# Much of this code is copied from the labeling package.
.simplicity <- function(q, Q, j, lmin, lmax, lstep) {
eps <- .Machine$double.eps * 100
n <- length(Q)
i <- match(q, Q)[1]
v <- ifelse( (lmin %% lstep < eps ||
lstep - (lmin %% lstep) < eps) &&
lmin <= 0 && lmax >= 0, 1, 0)
1 - (i - 1) / (n - 1) - j + v
.simplicity.max <- function(q, Q, j) {
n <- length(Q)
i <- match(q, Q)[1]
v <- 1
1 - (i - 1) / (n - 1) - j + v
.coverage <- function(dmin, dmax, lmin, lmax) {
range <- dmax - dmin
1 - 0.5 * ( (dmax - lmax) ^ 2 + (dmin - lmin) ^ 2) / ( (0.1 * range) ^ 2)
.coverage.max <- function(dmin, dmax, span) {
range <- dmax - dmin
if (span > range) {
half <- (span - range) / 2
1 - 0.5 * (half ^ 2 + half ^ 2) / ( (0.1 * range) ^ 2)
else {
.density <- function(k, m, dmin, dmax, lmin, lmax) {
r <- (k - 1) / (lmax - lmin)
rt <- (m - 1) / (max(lmax, dmax) - min(dmin, lmin))
2 - max( r / rt, rt / r )
.density.max <- function(k, m) {
if (k >= m) {
2 - (k - 1) / (m - 1)
} else {
.legibility <- function(lmin, lmax, lstep) {
#' Pretty axis breaks inclusive of extreme values
#' This function returns pretty axis breaks that always include the extreme values of the data.
#' This works by calling the extended Wilkinson algorithm (Talbot et. al, 2010), constrained to solutions interior to the data range.
#' Then, the minimum and maximum labels are moved to the minimum and maximum of the data range.
#' \code{extended_range_breaks} implements the algorithm and returns the break values.
#' \code{scales_extended_range_breaks} uses the conventions of the \pkg{scales} package, and returns a function.
#' @param dmin minimum of the data range
#' @param dmax maximum of the data range
#' @param n desired number of breaks
#' @param Q set of nice numbers
#' @param w weights applied to the four optimization components (simplicity, coverage, density, and legibility)
#' @return For \code{extended_range_breaks}, the vector of axis label locations.
#' For \code{scales_extended_range_breaks}, a function which takes a single argument, a vector of data, and returns the vector of axis label locations.
#' @references
#' Talbot, J., Lin, S., Hanrahan, P. (2010) An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm for Positioning Tick Labels on Axes, InfoVis 2010.
#' @author Justin Talbot \email{}, Jeffrey B. Arnold, Baptiste Auguie
#' @rdname range_breaks
#' @export
extended_range_breaks_ <- function(dmin, dmax, n = 5,
Q = c(1, 5, 2, 2.5, 4, 3),
w = c(0.25, 0.2, 0.5, 0.05)) {
eps <- .Machine$double.eps * 100
if (dmin > dmax) {
temp <- dmin
dmin <- dmax
dmax <- temp
if (dmax - dmin < eps) {
#if the range is near the floating point limit,
#let seq generate some equally spaced steps.
return(seq(from = dmin, to = dmax, length.out = n))
n <- length(Q)
best <- list()
best$score <- -2
j <- 1
while (j < Inf) {
for (q in Q) {
sm <- .simplicity.max(q, Q, j)
if ( (w[1] * sm + w[2] + w[3] + w[4]) < best$score) {
j <- Inf
k <- 2
while (k < Inf) {
dm <- .density.max(k, n)
if ( (w[1] * sm + w[2] + w[3] * dm + w[4]) < best$score)
delta <- (dmax - dmin) / (k + 1) / j / q
z <- ceiling(log(delta, base = 10))
while (z < Inf) {
step <- j * q * 10 ^ z
cm <- .coverage.max(dmin, dmax, step * (k - 1))
if ( (w[1] * sm + w[2] * cm + w[3] * dm + w[4]) < best$score)
min_start <- floor(dmax / (step)) * j - (k - 1) * j
max_start <- ceiling(dmin / (step)) * j
if (min_start > max_start) {
z <- z + 1
for (start in min_start:max_start) {
lmin <- start * (step / j)
lmax <- lmin + step * (k - 1)
lstep <- step
s <- .simplicity(q, Q, j, lmin, lmax, lstep)
c <- .coverage(dmin, dmax, lmin, lmax)
g <- .density(k, n, dmin, dmax, lmin, lmax)
l <- .legibility(lmin, lmax, lstep)
score <- w[1] * s + w[2] * c + w[3] * g + w[4] * l
if (score > best$score
&& lmin >= dmin
&& lmax <= dmax) {
best <- list(lmin = lmin,
lmax = lmax,
lstep = lstep,
score = score)
z <- z + 1
k <- k + 1
j <- j + 1
breaks <- seq(from = best$lmin, to = best$lmax, by = best$lstep)
if (length(breaks) >= 2) {
breaks[1] <- dmin
breaks[length(breaks)] <- dmax
#' @rdname range_breaks
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{extended_range_breaks_()}
#' @return A function which returns breaks given a vector.
#' @export
extended_range_breaks <- function(n = 5, ...) {
function(x) {
extended_range_breaks_(min(x), max(x), n, ...)
# from scales package
zero_range <- function(x, tol = 1000 * .Machine$double.eps) {
if (length(x) == 1)
if (length(x) != 2)
stop("x must be length 1 or 2")
if (any(
if (x[1] == x[2])
if (all(is.infinite(x)))
m <- min(abs(x))
if (m == 0)
abs( (x[1] - x[2]) / m) < tol
# from scales package
precision <- function(x) {
rng <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
span <- if (zero_range(rng))
else diff(rng)
10 ^ floor(log10(span))
#' Format numbers with automatic number of digits
#' @param x A numeric vector to format
#' @param ... Parameters passed to \code{\link{format}()}
#' @references Josh O'Brien,
#' \url{}.
#' @author Josh O'Brien, Baptise Auguie, Jeffrey B. Arnold
#' @return A character vector.
#' \code{smart_digits_format()} returns a function with a single argument
#' \code{x}, a numeric vector, that returns a character vector.
#' @rdname smart_digits
#' @export
smart_digits <- function(x, ...) {
if (length(x) == 0)
accuracy <- precision(x)
x <- round(x / accuracy) * accuracy
format(x, ...)
#' @rdname smart_digits
#' @export
smart_digits_format <- function(x, ...) {
function(x) smart_digits(x, ...)
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