
Defines functions integration.test

Documented in integration.test

#' Quantify morphological integration between modules
#' Function quantifies the degree of morphological integration between modules of Procrustes shape variables
#' The function quantifies the degree of morphological integration between modular partitions of shape data as 
#'   defined by Procrustes shape variables. It is assumed that the landmarks have previously been aligned using 
#'   Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) [e.g., with \code{\link{gpagen}}]. The function may be used to assess
#'   the degree of morphological integration between two or more sets of variables. 
#'   The function estimates the degree of morphological integration using a two-block partial least squares 
#'   analysis (PLS). When used with landmark data, this analysis is referred to as singular warps analysis 
#'   (Bookstein et al. 2003). If more than two partitions are defined, the average pairwise PLS correlation is utilized as
#'   the test statistic. The observed test value is then compared to a distribution of values obtained by randomly permuting 
#'   the individuals (rows) in one partition relative to those in the other. A significant result is found when the 
#'   observed PLS correlation is large relative to this distribution, and implies that the structures are integrated with one
#'   another (see Bookstein et al. 2003).  In addition, a multivariate effect size describing the strength of the effect is 
#'   estimated from the empirically-generated sampling distribution (see details in Adams and Collyer 2019).
#'   If only two partitions are specified, a plot of PLS scores along the first 
#'   set of PLS axes is optionally displayed, and thin-plate spline deformation grids along these axes are also shown if data were 
#'   input as a 3D array.  
#'  Input for the analysis can take one of two forms. First, one can input a single dataset (as a matrix or 3D array, along with 
#'  a vector describing which variables correspond to which partitions (for the case of a 3D array, which landmarks belong to which 
#'  partitions is specified). Alternatively, when evaluating the integration between two structures or partitions, two datasets may be provided.
#'  The generic functions, \code{\link{print}}, \code{\link{summary}}, and \code{\link{plot}} all work with \code{\link{integration.test}}.
#'  The generic function, \code{\link{plot}}, produces a two-block.pls plot.  This function calls \code{\link{plot.pls}}, which produces an ordination plot.  
#'  An additional argument allows one to include a vector to label points.  Starting with version 3.1.0, warpgrids are no longer available with \code{\link{plot.pls}}
#'  but after making a plot, the function returns values that can be used with \code{\link{picknplot.shape}} or a combination of 
#' \code{\link{shape.predictor}} and \code{\link{plotRefToTarget}} to visualize shape changes in the plot (via warpgrids).
#' \subsection{Similarity to \code{\link{two.b.pls}} and \code{\link{compare.pls}} }{ 
#' Note that \code{integration.test} performed on two matrices or arrays returns the same results as \code{\link{two.b.pls}}.  
#' However,  \code{\link{two.b.pls}} is limited to only two modules.  It might be of interest with 3+ modules to perform integration tests
#' between all pairwise comparisons of modules.  This can be done, test by test, and the levels of integration can be compared with
#' \code{\link{compare.pls}}.  Such results are different than using the average amount of integration, as performed by \code{integration.test}
#' when more than two modules are input.
#' }
#'  \subsection{Using phylogenies and PGLS}{ 
#' If one wishes to incorporate a phylogeny, \code{\link{phylo.integration}} is the function to use.  This function is exactly the same as \code{integration.test}
#' but allows PGLS estimation of PLS vectors.  Because \code{\link{integration.test}} can be used on two blocks, \code{\link{phylo.integration}} likewise allows one to
#' perform a phylogenetic two-block PLS analysis.
#' }
#'  \subsection{Notes for geomorph 3.0.4 and subsequent versions}{ 
#'  Compared to previous versions of geomorph, users might notice differences in effect sizes.  Previous versions used z-scores calculated with 
#'  expected values of statistics from null hypotheses (sensu Collyer et al. 2015); however Adams and Collyer (2016) showed that expected values 
#'  for some statistics can vary with sample size and variable number, and recommended finding the expected value, empirically, as the mean from the set 
#'  of random outcomes.  Geomorph 3.0.4 and subsequent versions now center z-scores on their empirically estimated expected values and where appropriate, 
#'  log-transform values to assure statistics are normally distributed.  This can result in negative effect sizes, when statistics are smaller than 
#'  expected compared to the average random outcome.  For ANOVA-based functions, the option to choose among different statistics to measure effect size 
#'  is now a function argument.
