### Functions that both RRPP and geomorph use, but should remain internal
### any alterations to these functions must be saved for both RRPP and geomorph
# get.names
# a universal subject name search
# used in lm.rrpp and its descendants
get.names <- function(Y) {
nms <- if(is.vector(Y)) names(Y) else if(inherits(Y, "dist")) attr(Y, "Labels") else
if(inherits(Y, "matrix")) rownames(Y) else dimnames(Y)[[3]]
# center
# centers a matrix faster than scale()
# used in various functions where mean-centering is required
center <- function(x){
if(is.vector(x)) x - mean(x) else {
x <- as.matrix(x)
dims <- dim(x), dims[1], dims[2])
} <- function(x, n, p){
m <- colMeans(x)
x -, rep_len(n, p))
fast.scale <- function(x, n, p){
if(p > 1) {
x <-, n, p)
scale <- apply(x, 2, sd)
x /, rep_len(n, p))
} else {
x <- x - mean(x)
# csize
# calculates centroid size
# digitsurface
csize <- function(x) sqrt(sum(center(as.matrix(x))^2))
# cs.scale
# divide matrices by centroid size
# used in other functions for gpagen
cs.scale <- function(x) x/csize(x)
# center.scale
# center and divide matrices by centroid size; faster than scale()
# used in other functions for gpagen
center.scale <- function(x) {
x <- center(x)
cs <- sqrt(sum(x^2))
y <- x/cs
list(coords=y, CS=cs)
# apply.pPsup
# applies a partial Procrustes superimposition to matrices in a list
# used in gpagen functions
apply.pPsup<-function(M, Ya, rot.pts = NULL) { # M = mean (reference); Ya all Y targets
dims <- dim(Ya[[1]])
k <- dims[2]; p <- dims[1]; n <- length(Ya)
if(is.null(rot.pts)) rot.pts <- 1:p
M <- cs.scale(M)
lapply(1:n, function(j){
y <- Ya[[j]]
MY <- crossprod(M[rot.pts,], y[rot.pts, ])
sv <- La.svd(MY,k,k)
u <- sv$u; u[,k] <- u[,k]*determinant(MY)$sign
# fast.ginv
# same as ginv, but without traps (faster)
# used in any function requiring a generalized inverse
fast.ginv <- function(X, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){
k <- ncol(X)
if(inherits(X, "matrix")) {
Xsvd <- La.svd(X, k, k)
Positive <- Xsvd$d > max(tol * Xsvd$d[1L], 0)
rtu <-((1/Xsvd$d[Positive]) * t(Xsvd$u[, Positive, drop = FALSE]))
v <-t(Xsvd$vt)[, Positive, drop = FALSE]
} else {
Xsvd <- svd(X, k, k)
Positive <- Xsvd$d > max(tol * Xsvd$d[1L], 0)
rtu <-((1/Xsvd$d[Positive]) * t(Xsvd$u[, Positive, drop = FALSE]))
v <-Xsvd$v[, Positive, drop = FALSE]
v %*% rtu
# fast.solve
# same as solve, but without traps (faster)
# used in any function requiring a generalized inverse
fast.solve <- function(x) {
res <- try(solve(x), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(res, "try-error")) res <- fast.ginv(x)
# pcoa
# acquires principal coordinates from distance matrices
# used in all linear model functions with data input
pcoa <- function(D){
if(!inherits(D, "dist")) stop("function only works with distance matrices")
cmd <- cmdscale(D, k=attr(D, "Size") -1, eig=TRUE)
d <- cmd$eig
min.d <- min(d)
if(min.d < 0) {
cmd.c <- cmdscale(D, k=attr(D, "Size") -1, eig=TRUE, add= TRUE)
d <- cmd.c$eig
} else cmd.c <- cmd
p <- length(cmd.c$eig[zapsmall(d) > 0])
Yp <- cmd.c$points[,1:p]
# perm.index
# creates a permutation index for resampling
# used in all functions with a resampling procedure
perm.index <-function(n, iter, block = NULL, seed = NULL){
block <- as.factor(block)
if(length(block) != n)
stop("block factor not the same length as the number of observations.\n",
call. = FALSE)
n <- length(block)
indx <- 1:n
g <- nlevels(block)
gp <- levels(block)
loc.list <- lapply(1:g, function(j) {
indx[block == gp[[j]]]
rindx <- unlist(loc.list)
if(is.null(seed)) seed = iter else
if(seed == "random") seed = sample(1:iter,1) else
if(!is.numeric(seed)) seed = iter
get.samp <- function(n){
out <- array(NA, n)
r <- unlist(lapply(loc.list, sample, replace = FALSE))
for(i in indx) out[rindx[i]] <- r[i]
} else out <-, n)
ind <- c(list(1:n), (Map(function(x) get.samp(n), 1:iter)))
rm(.Random.seed, envir=globalenv())
attr(ind, "seed") <- seed
names(ind) <- c("obs", paste("iter", 1:(length(ind) - 1), sep = "."))
