
Defines functions gl_delete_project gl_edit_project gl_new_project gl_get_diff gl_get_commits gl_compare_refs gl_archive to_project_id gl_get_project_id gl_proj_req gl_get_project gl_list_group_projects gl_list_user_projects gl_list_projects

Documented in gl_archive gl_delete_project gl_edit_project gl_get_commits gl_get_diff gl_get_project gl_get_project_id gl_list_group_projects gl_list_projects gl_list_user_projects gl_new_project gl_proj_req

#' List projects information
#' @param ... passed on to [gitlab()]
#' @export
#' @return tibble of each project with corresponding information
#' @details 
#' `gl_list_projects()` is an alias for `gl_get_projects()`
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' set_gitlab_connection(
#'   gitlab_url = "https://gitlab.com", 
#'   private_token = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_COM_TOKEN")
#' )
#' # List all projects
#' gl_get_projects(max_page = 1)
#' # List users projects
#' gl_list_user_projects(user_id = "<<user-id>>", max_page = 1)
#' # List group projects
#' gl_list_group_projects(group_id = "<<group-id>>", max_page = 1)
#' }
gl_list_projects <- function(...) {
  gitlab("projects", ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname gl_list_projects
gl_get_projects <- gl_list_projects

#' @param user_id id of the user to list project from
#' @export
#' @rdname gl_list_projects
gl_list_user_projects <- function(user_id, ...) {
  gitlab(c("users", user_id, "projects"), ...)

#' @param group_id id of the group to list project from
#' @export
#' @rdname gl_list_projects
gl_list_group_projects <- function(group_id, ...) {
  gitlab(c("groups", group_id, "projects"), ...)

#' @param project project name or id
#' @export
#' @rdname gl_list_projects
gl_get_project <- function(project, ...) {
  gitlab(c("projects", to_project_id(project)), ...)

#' Create a project specific request
#' Prefixes the request location with "project/:id" and automatically
#' translates project names into ids
#' @param project project name or id
#' @param req character vector of request location
#' @param ... passed on to [gl_get_project_id()]
#' @export
#' @return A vector of character to be used as request for functions involving projects
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' gl_proj_req("test_project"<<your-project-id>>, req = "merge_requests")
#' }
gl_proj_req <- function(project, req, ...) {
  if (missing(project) || is.null(project)) {
  } else {
    return(c("projects", to_project_id(project, ...), req))

#' Get a project id by name
#' @param project_name project name
#' @param ... passed on to [gitlab()]
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter
#' @details 
#' Number of pages searched is limited to (per_page =) 20 * (max_page =) 10 by default.
#' If the `project_name` is an old project lost in a big repository (position > 200), 
#' `gl_get_project_id()` may not find the project id.
#' @export
#' @return Integer. ID of the project if found.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gl_get_project_id("<<your-project-name>>")
#' }
gl_get_project_id <- function(project_name, ...) {
  matching <- gitlab(req = "projects", ...) %>%
    mutate(matches_name = name == project_name,
           matches_path = path == project_name,
           matches_path_with_namespace = path_with_namespace == project_name) %>%
    filter(matches_path_with_namespace |
             (sum(matches_path_with_namespace) == 0L &
                matches_path | matches_name))
  if (nrow(matching) == 0) {
    stop("There was no matching 'id' with your project name. ",
         "Either it does not exist, or most probably, ", 
         "it is not available in the first projects available to you. ",
         "The name-matching is limited to the first pages of projects accessible. ",
         "Please use directly the 'id' of your project.")
  } else if (nrow(matching) > 1) {
    warning(paste(c("Multiple projects with given name or path found,",
                    "please use explicit name with namespace:",
                    paste("Picking", matching[1,"path_with_namespace"], "as default")),
                  collapse = "\n"))
  matching[1,"id"] %>%

to_project_id <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))) | is.numeric(x)) {
  } else {
    gl_get_project_id(x, ...)

#' Archive a repository
#' @param project Project name or id
#' @param ... further parameters passed on to [gitlab()] API call,
#' may include parameter `sha` for specifying a commit hash
#' @return if save_to_file is NULL, a raw vector of the archive, else the path
#' to the saved archived file 
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' set_gitlab_connection(
#'   gitlab_url = "https://gitlab.com", 
#'   private_token = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_COM_TOKEN")
#' )
#' gl_archive(project = "<<your-project-id>>", save_to_file = "example-project.zip")
#' }
gl_archive <- function(project,
                       ...) {
  gl_repository(project = project, req = "archive", ...)

#' Compare two refs from a project repository
#' This function is currently not exported since its output's format is hard to handle
#' @noRd
#' @param project project name or id
#' @param from commit hash or ref/branch/tag name to compare from
#' @param to commit hash or ref/branch/tag name to compare to
#' @param ... further parameters passed on to [gitlab()]
#' @details https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/repositories.html#compare-branches-tags-or-commits
gl_compare_refs <- function(project,
                            ...) {
  gl_repository(req = "compare",
                project = project,
                from = from,
                to = to,

#' Get commits and diff from a project repository
#' @param project project name or id
#' @param commit_sha if not null, get only the commit with the specific hash; for
#' `gl_get_diff()` this must be specified
#' @param ... passed on to [gitlab()] API call, may contain
#' `ref_name` for specifying a branch or tag to list commits of
#' @export
#' @return Tibble of commits or diff of the branch with informative variables.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' my_commits <- gl_get_commits("<<your-project-id>>")
#' gl_get_commits("<<your-project-id>>", my_commits$id[1])
#' }
gl_get_commits <- function(project,
                           commit_sha = c(),
                           ...) {
  gl_repository(project = project,
                req = c("commits", commit_sha),

#' @rdname gl_get_commits
#' @export
gl_get_diff <-  function(project,
                         ...) {
  gl_repository(project = project,
                req = c("commits", commit_sha, "diff"),

#' Manage projects
#' @param path to the new project if name is not provided. Repository name for new project. Generated based on name if not provided (generated as lowercase with dashes).
#' @param name of the new project. The name of the new project. Equals path if not provided
#' @param ... passed on to [gitlab()] API call for "Create project"
#' @export
#' @return A tibble with the project information. `gl_delete_project()` returns an empty tibble.
#' @details 
#' You can use extra parameters as proposed in the GitLab API:
#' - `namespace_id`: Namespace for the new project (defaults to the current user’s namespace). 
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' set_gitlab_connection(
#'   gitlab_url = "https://gitlab.com", 
#'   private_token = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_COM_TOKEN")
#' )
#' # Create new project
#' gl_new_project(name = "toto")
#' # Edit existing project
#' gl_edit_project(project = "<<your-project-id>>", default_branch = "main")
#' # Delete project
#' gl_delete_project(project = "<<your-project-id>>")
#' }
gl_new_project <- function(name,
                           ...) {
  if (!missing(path)) {
    path <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", "-", tolower(path))
    gitlab(req = "projects", 
           path = path,
           verb = httr::POST,
  } else {
    gitlab(req = "projects", 
           name = name,
           verb = httr::POST,

#' @param project The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
#' @rdname gl_new_project
#' @export
gl_edit_project <- function(project,
                           ...) {
    gitlab(req = c("projects", to_project_id(project)), 
           verb = httr::PUT,

#' @rdname gl_new_project
#' @export
gl_delete_project <- function(project) {
  gitlab(req = c("projects", to_project_id(project)),
         verb = httr::DELETE)

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gitlabr documentation built on Sept. 13, 2022, 5:06 p.m.