
Defines functions grouped_ggbetweenstats ggbetweenstats

Documented in ggbetweenstats grouped_ggbetweenstats

#' @title Box/Violin plots for between-subjects comparisons
#' @name ggbetweenstats
#' @description
#' A combination of box and violin plots along with jittered data points for
#' between-subjects designs with statistical details included in the plot as a
#' subtitle.
#' @section Summary of graphics:
#' ```{r child="man/rmd-fragments/ggbetweenstats_graphics.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @param xlab Label for `x` axis variable. If `NULL` (default),
#'   variable name for `x` will be used.
#' @param ylab Labels for `y` axis variable. If `NULL` (default),
#'   variable name for `y` will be used.
#' @param p.adjust.method Adjustment method for *p*-values for multiple
#'   comparisons. Possible methods are: `"holm"` (default), `"hochberg"`,
#'   `"hommel"`, `"bonferroni"`, `"BH"`, `"BY"`, `"fdr"`, `"none"`.
#' @param pairwise.display Decides *which* pairwise comparisons to display.
#'   Available options are:
#'   - `"significant"` (abbreviation accepted: `"s"`)
#'   - `"non-significant"` (abbreviation accepted: `"ns"`)
#'   - `"all"`
#'   You can use this argument to make sure that your plot is not uber-cluttered
#'   when you have multiple groups being compared and scores of pairwise
#'   comparisons being displayed. If set to `"none"`, no pairwise comparisons
#'   will be displayed.
#' @param bf.message Logical that decides whether to display Bayes Factor in
#'   favor of the *null* hypothesis. This argument is relevant only **for
#'   parametric test** (Default: `TRUE`).
#' @param results.subtitle Decides whether the results of statistical tests are
#'   to be displayed as a subtitle (Default: `TRUE`). If set to `FALSE`, only
#'   the plot will be returned.
#' @param title The text for the plot title.
#' @param subtitle The text for the plot subtitle. Will work only if
#'   `results.subtitle = FALSE`.
#' @param caption The text for the plot caption. This argument is relevant only
#'   if `bf.message = FALSE`.
#' @param centrality.plotting Logical that decides whether centrality tendency
#'   measure is to be displayed as a point with a label (Default: `TRUE`).
#'   Function decides which central tendency measure to show depending on the
#'   `type` argument.
#'   - **mean** for parametric statistics
#'   - **median** for non-parametric statistics
#'   - **trimmed mean** for robust statistics
#'   - **MAP estimator** for Bayesian statistics
#'   If you want default centrality parameter, you can specify this using
#'   `centrality.type` argument.
#' @param centrality.type Decides which centrality parameter is to be displayed.
#'   The default is to choose the same as `type` argument. You can specify this
#'   to be:
#'   - `"parameteric"` (for **mean**)
#'   - `"nonparametric"` (for **median**)
#'   - `robust` (for **trimmed mean**)
#'   - `bayes` (for **MAP estimator**)
#'   Just as `type` argument, abbreviations are also accepted.
#' @param point.args A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to
#'   the `ggplot2::geom_point()` displaying the raw data.
#' @param boxplot.args A list of additional aesthetic arguments passed on to
#'   `ggplot2::geom_boxplot()`.
#' @param violin.args A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to
#'   the `ggplot2::geom_violin()`.
#' @param ggplot.component A `ggplot` component to be added to the plot prepared
#'   by `{ggstatsplot}`. This argument is primarily helpful for `grouped_`
#'   variants of all primary functions. Default is `NULL`. The argument should
#'   be entered as a `{ggplot2}` function or a list of `{ggplot2}` functions.
#' @param package,palette Name of the package from which the given palette is to
#'   be extracted. The available palettes and packages can be checked by running
