
Defines functions push_aes parse_side_aes drop_plot_aes new_ggside_layer as_ggside_layer.LayerInstance as_ggside_layer.ggside_layer as_ggside_layer ggside_layer

Documented in as_ggside_layer ggside_layer parse_side_aes

#' @include constructor-.R
#' @include utils-.R
#' @include utils-constructors.R
#' @include utils-ggproto.R

#' @name ggside_layer
#' @title New ggside layer
#' @description utility function to make a ggside layer compatible with
#' `ggside` internals
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::layer
#' @export
ggside_layer <-
  function(geom = NULL,
           stat = NULL,
           data = NULL,
           mapping = NULL,
           position = NULL,
           params = list(),
           inherit.aes = TRUE,
           check.aes = TRUE,
           check.param = TRUE,
           show.legend = NA,
           key_glyph = NULL,
           side = NULL) {

    resolve_arg(side, c("x", "y"), null.ok = FALSE)
    `_class` <- switch(side, x = "XLayer", y = "YLayer")
    Side <- switch(side, x = "Xside", y = "Yside")
    names(mapping) <- rename_side(names(mapping), side)
    #check class
    geom <- check_subclass(geom, "Geom", env = parent.frame(),
                           call = parent.frame())
    stat <- check_subclass(stat, "Stat", env = parent.frame(),
                           call = parent.frame())

    # remaps
    geom_aes_map <- aes_to_map(geom, side)
    stat_aes_map <- aes_to_map(stat, side)
    remap <- union(geom_aes_map, stat_aes_map)
    # ggside_geom
    geom <- ggside_geom(paste0(Side, class(geom)[1]),
                        geom = geom,
                        side = side)
    stat <- ggside_stat(paste0(Side, class(stat)[1]),
                        stat = stat,
                        side = side)
    layer <- ggplot2::layer(
      geom = geom,
      stat = stat,
      data = data,
      mapping = mapping,
      position = position,
      show.legend = show.legend,
      inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
      params = params,
      check.aes = check.aes,
      check.param = check.param,
      key_glyph = key_glyph

    new_ggside_layer(layer = ggproto(`_class`, layer),
                      side = side,
                      remap = remap)


#' @rdname ggside_layer
#' @param layer a LayerInstance object made from \link[ggplot2]{layer}
#' @param side should the resulting `ggplot2_layer` be configured for x or y side
#' @export
as_ggside_layer <- function(layer, side) UseMethod("as_ggside_layer", layer)

#' @export
as_ggside_layer.ggside_layer <- function(layer, side) layer

#' @export
as_ggside_layer.LayerInstance <- function(layer, side = NULL) {
  if (!side %in% c("x", "y")) {
    stop("You must specify a side for the layer")
  geom <- layer$geom
  new_geom <- ggside_geom("ggside_psudo_geom", geom, side)
  mapping <- force_panel_type_mapping(layer$mapping, side)
  names(mapping) <- rename_side(names(mapping), side)
  layer$mapping <- mapping
  layer$geom <- new_geom
  new_ggside_layer(layer, side)


new_ggside_layer <- function(layer, side, remap, constructor) {
  other <- switch(side, x = "y", y = "x")
  type <- sprintf("%sside", side)
    setup_layer = new_ggproto_fun(layer$setup_layer,
                                    names(plot$mapping) <- rename_side(names(plot$mapping), !!side)
                                    plot$mapping <- drop_plot_aes(plot$mapping, self$mapping, !!side)
                                    data <- call_parent_method
                                    data[["PANEL_TYPE"]] <- !!side
    compute_aesthetics = new_ggproto_fun(layer$compute_aesthetics,
                                           data <- call_parent_method
                                           aes_to_drop <- !!other
                                           if (all(paste0(c(!!side, ""), "colour") %in% names(data))) {
                                             aes_to_drop <- c(aes_to_drop, "colour")
                                           if (all(paste0(c(!!side, ""), "fill") %in% names(data))) {
                                             aes_to_drop <- c(aes_to_drop, "fill")
                                           data[, setdiff(names(data), aes_to_drop), drop = FALSE]
    compute_statistic = new_ggproto_fun(layer$compute_statistic,
                                          push_aes(self$stat, "required_aes", !!type)
                                          data <- data_unmap(data, !!side)
                                          data <- call_parent_method
                                          data_map(data, !!side, !!remap)
    map_statistic = new_ggproto_fun(layer$map_statistic,
                                      # old_nms <- names(self$stat$default_aes)
                                      # names(self$stat$default_aes) <- rename_side(names(self$stat$default_aes), !!side)
                                      data <- call_parent_method
    compute_geom_1 = new_ggproto_fun(layer$compute_geom_1,
                                       data <- parse_side_aes(data)
                                       push_aes(self$geom, "required_aes", !!type)
                                       levels <- levels(data$PANEL)
                                       data$PANEL <- droplevels(data$PANEL)
                                       data <- data_unmap(data, !!side)
                                       data <- call_parent_method
                                       data$PANEL <- factor(data$PANEL, levels = levels)
                                       data_map(data, !!side, !!remap)
    draw_geom = new_ggproto_fun(layer$draw_geom,
                                  data <- data_unmap(data, !!side)
                                  data <- call_parent_method
                                  data_map(data, !!side, !!remap)
    compute_position = new_ggproto_fun(layer$compute_position,
                                         data <- data_unmap(data, !!side)
                                         data <- call_parent_method
                                         data_map(data, !!side, !!remap)

drop_plot_aes <- function(plot_map, layer_map, side) {
  #if layer mapping fill/colour variant exists
  #remove it
  p_nms <- names(plot_map)
  l_nms <- names(layer_map)
  if (paste0(side, "colour") %in% l_nms &&
      any(to_drop <- p_nms %in% "colour"))
    plot_map <- plot_map[!to_drop]

  if (paste0(side, "fill") %in% l_nms &&
      any(to_drop <- p_nms %in% "fill"))
    plot_map <- plot_map[!to_drop]


#' @rdname ggside-ggproto-geoms
#' @export
parse_side_aes <- function(data, params){
  #determine if fill, xfill, or yfill should be used
  all_names <- c(colnames(data))
  if(any(c("fill", "xfill", "yfill")%in% all_names)) {
    fill_opts <- all_names[all_names %in% c("fill", "xfill", "yfill")]
    side_fill <- c("xfill","yfill")%in%fill_opts
      fill_prec <- c("xfill","yfill")[side_fill]
    } else {
      fill_prec <- "fill"
    data[[fill_prec]] <- data[[fill_prec]]
    exclude <- fill_opts[!fill_opts %in% fill_prec]
      data <- data[, setdiff(colnames(data), exclude), drop = F]

  if(any(c("colour", "xcolour", "ycolour")%in% all_names)) {
    colour_opts <- all_names[all_names %in% c("colour", "xcolour", "ycolour")]
    side_colour <- c("xcolour","ycolour")%in%colour_opts
      colour_prec <- c("xcolour","ycolour")[side_colour]
    } else {
      colour_prec <- "colour"
    data[[colour_prec]] <- data[[colour_prec]]
    exclude <- colour_opts[!colour_opts %in% colour_prec]
      data <- data[, setdiff(colnames(data), exclude), drop = F]


push_aes <- function(ggproto, member, side) {

  ggproto_arg <- enexpr(ggproto)
  env <- caller_env()
  old_value <- ggproto[[member]]

  ggproto[[member]] <- sub(side, "", old_value)
  expr <- expr(on.exit((!!ggproto_arg)[[!!member]] <- !!old_value, add = TRUE))
  eval_bare(expr, env = env)

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ggside documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:06 a.m.