
Defines functions stat_find_qtys stat_find_wls

Documented in stat_find_qtys stat_find_wls

#' Find wavelength for target quantity value.
#' \code{stat_find_wls} finds at which x positions values equal to a target are
#' located.
#' @param mapping The aesthetic mapping, usually constructed with
#'   \code{\link[ggplot2]{aes}} or \code{\link[ggplot2]{aes_}}. Only needs to be
#'   set at the layer level if you are overriding the plot defaults.
#' @param data A layer specific dataset - only needed if you want to override
#'   the plot defaults.
#' @param geom The geometric object to use display the data
#' @param position The position adjustment to use for overlapping points on this
#'   layer
#' @param show.legend logical. Should this layer be included in the legends?
#'   \code{NA}, the default, includes if any aesthetics are mapped. \code{FALSE}
#'   never includes, and \code{TRUE} always includes.
#' @param inherit.aes If \code{FALSE}, overrides the default aesthetics, rather
#'   than combining with them. This is most useful for helper functions that
#'   define both data and aesthetics and shouldn't inherit behaviour from the
#'   default plot specification, e.g. \code{\link[ggplot2]{borders}}.
#' @param ... other arguments passed on to \code{\link[ggplot2]{layer}}. This
#'   can include aesthetics whose values you want to set, not map. See
#'   \code{\link[ggplot2]{layer}} for more details.
#' @param na.rm	a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped
#'   before the computation proceeds.
#' @param target numeric vector indicating the spectral quantity values for
#'   which wavelengths are to be searched and interpolated if need. The
#'   \code{character} strings "half.maximum" and "half.range" are also accepted
#'   as arguments. A list with \code{numeric} and/or \code{character} values is
#'   also accepted.
#' @param interpolate logical Indicating whether the nearest wavelength value in
#'   \code{x} should be returned or a value calculated by linear interpolation
#'   between wavelength values stradling the target.
#' @param chroma.type character one of "CMF" (color matching function) or "CC"
#'   (color coordinates) or a \code{\link[photobiology]{chroma_spct}} object.
#' @param label.fmt character  string giving a format definition for converting
#'   values into character strings by means of function \code{\link{sprintf}}.
#' @param x.label.fmt character  string giving a format definition for
#'   converting $x$-values into character strings by means of function
#'   \code{\link{sprintf}}.
#' @param y.label.fmt character  string giving a format definition for
#'   converting $y$-values into character strings by means of function
#'   \code{\link{sprintf}}.
#' @return A data frame with one row for each match to \code{target} found in
#'   the data.
#' @section Computed variables: \describe{ \item{x}{x-value at or nearest to the
#'   match to the target as numeric} \item{y}{target value or y-value nearest to
#'   the target as numeric} \item{x.label}{x-value at or nearest to the match
#'   formatted as character} \item{y.label}{target value or y-value nearest to
#'   the target formatted as character} \item{wl.color}{color definition calculated
#'   by assuming that x-values are wavelengths expressed in nanometres.} }
#' @section Default aesthetics: Set by the statistic and available to geoms.
#'   \describe{ \item{label}{..x.label..} \item{xintercept}{..x..}
#'   \item{yintercept}{..y..} \item{fill}{..wl.color..} }
#' @section Required aesthetics: Required by the statistic and need to be set
#'   with \code{aes()}. \describe{ \item{x}{numeric, wavelength in nanometres}
#'   \item{y}{numeric, a spectral quantity} }
#' @seealso \code{\link[photobiology]{find_peaks}}.
#' @details These stats use \code{geom_point} by default as it is the geom most
#'   likely to work well in almost any situation without need of tweaking. The
#'   default aesthetics set by these stats allow their direct use with
#'   \code{geom_text}, \code{geom_label}, \code{geom_line}, \code{geom_rug},
#'   \code{geom_hline} and \code{geom_vline}. The formatting of the labels
#'   returned can be controlled by the user.
#' @note These stats work nicely together with geoms \code{geom_text_repel} and
#'   \code{geom_label_repel} from package \code{\link[ggrepel]{ggrepel}} to
#'   solve the problem of overlapping labels by displacing them. To discard
#'   overlapping labels use \code{check_overlap = TRUE} as argument to
#'   \code{geom_text}. By default the labels are character values suitable to be
#'   plotted as is, but with a suitable \code{label.fmt} labels suitable for
#'   parsing by the geoms (e.g. into expressions containing greek letters or
#'   super or subscripts) can be also easily obtained.
#' @examples
#' # ggplot() methods for spectral objects set a default mapping for x and y.
#' ggplot(yellow_gel.spct) + geom_line() +
#'   stat_find_wls(target = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))
#' ggplot(yellow_gel.spct) + geom_line() +
#'   stat_find_wls(target = "half.maximum", geom = "point", colour = "red") +
#'   stat_find_wls(target = "half.maximum", geom = "text", colour = "red",
#'              hjust = 1.1, label.fmt = "%3.0f nm")
#' @export
#' @family stats functions
stat_find_wls <- function(mapping = NULL,
                          data = NULL,
                          geom = "point",
                          target = "half.maximum",
                          interpolate = TRUE,
                          chroma.type = "CMF",
                          label.fmt = "%.3g",
                          x.label.fmt = label.fmt,
                          y.label.fmt = label.fmt,
                          position = "identity",
                          na.rm = FALSE,
                          show.legend = FALSE,
                          inherit.aes = TRUE, ...) {
    stat = StatFindWls, data = data, mapping = mapping, geom = geom,
    position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
    params = list(target = target,
                  interpolate = interpolate,
                  chroma.type = chroma.type,
                  label.fmt = label.fmt,
                  x.label.fmt = x.label.fmt,
                  y.label.fmt = y.label.fmt,
                  na.rm = na.rm,

