
function (formula, data, eta.opt, rho.opt, n.neigh, func, np, 
          xo=c(0.5,0.5), eta.dmax, rho.dmax, P.T=NULL, iter=50, ...) 
  if (!is.logical(P.T) & !is.null(P.T)) 
    stop(paste("P.T must be logical"))
  if (!is.logical(eta.opt)) 
    stop(paste("eta.opt must be logical"))
  if (!is.logical(rho.opt)) 
    stop(paste("rho.opt must be logical"))
  if (eta.opt == TRUE & rho.opt == FALSE) {
    Opt <- optimize(rbfST.cv, c(1e-05, eta.dmax), formula = formula, 
                    data = data, rho = 0, n.neigh = n.neigh, func = func, 
    Datos <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(seq(0.01, 
                                                        eta.dmax, length.out = np)), ncol = 2))
    eta <- seq(0.01, eta.dmax, length.out = np)
    colnames(Datos) <- c("P", "RMSPE")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = np, char = "=", style = 3)
    for (i in 1:np) {
      Datos[i, 1] <- eta[i]
      Datos[i, 2] <- rbfST.cv(formula, data, eta[i], rho = 0, 
                            n.neigh, func)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    Table0 <- rbind(Datos, c(Opt$minimum, Opt$objective))
    orden <- order(Table0$P)
    Table <- Table0[orden, ]
    p<-plot(Table, lty = 3, ylab = "RMSPE", col = 3, xlab = "ETA", 
         type = "l")
    Optim <- Table[which.min(Table[, 2]), ]
    ifelse(P.T == TRUE, list(print(Table), cat("Optimal eta RBF: ", 
                                               func, "\n", "ETA  = ", Optim$P, "\n", "RMSPE   = ", 
                                               Optim$RMSPE, "\n")), list(cat("Optimal eta RBF: ", 
                                                                             func, "\n", "ETA  = ", Optim$P, "\n", "RMSPE   = ", 
                                                                             Optim$RMSPE, "\n")))
    graph.st <- list(table=Optim, graph=p)
  if (rho.opt == TRUE & eta.opt == FALSE) {
    Opt <- optimize(rbfST.cv, c(1e-05, rho.dmax), formula = formula, 
                    data = data, eta = 1e-05, n.neigh = n.neigh, func = func, 
    Datos <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(seq(0.01, 
                                                        rho.dmax, length.out = np)), ncol = 2))
    rho <- seq(0.01, rho.dmax, length.out = np)
    colnames(Datos) <- c("P", "RMSPE")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = np, char = "=", style = 3)
    for (i in 1:np) {
      Datos[i, 1] <- rho[i]
      Datos[i, 2] <- rbfST.cv(formula, data, eta = 0, rho[i], 
                            n.neigh, func)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    Table0 <- rbind(Datos, c(Opt$minimum, Opt$objective))
    orden <- order(Table0$P)
    Table <- Table0[orden, ]
    p<- plot(Table, lty = 3, ylab = "RMSPE", col = 3, xlab = "RHO", 
         type = "l")
    Optim <- Table[which.min(Table[, 2]), ]
    ifelse(P.T == TRUE, list(print(Table), cat("Optimal eta RBF: ", 
                                               func, "\n", "RHO  = ", Optim$P, "\n", "RMSPE   = ", 
                                               Optim$RMSPE, "\n")), list(cat("Optimal eta RBF: ", 
                                                                             func, "\n", "RHO  = ", Optim$P, "\n", "RMSPE   = ", 
                                                                             Optim$RMSPE, "\n")))
    graph.st <- list(table=Optim, graph=p)
  if (eta.opt == FALSE & rho.opt == FALSE) {
    eta <- seq(0.01, eta.dmax, length.out = np)
    rho <- seq(0.01, rho.dmax, length.out = np)
    grid.opt <- expand.grid(eta = eta, rho = rho)
    grid.rmspe <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(grid.opt), 
                                       ncol = 3))
    colnames(grid.rmspe) <- c("eta", "rho", "rmspe")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(grid.opt), char = "=", style = 3)
    for (i in 1:nrow(grid.opt)) {
      grid.rmspe[i, 3] <- rbfST.cv(formula, data, eta = grid.opt[i, 
                                                               1], rho = grid.opt[i, 2], n.neigh, func)
      grid.rmspe[, 1:2] <- grid.opt
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    coordinates(grid.rmspe) = c("eta", "rho")
    opt.table <- data.frame(coordinates(grid.rmspe), grid.rmspe@data)[which.min(data.frame(coordinates(grid.rmspe), 
                                                                                           grid.rmspe@data)[, 3]), ]
    gridded(grid.rmspe) <- TRUE
    p <- spplot(grid.rmspe, "rmspe", col.regions = heat.colors(100), 
                cuts = 60, cex.main = 0.2, scales = list(draw = TRUE), 
                xlab = expression(eta), ylab = expression(rho), key.space = list(space = "right", 
                                                                                 cex = 0.6))
    graph.st <- list(table=opt.table, spplot=p)
  else if (eta.opt == TRUE & rho.opt == TRUE) {
    Opt <- bobyqa(xo, rbfST.cv1, lower = c(1e-05, 
                                                       0), upper = c(eta.dmax, rho.dmax), formula = formula, 
                  data = data, n.neigh = n.neigh, func = func, control=list(maxfun=iter))
    cat("Optimal eta RBF: ", func, "\n", "ETA  = ", Opt$par[1], 
        "RHO  = ", Opt$par[2], "\n", "RMSPE   = ", Opt$fval, 
        "\n","Iter  =", Opt$feval, "\n")
    ger <- list(Optim=Opt)

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