
Defines functions check_rv values_at

Documented in values_at

#' @title Calculate representative values of a vector
#' @name values_at
#' @description This function calculates representative values of a vector,
#'   like minimum/maximum values or lower, median and upper quartile etc.,
#'   which can be used for numeric vectors to plot adjusted predictions at these
#'   representative values.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param values Character vector, naming a pattern for which representative values
#'   should be calculcated.
#'   - `"minmax": `(default) minimum and maximum values (lower and upper bounds)
#'     of the moderator are used to plot the interaction between independent
#'     variable and moderator.
#'   - `"meansd"`: uses the mean value of the moderator as well as one standard
#'     deviation below and above mean value to plot the effect of the moderator
#'     on the independent variable.
#'   - `"zeromax"`: is similar to the `"minmax"` option, however, `0` is always
#'     used as minimum value for the moderator. This may be useful for predictors
#'     that don't have an empirical zero-value, but absence of moderation should
#'     be simulated by using 0 as minimum.
#'   - `"fivenum": `calculates and uses the Tukey's five number summary (minimum,
#'     lower-hinge, median, upper-hinge, maximum) of the moderator value.
#'   - `"quart"`: calculates and uses the quartiles (lower, median and upper) of
#'     the moderator value, \emph{including} minimum and maximum value.
#'   - `"quart2"`: calculates and uses the quartiles (lower, median and upper) of
#'     the moderator value, \emph{excluding} minimum and maximum value.
#'   - `"terciles"`: calculates and uses the terciles (lower and upper third) of
#'     the moderator value, \emph{including} minimum and maximum value.
#'   - `"terciles2"`: calculates and uses the terciles (lower and upper third)
#'     of the moderator value, \emph{excluding} minimum and maximum value.
#'   - an option to compute a range of percentiles is also possible, using
#'     `"percentile"`, followed by the percentage of the range. For example,
#'     `"percentile95"` will calculate the 95% range of the variable.
#'   - `"all"`: uses all values of the moderator variable.
#' @return A numeric vector of length two or three, representing the required
#'   values from `x`, like minimum/maximum value or mean and +/- 1 SD. If
#'   `x` is missing, a function, pre-programmed with `n` and
#'   `length` is returned. See examples.
#' @examples
#' data(efc)
#' values_at(efc$c12hour)
#' values_at(efc$c12hour, "quart2")
#' mean_sd <- values_at(values = "meansd")
#' mean_sd(efc$c12hour)
#' @export
values_at <- function(x, values = "meansd") {

  .values_at <- function(x) {
    # check if representative value is possible to compute
    # e.g. for quantiles, if we have at least three values
    values <- check_rv(values, x)

    # do we have a "percentile"´shortcut?
    if (startsWith(values, "percentile")) {
      percentile <- as.numeric(sub("percentile", "", values, fixed = TRUE)) / 100
      bounds <- (1 - percentile) / 2
      xl <- as.vector(stats::quantile(x, probs = seq(0 + bounds, 1 - bounds, by = 0.05)))
    } else {
      xl <- switch(values,
        minmax = {
          # retrieve min and max values
          mv.min <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
          mv.max <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
          # re-compute effects, prepare xlevels
          c(mv.min, mv.max)
        meansd = {
          # retrieve mean and sd
          mv.mean <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
          mv.sd <- stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
          # re-compute effects, prepare xlevels
          c(mv.mean - mv.sd, mv.mean, mv.mean + mv.sd)
        zeromax = {
          # retrieve max values
          mv.max <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
          # re-compute effects, prepare xlevels
          c(0, mv.max)
        all = as.vector(unique(sort(x, na.last = NA))),
        fivenum = as.vector(stats::fivenum(x, na.rm = TRUE)),
        quart = as.vector(stats::quantile(x, na.rm = TRUE)),
        quart2 = as.vector(stats::quantile(x, na.rm = TRUE))[2:4],
        terciles = as.vector(stats::quantile(x, probs = (0:3) / 3, na.rm = TRUE)),
        terciles2 = as.vector(stats::quantile(x, probs = (1:2) / 3, na.rm = TRUE))

    if (is.numeric(x)) {
      if (is.whole(x)) {
        rv <- round(xl, 1)
        if (anyDuplicated(rv) > 0)
          rv <- unique(round(xl, 2))
      } else {
        rv <- round(xl, 2)

      if (anyDuplicated(rv) > 0) {
        rv <- unique(round(xl, 3))
        if (anyDuplicated(rv) > 0) {
          rv <- unique(round(xl, 4))
    } else {
      rv <- xl


  if (missing(x)) {
  } else {

check_rv <- function(values, x) {
  if ((is.factor(x) || is.character(x)) && values != "all") {
    # tell user that quart won't work
    insight::format_alert(paste0("Cannot use '", values, "' for factors or character vectors. Defaulting `values` to \"all\".")) # nolint
    values <- "all"

  if (is.numeric(x) && (values %in% c("quart", "quart2", "quartiles", "quartiles2", "terciles", "terciles2") || startsWith(values, "percentile"))) { # nolint
    mvc <- length(unique(as.vector(stats::quantile(x, na.rm = TRUE))))
    if (mvc < 3) {
      # tell user that quart won't work
      insight::format_alert("Could not compute percentiles or quartiles, the variable has a too small range or not enough unique values. Defaulting `values` to \"minmax\".") # nolint
      values <- "minmax"
    if (startsWith(values, "percentile")) {
      check <- .safe(as.numeric(sub("percentile", "", values, fixed = TRUE)))
      if (is.null(check) || is.na(check)) {
        # tell user that "percentile" has not correct syntax
        insight::format_alert("`percentile` had no correct numeric value that defined the range. Make sure to correctly specify the percentiles, e.g. `\"percentile90\"`. Defaulting `values` to \"minmax\".") # nolint
        values <- "minmax"


#' @rdname values_at
#' @export
representative_values <- values_at

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