#' @rdname gg2spectra-ggproto
#' @export
StatFindWls <-
  ggplot2::ggproto("StatFindWls", ggplot2::Stat,
                   compute_group = function(data,
                                              y.label.fmt) {
                     wls.df <- photobiology::wls_at_target(data,
                                                           x.var.name = "x",
                                                           y.var.name = "y",
                                                           target = target,
                                                           interpolate = interpolate,
                                                           na.rm = FALSE)
                     wls.df[["x.label"]] <- sprintf(x.label.fmt, wls.df[["x"]])
                     wls.df[["y.label"]] <- sprintf(y.label.fmt, wls.df[["y"]])
                     wls.df[["wl.color"]] <-
                       photobiology::fast_color_of_wl(wls.df[["x"]], chroma.type = chroma.type)
                     wls.df[["BW.color"]] <-  black_or_white(wls.df[["wl.color"]])
                   default_aes = ggplot2::aes(label = after_stat(x.label),
                                              fill = after_stat(wl.color),
                                              xintercept = after_stat(x),
                                              yintercept = after_stat(y),
                                              hjust = 0.5,
                                              vjust = 0.5),
                   required_aes = c("x", "y")

#' Find quantity value for target wavelength value.
#' \code{stat_find_qtys} finds at which y positions values equal to an x target
#' are located.
#' @param mapping The aesthetic mapping, usually constructed with
#'   \code{\link[ggplot2]{aes}} or \code{\link[ggplot2]{aes_}}. Only needs to be
#'   set at the layer level if you are overriding the plot defaults.
#' @param data A layer specific dataset - only needed if you want to override
#'   the plot defaults.
#' @param geom The geometric object to use display the data
#' @param position The position adjustment to use for overlapping points on this
#'   layer
#' @param show.legend logical. Should this layer be included in the legends?
#'   \code{NA}, the default, includes if any aesthetics are mapped. \code{FALSE}
#'   never includes, and \code{TRUE} always includes.
#' @param inherit.aes If \code{FALSE}, overrides the default aesthetics, rather
#'   than combining with them. This is most useful for helper functions that
#'   define both data and aesthetics and shouldn't inherit behaviour from the
#'   default plot specification, e.g. \code{\link[ggplot2]{borders}}.
#' @param ... other arguments passed on to \code{\link[ggplot2]{layer}}. This
#'   can include aesthetics whose values you want to set, not map. See
#'   \code{\link[ggplot2]{layer}} for more details.
#' @param na.rm	a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped
#'   before the computation proceeds.
#' @param target numeric value indicating the spectral quantity value for which
#'   wavelengths are to be searched and interpolated if need. The character
#'   string "half.maximum" is also accepted as argument.
#' @param interpolate logical Indicating whether the nearest wavelength value
#'   in \code{x} should be returned or a value calculated by linear
#'   interpolation between wavelength values straddling the target.
#' @param chroma.type character one of "CMF" (color matching function) or "CC"
#'   (color coordinates) or a \code{\link[photobiology]{chroma_spct}} object.
#' @param label.fmt character  string giving a format definition for converting
#'   values into character strings by means of function \code{\link{sprintf}}.
#' @param x.label.fmt character  string giving a format definition for
#'   converting $x$-values into character strings by means of function
#'   \code{\link{sprintf}}.
#' @param y.label.fmt character  string giving a format definition for
#'   converting $y$-values into character strings by means of function
#'   \code{\link{sprintf}}.
#' @return A data frame with one row for each match to the target subset from
#'   the data or interpolated. As spectra are monotonic in wavelength, this
#'   statistic will never return more than one row when used with spectra.
#' @section Computed variables: \describe{ \item{x}{x-value at or nearest to the
#'   match to the target as numeric} \item{y}{target value or y-value nearest to
#'   the target as numeric} \item{x.label}{x-value at or nearest to the match
#'   formatted as character} \item{y.label}{target value or y-value nearest to
#'   the target formatted as character} \item{color}{color definition calculated
#'   by assuming that x-values are wavelengths expressed in nanometres.} }
#' @section Default aesthetics: Set by the statistic and available to geoms.
#'   \describe{ \item{label}{..x.label..} \item{xintercept}{..x..}
#'   \item{yintercept}{..y..} \item{fill}{..color..} }
#' @section Required aesthetics: Required by the statistic and need to be set
#'   with \code{aes()}. \describe{ \item{x}{numeric, wavelength in nanometres}
#'   \item{y}{numeric, a spectral quantity} }
