
# *************** basic use ***************** ------

ctr <- theophylline()
ctr %>% pmx_plot_eta_qq
ctr %>% pmx_plot_npde_qq
ctr %>% pmx_plot_iwres_qq

# update graphical parameter  ----------------------

## add reference line
ctr %>% pmx_plot_npde_qq(reference_line=list(color="blue"))

## remove reference line
ctr %>% pmx_plot_eta_qq(reference_line=NULL)

# stratification  ----------------------------------

## categorical stratification color parameter
ctr %>% pmx_plot_iwres_qq(strat.facet=~STUD,strat.color="SEX")
## categorical stratification facetting
ctr %>% pmx_plot_eta_qq(strat.facet = ~SEX)

## do not use symmetric axis
ctr %>% pmx_plot_npde_qq(xmax=FALSE,reference_line=list())

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ggPMX documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:40 a.m.