1 = rownames(loci)
kkt1= c(kkt1[!kk], kkt1[kk])
rownames(kkt) = kkt1 # get the rowname from loci.
kk = matrix(nrow=nrow(loci_0), ncol=ncol(kkt))
rownames(kk) = rownames(loci_0)
for(ind in 1:ncol(kkt00)) kk[rownames(kkt),ind] = kkt[,ind]
pepGenomicPos = cbind(kk, loci_0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(pepGenomicPos)[1:6] = c('chr', 'start', 'end',
'strand', 'start_exon', 'end_exon')
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