#' @seealso \code{\link[photobiology]{find_peaks}}.
#' @details These stats use \code{geom_point} by default as it is the geom most
#'   likely to work well in almost any situation without need of tweaking. The
#'   default aesthetics set by these stats allow their direct use with
#'   \code{geom_text}, \code{geom_label}, \code{geom_line}, \code{geom_rug},
#'   \code{geom_hline} and \code{geom_vline}. The formatting of the labels
#'   returned can be controlled by the user.
#' @note These stats work nicely together with geoms \code{geom_text_repel} and
#'   \code{geom_label_repel} from package \code{\link[ggrepel]{ggrepel}} to
#'   solve the problem of overlapping labels by displacing them. To discard
#'   overlapping labels use \code{check_overlap = TRUE} as argument to
#'   \code{geom_text}. By default the labels are character values suitable to be
#'   plotted as is, but with a suitable \code{label.fmt} labels suitable for
#'   parsing by the geoms (e.g. into expressions containing greek letters or
#'   super or subscripts) can be also easily obtained.
#' @examples
#' # ggplot() methods for spectral objects set a default mapping for x and y.
#' ggplot(yellow_gel.spct) + geom_line() +
#'   stat_find_qtys(target = "half.range")
#' ggplot(yellow_gel.spct) + geom_line() +
#'   stat_find_qtys(target = c(490, 500, 510))
#' ggplot(yellow_gel.spct) + geom_line() +
#'   stat_find_qtys(target = 500, geom = "point", colour = "red") +
#'   stat_find_qtys(target = 500, geom = "text", colour = "red",
#'              hjust = 1.1, label.fmt = "Tfr = %1.2f")
#' @export
#' @family stats functions
stat_find_qtys <- function(mapping = NULL,
                           data = NULL,
                           geom = "point",
                           target = "half.maximum",
                           interpolate = TRUE,
                           chroma.type = "CMF",
                           label.fmt = "%.3g",
                           x.label.fmt = label.fmt,
                           y.label.fmt = label.fmt,
                           position = "identity",
                           na.rm = FALSE,
                           show.legend = FALSE,
                           inherit.aes = TRUE, ...) {
    stat = StatFindQty, data = data, mapping = mapping, geom = geom,
    position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
    params = list(target = target,
                  interpolate = interpolate,
                  chroma.type = chroma.type,
                  label.fmt = label.fmt,
                  x.label.fmt = x.label.fmt,
                  y.label.fmt = y.label.fmt,
                  na.rm = na.rm,

#' @rdname gg2spectra-ggproto
#' @export
StatFindQty <-
  ggplot2::ggproto("StatFindQty", ggplot2::Stat,
                   compute_group =   function(data,
                                              y.label.fmt) {
                     # By swapping the column names, we obtain qty values instead of wls
                     if (is.numeric(target)) {
                       target <- target[target >= min(data[["x"]], na.rm = TRUE) &
                                          target <= max(data[["x"]], na.rm = TRUE)]
                     if (length(target) == 0L) {
                       # if target is NULL or an out-of-range then return an empty data frame
                       rows.df <-
                         data.frame(x = numeric(),
                                    y = numeric(),
                                    x.label = character(),
                                    y.label = character(),
                                    color = character(),
                                    BW.color = character())
                     } else {
                       rows.df <- data.frame()
                       for (t in target) {
                         rows.df <-
                                                        .fun = `<=`,
                                                        target = t,
                                                        interpolate = interpolate,
                                                        col.name.x = "y",
                                                        col.name = "x"))
                       rows.df[["x.label"]] <- sprintf(x.label.fmt, rows.df[["x"]])
                       rows.df[["y.label"]] <- sprintf(y.label.fmt, rows.df[["y"]])
                       rows.df[["wl.color"]] <-
                         photobiology::fast_color_of_wl(rows.df[["x"]], chroma.type = chroma.type)
                       rows.df[["BW.color"]] <-  black_or_white(rows.df[["wl.color"]])
                   default_aes = ggplot2::aes(label = after_stat(y.label),
                                              fill = after_stat(wl.color),
                                              xintercept = after_stat(x),
                                              yintercept = after_stat(y),
                                              hjust = 0.5,
                                              vjust = 0.5),
                   required_aes = c("x", "y")

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ggspectra documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 1:07 a.m.