#' @title Print and format ggeffects-objects
#' @name print
#' @description A generic print-method for `ggeffects`-objects.
#' @param x An object of class `ggeffects`, as returned by the functions
#' from this package.
#' @param group_name Logical, if `TRUE`, the name of further focal terms are
#' used in the sub-headings of the table. If `FALSE`, only the values of the
#' focal terms are used.
#' @param digits Number of digits to print.
#' @param verbose Toggle messages.
#' @param theme The theme to apply to the table. One of `"grid"`, `"striped"`,
#' `"bootstrap"`, or `"darklines"`.
#' @param engine The engine to use for printing. One of `"tt"` (default) or `"gt"`.
#' `"tt"` uses the *tinytable* package, `"gt"` uses the *gt* package.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed down to [`format.ggeffects()`], some of
#' them are also passed down further to [`insight::format_table()`] or
#' [`insight::format_value()`].
#' @return `format()` return a formatted data frame, `print()` prints a formatted
#' data frame printed to the console. `print_html()` returns a `tinytable`
#' object by default (unless changed with `engine = "gt"`), which is printed as
#' HTML, markdown or LaTeX table (depending on the context from which
#' `print_html()` is called, see [`tinytable::tt()`] for details).
#' @section Global Options to Customize Tables when Printing:
#' The `verbose` argument can be used to display or silence messages and
#' warnings. Furthermore, `options()` can be used to set defaults for the
#' `print()` and `print_html()` method. The following options are available,
#' which can simply be run in the console:
#' - `ggeffects_ci_brackets`: Define a character vector of length two, indicating
#' the opening and closing parentheses that encompass the confidence intervals
#' values, e.g. `options(ggeffects_ci_brackets = c("[", "]"))`.
#' - `ggeffects_collapse_ci`: Logical, if `TRUE`, the columns with predicted
#' values (or contrasts) and confidence intervals are collapsed into one
#' column, e.g. `options(ggeffects_collapse_ci = TRUE)`.
#' - `ggeffects_collapse_p`: Logical, if `TRUE`, the columns with predicted
#' values (or contrasts) and p-values are collapsed into one column, e.g.
#' `options(ggeffects_collapse_p = TRUE)`. Note that p-values are replaced
#' by asterisk-symbols (stars) or empty strings when `ggeffects_collapse_p = TRUE`,
#' depending on the significance level.
#' - `ggeffects_collapse_tables`: Logical, if `TRUE`, multiple tables for
#' subgroups are combined into one table. Only works when there is more than
#' one focal term, e.g. `options(ggeffects_collapse_tables = TRUE)`.
#' - `ggeffects_output_format`: String, either `"text"`, `"markdown"` or `"html"`.
#' Defines the default output format from `predict_response()`. If `"html"`, a
#' formatted HTML table is created and printed to the view pane. `"markdown"`
#' creates a markdown-formatted table inside Rmarkdown documents, and prints
#' a text-format table to the console when used interactively. If `"text"` or
#' `NULL`, a formatted table is printed to the console, e.g.
#' `options(ggeffects_output_format = "html")`.
#' - `ggeffects_html_engine`: String, either `"tt"` or `"gt"`. Defines the default
#' engine to use for printing HTML tables. If `"tt"`, the *tinytable* package
#' is used, if `"gt"`, the *gt* package is used, e.g.
#' `options(ggeffects_html_engine = "gt")`.
#' Use `options(<option_name> = NULL)` to remove the option.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("datawizard", quietly = TRUE)
#' data(efc, package = "ggeffects")
#' fit <- lm(barthtot ~ c12hour + e42dep, data = efc)
#' # default print
#' predict_response(fit, "e42dep")
#' # surround CI values with parentheses
#' print(predict_response(fit, "e42dep"), ci_brackets = c("(", ")"))
#' # you can also use `options(ggeffects_ci_brackets = c("[", "]"))`
#' # to set this globally
#' # collapse CI columns into column with predicted values
#' print(predict_response(fit, "e42dep"), collapse_ci = TRUE)
#' # include value labels
#' print(predict_response(fit, "e42dep"), value_labels = TRUE)
#' # include variable labels in column headers
#' print(predict_response(fit, "e42dep"), variable_labels = TRUE)
#' # include value labels and variable labels
#' print(predict_response(fit, "e42dep"), variable_labels = TRUE, value_labels = TRUE)
#' data(iris)
#' m <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species * Petal.Length, data = iris)
#' # default print with subgroups
#' predict_response(m, c("Petal.Length", "Species"))
#' # omit name of grouping variable in subgroup table headers
#' print(predict_response(m, c("Petal.Length", "Species")), group_name = FALSE)
#' # collapse tables into one
#' print(predict_response(m, c("Petal.Length", "Species")), collapse_tables = TRUE, n = 3)
#' # increase number of digits
#' print(predict_response(fit, "e42dep"), digits = 5)
#' @export
print.ggeffects <- function(x, group_name = TRUE, digits = 2, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
# check if default format is "html" or "markdown"
output_format <- getOption("ggeffects_output_format", "text")
if (identical(output_format, "html")) {
return(print(print_html(x, group_name = group_name, digits = digits, ...)))
