
Defines functions read.one.morphologika read.morphologika

Documented in read.morphologika

#'  Read landmark data from Morphologika file(s)
#'  Read Morphologika file (*.txt) to obtain landmark coordinates and specimen information
#'  This function reads a *.txt file in the Morphologika format containing two- or three-dimensional 
#'  landmark coordinates. Morphologika files are text files in one of the standard formats for 
#'  geometric morphometrics (see O'Higgins and Jones 1998,2006). If multiple morphologika files 
#'  are specified (containing the same number of landmarks for all specimens), function returns a single object for files.
#'  If the headers "labels", "labelvalues" and "groups" are present, then a data matrix containing all 
#'  individual specimen information is returned.
#'  If the header "wireframe" is present, then a matrix of the landmark addresses for the wireframe is
#'  returned (see \code{\link{plotRefToTarget}} option 'links'). 
#'  If the header "polygon" is present, then a matrix of the landmark addresses for the polygon wireframe is returned (see \code{\link[rgl]{polygon3d}} or \code{\link[graphics]{polygon}}). 
#'  NOTE: For multiple morphologika files that each contain only a single specimen (such as those exported from
#'  Stratovan Checkpoint software), one can add specimen names to 
#'  the returned 3D array by: dimnames(mydata)[[3]] <- gsub (".txt", "", filelist)).
#' @param filelist The name of a Morphologika *.txt file containing two- or three-dimensional landmark data.
#' Alternatively, a character vector of names of Morphologika *.txt file (such as made using \code{\link{list.files}}) 
#' @export
#' @keywords IO
#' @author Emma Sherratt & Erik Otarola-Castillo
#' @return Function returns a (p x k x n) array of the coordinate data. If other optional headers are present in
#' the file (e.g. "[labels]" or "[wireframe]") function returns a list containing the "coords" array, 
#' and data matrix of "labels" and or "wireframe".
#' @references O'Higgins P and Jones N (1998) Facial growth in Cercocebus torquatus: An application of three 
#' dimensional geometric morphometric techniques to the study of morphological  variation. Journal of Anatomy. 
#' 193: 251-272 
#' @references O'Higgins P and Jones N (2006) Tools for statistical shape analysis. Hull York Medical School.  
  rtrn <- list()
  if(length(filelist) == 1) rtrn <- read.one.morphologika(filelist)
  if(length(filelist) > 1){
    coords <- labvalmat <- wiref <- polyg<- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(filelist)){
      temp <- read.one.morphologika(filelist[i])
        p <- dim(temp$coords)[1]; k <- dim(temp$coords)[2]
        coords <- rbind(coords, two.d.array(temp$coords)) 
        if(!is.null(temp$labels)) labvalmat <- rbind(labvalmat, temp$labels) 
        if(!is.null(temp$wireframe)) wiref <- temp$wireframe 
        if(!is.null(temp$polygon)) polyg <- temp$polygon
      } else {
        p <- dim(temp)[1]; k <- dim(temp)[2]
        coords <- rbind(coords, two.d.array(temp)) }
    coords <- arrayspecs(coords, p, k) 
    rtrn$coords <- coords
    if(!is.null(labvalmat)) rtrn$labels <- labvalmat
    if(!is.null(wiref)) rtrn$wireframe <- wiref
    if(!is.null(polyg)) rtrn$polygon <- polyg
    if(length(rtrn) == 1) rtrn <- rtrn$coords

  if(length(grep("[",mfile, fixed=T))<1){
    stop("File does not appear to be a Morphologika format text file.")}
  n <- as.numeric(mfile[grep("individuals",mfile,ignore.case=T) + 1])
  p <- as.numeric(mfile[grep("landmarks",mfile,ignore.case=T) + 1])
  k <- as.numeric(mfile[grep("dimensions",mfile,ignore.case=T) + 1])
  labvalmat <- wiref <- names <- polyg<- NULL
  rawdat <- mfile[grep("rawpoints",mfile,ignore.case=T) + 1:(n*p+n)]
  rawdat <- rawdat[-grep("'",rawdat)]
  landdata <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(rawdat,"\\s+"))),
                     ncol = k, byrow = T)
  if (sum(which(is.na(landdata) == TRUE)) > 0) { cat("NOTE.  Missing data identified.") }
  names <- mfile[grep("names",mfile,ignore.case=T) + 1:n]
  if(!is.null(names)) dimnames(coords)[[3]]<-names
  if(length(grep("label",mfile,ignore.case=T))>0) {
    tmp <- unlist(strsplit(mfile[grep("labels",mfile,ignore.case=T) + 1],"\\s+"))
    labvals <- unlist(strsplit(mfile[grep("labelvalues",mfile,
                                          ignore.case=T) + 1:n],"\\s+"))
    labvalmat <- matrix(labvals, ncol=length(tmp), byrow=T, dimnames=list(names,
                                                                          tmp)) }
  if(length(grep("groups",mfile,ignore.case=T))>0) {
    tmp <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(mfile[grep("groups",mfile,ignore.case=T) + 1],
                                  "\\s+")), ncol=2, byrow=T)
    gpval <- NULL
    for(i in 1:nrow(tmp)){ gpval <- c(gpval, rep(tmp[i,1], tmp[i,2]))}
    labvalmat <- cbind(labvalmat, groups=gpval) }
  if(length(grep("polygon",mfile,ignore.case=T))>0) { 
    strtpy <- grep("polygon",mfile, ignore.case=T)
    endpy <-strtpy + grep("[",mfile[strtpy+1:length(mfile)], fixed=T)[1]
    if(is.na(endpy)){ endpy <- length(mfile)}
    polyg <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(mfile[(strtpy+1):(endpy-1)],
                                               "\\s+"))),ncol=3, byrow=T) }
  if(length(grep("wireframe",mfile,ignore.case=T))>0) {
    strtwf <- grep("wireframe",mfile, ignore.case=T)
    endwf <-strtwf + grep("[",mfile[strtwf+1:length(mfile)], fixed=T)[1]
    if(is.na(endwf)){ endwf <- length(mfile)}
    wiref <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(mfile[(strtwf+1):(endwf-1)],
                                               "\\s+"))),ncol=2, byrow=T) } 
  rtrn <- list(coords = coords)
  if(!is.null(labvalmat)) rtrn$labels <- labvalmat
  if(!is.null(wiref)) rtrn$wireframe <- wiref 
  if(!is.null(polyg)) rtrn$polygon <- polyg
  if(length(rtrn) == 1) rtrn <- rtrn$coords

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geomorph documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.