#'   `View(paletteer::palettes_d_names)`.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @inheritParams theme_ggstatsplot
#' @param centrality.point.args,centrality.label.args A list of additional aesthetic
#'   arguments to be passed to `ggplot2::geom_point()` and
#'   `ggrepel::geom_label_repel` geoms, which are involved in mean plotting.
#' @param  ggsignif.args A list of additional aesthetic
#'   arguments to be passed to `ggsignif::geom_signif`.
#' @param ggtheme A `{ggplot2}` theme. Default value is
#'   `ggstatsplot::theme_ggstatsplot()`. Any of the `{ggplot2}` themes (e.g.,
#'   `theme_bw()`), or themes from extension packages are allowed (e.g.,
#'   `ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight()`, `hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_ps()`, etc.).
#'   But note that sometimes these themes will remove some of the details that
#'   `{ggstatsplot}` plots typically contains. For example, if relevant,
#'   `ggbetweenstats()` shows details about multiple comparison test as a label
#'   on the secondary Y-axis. Some themes (e.g.
#'   `ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight()`) will remove the secondary Y-axis and
#'   thus the details as well.
#' @inheritParams statsExpressions::oneway_anova
#' @inheritParams statsExpressions::two_sample_test
#' @inheritSection statsExpressions::centrality_description Centrality measures
#' @inheritSection statsExpressions::two_sample_test Two-sample tests
#' @inheritSection statsExpressions::oneway_anova One-way ANOVA
#' @inheritSection statsExpressions::pairwise_comparisons Pairwise comparison tests
#' @seealso \code{\link{grouped_ggbetweenstats}}, \code{\link{ggwithinstats}},
#'  \code{\link{grouped_ggwithinstats}}
#' @autoglobal
#' @details For details, see:
#' <https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot/articles/web_only/ggbetweenstats.html>
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")
#' # for reproducibility
#' set.seed(123)
#' p <- ggbetweenstats(mtcars, am, mpg)
#' p
#' # extracting details from statistical tests
#' extract_stats(p)
#' # modifying defaults
#' ggbetweenstats(
#'   morley,
#'   x    = Expt,
#'   y    = Speed,
#'   type = "robust",
#'   xlab = "The experiment number",
#'   ylab = "Speed-of-light measurement"
#' )
#' # you can remove a specific geom to reduce complexity of the plot
#' ggbetweenstats(
#'   mtcars,
#'   am,
#'   wt,
#'   # to remove violin plot
#'   violin.args = list(width = 0, linewidth = 0),
#'   # to remove boxplot
#'   boxplot.args = list(width = 0),
#'   # to remove points
#'   point.args = list(alpha = 0)
#' )
#' @export
ggbetweenstats <- function(
    type = "parametric",
    pairwise.display = "significant",
    p.adjust.method = "holm",
    effsize.type = "unbiased",
    bf.prior = 0.707,
    bf.message = TRUE,
    results.subtitle = TRUE,
    xlab = NULL,
    ylab = NULL,
    caption = NULL,
    title = NULL,
    subtitle = NULL,
    digits = 2L,
    var.equal = FALSE,
    conf.level = 0.95,
    nboot = 100L,
    tr = 0.2,
    centrality.plotting = TRUE,
    centrality.type = type,
    centrality.point.args = list(size = 5, color = "darkred"),
    centrality.label.args = list(
      size = 3,
      nudge_x = 0.4,
      segment.linetype = 4,
      min.segment.length = 0
    point.args = list(
      position = ggplot2::position_jitterdodge(dodge.width = 0.60),
      alpha = 0.4,
      size = 3,
      stroke = 0,
      na.rm = TRUE
    boxplot.args = list(width = 0.3, alpha = 0.2, na.rm = TRUE),
    violin.args = list(width = 0.5, alpha = 0.2, na.rm = TRUE),
    ggsignif.args = list(textsize = 3, tip_length = 0.01, na.rm = TRUE),
    ggtheme = ggstatsplot::theme_ggstatsplot(),
    package = "RColorBrewer",
    palette = "Dark2",
    ggplot.component = NULL,
    ...) {
  # data -----------------------------------