if (identical(output_format, "markdown")) {
return(print(print_md(x, group_name = group_name, digits = digits, ...)))
lab <- attr(x, "title", exact = TRUE)
if (!is.null(lab)) {
insight::print_color(paste0(sprintf("# %s", lab), "\n\n", collapse = ""), "blue")
if (.is_numeric_character(x$x) || is.numeric(x$x)) {
align <- "right"
} else {
align <- NULL
out <- format(
row_header_separator = ifelse(isTRUE(group_name), "\n", ", "),
group_name = group_name,
digits = digits,
print_rows <- nrow(out)
captions <- NULL
# create strings of table captions for subgroups
if (!is.null(out$groups)) {
captions <- lapply(as.list(unique(out$groups)), c, "red")
# make "groups" a factor, for split and correct order
out$groups <- factor(out$groups, levels = unique(out$groups))
out <- lapply(split(out, out$groups), function(i) {
i$groups <- NULL
title = captions,
footer = .print_footnote(x),
align = align
# show msg?
if (missing(verbose)) {
verbose <- isTRUE(attr(x, "verbose", exact = TRUE))
predint <- attr(x, "prediction.interval", exact = TRUE)
if (!is.null(predint) && isTRUE(predint) && isTRUE(verbose)) {
"\nIntervals are prediction intervals. Use `interval = \"confidence\"` to return regular confidence intervals."
# tell user about truncated output
if (print_rows < nrow(x) && isTRUE(verbose)) {
"\nNot all rows are shown in the output. Use `print(..., n = Inf)` to show all rows."
.print_footnote <- function(x, format = "text") {
msg <- NULL
consv <- attr(x, "constant.values")
ci.lvl <- attr(x, "ci.lvl")
cv <- lapply(consv, function(.x) {
if (is.numeric(.x)) {
sprintf("%.2f", .x)
} else {
if (!.is_empty(cv)) {
cv.names <- names(cv) <- max(nchar(cv.names))
# ignore this string when determining maximum length
poplev <- which(cv %in% c("NA (population-level)", "0 (population-level)"))
if (.is_empty(poplev)) {
mcv <- cv
} else {
mcv <- cv[-poplev]
if (.is_empty(mcv)) {
cv.space2 <- 0
} else {
cv.space2 <- max(nchar(mcv))
if (identical(format, "text")) {
msg <- c(paste0(
"\nAdjusted for:\n",
paste0(sprintf("* %*s = %*s",, cv.names, cv.space2, cv), collapse = "\n")
), "yellow")
} else {
msg <- paste0(
"Adjusted for: ",
toString(sprintf("%*s = %*s",, cv.names, cv.space2, cv))
#' @importFrom insight print_html
#' @export
#' @importFrom insight print_md
#' @export
#' @rdname print
#' @export
print_md.ggeffects <- function(x, group_name = TRUE, digits = 2, ...) {
.print_html_tt(x, group_name = group_name, digits = digits, theme = NULL, output = "markdown", ...)
#' @rdname print
#' @export
print_html.ggeffects <- function(x,
group_name = TRUE,
digits = 2,
theme = NULL,
engine = c("tt", "gt"),
...) {
engine <- getOption("ggeffects_html_engine", engine)
engine <- match.arg(engine)
if (engine == "tt") {
.print_html_tt(x, group_name = group_name, digits = digits, theme = theme, ...)
} else {
.print_html_gt(x, group_name = group_name, digits = digits, ...)
