# spike stat
# Author: mjskay
#' Spike plot (ggplot2 stat)
#' Stat for drawing "spikes" (optionally with points on them) at specific points
#' on a distribution (numerical or determined as a function of the distribution),
#' intended for annotating [stat_slabinterval()] geometries.
#' @details
#' This stat computes slab values (i.e. PDF and CDF values) at specified locations
#' on a distribution, as determined by the `at` parameter.
#' @param at The points at which to evaluate the PDF and CDF of the distribution. One of:
#' - [numeric] vector: points to evaluate the PDF and CDF of the distributions at.
#' - function or character vector: function (or names of functions) which,
#' when applied on a distribution-like object (e.g. a \pkg{distributional} object or a
#' [posterior::rvar()]), returns a vector of values to evaluate the distribution functions at.
#' - a [list] where each element is any of the above (e.g. a [numeric], function, or
#' name of a function): the evaluation points determined by each element of the
#' list are concatenated together. This means, e.g., `c(0, median, qi)` would add
#' a spike at `0`, the median, and the endpoints of the `qi` of the distribution.
#' The values of `at` are also converted into a character vector which is supplied
#' as a computed variable (also called `at`) generated by this `stat`, which can be
#' mapped onto aesthetics using [after_stat()]. Non-empty names can be used to override
#' the values of the computed variable; e.g. `at = c(zero = 0, "median", mode = "Mode")`
#' will generate a computed variable with the values `c("zero", "median", "mode")` that
#' is evaluated at `0`, the median, and the mode of the distribution.
#' @inheritParams stat_slab
#' @inheritParams geom_spike
#' @eval rd_layer_params("spike", StatSpike, as_dots = TRUE)
#' @param geom Use to override the default connection between [stat_spike()] and [geom_spike()]
#' @template details-x-y-xdist-ydist
#' @return A [ggplot2::Stat] representing a spike geometry which can be added to a [ggplot()] object.
#' @eval rd_spike_aesthetics("spike", StatSpike)
#' @eval rd_slabinterval_computed_variables(StatSpike)
#' @seealso See [geom_spike()] for the geom underlying this stat.
#' See [stat_slabinterval()] for the stat this shortcut is based on.
#' @family slabinterval stats
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(distributional)
#' library(dplyr)
#' df = tibble(
#' d = c(dist_normal(1), dist_gamma(2,2)), g = c("a", "b")
#' )
#' # annotate the density at the mode of a distribution
#' df %>%
#' ggplot(aes(y = g, xdist = d)) +
#' stat_slab(aes(xdist = d)) +
#' stat_spike(at = "Mode") +
#' # need shared thickness scale so that stat_slab and geom_spike line up
#' scale_thickness_shared()
#' # annotate the endpoints of intervals of a distribution
#' # here we'll use an arrow instead of a point by setting size = 0
#' arrow_spec = arrow(angle = 45, type = "closed", length = unit(4, "pt"))
#' df %>%
#' ggplot(aes(y = g, xdist = d)) +
#' stat_halfeye(point_interval = mode_hdci) +
#' stat_spike(
#' at = function(x) hdci(x, .width = .66),
#' size = 0, arrow = arrow_spec, color = "blue", linewidth = 0.75
#' ) +
#' scale_thickness_shared()
#' # annotate quantiles of a sample
#' set.seed(1234)
#' data.frame(x = rnorm(1000, 1:2), g = c("a","b")) %>%
#' ggplot(aes(x, g)) +
#' stat_slab() +
#' stat_spike(at = function(x) quantile(x, ppoints(10))) +
#' scale_thickness_shared()
#' @name stat_spike
# compute_slab ------------------------------------------------------------
#' StatSpike$compute_slab()
#' @noRd
compute_slab_spike = function(
self, data, scales, trans, input, orientation,
slab_type, at,
) {
# calculate slab functions
s_data = ggproto_parent(StatSlab, self)$compute_slab(
data, scales = scales, trans = trans, input = input, orientation = orientation,
slab_type = slab_type,
dist = data$dist
pdf_fun = approx_pdf(dist, s_data$.input, s_data$pdf)
cdf_fun = approx_cdf(dist, s_data$.input, s_data$cdf)
# determine evaluation points (inputs to slab functions)
input_nested = lapply(at, function(at_i) {
input_i = if (is.function(at_i)) at_i(dist) else at_i
# unlist here so that the call to lengths() on input_nested
# below will return the correct lengths of each element of input_nested
unlist(input_i, use.names = FALSE)
# needs to be a vector (e.g. in cases of interval functions
# like qi() which return matrices)
input = unlist(input_nested, use.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
names(input) = rep(names(at), times = lengths(input_nested))
# evaluate functions
pdf = pdf_fun(input)
cdf = cdf_fun(input)
.input = input,
at = names(input),
f = if (length(input) > 0) get_slab_function(slab_type, list(pdf = pdf, cdf = cdf)),
pdf = pdf,
cdf = cdf,
n = if (length(input) > 0) s_data$n[[1]]
# stat_spike --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname ggdist-ggproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
StatSpike = ggproto("StatSpike", StatSlab,
default_params = defaults(list(
at = "median"
), StatSlab$default_params),
setup_params = function(self, data, params) {
params = ggproto_parent(StatSlab, self)$setup_params(data, params)
# normalize the `at` parameter so it is always a named list of functions,
# and scalar numerics
params$at = check_at(params$at)
# workaround (#84)
compute_slab = function(self, ...) compute_slab_spike(self, ...)