  # make sure both quoted and unquoted arguments are allowed
  c(x, y) %<-% c(ensym(x), ensym(y))
  type <- stats_type_switch(type)

  data %<>%
    select({{ x }}, {{ y }}) %>%
    tidyr::drop_na() %>%
    mutate({{ x }} := droplevels(as.factor({{ x }})))

  # statistical analysis ------------------------------------------

  test <- ifelse(nlevels(pull(data, {{ x }})) < 3L, "t", "anova")

  if (results.subtitle) {
    .f.args <- list(
      data = data,
      x = as_string(x),
      y = as_string(y),
      effsize.type = effsize.type,
      conf.level = conf.level,
      var.equal = var.equal,
      digits = digits,
      tr = tr,
      paired = FALSE,
      bf.prior = bf.prior,
      nboot = nboot

    .f <- .f_switch(test)
    subtitle_df <- .eval_f(.f, !!!.f.args, type = type)
    subtitle <- .extract_expression(subtitle_df)

    if (type == "parametric" && bf.message) {
      caption_df <- .eval_f(.f, !!!.f.args, type = "bayes")
      caption <- .extract_expression(caption_df)

  # plot -----------------------------------

  plot_comparison <- ggplot(data, mapping = aes({{ x }}, {{ y }})) +
    exec(geom_point, aes(color = {{ x }}), !!!point.args) +
    exec(geom_boxplot, !!!boxplot.args, outlier.shape = NA) +
    exec(geom_violin, !!!violin.args)

  # centrality tagging -------------------------------------

  if (isTRUE(centrality.plotting)) {
    plot_comparison <- suppressWarnings(.centrality_ggrepel(
      plot = plot_comparison,
      data = data,
      x = {{ x }},
      y = {{ y }},
      digits = digits,
      type = stats_type_switch(centrality.type),
      tr = tr,
      centrality.point.args = centrality.point.args,
      centrality.label.args = centrality.label.args

  # ggsignif labels -------------------------------------

  seclabel <- NULL

  if (pairwise.display != "none" && test == "anova") {
    mpc_df <- pairwise_comparisons(
      data = data,
      x = {{ x }},
      y = {{ y }},
      type = type,
      tr = tr,
      paired = FALSE,
      var.equal = var.equal,
      p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method,
      digits = digits

    # adding the layer for pairwise comparisons
    plot_comparison <- .ggsignif_adder(
      plot             = plot_comparison,
      mpc_df           = mpc_df,
      data             = data,
      x                = {{ x }},
      y                = {{ y }},
      pairwise.display = pairwise.display,
      ggsignif.args    = ggsignif.args

    # secondary label axis to give pairwise comparisons test details
    seclabel <- .pairwise_seclabel(unique(mpc_df$test), ifelse(type == "bayes", "all", pairwise.display))

  # annotations ------------------------

    plot             = plot_comparison,
    x                = pull(data, {{ x }}),
    xlab             = xlab %||% as_name(x),
    ylab             = ylab %||% as_name(y),
    title            = title,
    subtitle         = subtitle,
    caption          = caption,
    seclabel         = seclabel,
    ggtheme          = ggtheme,
    package          = package,
    palette          = palette,
    ggplot.component = ggplot.component

#' @title Violin plots for group or condition comparisons in between-subjects
#'   designs repeated across all levels of a grouping variable.
#' @name grouped_ggbetweenstats
#' @description
#' Helper function for `ggstatsplot::ggbetweenstats` to apply this function
#' across multiple levels of a given factor and combining the resulting plots
#' using `ggstatsplot::combine_plots`.
#' @inheritParams ggbetweenstats
#' @inheritParams .grouped_list
#' @inheritParams combine_plots
#' @inheritDotParams ggbetweenstats -title
#' @autoglobal
#' @seealso \code{\link{ggbetweenstats}}, \code{\link{ggwithinstats}},
#'  \code{\link{grouped_ggwithinstats}}
#' @inherit ggbetweenstats return references
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")
#' # for reproducibility
#' set.seed(123)
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' grouped_ggbetweenstats(
#'   data = filter(ggplot2::mpg, drv != "4"),
#'   x = year,
#'   y = hwy,
#'   grouping.var = drv
#' )
#' # modifying individual plots using `ggplot.component` argument
#' grouped_ggbetweenstats(
#'   data = filter(
#'     movies_long,
#'     genre %in% c("Action", "Comedy"),
#'     mpaa %in% c("R", "PG")
#'   ),
#'   x = genre,
#'   y = rating,
#'   grouping.var = mpaa,
#'   ggplot.component = scale_y_continuous(
#'     breaks = seq(1, 9, 1),
#'     limits = (c(1, 9))
#'   )
#' )
#' @export
grouped_ggbetweenstats <- function(
    plotgrid.args = list(),
    annotation.args = list()) {
  .grouped_list(data, {{ grouping.var }}) %>%
    purrr::pmap(.f = ggbetweenstats, ...) %>%
    combine_plots(plotgrid.args, annotation.args)

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ggstatsplot documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:48 p.m.