#' }
#' @param A A 3D array (p x k x n) containing Procrustes shape variables for all specimens, or a matrix (n x variables)
#' @param A2 An optional 3D array (p x k x n) containing Procrustes shape variables for all specimens, or a matrix (n x variables) for a second partition
#' @param partition.gp A list of which landmarks (or variables) belong in which partition: 
#' (e.g. A, A, A, B, B, B, C, C, C). Required when only 1 dataset provided.
#' @param iter Number of iterations for significance testing
#' @param seed An optional argument for setting the seed for random permutations of the resampling procedure.  
#' If left NULL (the default), the exact same P-values will be found for repeated runs of the analysis (with the same number of iterations).
#' If seed = "random", a random seed will be used, and P-values will vary.  One can also specify an integer for specific seed values,
#' which might be of interest for advanced users.
#' @param print.progress A logical value to indicate whether a progress bar should be printed to the screen.  
#' This is helpful for long-running analyses.
#' @export
#' @keywords analysis
#' @author Dean Adams
#' @return Objects of class "pls" from integration.test return a list of the following:
#'  \item{r.pls}{The estimate of morphological integration: PLS.corr. The mean of pairwise
#'  PLS correlations between partitions is used when there are more than two partitions.}
#'    \item{r.pls.mat}{The pairwise r.pls, if the number of partitions is greater than 2.}
#'    \item{P.value}{The empirically calculated P-value from the resampling procedure.}
#'   \item{Effect.Size}{The multivariate effect size associated with sigma.d.ratio.}
#'    \item{left.pls.vectors}{The singular vectors of the left (x) block (for 2 modules only).}
#'    \item{right.pls.vectors}{The singular vectors of the right (y) block (for 2 modules only).}
#'    \item{random.r}{The correlation coefficients found in each random permutation of the 
#'   resampling procedure.}
#'    \item{XScores}{Values of left (x) block projected onto singular vectors 
#'   (for 2 modules only).}
#'    \item{YScores}{Values of right (y) block projected onto singular vectors
#'   (for 2 modules only).}
#'    \item{svd}{The singular value decomposition of the cross-covariances (for 2 modules only).}
#'    \item{A1}{Input values for the left block (for 2 modules only).}
#'    \item{A2}{Input values for the right block (for 2 modules only).}
#'    \item{A1.matrix}{Left block (matrix) found from A1 (for 2 modules only).}
#'    \item{A2.matrix}{Right block (matrix) found from A2 (for 2 modules only).}
#'    \item{permutations}{The number of random permutations used in the resampling procedure.}
#'    \item{call}{The match call.}
#' @references  Bookstein, F. L., P. Gunz, P. Mitteroecker, H. Prossinger, K. Schaefer, and H. Seidler. 
#'   2003. Cranial integration in Homo: singular warps analysis of the midsagittal plane in ontogeny and 
#'   evolution. J. Hum. Evol. 44:167-187.
#' @references Collyer, M.L., D.J. Sekora, and D.C. Adams. 2015. A method for analysis of phenotypic change for phenotypes described 
#' by high-dimensional data. Heredity. 115:357-365.
#' @references Adams, D.C. and M.L. Collyer. 2016.  On the comparison of the strength of morphological integration across morphometric 
#' datasets. Evolution. 70:2623-2631.
#' @references Adams, D.C. and M.L. Collyer. 2019. Comparing the strength of modular signal, and evaluating 
#' alternative modular hypotheses, using covariance ratio effect sizes with morphometric data. 
#' Evolution. 73:2352-2367.