#' @rdname stat_spike
#' @export
stat_spike = make_stat(StatSpike, geom = "spike")
# helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' check the `at` parameter and normalize it to a flat list of named scalars
#' that are either functions or numerics, generating sensible names for each
#' list element.
#' @param at `at` as accepted by `stat_spike()`; i.e. a character vector
#' of function names, a numeric vector of evaluation points, a function, or
#' a list of any combination of those.
#' @returns a named list, where each element is either a single function
#' (corresponding to functions or function names in `at`) or a scalar numeric
#' (corresponding to each evaluation point specific by numeric vectors in `at`).
#' @noRd
check_at = function(at, call = parent.frame()) {
if (is.function(at)) at = list(at)
if (is.numeric(at) || is.character(at) || is.null(at)) at = as.list(at)
names(at) = rlang::names2(at)
if (!is.list(at)) {
"{.arg at} must be a {.cls function}, {.cls numeric}, {.cls character}, or {.cls list}.",
"x" = "{.arg at} is a {.cls {class(at)}}.",
"i" = "See the {.arg at} parameter of {.fun ggdist::stat_spike}."
class = "ggdist_invalid_at_param",
call = call
is_wrong_type = !vapply(at, function(x) is.function(x) || is.numeric(x) || is.character(x), logical(1))
if (any(is_wrong_type)) {
wrong_type_i = which(is_wrong_type)
i = wrong_type_i[[1]]
"All elements of {.arg at} must be a {.cls function}, {.cls numeric}, or {.cls character}.",
"x" = "{.arg at} is an invalid type at position {wrong_type_i}.",
"x" = "{if (length(wrong_type_i) > 1) 'For example, '}{.code at[[{i}]]} is a {.cls {class(at[[i]])}}.",
"i" = "See the {.arg at} parameter of {.fun ggdist::stat_spike}."
class = "ggdist_invalid_at_param",
call = call
# push names down into vectors --- we do this so that when we unnest into a list
# of scalars, if a name was provided for a vector it is retained
is_not_function = !vapply(at, is.function, logical(1))
named_vectors = which(rlang::have_name(at) & is_not_function)
for (i in named_vectors) {
if (!any(rlang::have_name(at[[i]]))) {
names(at[[i]]) = rep(names(at)[[i]], length(at[[i]]))
names(at)[[i]] = ""
# replace character and numeric vectors with lists and unnest them --- this ensures
# all elements of the list are scalar, which simplifies naming and logic
at[is_not_function] = lapply(at[is_not_function], as.list)
at = as.list(unlist(at, recursive = FALSE))
# ensure unnamed elements have names
fn_n = 0
for (i in which(!rlang::have_name(at))) {
names(at)[[i]] = if (is.function(at[[i]])) {
fn_n = fn_n + 1
paste0("<fn", fn_n, ">")
} else {
# everything is a scalar at this point, so we can assume at[[i]] has
# length 1
# find functions for strings
is_character = vapply(at, is.character, logical(1))
at[is_character] = lapply(at[is_character], match_function)
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