# print using tiny table
.print_html_tt <- function(x, group_name = TRUE, digits = 2, theme = NULL, output = "html", ...) {
insight::check_if_installed("tinytable", minimum_version = "0.1.0")
out <- format(
digits = digits,
group_name = group_name,
row_header_separator = ifelse(isTRUE(group_name) && identical(output, "html"), "<br/>", ", "),
caption <- attr(x, "title", exact = TRUE)
# used for subgroup headers, if available
row_header_pos <- row_header_labels <- NULL
if (!is.null(out$groups)) {
# find start row of each subgroup
row_header_pos <- which(!duplicated(out$groups))
# create named list, required for tinytables
row_header_labels <- as.list(stats::setNames(row_header_pos, as.vector(out$groups[row_header_pos])))
# since we have the group names in "row_header_labels" now , we can remove the column
out$groups <- NULL
# make sure that the row header positions are correct - each header
# must be shifted by the number of rows above
for (i in 2:length(row_header_pos)) {
row_header_pos[i] <- row_header_pos[i] + (i - 1)
# create and format footer
footer <- .print_footnote(x, format = output)
if (identical(output, "html")) {
footer <- .format_html_footer(footer)
# base table
out <- tinytable::tt(out, caption = caption, notes = footer)
# add subheaders, if any
if (!is.null(row_header_labels)) {
out <- tinytable::group_tt(out, i = row_header_labels, indent = 2)
out <- tinytable::style_tt(out, i = row_header_pos, italic = TRUE)
# apply theme, if any
if (identical(output, "html")) {
out <- insight::apply_table_theme(out, x, theme = theme, sub_header_positions = row_header_pos)
# workaround, to make sure HTML is default output
out@output <- output
# print using gt
.print_html_gt <- function(x, group_name = TRUE, digits = 2, theme = NULL, ...) {
out <- format(
digits = digits,
group_name = group_name,
row_header_separator = "; ",
caption <- attr(x, "title", exact = TRUE)
footer <- .format_html_footer(.print_footnote(x, format = "html"))
format = "html",
group_by = "groups",
footer = footer,
caption = caption
# helper --------------------
.format_html_footer <- function(footer) {
if (!is.null(footer)) {
footer <- paste0("<div style=\"font-size: 0.9em; color: #666666\">", footer, "</div>")
.get_sample_rows <- function(x, n) {
nr.of.rows <- seq_len(nrow(x))
if (n < length(nr.of.rows)) {
sample.rows <- round(c(
stats::quantile(nr.of.rows, seq_len(n - 2) / n),
} else {
sample.rows <- nr.of.rows
# methods for ggcomparisons --------------------------------------------
#' @rdname print
#' @export
print.ggcomparisons <- function(x, collapse_tables = FALSE, ...) {
# check if default format is "html" or "markdown"
output_format <- getOption("ggeffects_output_format", "text")
if (identical(output_format, "html")) {
return(print(print_html(x, ...)))
if (identical(output_format, "markdown")) {
return(print(print_md(x, ...)))
test_pairwise <- identical(attributes(x)$test, "pairwise")
test_consecutive <- identical(attributes(x)$test, "consecutive")
test_interaction <- identical(attributes(x)$test, "interaction")
test_custom <- identical(attributes(x)$test, "custom")
estimate_name <- attributes(x)$estimate_name
by_factor <- attributes(x)$by_factor
rope_range <- attributes(x)$rope_range
msg_intervals <- isTRUE(attributes(x)$msg_intervals)
verbose <- isTRUE(attributes(x)$verbose)
scale_outcome <- attributes(x)$scale
scale_label <- attributes(x)$scale_label
is_linear <- isTRUE(attributes(x)$linear_model)
# if we want to collapse table, we don't need "by" variable
if (isTRUE(collapse_tables)) {
by_factor <- NULL
# get header and footer, then print table
x <- format(x, ...)
slopes <- vapply(x, function(i) all(i == "slope"), TRUE)
if (!is.null(rope_range)) {
caption <- c("# TOST-test for Practical Equivalence", "blue")
} else if (any(slopes)) {
x[slopes] <- NULL
caption <- c(paste0("# (Average) Linear trend for ", names(slopes)[slopes]), "blue")
} else if (test_pairwise) {
caption <- c("# Pairwise comparisons", "blue")
} else if (test_consecutive) {
caption <- c("# Consecutive contrasts", "blue")
} else if (test_interaction) {
caption <- c("# Interaction contrasts", "blue")
} else if (test_custom) {
caption <- c("# Custom contrasts", "blue")
} else {
caption <- NULL
footer <- attributes(x)$hypothesis_label
if (!is.null(footer)) {
footer <- insight::format_message(paste0("Tested hypothesis: ", footer))
footer <- paste0("\n", footer, "\n")
# split tables by response levels?
if ("Response_Level" %in% colnames(x)) {
x$Response_Level <- factor(x$Response_Level, levels = unique(x$Response_Level))
out <- split(x, x$Response_Level)
for (response_table in seq_along(out)) {
insight::print_color(paste0("\n# Response Level: ", names(out)[response_table], "\n\n"), "red")
tab <- out[[response_table]]
tab$Response_Level <- NULL
if (response_table == 1) {
cat(insight::export_table(tab, title = caption, footer = NULL, ...))
