
Defines functions checkVersion checkFls productVersion getV0dates getV1dates setLocale checkDsn checkCores createHeader downloader

### download function ----------------------------------------------------------

downloader <- function(x, dsn = getwd(), overwrite = FALSE, quiet = TRUE,
                       mode = "wb", cores = 1L, ...) {
  ## check if target folder exists
  ## check 'cores'
  cores <- checkCores(cores)
  ## username, password (applicable for `poles` download, only)
  userpwd = if (any(grepl("^ftp://", x))) {
    nfo = getPolesFTPOpts()
      , nfo$gimms.poles.password
      , sep = ":"
  ### . single core ----
  if (cores == 1L) {
    ## download files one after another
    for (i in x) {
      destfile <- paste0(dsn, "/", basename(i))
      if (file.exists(destfile) & !overwrite) {
        if (!quiet)
          cat("File", destfile, "already exists in destination folder. Proceeding to next file ...\n")
      } else {
        if (grepl("^ftp://", i)) {
          h = curl::new_handle(
            userpwd = userpwd
              , destfile = destfile
              , handle = h
            , silent = TRUE
        } else {
          try(download.file(i, destfile = destfile, mode = mode,
                            quiet = quiet, ...), silent = TRUE)
    ### . multi-core ----
  } else {
    ## initialize cluster
    cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(cores)
    ## export required variables
      , c("x", "dsn", "overwrite", "quiet", "mode", "userpwd")
      , envir = environment()
    ## download files in parallel
    parallel::parLapply(cl, x, function(i) {
      destfile <- paste0(dsn, "/", basename(i))
      if (file.exists(destfile) & !overwrite) {
        if (!quiet)
          cat("File", destfile, "already exists in destination folder. Proceeding to next file ...\n")
      } else {
        if (grepl("^ftp://", i)) {
          h = curl::new_handle(
            userpwd = userpwd
              , destfile = destfile
              , handle = h
            , silent = TRUE
        } else {
          try(download.file(i, destfile = destfile, mode = mode,
                            quiet = quiet, ...), silent = TRUE)
  ## return downloaded files
  gimms_out <- paste(dsn, basename(x), sep = "/")

### create gimms-specific envi header file -------------------------------------

createHeader <- function(x) {
  ## default content of gimms ndvi3g-related header file
  header <- paste("ENVI",
                  "description = { R-language data }",
                  "samples = 2160",
                  "lines = 4320",
                  "bands = 1",
                  "data type = 2",
                  "header offset = 0",
                  "interleave = bsq",
                  "sensor type = AVHRR",
                  "byte order = 1", sep = "\n")
  ## write .hdr for each input file to disk
  sapply(x, function(i) {
    fls <- paste0(i, ".hdr")
    writeLines(header, fls)

### check desired number of cores ----------------------------------------------

checkCores <- function(cores) {
  ## available cores
  cores_avl <- parallel::detectCores()
  ## resize if 'cores' exceeds number of available cores
  if (cores > cores_avl) {
    cores <- cores_avl - 1
    warning("Desired number of cores is invalid. Resizing parallel cluster to ", cores, " cores.")

### check existence of target folder -------------------------------------------

checkDsn <- function(dsn) {
  ## if 'dsn' doesn't exist, ask user if it should be created
  if (!dir.exists(dsn)) {
    answer <- readline(paste("Target folder", dsn, "doesn't exist.",
                             "Do you wish to create it? (yes/no) \n"))
    if (answer == "yes") {
    } else {
      stop(paste("Target folder", dsn, "doesn't exist. Aborting operation...\n"))

### (re-)set system locale -----

setLocale <- function(reset = FALSE, ...) {
  ## switch current locale to us standard
  if (!reset) {
    if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
      invisible(Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_TIME", locale = "C"))
    } else {
      invisible(Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_TIME", locale = "en_US.UTF-8"))
    ## reset locale
  } else {
    Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_TIME", ...)

### get date strings -----

## from ndvi3g.v1 files
getV1dates <- function(x, pos1 = 15L, pos2 = 23L, suffix = TRUE) {
  fls <- substr(basename(x), pos1, pos2)
  lst <- strsplit(fls, "_")
  yrs <- sapply(lst, "[[", 1)
  yrs <- substr(yrs, 3, 4)
  mts <- sapply(lst, "[[", 2)
  # back-up current locale and subsequently swith to us standard
  locale <- Sys.getlocale(category = "LC_TIME")
  lst <- lapply(seq(mts), function(i) {
    mts <- if (mts[i] == "0106") {
      rep(tolower(month.abb[1:6]), each = 2)
    } else {
      rep(tolower(month.abb[7:12]), each = 2)
    if (suffix)
      mts <- paste0(mts, rep(c("15a", "15b"), length(mts) / 2))
    dts <- paste0(yrs[i], mts)
  # revoke locale time adjustment and return date strings
  setLocale(reset = TRUE, locale = locale)

## from ndvi3g.v0 files
getV0dates <- function(x, pos1 = 4L, pos2 = 11L, suffix = TRUE) {
  substr(basename(x), pos1, ifelse(suffix, pos2, pos2 - 1))

### extract product version -----

productVersion <- function(x, uniform = FALSE) {
  v0 <- substr(basename(x), 1, 3) == "geo"
  v1 <- substr(basename(x), 1, 6) == "ndvi3g"
  ## if substrings do not match any naming convention, return NA;
  ## else return corresponding product version
  ids <- apply(cbind(v0, v1), 1, FUN = function(y) {
    tmp <- which(y)
    if (length(tmp) == 0) NA else tmp - 1
  ## optionally stop if different or non-classifiable product versions are found
  if (uniform) {
    if (length(unique(ids)) > 1)
      stop("Different or non-classifiable product versions found. Please make
       sure to supply files from the same NDVI3g version only that follow the
       rules of GIMMS standard naming.\n")

### check filenames -----

checkFls <- function(x, filename) {
  len <- length(filename)
  if (len == 1) {
    if (nchar(filename) == 0) {
      rep(filename, length(x))
    } else {
      stop("If specified, 'filename' must be of the same length as 'x'.\n")
  } else if ((len > 1) & (len != length(x))) {
    stop("If specified, 'filename' must be of the same length as 'x'.\n")
  } else {

### . check version ----

checkVersion = function(server, version) {
  input = version
  version = suppressWarnings(
  version = switch(
    , "ecocast" = intersect(version, c(0, 1))
    , "nasanex" = intersect(version, 0)
    , "poles"   = intersect(version, 1)
  if (length(version) == 0) {
        "NDVI3g version '%s' is not available from server '%s'."
        , input
        , server

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gimms documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 1:07 a.m.