# boot.index
# creates a bootstrap index for resampling
# used in lm.rrpp for intercept models
boot.index <-function(n, iter, block = NULL, seed = NULL){
block <- as.factor(block)
if(length(block) != n)
stop("block factor not the same length as the number of observations.\n",
call. = FALSE)
n <- length(block)
indx <- 1:n
g <- nlevels(block)
gp <- levels(block)
loc.list <- lapply(1:g, function(j) {
indx[block == gp[[j]]]
rindx <- unlist(loc.list)
if(is.null(seed)) seed = iter else
if(seed == "random") seed = sample(1:iter,1) else
if(!is.numeric(seed)) seed = iter
get.samp <- function(n){
out <- array(NA, n)
r <- unlist(lapply(loc.list, sample, replace = TRUE))
for(i in indx) out[rindx[i]] <- r[i]
} else out <-, n)
ind <- c(list(1:n), (Map(function(x) get.samp(n),
rm(.Random.seed, envir=globalenv())
attr(ind, "seed") <- seed
# fastFit
# calculates fitted values for a linear model, after decomoposition of X to get U
# used in SS.iter
fastFit <- function(U,y,n,p){
if(p > n) tcrossprod(U) %*% y else
U %*% crossprod(U,y)
# fastLM
# calculates fitted values and residuals, after fastFit
# placeholder in case needed later
fastLM<- function(U, y){
p <- dim(y)[2]; n <- dim(y)[1]
yh <- fastFit(U,y,n,p)
list(fitted = yh, residuals = y-yh)
# pval
# P-values form random outcomes
# any analytical function
pval = function(s){# s = sampling distribution
p = length(s)
r = rank(s)[1]-1
pv = 1-r/p
# box.cox
# Box-Cox transformation for normalizing distributions. Similar to MASS::boxcox
# without unneeded arguments, plus faster
# Used in effect.size
box.cox.true <- function(y, eps = 0.001){
if(any(y <= 0)) y = y - min(y) + 0.0001
y.obs <- y[1]
y <- y[-1]
# Note the code below (to get yy) is short-cut for Jacobian adjustment
n <- length(y)
yy <- y / exp(mean(log(y)))
logy <- log(yy)
lambda <- seq(-5, 5, 0.001)
m <- length(lambda)
loglik <- sapply(1:m, function(j){ # same as MASS::boxcox loglik
la <- lambda[j]
yt <- if(abs(la) > eps) yt <- (yy^la - 1)/la else
logy * (1 + (la * logy)/2 * (1 + (la * logy)/3 * (1 + (la * logy)/4)))
-n/2 * log(sum(center(yt)^2))
lambda.opt <- lambda[which.max(loglik)][[1]]
if(abs(lambda.opt) < eps) lambda.opt <- 0
y <- c(y.obs, y)
res <- if(lambda.opt == 0) log(y) else (y^lambda.opt - 1)/lambda.opt
list(opt.lambda = lambda.opt, transformed = res, lambda = lambda,
loglik = loglik)
box.cox.spline <- function(y, eps = 0.001) {
if(any(y <= 0)) y = y - min(y) + 0.0001
y.obs <- y[1]
y <- y[-1]
n <- length(y)
yy <- y / exp(mean(log(y)))
logy <- log(yy)
m <- 20
lambda <- seq(-0.5, 1.5, length.out = m)
loglik <- sapply(1:m, function(j){ # same as MASS::boxcox loglik