} else if (response_table == length(out)) {
cat(insight::export_table(tab, title = NULL, footer = footer, ...))
} else {
cat(insight::export_table(tab, title = NULL, footer = NULL, ...))
# check if we have at least three rows by column, else splitting by "by"
# is not useful
} else if (!is.null(by_factor) && all(by_factor %in% colnames(x)) && (prod(lengths(lapply(x[by_factor], unique))) * 3) <= nrow(x)) { # nolint
# split tables by "by" variable? Need a different handling for captions here
out <- split(x, x[by_factor])
if (!is.null(caption)) {
insight::print_color(caption[1], caption[2])
for (by_table in seq_along(out)) {
insight::print_color(paste0("\n", paste0(by_factor, collapse = "/"), " = ", names(out)[by_table], "\n\n"), "red")
tab <- out[[by_table]]
tab[by_factor] <- NULL
if (by_table == length(out)) {
cat(insight::export_table(tab, title = NULL, footer = footer, ...))
} else {
cat(insight::export_table(tab, title = NULL, footer = NULL, ...))
} else {
cat(insight::export_table(x, title = caption, footer = footer, ...))
# what type of estimates do we have?
type <- switch(estimate_name,
Predicted = "Predictions",
Contrast = "Contrasts",
Slope = "Slopes",
# tell user about scale of estimate type
if (verbose && !(is_linear && identical(scale_outcome, "response"))) {
if (is.null(scale_label)) {
scale_label <- switch(scale_outcome,
response = "response",
probs = ,
probability = if (type == "Contrasts") {
"probability (in %-points)"
} else {
exp = "exponentiated",
log = "log",
link = "link",
oddsratios = "odds ratio",
irr = "incident rate ratio",
count = ,
conditional = "conditional means",
msg <- paste0("\n", type, " are presented on the ", scale_label, " scale.")
} else {
# for proportions and probabilities, contrasts are differences in %-points
if (type == "Contrasts" && scale_label %in% c("probabilities", "proportions")) {
scale_label <- paste(scale_label, "(in %-points)")
msg <- paste0("\n", type, " are presented as ", scale_label, ".")
# tell user about possible discrepancies between prediction intervals of
# predictions and confidence intervals of contrasts/comparisons
if (msg_intervals && verbose) {
"\nIntervals used for contrasts and comparisons are regular confidence intervals, not prediction intervals.",
"To obtain the same type of intervals for your predictions, use `predict_response(..., interval = \"confidence\")`." # nolint
#' @rdname print
#' @export
print_html.ggcomparisons <- function(x,
collapse_ci = FALSE,
collapse_p = FALSE,
theme = NULL,
engine = c("tt", "gt"),
...) {
engine <- getOption("ggeffects_html_engine", engine)
engine <- match.arg(engine)
collapse_ci = collapse_ci,
collapse_p = collapse_p,
theme = theme,
engine = engine,
#' @rdname print
#' @export
print_md.ggcomparisons <- function(x, collapse_ci = FALSE, collapse_p = FALSE, theme = NULL, ...) {
collapse_ci = collapse_ci,
collapse_p = collapse_p,
theme = theme,
engine = "tt",
output = "markdown",
.print_html_ggcomparisons <- function(x,
collapse_ci = FALSE,
collapse_p = FALSE,
theme = NULL,
engine = c("tt", "gt"),
output = "html",
...) {
test_pairwise <- identical(attributes(x)$test, "pairwise")
test_interaction <- identical(attributes(x)$test, "interaction")
test_consecutive <- identical(attributes(x)$test, "consecutive")
test_custom <- identical(attributes(x)$test, "custom")
estimate_name <- attributes(x)$estimate_name
rope_range <- attributes(x)$rope_range
msg_intervals <- isTRUE(attributes(x)$msg_intervals)
verbose <- isTRUE(attributes(x)$verbose)
by_factor <- attributes(x)$by_factor
scale_outcome <- attributes(x)$scale
scale_label <- attributes(x)$scale_label
is_linear <- isTRUE(attributes(x)$linear_model)
# get header and footer, then print table
x <- format(x, collapse_ci = collapse_ci, collapse_p = collapse_p, ...)