#' @seealso \code{\link{two.b.pls}}, \code{\link{modularity.test}}, 
#' \code{\link{phylo.integration}}, and \code{\link{compare.pls}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(plethodon) 
#' Y.gpa <- gpagen(plethodon$land)    #GPA-alignment   
#' #landmarks on the skull and mandible assigned to partitions
#' land.gps <- c("A","A","A","A","A","B","B","B","B","B","B","B") 
#' IT <- integration.test(Y.gpa$coords, partition.gp = land.gps)
#' summary(IT) # Test summary
#' P <- plot(IT) # PLS plot
#'  # Visualize shape at minimum and maximum PLS scores.
#'  # This is the challenging way
#'  # Block 1 
#'  minx <- min(P$plot_args$x)
#'  maxx <- max(P$plot_args$x)
#'  preds <- shape.predictor(P$A1, 
#'  x = P$plot.args$x,
#'  min = minx, max = maxx)
#'  plotRefToTarget(mshape(P$A1), preds$min)
#'  plotRefToTarget(mshape(P$A1), preds$max)
#'  # Block 2 
#'  miny <- min(P$plot_args$y)
#'  maxy <- max(P$plot_args$y)
#'  preds <- shape.predictor(P$A2, 
#'  x = P$plot.args$y,
#'  min = miny, max = maxy)
#'  plotRefToTarget(mshape(P$A2), preds$min)
#'  plotRefToTarget(mshape(P$A2), preds$max)
#'  ### Visualize shape variation using picknplot.shape Because picknplot  
#'  ### requires user decisions, the following example
#'  ### is not run (but can be with removal of #).
#'  ### For detailed options, see the picknplot help file
#'  # picknplot.shape(P)
#' IT$left.pls.vectors # extracting just the left (first block) 
#' # singular vectors
#' }

integration.test <-function(A, A2 = NULL,
                            partition.gp = NULL,
                            iter = 999, seed = NULL, 
                            print.progress = TRUE){
    stop("\nData matrix contains missing values. Estimate these first (see 'estimate.missing').",
         call. = FALSE)  
  x <- try(two.d.array(A), silent = TRUE)
  if(inherits(x, "try-error")) x <- try(as.matrix(A), silent = TRUE)
  if(inherits(x, "try-error"))
    stop("\nA is not a suitable data array for analysis. ", call. = FALSE)
  namesX <- rownames(x)
  if (is.null(namesX)) namesX <- 1:NROW(x)
  if(!is.null(A2)) {
      stop("\nData matrix 2 contains missing values. Estimate these first (see 'estimate.missing').",
           call. = FALSE) 
    y <- try(two.d.array(A2), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(y, "try-error")) y <- try(as.matrix(A2), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(y, "try-error"))
      stop("\nA2 is not a suitable data array for analysis. ", call. = FALSE)
    namesY <- rownames(y)
    cnamesY <- colnames(y)
    if (is.null(namesY)) {
      namesY <- 1:NROW(y)
      cat("\nNo names for A2.  Data are assumed to be ordered as in A.\n")
    A1.new <- A
    A2.new <- A2
  if(!is.null(partition.gp) && is.null(A2)){
    partition.gp <- as.factor(partition.gp)
    if (length(dim(A)) == 3){ 
      dims <- dim(A)
      p <- dims[1]
      k <- dims[2]
      if(length(partition.gp) != p) 
        stop("\nNot all landmarks are assigned to a partition.", call. = FALSE)
      gps <- as.factor(rep(partition.gp, k, each = k, length = p * k))  
      A1.new <- A[which(partition.gp == levels(partition.gp)[1]),,]
      A2.new <- A[which(partition.gp != levels(partition.gp)[1]),,]
    if (length(dim(A)) == 2){ 
      if(length(partition.gp) != ncol(x))
        stop("\nNot all variables are assigned to a partition.", call. = FALSE)
      gps <- as.factor(partition.gp) 
