

generate_random_col <- function() {
  red <- sprintf("%02x", sample(256, 1) - 1)
  green <- sprintf("%02x", sample(256, 1) - 1)
  blue <- sprintf("%02x", sample(256, 1) - 1)
  paste0("#", red, green, blue)

draggable_colourinput <- function(id,
                                  col = NULL,
                                  position = NULL,
                                  allow_modify = TRUE,
                                  col_expand = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(col)) {
    col <- generate_random_col()
  if (is.null(position)) {
    left <- 0
  } else if (is.numeric(position)) {
    if (position < 0 || position > 100) {
      stop("position must be beween 0 and 100", call. = FALSE)
    left <- position
  } else if (position == "random") {
    left <- sample(1000, 1) / 10
  } else {
    stop("Unknown position: ", position)
  tag <- tags$div(
    id = paste0(id, "-draggable"),
    class = paste0("gradient-draggable-wrapper",
                   if (col_expand) " col-expand" else ""),
    style = paste0("left:", left, "%"),
    if (allow_modify)
      actionLink(paste0(id, "-delete"), icon("close"),
                 class = "gradient-draggable-delete"),
    tags$div(class = "gradient-draggable-bar"),
    colourpicker::colourInput(id, NULL, col, showColour = "both")
  if (allow_modify) {
      options = list(axis = "x", handle = ".gradient-draggable-bar",
                     containment = "parent")
  } else {
      options = list(axis = "x", handle = NULL,
                     containment = "parent")
gradientInputUI <- function(id, width = NULL, resource_path = ".") {
  ns <- NS(id)
  addResourcePath("gradientInputRes", resource_path)
  if (is.null(width)) {
    width <- 300
  width <- validateCssUnit(width)
      tags$script(src = file.path("gradientInputRes", "gradientInput.js")),
      tags$link(href = file.path("gradientInputRes", "gradientInput.css"), rel = "stylesheet")
      id = ns("draggables-box"),
      class = "draggables-module",
      style = paste0("width: ", width),
      `data-shiny_ns` = ns(""),
      tags$div(id = ns("draggables-container"), class = "draggables-container")