la <- lambda[j]
yt <- if(abs(la) > eps) yt <- (yy^la - 1)/la else
logy * (1 + (la * logy)/2 * (1 + (la * logy)/3 * (1 + (la * logy)/4)))
-n/2 * log(sum(center(yt)^2))
sp <- spline(lambda, loglik, n = 300)
lambda.opt <- sp$x[which.max(sp$y)]
if(abs(lambda.opt) < eps) lambda.opt <- 0
y <- c(y.obs, y)
res <- if(lambda.opt == 0) log(y) else (y^lambda.opt - 1)/lambda.opt
list(opt.lambda = lambda.opt, transformed = res, lambda = sp$x, loglik = sp$y)
box.cox.iter <- function(y, eps = 0.001) {
bc <- box.cox.spline(y, eps = eps)
if(bc$opt.lambda == -0.5 || bc$opt.lambda == 1.5)
bc <- box.cox.true(y, eps = eps)
} <- function(y, eps = 0.001) {
if(any(y <= 0)) y = y - min(y) + 0.0001
y.obs <- y[1]
y <- y[-1]
n <- length(y)
yy <- y / exp(mean(log(y)))
logy <- log(yy)
logLik <- function(lambda) {
la <- lambda
yt <- if(abs(la) > eps) yt <- (yy^la - 1)/la else
logy * (1 + (la * logy)/2 * (1 + (la * logy)/3 * (1 + (la * logy)/4)))
-n/2 * log(sum(center(yt)^2))
result <- optimise(logLik, lower = -5, upper = 5, maximum = TRUE)
lambda.opt <- result$maximum
if(abs(lambda.opt) < eps) lambda.opt <- 0
y <- c(y.obs, y)
res <- if(lambda.opt == 0) log(y) else (y^lambda.opt - 1)/lambda.opt
list(opt.lambda = lambda.opt, transformed = res, lambda = NULL, loglik = NULL)
box.cox <- function(y, eps = 0.001, iterate = FALSE) {
result <- if(iterate) box.cox.iter(y, eps = eps) else, eps = eps)
# effect.size
# Effect sizes (standard deviates) form random outcomes
# any analytical function
effect.size <- function(x, center = TRUE) {
if(length(unique(x)) == 1) {
sdx <- 1
x <- 0
} else {
x <- box.cox(x)$transformed
n <- length(x)
if(center) x <- center(x)
sdx <- sqrt((sum(x^2)/n))
(x[1]- mean(x)) / sdx
# Pval.matrix
# P-values form random outcomes that comprise matrices
# any analytical function with results in matrices
Pval.matrix = function(M){
P = matrix(0,dim(M)[1],dim(M)[2])
for(i in 1:dim(M)[1]){
for(j in 1:dim(M)[2]){
y = M[i,j,]
p = pval(y)
if(dim(M)[1] > 1 && dim(M)[2] >1) diag(P)=1
rownames(P) = dimnames(M)[[1]]
colnames(P) = dimnames(M)[[2]]
# Effect.size.matrix
# Effect sizes form random outcomes that comprise matrices
# any analytical function with results in matrices
Effect.size.matrix <- function(M, center=TRUE){
Z = matrix(0,dim(M)[1],dim(M)[2])
for(i in 1:dim(M)[1]){
for(j in 1:dim(M)[2]){
y = M[i,j,]
z = effect.size(y, center=center)
if(dim(M)[1] > 1 && dim(M)[2] >1) diag(Z)=0
rownames(Z) = dimnames(M)[[1]]
colnames(Z) = dimnames(M)[[2]]
# Cov.proj
# generates projection matrix from covariance matrix
# used in lm.rrpp
Cov.proj <- function(Cov, id = NULL, symmetric = FALSE){
