
# basic use  ---------------------------------------
ctr <- theophylline()
ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(which_pages = 1)
## multiple pages
ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(which_pages = c(1, 3))
## change faceting
ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(facets = list(nrow = 5, ncol = 5), which_pages = 2)

# update graphical parameter  ----------------------

## update labels
ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(
  labels = list(title = "Custom individual plot")

## remove draft
ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(is.draft = FALSE)

## Customize ipred_line with any geom_line parameter
ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(
  pred_line = list(color = "red", linetype = 20, alpha = 0.5)

## Customize ipred_line with any geom_line parameter
ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(
  ipred_line = list(size = 5)

## Customize any geom_point parameter
ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(
  point = list(aes(alpha = DV), color = "green", shape = 4)

## legend

p <- ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(

# # stratification  ----------------------------------
# ## continuous stratification
ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(strat.color = "WT0")

# # subsetting  --------------------------------------
# ## we can use any expression involving the data
# ## filter and stratify
ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(
  filter = SEX == 1, strat.facet = ~SEX, 
  facets = list(nrow = 5, ncol = 5))

# # transformation  --------------------------------------
# ## apply a log transformation in y
ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(trans = "log10_y")
# ## apply a custonm trsnformation to normalize axis between 0 and 1

## get a list of parameter
p <- ctr %>% pmx_plot_individual(
  facets = list(nrow = 5, ncol = 5),
  labels = list(title = "My individuals",x='my time',y='PD data')


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ggPMX documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:40 a.m.