#' @param init_col The initial state of the colour gradient. There are 4 different
#'   values that are accepted: 1. If a single integer N is provided (eg. `5`),
#'   then the input is initialized with N colours. The colours are random and
#'   their positions are evenly distributed. 2. If a vector of N integers is provided
#'   (each number must be between 0 and 100) (eg. `c(10, 40, 90)`), the input is
#'   initialized with N different colours and each number in the vector corresponds
#'   to the position of one colour. The colours are random. 3. If a vector of N
#'   colours is provided (a colour can be any R colour name or a HEX string)
#'   (eg. `c("red", "blue", "#00FF00")`), the input is initialized with these N
#'   colours. The positions of the colours are distributed evenly. 4. If a
#'   dataframe with 2 columns "col" (any R colour) and "position" (number between
#'   0 and 100) and N rows is provided, the input is initialized with N colours.
#'   Each colour uses the "col" column as its initial colour and "position" as
#'   its initial position. The default behaviour is to initialize with 2 random
#'   colours.
#' @param allow_modify Whether or not the user can add, delete, and change
#'   positions of colours.
#' @param col_expand Whether or not the colour input can expand into a full
#'   colour picker text box that lets the user write colour names in English.
#' @return A list containing:
#'   - result: a dataframe with 2 columns: `position` (the left position, between
#'   0 and 100) and `col` (the colour hex string).
#'   - `reset`: a function that will reset the gradient input back to its original
#'   state.
gradientInput <- function(input, output, session,
                          init_cols = 2, allow_modify = TRUE, col_expand = FALSE) {
  ns <- session$ns
  # A list keeping track of all the IDs of the inputs that exist
  col_inputs <- reactiveVal(NULL)
  add_input <- function(id, position = NULL, col = NULL) {
    colourinput <- draggable_colourinput(
      ns(id), col = col,
      position = position, allow_modify = allow_modify, col_expand = col_expand
    col_inputs(c(col_inputs(), id))
      selector = paste0("#", ns("draggables-container")),
      where = "beforeEnd",
      ui = colourinput
    observeEvent(input[[paste0(id, "-delete")]], {
    }, once = TRUE)
  delete_input <- function(id) {
    col_inputs(setdiff(col_inputs(), id))
    shinyjs::addClass(ns(paste0(id, "-draggable")), "invisible", asis = TRUE)
  # Initialize the javascript for this input that will take care of fixing the
  # colours whenever the element resizes
  shinyjs::runjs(paste0("GradientInputInitResize('", ns(""), "')"))
  # Add the initial colours
    err_msg <- paste0("init_cols must be either: a single positive integer, ",
                      "a vector of integers between 0 and 100, ",
                      "a vector of colours, ",
                      "or a dataframe with 'col' and 'position' variables.")
    if (is.numeric(init_cols)) {
      if (length(init_cols) == 1) {
        if (init_cols >= 0 && init_cols %% 1 == 0) {
          init_positions <- seq(0, 100, length.out = init_cols)
        } else {
      } else if (length(init_cols) > 1) {
        if (all(init_cols %% 1 == 0)) {
          init_positions <- init_cols
        } else {
      } else {
      init_cols <- data.frame(
        col = unlist(lapply(seq_along(init_positions), function(x) generate_random_col())),
        position = init_positions
    if (is.character(init_cols)) {
      init_cols <- data.frame(
        col = init_cols,
        position = seq(0, 100, length.out = length(init_cols))
    if ( && ncol(init_cols) == 2 &&
        all(c("col", "position") %in% colnames(init_cols))) {
      by(init_cols, seq_len(nrow(init_cols)), function(row) {
        add_input(paste0("col_init_", rownames(row)),
                  position = row$position,
                  col = row$col)
    } else {
  gradient_resize_slow <- debounce(reactive(input$gradient_resize), 150)
  observeEvent(gradient_resize_slow(), {
    if (nrow(col_positions_slow()) == 0) {
    shinyjs::runjs(paste0("GradientInputReposition('", ns(""), "', ",
                          jsonlite::toJSON(col_positions_slow()), ")"))
  observeEvent(input$add_drag_col, {
    if (!allow_modify) {
    id <- paste0("col_direct_", uuid::UUIDgenerate())
    add_input(id, position = input$add_drag_col)
  col_positions <- reactive({
    colours <- lapply(col_inputs(), function(col_input) {
      col <- input[[col_input]]
      pos <- input[[paste0(col_input, "-draggable_percent")]]
      if (is.null(col) || is.null(pos)) {
        id = col_input,
        col = col,
        position = pos
    colours <- dplyr::bind_rows(colours)
    if (nrow(colours) == 0) {
      return(data.frame(col = character(0), position = character(0)))
    colours <- colours[order(colours$position), ]
  col_positions_slow <- debounce(col_positions, 150)
  observeEvent(col_positions_slow(), {
    if (nrow(col_positions_slow()) == 0) {
    if (nrow(col_positions_slow()) == 1) {
      background_value <- col_positions_slow()$col
      js_call <- paste0('$("#', ns("draggables-box"), '").css("background", "', background_value, '");')
    percentages <- apply(col_positions_slow(), 1, function(row) {
      paste0(row[["col"]], " ", round(as.numeric(row[["position"]])), "%")
    percentages <- paste0("(left, ", paste(percentages, collapse = ", "), ")")
    prefixes <- c("linear-gradient",
    prefixes_full <- paste0(prefixes, percentages)
    css_calls <- paste0(".css('background', '", prefixes_full, "')")
    css_calls_string <- paste(css_calls, collapse = "")
    js_call <- paste0('$("#', ns("draggables-box"), '")', css_calls_string)
  retval <- reactive({
    col_positions_slow()[c("col", "position")]
  reset <- function() {
    lapply(col_inputs(), delete_input)
    uuid <- uuid::UUIDgenerate()
    by(init_cols, seq_len(nrow(init_cols)), function(row) {
      id <- paste0("col_reset_", rownames(row), "_", uuid)
      add_input(id, position = row$position, col = row$col)
      result = retval,
      reset = reset

Try the ggquickeda package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ggquickeda documentation built on April 1, 2023, 12:10 a.m.