Cov <- if(is.null(id)) Cov else Cov[id, id]
if(inherits(Cov, "matrix")) {
Cov.s <- Matrix(Cov, sparse = TRUE)
if(object.size(Cov.s) < object.size(Cov)) Cov <- Cov.s
Cov.s <- NULL
ow <- options()$warn
options(warn = -1)
if(!symmetric) {
Chol <- try(chol(Cov), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(Chol, "try-error"))
symmetric <- TRUE
if(symmetric) {
sym <- isSymmetric(Cov)
eigC <- eigen(Cov, symmetric = sym)
eigC.vect = t(eigC$vectors)
L <- eigC.vect * sqrt(abs(eigC$values))
P <- fast.solve(crossprod(L, eigC.vect))
dimnames(P) <- dimnames(Cov)
} else P <- solve(t(Chol))
options(warn = ow)
# ape replacement functions below --------------------------------------------
# sim.char has a similar function to this but it is called in every simulation
# and defers to C for help. This is done once only here.
# (Produces a projection matrix)
phy.sim.mat <- function(phy) {
stop("The tree has no branch lengths.\n", call. = FALSE)
N <- length(phy$tip.label)
n <- nrow(phy$edge)
m <- matrix(0, N, n)
edg <- phy$edge.length
idx <- phy$edge[, 2]
anc <- phy$edge[, 1]
tips <- which(idx <= N) <- which(idx > N)
for(i in 1:length(tips)) m[idx[tips[i]], tips[i]] <- sqrt(edg[tips[i]])
for(i in 1:length( {
x <- idx[[i]]
anc.i <- which(anc == x)
edg.i <- idx[anc.i]
if(any(edg.i > N)) {
edg.i <- as.list(edg.i)
while(any(edg.i > N)) {
edg.i <- lapply(1:length(edg.i), function(j){
edg.i.j <- edg.i[[j]]
if(edg.i.j > N) {
idx[which(anc == edg.i.j)]
} else edg.i.j <- edg.i.j
edg.i <- unlist(edg.i)
m[edg.i, which(idx == x)] <- sqrt(edg[which(idx == x)])
rownames(m) <- phy$tip.label
# fast.phy.vcv
# same as vcv.phylo but without options, in order to not use ape
fast.phy.vcv <- function (phy) {
x <- phy.sim.mat(phy)
# reorder.phy
# same as reorder function, but without options
reorder.phy <- function(phy){
edge <- phy$edge
edge.length <- phy$edge.length
edge <- cbind(edge, edge.length)
n <- nrow(edge)
ind <-rank(edge[,1], ties.method = "last")
edge <- edge[order(ind, decreasing = TRUE), ]
edge.length <- edge[,3]
phy$edge <- edge[,-3]
phy$edge.length <- edge.length
attr(phy, "order") <- "postorder"
# anc.BM
# via PICs
# same as ace, but multivariate
pic.prep <- function(phy, nx, px){
phy <- reorder.phy(phy)
ntip <- length(phy$tip.label)
nnode <- phy$Nnode
edge <- phy$edge
edge1 <- edge[, 1]
edge2 <- edge[,2]
edge_len <- phy$edge.length
phe <- matrix(0, ntip + nnode, px)
contr <- matrix(0, nnode, px)
var_contr <- rep(0, nnode)
i.seq <- seq(1, ntip * 2 -2, 2)
list(ntip = ntip, nnode = nnode, edge1 = edge1,
edge2 = edge2, edge_len = edge_len, phe = phe,
contr = contr, var_contr = var_contr,
