Man pages for ggRandomForests
Visually Exploring Random Forests

calc_aucArea Under the ROC Curve calculator
calc_roc.rfsrcReceiver Operator Characteristic calculator
combine.gg_partialcombine two gg_partial objects
gg_errorrandomForest error rate data object
gg_interactionMinimal Depth Variable Interaction data object...
gg_minimal_depthMinimal depth data object ('[randomForestSRC]{}')
gg_minimal_vimpMinimal depth vs VIMP comparison by variable rankings.
gg_partialPartial variable dependence object
gg_partial_coplot.rfsrcData structures for stratified partial coplots
ggRandomForests-packageggRandomForests: Visually Exploring Random Forests
gg_rfsrc.rfsrcPredicted response data object
gg_roc.rfsrcROC (Receiver operator curve) data from a classification...
gg_survivalNonparametric survival estimates.
gg_variableMarginal variable dependence data object.
gg_vimpVariable Importance (VIMP) data object
kaplannonparametric Kaplan-Meier estimates
nelsonnonparametric Nelson-Aalen estimates
plot.gg_errorPlot a 'gg_error' object
plot.gg_interactionplot.gg_interaction Plot a 'gg_interaction' object,
plot.gg_minimal_depthPlot a 'gg_minimal_depth' object for random forest variable...
plot.gg_minimal_vimpPlot a 'gg_minimal_vimp' object for comparing the Minimal...
plot.gg_partialPartial variable dependence plot, operates on a 'gg_partial'...
plot.gg_partial_listPartial variable dependence plot, operates on a...
plot.gg_rfsrcPredicted response plot from a 'gg_rfsrc' object.
plot.gg_rocROC plot generic function for a 'gg_roc' object.
plot.gg_survivalPlot a 'gg_survival' object.
plot.gg_variablePlot a 'gg_variable' object,
plot.gg_vimpPlot a 'gg_vimp' object, extracted variable importance of a...
print.gg_minimal_depthPrint a 'gg_minimal_depth' object.
quantile_ptsFind points evenly distributed along the vectors values.
shiftlead function to shift by one (or more).
surface_matrixConstruct a set of (x, y, z) matrices for surface plotting a...
ggRandomForests documentation built on Sept. 1, 2022, 5:07 p.m.