      A1.new <- A[, which(partition.gp == levels(partition.gp)[1])]
      A2.new <- A[, which(partition.gp != levels(partition.gp)[1])]
    ngps <- nlevels(gps)
    if(ngps == 2){
      y <- x[,which(gps == levels(gps)[2])]
      x <- x[,which(gps == levels(gps)[1])]
    ngps <- 2
    y <- as.matrix(y[match(namesX, namesY), ]); colnames(y) <- cnamesY
  n <- NROW(x)
  if(!is.null(seed) && seed == "random") seed = sample(1:iter, 1)
  ind <- perm.index(n, iter, seed = seed)
  perms <- length(ind)
    cat(paste("\nRandom PLS calculations:", perms, "permutations.\n"))
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = perms+1, initial = 0, style=3)
  if(ngps == 2){
    pls.obs <- pls(x, y, verbose=TRUE)
    if(NCOL(x) > NROW(x)){
      pcax <- prcomp(x)
      d <- which(zapsmall(pcax$sdev) > 0)
      x <- pcax$x[,d]
    if(NCOL(y) > NROW(y)){
      pcay <- prcomp(y)
      d <- which(zapsmall(pcay$sdev) > 0)
      y <- pcay$x[,d]
    x <- center(x)
    y <- center(y)
    pls.rand <- sapply(1:perms, function(j) {
      step <- j
      if(print.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb,step)
      s <- ind[[j]]
      quick.pls(as.matrix(x[s,]), y)
    names(pls.rand) <- c("obs", paste("iter", 1:iter, sep = "."))
    p.vals <- NULL
    Zs <- NULL
    p.val <- pval(abs(pls.rand))
    Z <- effect.size(pls.rand, center=TRUE) 
    XScores <- pls.obs$XScores
    YScores <- pls.obs$YScores
  if(ngps > 2){
    y <- center(x)
    g <- factor(as.numeric(gps))
    gps.combo <- combn(ngps, 2)
    pls.rand <- sapply(1:perms, function(j) {
      step <- j
      if(print.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb,step)
      s <- ind[[j]]
      sapply(1:ncol(gps.combo), function(jj) {
        y1 <- as.matrix(y[s, g == gps.combo[1,jj]])
        y2 <- y[ , g == gps.combo[2,jj]]
        quick.pls(y1, y2)
    nms <- levels(gps)
    rnms <- apply(gps.combo, 2, function(x) paste(nms[x[1]], nms[x[2]], sep = "-"))
    cnms <- c("obs", paste("iter", 1:iter, sep = "."))
    dimnames(pls.rand) <- list(rnms, cnms)
    p.vals <- apply(abs(pls.rand), 1, pval)
    Zs <- apply(pls.rand, 1, effect.size)
    p.val <- pval(colMeans(abs(pls.rand)))
    Z <- effect.size(colMeans(pls.rand), center=TRUE)
    r.pls.mat <- matrix(0, length(nms), length(nms))
    dimnames(r.pls.mat) <- list(nms, nms)
    r.pls.mat <- as.dist(r.pls.mat)
    r.pls.mat[1:nrow(pls.rand)] <- pls.rand[, 1]
  step <- perms + 1
  if(print.progress) {
  if(ngps == 2){
    out <- list(r.pls = pls.obs$r.pls, r.pls.mat = NULL, P.value = p.val, Z = Z,
                left.pls.vectors = pls.obs$left.vectors,
                right.pls.vectors = pls.obs$right.vectors,
                random.r = pls.rand, 
                XScores = pls.obs$XScores,
                YScores = pls.obs$YScores,
                svd = pls.obs$pls.svd,
                A1 = A1.new, A2 = A2.new,
                A1.matrix = x, A2.matrix =y,
                permutations = iter+1, call=match.call(),
                method = "PLS")
  if(ngps > 2){
    out <- list(r.pls = mean(r.pls.mat), r.pls.mat = r.pls.mat, 
                P.value = p.val, Z = Z,
                pairwise.P.values = p.vals, pairwise.Z = Zs,
                random.r = pls.rand, 
                permutations = iter+1, call=match.call(),
                method = "PLS")
  class(out) <- "pls"

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