tip.label = phy$tip.label,
i.seq = i.seq)
} <- function(ntip, nnode, edge1, edge2, edge_len, phe, contr,
var_contr, tip.label, i.seq, x) {
phe[1:ntip,] <- if (is.null(rownames(x))) x else x[tip.label,]
N <- ntip + nnode
for(ii in 1:nnode) {
anc <- edge1[i.seq[ii]]
ij <- which(edge1 == anc)
i <- ij[1]
j <- ij[2]
d1 <- edge2[i]
d2 <- edge2[j]
sumbl <- edge_len[i] + edge_len[j]
ic <- anc - ntip
ya <- (phe[d1,] - phe[d2,])/sqrt(sumbl)
contr[ic, ] <- ya
var_contr[ic] <- sumbl
phe[anc,] <- (phe[d1, ] * edge_len[j] + phe[d2, ] * edge_len[i])/sumbl
k <- which(edge2 == anc)
edge_len[k] <- edge_len[k] + edge_len[i] * edge_len[j] / sumbl
# anc.BM
# multivariate as opposed to fastAnc
# uses Ho and Ane (2014) algorithm
anc.BM <- function(phy, Y){
Y <- as.matrix(Y)
N <- length(phy$tip.label)
edge <- cbind(phy$edge, phy$edge.length)
ind <-rank(edge[,1], ties.method = "last")
edge <- edge[order(ind, decreasing = TRUE), ]
ev <- edge[,3]
anc <- edge[, 1]
des <- edge[, 2]
ne <- nrow(edge)
if (is.null(phy$node.label)) {
phy$node.label <- (length(phy$tip.label) + 1):(length(phy$tip.label) +
nl <- phy$node.label
rm(phy, edge)
Z <- matrix(0, ne + 1, NCOL(Y))
p <- rep(0, ne + 1)
for(i in 1:ne){
a <- anc[i]
d <- des[i]
len <- ev[i]
if(d <= N){
p[d] <- 1 / len
Z[d, ] <- Y[d, ]
} else {
pA <- p[d]
Z[d, ] <- Z[d, ] / pA
p[d] <- pA / (1 + len * pA)
p[a] <- p[a] + p[d]
Z[a, ] <- Z[a, ] + Z[d, ] * p[d]
Z[a, ] <- Z[a, ] / p[a]
for(i in ne:1){
a <- anc[i]
d <- des[i]
len <- ev[i]
if(d > N) {
Z[d, ] <- Z[d, ] * p[d] * len +
Z[a, ] - Z[a, ] * p[d] * len
Z <- Z[-(1:N), , drop = FALSE]
rownames(Z) <- nl
colnames(Z) <- colnames(Y)
# getNode Depth
# replaces node.depth.edgelength
getNodeDepth <- function(phy){
phy <- reorder.phy(phy)
E <- phy$edge
anc <- E[,1]
des <- E[,2]
ntip <- length(phy$tip.label)
nnode <- phy$Nnode
N <- ntip + nnode
L <- phy$edge.length <- ntip + 1
full.depth.seq <- (ntip + 1):N
full.node.depth <- 0
tips <- which(des <= ntip) <- which(des > ntip)
get.edge.ind <- function(tax){
root.t <- ntip +1
des.i <- which(des == tax)
edge <- numeric()
tax.i <- tax
while(tax.i != root.t) {
anc.i <- anc[which(des == tax.i)]
tax.i <- anc[des.i]
edge <- c(edge, des.i)
des.i <- which(des == anc.i)
tips.taxa <- lapply(as.list(tips), function(j) des[j])
tips.edges <- lapply(tips.taxa, get.edge.ind)
tips.depths <- sapply(1:ntip, function(j) sum(L[tips.edges[[j]]]))
nodes <- as.list((ntip + 1):(N))
nodes.edges <- lapply(nodes, get.edge.ind)
nodes.depths <- sapply(1:nnode, function(j) sum(L[nodes.edges[[j]]]))
c(tips.depths, nodes.depths)
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