slopes <- vapply(x, function(i) all(i == "slope"), TRUE)
if (!is.null(rope_range)) {
caption <- "TOST-test for Practical Equivalence"
} else if (any(slopes)) {
x[slopes] <- NULL
caption <- paste0("(Average) Linear trend for ", names(slopes)[slopes])
} else if (test_pairwise) {
caption <- "Pairwise comparisons"
} else if (test_interaction) {
caption <- "Interaction contrasts"
} else if (test_consecutive) {
caption <- "Consecutive contrasts"
} else if (test_custom) {
caption <- "Custom contrasts"
} else {
caption <- NULL
footer <- attributes(x)$hypothesis_label
if (!is.null(footer)) {
footer <- paste0("Tested hypothesis: ", footer)
if (verbose) {
# what type of estimates do we have?
type <- switch(estimate_name,
Predicted = "Predictions",
Contrast = "Contrasts",
Slope = "Slopes",
# line separator
line_sep <- ifelse(identical(output, "html"), "<br/>", ", ")
# tell user about scale of estimate type
if (!(is_linear && identical(scale_outcome, "response"))) {
if (is.null(scale_label)) {
scale_label <- switch(scale_outcome,
response = "response",
probs = ,
probability = "probability",
exp = "exponentiated",
log = "log",
link = "link",
oddsratios = "odds ratio",
irr = "incident rate ratio",
footer <- paste0(
ifelse(is.null(footer), "", line_sep),
" are presented on the ",
" scale."
} else {
footer <- paste0(
ifelse(is.null(footer), "", line_sep),
" are presented as ",
# format footer, make it a bit smaller
if (identical(output, "html")) {
footer <- .format_html_footer(footer)
# split by "by"? But only, if we have enough rows for each group
# else, inserting table headings for each row is not useful
split_by <- !is.null(by_factor) &&
all(by_factor %in% colnames(x)) &&
(prod(lengths(lapply(x[by_factor], unique))) * 3) <= nrow(x)
# start here for using tinytables
if (engine == "tt") {
insight::check_if_installed("tinytable", minimum_version = "0.1.0")
# used for subgroup headers, if available
row_header_pos <- row_header_labels <- NULL
# do we have groups?
if (split_by) { # nolint
# if we have more than one group variable, we unite them into one
if (length(by_factor) > 1) {
group_by <- datawizard::data_unite(x, "group_by", by_factor, separator = ", ")$group_by
} else {
group_by <- x[[by_factor]]
x[by_factor] <- NULL
} else if ("Response_Level" %in% colnames(x)) {
group_by <- x$Response_Level
x$Response_Level <- NULL
} else {
group_by <- NULL
# split tables by response levels?
if (!is.null(group_by)) {
# make sure group_by is ordered
if (is.unsorted(group_by)) {
new_row_order <- order(group_by)
# re-order group_by and data frame
group_by <- group_by[new_row_order]
x <- x[new_row_order, ]
# find start row of each subgroup
row_header_pos <- which(!duplicated(group_by))
# create named list, required for tinytables
row_header_labels <- as.list(stats::setNames(row_header_pos, as.vector(group_by[row_header_pos])))
# make sure that the row header positions are correct - each header
# must be shifted by the number of rows above
for (i in 2:length(row_header_pos)) {
row_header_pos[i] <- row_header_pos[i] + (i - 1)
# base table
out <- tinytable::tt(x, caption = caption, notes = footer)
# add subheaders, if any
if (!is.null(row_header_labels)) {
out <- tinytable::group_tt(out, i = row_header_labels, indent = 2)
out <- tinytable::style_tt(out, i = row_header_pos, italic = TRUE)
# apply theme, if any
if (identical(output, "html")) {
out <- insight::apply_table_theme(out, x, theme = theme, sub_header_positions = row_header_pos)
# workaround, to make sure HTML is default output
out@output <- output
} else {
# here we go with gt
if ("Response_Level" %in% colnames(x)) {
group_by <- c("Response_Level", "groups")
} else if (split_by) {
groups <- c(by_factor, "groups")
} else {
group_by <- "groups"
format = "html",
group_by = "groups",
footer = footer,
caption = caption
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